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script.aculo.us ScrollTo效果用法及代码示例



Effect.ScrollTo('element_id', { duration:'0.2', offset:-20 });





<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script type="text/javascript" 
    <script type="text/javascript" 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
        function ShowEffect(element) { 
            new Effect.ScrollTo(element,  
            { duration:'0.2', offset:-20 }); 
    <h2>script.aculo.us Effect.ScrollTo</h2> 
        JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform  
        and interpreted scripting language.<br /> 
        It is well-known for the development of web  
        pages, many non-browser environments also  
        use it.<br />JavaScript can be used for  
        Client-side developments as well as  
        Server-side developments.<br /> 
        <b>Features of JavaScript:</b> According to 
        a recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow, 
        <br />JavaScript is the most popular language  
        on earth.<br />With advances in browser  
        technology and JavaScript having moved into  
        the server<br />with Node.js and other  
        frameworks, JavaScript is capable of so much  
        more.<br /> Here are a few things that we can  
        do with JavaScript:<br /> 
        JavaScript was created in the first place 
        for DOM manipulation.<br /> Earlier websites  
        were mostly static, after JS was created 
        dynamic Web sites were made.<br /> Functions  
        in JS are objects. They may have properties  
        and methods just like another object.<br /> 
        They can be passed as arguments in other  
        functions.<br />Can handle date and time.<br /> 
        Performs Form Validation although the forms are 
        created using HTML.<br />No compiler needed.<br /> 
        JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform and 
        interpreted scripting language.<br /> 
        It is well-known for the development of web pages, 
        many non-browser environments also use it.<br /> 
        JavaScript can be used for Client-side 
        developments as well as Server-side  
        developments.<br /> 
        <b>Features of JavaScript:</b> According 
        to a recent survey conducted by Stack  
        Overflow,<br /> JavaScript is the most  
        popular language on earth.<br /> 
        With advances in browser technology and 
        JavaScript having moved into the server<br /> 
        with Node.js and other frameworks, 
        JavaScript is capable of so much more.<br /> 
        Here are a few things that we can do 
        with JavaScript:<br /> 
        JavaScript was created in the first place 
        for DOM manipulation.<br /> Earlier websites 
        were mostly static, after JS was created  
        dynamic Web sites were made.<br /> 
        Functions in JS are objects. They may have 
        properties and methods just like another 
        object.<br /> They can be passed as arguments  
        in other functions.<br /> Can handle date  
        and time.<br />Performs Form Validation  
        although the forms are created using HTML.<br /> 
        No compiler needed.<br /> 
        JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform 
        and interpreted scripting language.<br /> 
        It is well-known for the development of 
        web pages, many non-browser environments 
        also use it.<br /> JavaScript can be used 
        for Client-side developments as 
        well as Server-side developments.<br /> 
        <b>Features of JavaScript:</b> According to a 
        recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow,<br /> 
        JavaScript is the most popular language on  
        earth.<br />With advances in browser technology  
        and JavaScript having moved into the server<br /> 
        with Node.js and other frameworks,JavaScript is 
        capable of so much more.<br />Here are a few  
        things that we can do with JavaScript.<br /> 
        JavaScript was created in the first place for 
        DOM manipulation.<br /> Earlier websites were 
        mostly static,after JS was created dynamic  
        Web sites were made.<br />Functions in JS are  
        objects. They may have properties and methods  
        just like another object.<br />They can be  
        passed as arguments in other functions.<br /> 
        Can handle date and time.<br /> 
        Performs Form Validation although the forms are 
        created using HTML.<br /> 
        No compiler needed.<br /> 
        JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform and 
        interpreted scripting language.<br /> 
        It is well-known for the development of web pages, 
        many non-browser environments also use it.<br /> 
        JavaScript can be used for Client-side developments 
        as well as Server-side developments.<br /> 
    <a href="#" onclick="ShowEffect('h2'); return false;"> 
        Click me to scroll! 



注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自Jitender_1998大神的英文原创作品 script.aculo.us ScrollTo Effect。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。