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Java ThreadFactory Interface用法及代码示例


1. 创建一个扩展类Java.lang.Thread类,然后创建它的对象。


import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a thread
        Thread thread = new CustomThread();
        thread.start(); // Starting execution of the created
                        // thread
// Creating a class that extends the Thread class
class CustomThread extends Thread {
    @Override public void run()
        System.out.println("This is a thread");

This is a thread

2. 创建一个类来实现Runnable然后使用它的对象来创建线程。


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a Runnable object
        Runnable task = new Task();
        // Creating a thread using the Runnable object
        Thread thread = new Thread(task);
        // Starting the execution of the created thread
class Task implements Runnable {
    @Override public void run()
        System.out.println("This is a thread");

This is a thread



    ↳ Interface ThreadFactory


由于ThreadFactory是一个接口,因此必须首先实现其中定义的工厂方法才能使用。以下是 ThreadFactory 接口的最简单实现:


import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.io.*;
class CustomThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    // newThread is a factory method
    // provided by ThreadFactory
    public Thread newThread(Runnable command)
        return new Thread(command);

现在,我们可以创建CustomThreadFactory类的对象,并使用其newThread(Runnable command)方法按需创建新线程。在上面的实现中,newThread方法只是通过调用以Runnable命令作为参数的Thread构造函数来创建一个新线程。

有很多类(例如ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor,ThreadPoolExecutor等),在需要时使用线程工厂创建新线程。这些类具有接受 ThreadFactory 作为参数的构造函数。如果未给出任何自定义 ThreadFactory,则它们使用 ThreadFactory 接口的默认实现。

java.util.concurrent 包中的 Executors 类提供了 Executors.defaultThreadFactory() 静态方法,该方法返回 ThreadFactory 接口的默认实现。



// Java code to demonstrate ThreadFactory interface
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
class ThreadFactoryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a CustomThreadFactory object
        CustomThreadFactory threadFactory
            = new CustomThreadFactory();
        // Creating Runnable objects using the lambda
        // expression
        Runnable command1 = ()
            -> System.out.println("Command 1 executed");
        Runnable command2 = ()
            -> System.out.println("Command 2 executed");
        Runnable command3 = ()
            -> System.out.println("Command 3 executed");
        Runnable command4 = ()
            -> System.out.println("Command 4 executed");
        Runnable command5 = ()
            -> System.out.println("Command 5 executed");
        // Putting the commands in an ArrayList
        ArrayList<Runnable> array = new ArrayList<>(5);
        // creating threads and running them
        for (Runnable command : array) {
        // print the thread count
            "Total number of threads created using CustomThreadFactory = "
            + threadFactory.getCount());
// ThreadFactory class
class CustomThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    // stores the thread count
    private int count = 0;
    // returns the thread count
    public int getCount() { return count; }
    // Factory method
      public Thread newThread(Runnable command)
        return new Thread(command);

Command 1 executed
Command 2 executed
Command 4 executed
Command 3 executed
Command 5 executed
Total number of threads created using CustomThreadFactory = 5


在上面的示例中,newThread(Runnable) 工厂方法最终使用给定的 Runnable 命令创建一个新线程。那为什么要使用ThreadFactory呢?我们可以通过调用 newThread(Runnable) 方法中的 Thread 构造函数,直接从 Runnable 命令创建线程。以下是一些原因,

  • 我们可以给线程赋予更有意义的自定义名称。它有助于分析它们的目的和它们的工作方式。
  • 我们可以获得有关创建的线程的统计信息,例如线程数和其他详细信息。我们可以根据统计信息限制新线程的创建。
  • 我们可以设置线程的守护进程状态。
  • 我们可以设置线程优先级。
  • 我们可以将所有函数限制在一个类中。


它是由以下实现的默认线程工厂执行者.defaultThreadFactory()静态方法。这个默认的 ThreadFactory 被许多类使用(例如ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor,ThreadPoolExecutor等)当他们没有得到任何自定义 ThreadFactory 时。这些类使用默认的 ThreadFactory 创建新线程。默认ThreadFactory 在同一个线程中创建所有新线程Java.lang.ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup 代表一组线程)。所有创建的新线程都是非守护线程,其优先级设置为 Thread.NORM_PRIORITY 中的最小值和 ThreadGroup 中允许的最大优先级。默认 ThreadFactory 创建的线程的名称形式为pool-N-thread-M(例如,pool-1-thread-1、pool-1-thread-2、pool-2-thread-1 等)N是该工厂的序列号,并且M是该工厂创建的线程的序列号。



// Java program to demonstrate default
// ThreadFactory
import java.io.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
class DefaultThreadFactoryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Default ThreadFactory
        ThreadFactory threadFactory
            = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();
        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
            // Creating new threads with the default
            // ThreadFactory
            Thread thread
                = threadFactory.newThread(new Command());
            // print the thread names
                "Name given by threadFactory = "
                + thread.getName());
            // run the thread
class Command implements Runnable {
    @Override public void run()
        // Run some code

Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-2
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-3
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-4
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-5
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-6
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-7
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-8
Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-9

请注意默认 ThreadFactory 给出的线程名称。它创建了9个线程,并且所有线程都在同一个ThreadGroup中。所有线程都是使用相同的 ThreadFactory 创建的(因此线程的名称采用以下形式)池-1-thread-M)。



// Java program to demonstrate ThreadFactory
// using default implementation
import java.io.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
class DefaultThreadFactoryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
            // Default ThreadFactory
            ThreadFactory threadFactory
                = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();
            // Creating new threads with the default
            // ThreadFactory
            Thread thread
                = threadFactory.newThread(new Command());
            // print the thread name
                "Name given by threadFactory = "
                + thread.getName());
            // start the thread
class Command implements Runnable {
    @Override public void run()
        // Run some code

Name given by threadFactory = pool-1-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-2-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-3-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-4-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-5-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-6-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-7-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-8-thread-1
Name given by threadFactory = pool-9-thread-1

在这里,我们使用了 9 个不同的默认 ThreadFactories(在每个循环中我们都创建一个新的!)。因此每个线程都位于不同的ThreadGroup中,因此线程的名称以pool-N-thread-1的形式给出。

默认的 ThreadFactory 实现创建具有正常优先级的非守护线程,并以 pool-N-thread-M 的形式给出名称,其中不包含有关它们如何工作和做什么的信息。这会在调试和其他重要目的中产生很多问题。然而,这个问题可以使用自定义ThreadFactory来解决,它可以为线程提供更有意义的名称,并可以设置守护进程和优先级状态。




newThread(Runnable r) 构造一个新线程。


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自samufo大神的英文原创作品 ThreadFactory Interface in Java with Examples。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。