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PHP vprintf()用法及代码示例



vprintf (format, array_arguments)


  1. format:它是必填参数,它指定字符串的格式。


    • %%–返回百分号
    • %b–二进制数
    • %d–带符号的十进制数字(负,零或正)
    • %u–无符号十进制数字(等于或大于零)
    • %X–十六进制数字(小写字母)
    • %X–十六进制数字(大写字母)
    • %F–浮点数(可识别本地设置)
    • %F–浮点数(不了解本地设置)
    • %o–八进制数
    • %C–根据ASCII值的字符
    • %s–弦
    • %e–使用小写的科学计数法(例如1.2e + 2)
    • %G–%e和%f中的较短者
    • %E–使用大写字母的科学计数法(例如1.2E + 2)
    • %G–%E和%f中的较短者
  2. array_arguments需要格式化的数组参数。

该程序将显示使用vprintf函数的%b d x x f F o格式的使用。

$obj = new stdClass(); 
$obj->val1 = 9; 
$obj->val2 = 10; 
$obj->val3 = 15; 
$obj->val4 = -1; 
echo "using %% format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for printing % format 
vprintf('%% %% %% %%', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %b format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for format %b will print equivalent  
// binary number  
vprintf('%b %b %b %b', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %d format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %d format 
vprintf('%d %d %d %d', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %u format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  % u (unsigned decimal) format 
vprintf('%u %u %u %u', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %x format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %x  Hexadecimal number (lowercase letters) format 
vprintf('%x %x %x %x', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %X format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %X  Hexadecimal number (uppercase letters) format 
vprintf('%X %X %X %X', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %f format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %f  Floating-point number (local settings aware) 
vprintf('%f %f %f %f', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %F format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %F Floating-point number (not local settings aware) 
vprintf('%F %F %F %F', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %o format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for  %o octal number 
vprintf('%o %o %o %o', $obj); 
using %% format: % % % %
using %b format: 1001 1010 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
using %d format: 9 10 15 -1
using %u format: 9 10 15 18446744073709551615
using %x format: 9 a f ffffffffffffffff
using %X format: 9 A F FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
using %f format: 9.000000 10.000000 15.000000 -1.000000
using %F format: 9.000000 10.000000 15.000000 -1.000000
using %o format: 11 12 17 1777777777777777777777


$obj = new stdClass(); 
$obj->val1 = 65; 
$obj->val2 = 66; 
$obj->val3 = 97; 
$obj->val4 = 98; 
echo "using %c format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for printing %c format will be print  
// ASCII character  
vprintf('%c %c %c %c', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %s format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for format %s will print as string  
vprintf('%s %s %s %s', $obj); 
using %c format: A B a b
using %s format: 65 66 97 98

示例3:该程序将显示使用vprintf函数的e E G格式的使用。

$obj = new stdClass(); 
$obj->val1 = 999999999; 
$obj->val2 = 145956566; 
$obj->val3 = 111111111; 
$obj->val4 = 100000000; 
echo "using %e format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for printing %e format will be print  
// Scientific notation (lowercase)  
vprintf('%e %e %e %e', $obj); 
echo"\nusing %g format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for format %g will be print 
// Shorter of %e and %f 
vprintf('%g %g %g %g', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %E format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for format %E will print 
// Scientific notation (uppercase) 
vprintf('%E %E %E %E', $obj); 
echo "\nusing %G format: "; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
// for format %G will be print 
// Shorter of %E and %f 
vprintf('%G %G %G %G', $obj); 
using %e format: 1.000000e+9 1.459566e+8 1.111111e+8 1.000000e+8
using %g format: 1.0e+9 1.45957e+8 1.11111e+8 1.0e+8
using %E format: 1.000000E+9 1.459566E+8 1.111111E+8 1.000000E+8
using %G format: 1.0E+9 1.45957E+8 1.11111E+8 1.0E+8

示例4:在此程序中,将使用vprintf函数分别打印所有四个变量10 20 30 40空间。

$obj = new stdClass(); 
$obj->val1 = 'gfg 1'; 
$obj->val2 = 'gfg 2'; 
$obj->val3 = 'gfg 3'; 
$obj->val4 = 'gfg 4'; 
// below is using of vprintf function 
vprintf('%-10s %-20s %-30s %-40s', $obj); 
gfg 1      gfg 2                gfg 3                          gfg 4


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自vt_m大神的英文原创作品 PHP | vprintf() function。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。