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p5.js NumberDict mult()用法及代码示例



mult( Key, Amount )


  • Key:这是一个数字,表示要从中乘以该值的键。
  • Amount:这表示将数值乘以的数字。




let y = 0; 
function setup() { 
  createCanvas(550, 500); 
  text("Click on the button to create a new " + 
       "dictionary and multiply the given value", 
       20, 20); 
  text("Key:", 20, 260); 
  text("Value:", 160, 260); 
  key_input = createInput(); 
  key_input.position(70, 250); 
  val_input = createInput(); 
  val_input.position(220, 250); 
  setBtn =  
    createButton("Create random dictionary"); 
  setBtn.position(30, 40); 
  multBtn =  
    createButton("Multiply given value to key"); 
  multBtn.position(30, 300); 
function createNewDict() { 
  // Create an object with random values 
  let obj = {}; 
  for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { 
    let rk = ceil(Math.random() * 100); 
    let rn = floor(Math.random() * 100); 
    obj[rk] = rn; 
    text("Key:" + rk + ":Value:" + 
         rn, 40, 120 + 20 * i); 
  // Create a number dict using the above values 
  numDict = createNumberDict(obj); 
  text("New Dictionary created with values", 20, 80); 
  text("Click on the button to create a new " + 
       "dictionary and multiply the given value", 
       20, 20); 
  text("Key:", 20, 260); 
  text("Value:", 160, 260); 
function mulVal() { 
  // Get the key and value to be updated 
  let keyToChange = int(key_input.value()); 
  let valToMul = int(val_input.value()); 
  // Get the previous value in the dictionary 
  let prevVal = numDict.get(keyToChange); 
  // If the key exists in the dictionary 
  if (prevVal) { 
    numDict.mult(keyToChange, valToMul); 
    // Get the updated value 
    let updatedVal = numDict.get(keyToChange); 
    text("The value at key:" + keyToChange + 
         " was:" + prevVal, 20, 360 + y * 40); 
    text("The updated value at key:" + 
         keyToChange + " is:" + updatedVal, 
         20, 380 + y * 40); 
  else { 
    text("Please enter a proper key", 20, 380 + y * 40); 
  y = y + 1; 
  text("Click on the button to create a new " + 
       "dictionary and multiply the given value", 
       20, 20); 


在线编辑: https://editor.p5js.org/
环境设置: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自sayantanm19大神的英文原创作品 p5.js NumberDict mult() Method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。