本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vscode-languageclient.LanguageClient.sendRequest方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript LanguageClient.sendRequest方法的具体用法?TypeScript LanguageClient.sendRequest怎么用?TypeScript LanguageClient.sendRequest使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类vscode-languageclient.LanguageClient
let performCodeAction = (args: any[]) => {
let request: ExecuteCommandParams = {
command: "wurst.perform_code_action",
arguments: args
return client.sendRequest(ExecuteCommandRequest.type, request)
this.command = vscode.commands.registerCommand("PowerShell.ExpandAlias", () => {
if (this.languageClient === undefined) {
this.log.writeAndShowError(`<${ExpandAliasFeature.name}>: ` +
"Unable to instantiate; language client undefined.");
const editor = Window.activeTextEditor;
const document = editor.document;
const selection = editor.selection;
const sls = selection.start;
const sle = selection.end;
let text;
let range;
if ((sls.character === sle.character) && (sls.line === sle.line)) {
text = document.getText();
range = new vscode.Range(0, 0, document.lineCount, text.length);
} else {
text = document.getText(selection);
range = new vscode.Range(sls.line, sls.character, sle.line, sle.character);
this.languageClient.sendRequest(ExpandAliasRequestType, text).then((result) => {
editor.edit((editBuilder) => {
editBuilder.replace(range, result);
示例3: async
let buildMap = async (args: any[]) => {
let config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("wurst");
let mapPromise: Thenable<string>;
if (args && args.length > 0) {
mapPromise = Promise.resolve(args[0]);
} else {
let items = workspace.findFiles('*.w3x', null, 10)
.then(uris => uris.sort(function(a, b) {
return fs.statSync(b.fsPath).mtime.getTime() -
.then(uris => uris.map(uri => uri.path))
mapPromise = window.showQuickPick(items)
let mappath = await mapPromise;
if (!mappath) {
return Promise.reject("No map selected.");
let request: ExecuteCommandParams = {
command: "wurst.buildmap",
arguments: [{
'mappath': mappath
return client.sendRequest(ExecuteCommandRequest.type, request)
provideHover: (document, position, token, next) => {
// This code is adapted from HoverFeature#registerLanguageProvider in
// https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/blob/master/client/src/client.ts
return client
client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentPositionParams(document, position), token)
hover => {
if (!hover) {
return undefined
// The server is supposed to return string or { language: string,
// value: string } or an array of those things, but instead it returns
// an array of { value: string }. This used to work but with a recent
// vscode-languageclient the user ends up seeing "[object Object]" as
// the hover information.
// We work around this by manually parsing the array of { value: string }
// into a Hover.
const contents = hover.contents as { value: string }[]
let result: vscode.MarkdownString[] = []
for (let element of contents) {
let item = new vscode.MarkdownString()
item.appendCodeblock(element.value, "scala")
return new vscode.Hover(result)
error => {
client.logFailedRequest(HoverRequest.type, error)
return Promise.resolve(null)
示例5: processAllFilesInWorkspace
private processAllFilesInWorkspace()
if (workspace.rootPath == undefined) return;
var requestType: RequestType<any, any, any> = { method: "buildObjectTreeForWorkspace" };
示例6: pickPowerShellModule
private pickPowerShellModule(): Thenable<string> {
return this.languageClient.sendRequest(FindModuleRequestType, null).then((modules) => {
const items: QuickPickItem[] = [];
// We've got the modules info, let's cancel the timeout unless it's already been cancelled
if (this.cancelFindToken) {
} else {
// Already timed out, would be weird to dislay modules after we said it timed out.
return Promise.resolve("");
for (const item in modules) {
if (modules.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
items.push({ label: modules[item].name, description: modules[item].description });
if (items.length === 0) {
return Promise.reject("No PowerShell modules were found.");
const options: vscode.QuickPickOptions = {
placeHolder: "Select a PowerShell module to install",
matchOnDescription: true,
matchOnDetail: true,
return vscode.window.showQuickPick(items, options).then((item) => {
return item ? item.label : "";
示例7: complete
public async complete(): Promise<void> {
if (this.langClient === undefined) {
const triggerStartPos = this.lastChangeRange.start;
const doc = this.lastDocument;
const result = await this.langClient.sendRequest(CommentHelpRequestType, {
documentUri: doc.uri.toString(),
triggerPosition: triggerStartPos,
blockComment: this.settings.helpCompletion === Settings.HelpCompletion.BlockComment,
if (!(result && result.content)) {
const replaceRange = new Range(triggerStartPos.translate(0, -1), triggerStartPos.translate(0, 1));
// TODO add indentation level to the help content
// Trim leading whitespace (used by the rule for indentation) as VSCode takes care of the indentation.
// Trim the last empty line and join the strings.
const lines: string[] = result.content;
const text = lines
.map((x) => (x as any).trimLeft())
const snippetString = new SnippetString(text);
window.activeTextEditor.insertSnippet(snippetString, replaceRange);
var disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('PowerShell.ExpandAlias', () => {
var editor = Window.activeTextEditor;
var document = editor.document;
var selection = editor.selection;
var text, range;
var sls = selection.start;
var sle = selection.end;
if (
(sls.character === sle.character) &&
(sls.line === sle.line)
) {
text = document.getText();
range = new vscode.Range(0, 0, document.lineCount, text.length);
} else {
text = document.getText(selection);
range = new vscode.Range(sls.line, sls.character, sle.line, sle.character);
client.sendRequest(ExpandAliasRequest.type, text).then((result) => {
editor.edit((editBuilder) => {
editBuilder.replace(range, result);
示例9: resolve
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
var path = document.fileName;
var text = document.getText();
var requestType: RequestType<any, any, any> = { method: "buildObjectTreeForDocument" };
this.langClient.sendRequest(requestType, { path, text }).then(() => resolve() );
示例10: switch
Window.showQuickPick(items,{placeHolder: "Results: (" + modules.length + ")"}).then((selection) => {
if (!selection) { return; }
switch (selection.label) {
default :
var moduleName = selection.label;
//vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage("Installing PowerShell Module " + moduleName, 1500);
client.sendRequest(InstallModuleRequest.type, moduleName);
workspace.findFiles('**/*.php', '').then(files => {
console.log(`Files to parse: ${files.length}`);
fileProcessCount = files.length;
var filePaths: string[] = [];
// Get the objects path value for the current file system
files.forEach(file => { filePaths.push(file.fsPath); });
// Send the array of paths to the language server
this.langClient.sendRequest({ method: "buildFromFiles" }, { files: filePaths });
var disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('PowerShell.OnlineHelp', () => {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
var selection = editor.selection;
var doc = editor.document;
var cwr = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(selection.active)
var text = doc.getText(cwr);
client.sendRequest(ShowOnlineHelpRequest.type, text);
this.command = vscode.commands.registerCommand("PowerShell.ShowHelp", (item?) => {
if (this.languageClient === undefined) {
this.log.writeAndShowError(`<${ShowHelpFeature.name}>: ` +
"Unable to instantiate; language client undefined.");
if (!item || !item.Name) {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
const selection = editor.selection;
const doc = editor.document;
const cwr = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(selection.active);
const text = doc.getText(cwr);
this.languageClient.sendRequest(ShowHelpRequestType, text);
} else {
this.languageClient.sendRequest(ShowHelpRequestType, item.Name);
示例14: onCommandSelected
function onCommandSelected(
chosenItem: ExtensionCommandQuickPickItem,
client: LanguageClient) {
if (chosenItem !== undefined) {
{ name: chosenItem.command.name,
context: getEditorContext() });
vscode.commands.registerCommand('PowerShell.RunSelection', () => {
var editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
var start = editor.selection.start;
var end = editor.selection.end;
if (editor.selection.isEmpty) {
start = new vscode.Position(start.line, 0)
client.sendRequest(EvaluateRequest.type, {
new vscode.Range(start, end))