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Java Java.util.BitSet.get()用法及代码示例


1. boolean get(int value):如果该值存在于Bitset中,则返回true;否则返回false。

public boolean get(int value)
value: The value to check.
Returns boolean true, if element present else returns false.
// Java code to demonstrate the 
// working of get() in Bitset 
import java.util.*; 
public class BitGet1 { 
public static void main(String[] args) 
        // declaring bitset 
        BitSet bset = new BitSet(5); 
        // adding values using set() 
        // checking if 3 is in BitSet 
        System.out.println("Does 3 exist in Bitset?:" + bset.get(3)); 
        // checking if 4 is in BitSet 
        System.out.println("Does 4 exist in Bitset?:" + bset.get(4)); 


Does 3 exist in Bitset?:false
Does 4 exist in Bitset?:true

2. Bitset get(int fromval,int toval):方法返回一个新的BitSet,它由Bitval中存在的元素组成,从fromval(包括)到toval(不包括)。

public BitSet get(int fromval, int toval)

fromval: first value to include.
toval:last value to include(ex).

Return Value
This method returns a new BitSet from a range of this BitSet.
// Java code to demonstrate the 
// working of get(int fromval, int toval) 
// in Bitset 
import java.util.*; 
public class BitGet2 { 
public static void main(String[] args) 
        // declaring bitset 
        BitSet bset = new BitSet(5); 
        // adding values using set() 
        // Printing values in range 0-2 
        System.out.println("Values in BitSet from 0-2 are:" + bset.get(0, 3)); 


Values in BitSet from 0-2 are:{0, 1, 2}


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