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TypeScript LanguageClient.registerProposedFeatures方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vscode-languageclient.LanguageClient.registerProposedFeatures方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript LanguageClient.registerProposedFeatures方法的具体用法?TypeScript LanguageClient.registerProposedFeatures怎么用?TypeScript LanguageClient.registerProposedFeatures使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vscode-languageclient.LanguageClient的用法示例。


示例1: activate

export async function activate(_: vscode.ExtensionContext) {

    let serverOptions = {
	command: "pyre",
	args: ["persistent"]
    let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
	documentSelector: [{scheme: 'file', language: 'python'}],
	synchronize: {
	    // Notify the server about file changes to '.clientrc files contain in the workspace
	    fileEvents: vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/.clientrc'),
    const languageClient = new LanguageClient(
	'Pyre Language Client',

    languageClient.onReady().then(() => {

示例2: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	// The server is implemented in node
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'jsonServerMain.js'));
	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6046'] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['json', 'jsonc'];

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		// Register the server for json documents
		synchronize: {
			// Synchronize the setting section 'json' to the server
			configurationSection: ['json', 'http'],
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.json')
		middleware: {
			workspace: {
				didChangeConfiguration: () => client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() })

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('json', localize('jsonserver.name', 'JSON Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

		// handle content request
		client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, (uriPath: string) => {
			let uri = Uri.parse(uriPath);
			return workspace.openTextDocument(uri).then(doc => {
				return doc.getText();
			}, error => {
				return Promise.reject(error);

		let handleContentChange = (uri: Uri) => {
			if (uri.scheme === 'vscode' && uri.authority === 'schemas') {
				client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uri.toString());
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => handleContentChange(e.document.uri)));
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => handleContentChange(d.uri)));

		client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociation(context));

		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(c => {
			if (c.affectsConfiguration(foldingSetting)) {
		toDispose.push({ dispose: () => foldingProviderRegistration && foldingProviderRegistration.dispose() });

	let languageConfiguration: LanguageConfiguration = {
		wordPattern: /("(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.)?)*"?)|[^\s{}\[\],:]+/,
		indentationRules: {
			increaseIndentPattern: /^.*(\{[^}]*|\[[^\]]*)$/,
			decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*[}\]],?\s*$/
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('json', languageConfiguration);
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('jsonc', languageConfiguration);

	function initFoldingProvider() {
		let enable = workspace.getConfiguration().get(foldingSetting);
		if (enable) {
			if (!foldingProviderRegistration) {
				foldingProviderRegistration = languages.registerFoldingProvider(documentSelector, {
					provideFoldingRanges(document: TextDocument) {
						return client.sendRequest(FoldingRangesRequest.type, { textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document) }).then(res => {
							if (res && Array.isArray(res.ranges)) {
								return new FoldingRangeList(res.ranges.map(r => new FoldingRange(r.startLine, r.endLine, r.type)));
							return null;

示例3: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	// The server is implemented in node
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'htmlServerMain.js'));
	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6045'] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['html', 'handlebars', 'razor'];
	let embeddedLanguages = { css: true, javascript: true };

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		synchronize: {
			configurationSection: ['html', 'css', 'javascript'], // the settings to synchronize
		initializationOptions: {

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('html', localize('htmlserver.name', 'HTML Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);
		fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: FoldingRangeClientCapabilities): void {
			let textDocumentCap = capabilities.textDocument;
			if (!textDocumentCap) {
				textDocumentCap = capabilities.textDocument = {};
			textDocumentCap.foldingRange = {
				dynamicRegistration: false,
				rangeLimit: 5000,
				lineFoldingOnly: true
		initialize(capabilities, documentSelector): void {

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		let tagRequestor = (document: TextDocument, position: Position) => {
			let param = client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentPositionParams(document, position);
			return client.sendRequest(TagCloseRequest.type, param);
		disposable = activateTagClosing(tagRequestor, { html: true, handlebars: true, razor: true }, 'html.autoClosingTags');

		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('html', {
		indentationRules: {
			increaseIndentPattern: /<(?!\?|(?:area|base|br|col|frame|hr|html|img|input|link|meta|param)\b|[^>]*\/>)([-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+)(?=\s|>)\b[^>]*>(?!.*<\/\1>)|<!--(?!.*-->)|\{[^}"']*$/,
			decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*(<\/(?!html)[-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+\b[^>]*>|-->|\})/
		wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\$\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\s]+)/g,
		onEnterRules: [
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>/i,
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.Indent }

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('handlebars', {
		wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\$\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\s]+)/g,
		onEnterRules: [
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>/i,
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.Indent }

示例4: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	let serverMain = readJSONFile(context.asAbsolutePath('./server/package.json')).main;
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', serverMain));

	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6044'] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['css', 'scss', 'less'];

	let dataPaths = [

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		synchronize: {
			configurationSection: ['css', 'scss', 'less']
		initializationOptions: {

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('css', localize('cssserver.name', 'CSS Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	// Push the disposable to the context's subscriptions so that the
	// client can be deactivated on extension deactivation

	let indentationRules = {
		increaseIndentPattern: /(^.*\{[^}]*$)/,
		decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*\}/

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('css', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]*(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('less', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]+(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('scss', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]*(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@$#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!$.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	client.onReady().then(() => {

		documentSelector.forEach(selector => {
			context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerSelectionRangeProvider(selector, {
				async provideSelectionRanges(document: TextDocument, positions: Position[]): Promise<SelectionRange[]> {
					const textDocument = client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document);
					const rawResult = await client.sendRequest<SelectionRange[][]>('$/textDocument/selectionRanges', { textDocument, positions: positions.map(client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition) });
					if (Array.isArray(rawResult)) {
						return rawResult.map(rawSelectionRanges => {
							return rawSelectionRanges.reduceRight((parent: SelectionRange | undefined, selectionRange: SelectionRange) => {
								return {
									range: client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(selectionRange.range),
							}, undefined)!;
					return [];

	function initCompletionProvider(): Disposable {
		const regionCompletionRegExpr = /^(\s*)(\/(\*\s*(#\w*)?)?)?$/;

		return languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(documentSelector, {
			provideCompletionItems(doc, pos) {
				let lineUntilPos = doc.getText(new Range(new Position(pos.line, 0), pos));
				let match = lineUntilPos.match(regionCompletionRegExpr);
				if (match) {
					let range = new Range(new Position(pos.line, match[1].length), pos);
					let beginProposal = new CompletionItem('#region', CompletionItemKind.Snippet);
					beginProposal.range = range; TextEdit.replace(range, '/* #region */');
					beginProposal.insertText = new SnippetString('/* #region $1*/');
					beginProposal.documentation = localize('folding.start', 'Folding Region Start');
					beginProposal.filterText = match[2];

示例5: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	// The server is implemented in node
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'htmlServerMain.js'));
	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6045'] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['html', 'handlebars', 'razor'];
	let embeddedLanguages = { css: true, javascript: true };

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		synchronize: {
			configurationSection: ['html', 'css', 'javascript'], // the settings to synchronize
		initializationOptions: {

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('html', localize('htmlserver.name', 'HTML Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		disposable = languages.registerColorProvider(documentSelector, {
			provideDocumentColors(document: TextDocument): Thenable<ColorInformation[]> {
				let params: DocumentColorParams = {
					textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document)
				return client.sendRequest(DocumentColorRequest.type, params).then(symbols => {
					return symbols.map(symbol => {
						let range = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(symbol.range);
						let color = new Color(symbol.color.red, symbol.color.green, symbol.color.blue, symbol.color.alpha);
						return new ColorInformation(range, color);
			provideColorPresentations(color, context): Thenable<ColorPresentation[]> {
				let params: ColorPresentationParams = {
					textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(context.document),
					range: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(context.range)
				return client.sendRequest(ColorPresentationRequest.type, params).then(presentations => {
					return presentations.map(p => {
						let presentation = new ColorPresentation(p.label);
						presentation.textEdit = p.textEdit && client.protocol2CodeConverter.asTextEdit(p.textEdit);
						presentation.additionalTextEdits = p.additionalTextEdits && client.protocol2CodeConverter.asTextEdits(p.additionalTextEdits);
						return presentation;

		let tagRequestor = (document: TextDocument, position: Position) => {
			let param = client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentPositionParams(document, position);
			return client.sendRequest(TagCloseRequest.type, param);
		disposable = activateTagClosing(tagRequestor, { html: true, handlebars: true, razor: true }, 'html.autoClosingTags');

		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('html', {
		indentationRules: {
			increaseIndentPattern: /<(?!\?|(?:area|base|br|col|frame|hr|html|img|input|link|meta|param)\b|[^>]*\/>)([-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+)(?=\s|>)\b[^>]*>(?!.*<\/\1>)|<!--(?!.*-->)|\{[^}"']*$/,
			decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*(<\/(?!html)[-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+\b[^>]*>|-->|\})/
		wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\$\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\s]+)/g,
		onEnterRules: [
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>/i,
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
				beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
				action: { indentAction: IndentAction.Indent }

示例6: startLanguageServer

async function startLanguageServer() {
    // let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug=6004"] };

    let jlEnvPath = '';
    try {
        jlEnvPath = await jlpkgenv.getEnvPath();
    catch (e) {

        vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Could not start the julia language server. Make sure the configuration setting julia.executablePath points to the julia binary.');
    let oldDepotPath = process.env.JULIA_DEPOT_PATH ? process.env.JULIA_DEPOT_PATH : "";
    let serverArgsRun = ['--startup-file=no', '--history-file=no', 'main.jl', jlEnvPath, '--debug=no', g_lscrashreportingpipename, oldDepotPath];
    let serverArgsDebug = ['--startup-file=no', '--history-file=no', 'main.jl', jlEnvPath, '--debug=yes', g_lscrashreportingpipename, oldDepotPath];    
    let spawnOptions = {
        cwd: path.join(g_context.extensionPath, 'scripts', 'languageserver'),
        env: {
            JULIA_DEPOT_PATH: path.join(g_context.extensionPath, 'scripts', 'languageserver', 'julia_pkgdir'),
            HOME: process.env.HOME ? process.env.HOME : os.homedir()

    let jlexepath = await juliaexepath.getJuliaExePath();

    let serverOptions = {
        run: { command: jlexepath, args: serverArgsRun, options: spawnOptions },
        debug: { command: jlexepath, args: serverArgsDebug, options: spawnOptions }

    let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
        documentSelector: ['julia', 'juliamarkdown'],
        synchronize: {
            configurationSection: ['julia.runLinter', 'julia.lintIgnoreList'],
            fileEvents: vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.jl')
        revealOutputChannelOn: RevealOutputChannelOn.Never

        // Create the language client and start the client.
    g_languageClient = new LanguageClient('julia Language Server', serverOptions, clientOptions);

    // Push the disposable to the context's subscriptions so that the
    // client can be deactivated on extension deactivation
    try {
    catch (e) {

        vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Could not start the julia language server. Make sure the configuration setting julia.executablePath points to the julia binary.');
        g_languageClient = null;

    // g_languageClient.onReady().then(() => {
    //     g_languageClient.onNotification(g_serverBusyNotification, () => {
    //         g_serverstatus.show();
    //     })

    //     g_languageClient.onNotification(g_serverReadyNotification, () => {
    //         g_serverstatus.hide();
    //     })
    // })

示例7: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	// The server is implemented in node
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'jsonServerMain.js'));
	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=' + (9000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000))] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['json', 'jsonc'];

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		// Register the server for json documents
		synchronize: {
			// Synchronize the setting section 'json' to the server
			configurationSection: ['json', 'http'],
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.json')
		middleware: {
			workspace: {
				didChangeConfiguration: () => client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() })

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('json', localize('jsonserver.name', 'JSON Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);
		fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: FoldingRangeClientCapabilities): void {
			let textDocumentCap = capabilities.textDocument;
			if (!textDocumentCap) {
				textDocumentCap = capabilities.textDocument = {};
			textDocumentCap.foldingRange = {
				dynamicRegistration: false,
				rangeLimit: 5000,
				lineFoldingOnly: true
		initialize(capabilities, documentSelector): void {

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

		// handle content request
		client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, (uriPath: string) => {
			let uri = Uri.parse(uriPath);
			return workspace.openTextDocument(uri).then(doc => {
				return doc.getText();
			}, error => {
				return Promise.reject(error);

		let handleContentChange = (uri: Uri) => {
			if (uri.scheme === 'vscode' && uri.authority === 'schemas') {
				client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uri.toString());
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => handleContentChange(e.document.uri)));
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => handleContentChange(d.uri)));

		client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociation(context));


	let languageConfiguration: LanguageConfiguration = {
		wordPattern: /("(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.)?)*"?)|[^\s{}\[\],:]+/,
		indentationRules: {
			increaseIndentPattern: /^.*(\{[^}]*|\[[^\]]*)$/,
			decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*[}\]],?\s*$/
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('json', languageConfiguration);
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('jsonc', languageConfiguration);

	function initFoldingProvider(): Disposable {
		function getKind(kind: string | undefined): FoldingRangeKind | undefined {

示例8: activate

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {

    let documentSelector: vscode.DocumentSelector = {
        language: 'blade',
        scheme: 'file'

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerDocumentHighlightProvider(documentSelector, new DocumentHighlight));

    let bladeFormatCfg = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('blade.format');
    if (bladeFormatCfg.get<boolean>('enable')) {
        context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(documentSelector, new BladeFormattingEditProvider));
        context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(documentSelector, new BladeFormattingEditProvider));

    // Set html indent
    const EMPTY_ELEMENTS: string[] = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'];
    vscode.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('blade', {
        indentationRules: {
            increaseIndentPattern: /<(?!\?|(?:area|base|br|col|frame|hr|html|img|input|link|meta|param)\b|[^>]*\/>)([-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+)(?=\s|>)\b[^>]*>(?!.*<\/\1>)|<!--(?!.*-->)|\{[^}"']*$/,
            decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*(<\/(?!html)[-_\.A-Za-z0-9]+\b[^>]*>|-->|\})/
        wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\$\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\s]+)/g,
        onEnterRules: [
                beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
                afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>$/i,
                action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
                beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
                action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.Indent }

    // The server is implemented in node
    let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'htmlServerMain.js'));
    // The debug options for the server
    let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6045'] };

    // If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
    // Otherwise the run options are used
    let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
        run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
        debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

    let embeddedLanguages = { css: true, javascript: true };
    // Options to control the language client
    let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
            { language: 'blade', scheme: 'file' }
        synchronize: {
            configurationSection: ['blade', 'css', 'javascript', 'emmet'], // the settings to synchronize
        initializationOptions: {

    // Create the language client and start the client.
    let client = new LanguageClient('blade', localize('bladeserver.name', 'BLADE Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

示例9: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	let serverMain = readJSONFile(context.asAbsolutePath('./server/package.json')).main;
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', serverMain));

	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=' + (9000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000))] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['json', 'jsonc'];

	let schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem = window.createStatusBarItem(StatusBarAlignment.Right, 0);
	schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.command = '_json.retryResolveSchema';
	schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.tooltip = localize('json.schemaResolutionErrorMessage', 'Unable to resolve schema.') + ' ' + localize('json.clickToRetry', 'Click to retry.');
	schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.text = '$(alert)';

	let fileSchemaErrors = new Map<string, string>();

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		// Register the server for json documents
		initializationOptions: {
			handledSchemaProtocols: ['file'] // language server only loads file-URI. Fetching schemas with other protocols ('http'...) are made on the client.
		synchronize: {
			// Synchronize the setting section 'json' to the server
			configurationSection: ['json', 'http'],
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.json')
		middleware: {
			workspace: {
				didChangeConfiguration: () => client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() })
			handleDiagnostics: (uri: Uri, diagnostics: Diagnostic[], next: HandleDiagnosticsSignature) => {
				const schemaErrorIndex = diagnostics.findIndex(candidate => candidate.code === /* SchemaResolveError */ 0x300);

				if (schemaErrorIndex === -1) {
					return next(uri, diagnostics);

				const schemaResolveDiagnostic = diagnostics[schemaErrorIndex];
				fileSchemaErrors.set(uri.toString(), schemaResolveDiagnostic.message);

				if (window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.toString() === uri.toString()) {

				next(uri, diagnostics);

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('json', localize('jsonserver.name', 'JSON Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

		// handle content request
		client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, (uriPath: string) => {
			let uri = Uri.parse(uriPath);
			if (uri.scheme !== 'http' && uri.scheme !== 'https') {
				return workspace.openTextDocument(uri).then(doc => {
					return doc.getText();
				}, error => {
					return Promise.reject(error);
			} else {
				const headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate' };
				return xhr({ url: uriPath, followRedirects: 5, headers }).then(response => {
					return response.responseText;
				}, (error: XHRResponse) => {
					return Promise.reject(error.responseText || getErrorStatusDescription(error.status) || error.toString());

		let handleContentChange = (uri: Uri) => {
			if (uri.scheme === 'vscode' && uri.authority === 'schemas') {

示例10: realActivate

										if (path.isAbsolute(directory)) {
											directory = directory;
										else if (workspaceFolderPath && directory) {
											directory = path.join(workspaceFolderPath, directory);
										else {
											directory = undefined;
										let filePath = document.uri.scheme === 'file' ? document.uri.fsPath : undefined;
										if (filePath && directory && filePath.startsWith(directory)) {
											if (workingDirectory) {
												if (workingDirectory.directory.length < directory.length) {
													workingDirectory.directory = directory;
													workingDirectory.changeProcessCWD = changeProcessCWD;
											else {
												workingDirectory = { directory, changeProcessCWD };
								settings.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
						return result;
				} as WorkspaceMiddleware
		let client = new LanguageClient(linterName, serverOptions, clientOptions);
		defaultErrorHandler = client.createDefaultErrorHandler();
		const running = `${linterName} server is running.`;
		const stopped = `${linterName} server stopped.`;
		client.onDidChangeState((event) => {
			if (event.newState === ClientState.Running) {
				statusBarItem.tooltip = running;
				serverRunning = true;
			} else {
				statusBarItem.tooltip = stopped;
				serverRunning = false;
		client.onReady().then(() => {
			client.onNotification(StatusNotification.type, (params) => {

			client.onNotification(exitCalled, (params) => {
				serverCalledProcessExit = true;
				client.error(`Server process exited with code ${params[0]}. This usually indicates a misconfigured ${linterName} setup.`, params[1]);
				Window.showErrorMessage(`${linterName} server shut down itself. See '${linterName}' output channel for details.`);

			client.onRequest(NoStandardLibraryRequest.type, (params) => {
				const key = 'noStandardMessageShown';
				let state = context.globalState.get<NoStandardState>(key, {});
				let uri: Uri = Uri.parse(params.source.uri);
				let workspaceFolder = Workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri);
				let config = Workspace.getConfiguration('standard');

示例11: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	// The server is implemented in node
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'cssServerMain.js'));
	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6044'] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['css', 'scss', 'less'];

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		synchronize: {
			configurationSection: ['css', 'scss', 'less', 'emmet']
		initializationOptions: {

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('css', localize('cssserver.name', 'CSS Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	// Push the disposable to the context's subscriptions so that the
	// client can be deactivated on extension deactivation

	let indentationRules = {
		increaseIndentPattern: /(^.*\{[^}]*$)/,
		decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*\}/

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('css', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]*(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('less', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]+(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('scss', {
		wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]*(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@$#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!$.])/g,
		indentationRules: indentationRules

	client.onReady().then(() => {

	function initCompletionProvider(): Disposable {
		const regionCompletionRegExpr = /^(\s*)(\/(\*\s*(#\w*)?)?)?$/;

		return languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(documentSelector, {
			provideCompletionItems(doc, pos) {
				let lineUntilPos = doc.getText(new Range(new Position(pos.line, 0), pos));
				let match = lineUntilPos.match(regionCompletionRegExpr);
				if (match) {
					let range = new Range(new Position(pos.line, match[1].length), pos);
					let beginProposal = new CompletionItem('#region', CompletionItemKind.Snippet);
					beginProposal.range = range; TextEdit.replace(range, '/* #region */');
					beginProposal.insertText = new SnippetString('/* #region $1*/');
					beginProposal.documentation = localize('folding.start', 'Folding Region Start');
					beginProposal.filterText = match[2];
					beginProposal.sortText = 'za';
					let endProposal = new CompletionItem('#endregion', CompletionItemKind.Snippet);
					endProposal.range = range;
					endProposal.insertText = '/* #endregion */';
					endProposal.documentation = localize('folding.end', 'Folding Region End');
					endProposal.sortText = 'zb';
					endProposal.filterText = match[2];
					return [beginProposal, endProposal];
				return null;

	function initFoldingProvider(): Disposable {
		return languages.registerFoldingProvider(documentSelector, {
			provideFoldingRanges(document: TextDocument, context: FoldingContext, token: CancellationToken) {
				const param: FoldingRangeRequestParam = {
					textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document),
					maxRanges: context.maxRanges
				return client.sendRequest(FoldingRangesRequest.type, param, token).then(res => {
					if (res && Array.isArray(res.ranges)) {
						return new FoldingRangeList(res.ranges.map(r => new FoldingRange(r.startLine, r.endLine, r.type)));
					return null;

示例12: activate

  const previewSecuritySelector = new PreviewSecuritySelector(

  const commandManager = new CommandManager();
  commandManager.register(new commands.ShowPreviewCommand(previewManager));
    new commands.ShowPreviewToSideCommand(previewManager)
    new commands.ShowLockedPreviewToSideCommand(previewManager)
  commandManager.register(new commands.ShowSourceCommand(previewManager));
  commandManager.register(new commands.RefreshPreviewCommand(previewManager));
  commandManager.register(new commands.MoveCursorToPositionCommand());
    new commands.ShowPreviewSecuritySelectorCommand(
  commandManager.register(new commands.OnPreviewStyleLoadErrorCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.OpenDocumentLinkCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ToggleLockCommand(previewManager));
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToHtmlCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToJsonCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToDotCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToGraphMLCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToVizjsSvgCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportDocumentToVizjsPdfCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportContentToVizjsPngCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportContentToDagreSvgCommand(logger));
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportContentToDagrePngCommand());
  commandManager.register(new commands.ExportContentToDagrePdfCommand());
    vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {

  // The debug options for the server
  let debugOptions: ForkOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6009"] };

  // If the extension is launched in debug mode then the debug server options are used
  // Otherwise the run options are used
  const modulePath = require.resolve("@argdown/language-server");
  let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
    run: {
      module: modulePath,
      transport: TransportKind.ipc
    debug: {
      module: modulePath,
      transport: TransportKind.ipc,
      options: debugOptions

  languageServerConfiguration = new LanguageServerConfiguration();
  let middleware: ConfigurationWorkspaceMiddleware | Middleware = {
    workspace: {
      configuration: languageServerConfiguration.computeConfiguration

  // Options to control the language client
  let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
    // Register the server for plain text documents
    documentSelector: [{ scheme: "file", language: "argdown" }],
    synchronize: {
      // Notify the server about file changes to '.clientrc files contain in the workspace
      fileEvents: vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher("**/.clientrc")
      // In the past this told the client to actively synchronize settings. Since the
      // client now supports 'getConfiguration' requests this active synchronization is not
      // necessary anymore.
      // configurationSection: [ 'lspMultiRootSample' ]
    middleware: middleware as Middleware,
    outputChannelName: "Argdown Language Server"
  // Create the language client and start the client.
  client = new LanguageClient(
    "Argdown Language Server",
  // Register new proposed protocol if available.
  client.onReady().then(() => {

  // Start the client. This will also launch the server

示例13: activate

                    const resource = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(scopeUri);
                    const workspaceFolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resource);

                    if (workspaceFolder) {
                        convertToAbsolutePaths(result[0], workspaceFolder);

                        if (workspaceFolder.uri.scheme === "file") {
                            result[0].workspaceFolderPath = workspaceFolder.uri.fsPath;

                    return result;

    function convertToAbsolutePaths(settings: Settings, folder: WorkspaceFolder) {
        const configFile = settings.configFile;
        if (configFile) {
            settings.configFile = convertAbsolute(configFile, folder);

        const nodePath = settings.nodePath;
        if (nodePath) {
            settings.nodePath = convertAbsolute(nodePath, folder);

    function convertAbsolute(file: string, folder: WorkspaceFolder): string {
        if (path.isAbsolute(file)) {
            return file;

        const folderPath = folder.uri.fsPath;
        if (!folderPath) {
            return file;

        return path.join(folderPath, file);

    // Create the language client and start it.
    const client = new LanguageClient("sasslint", "Sass Lint", serverOptions, clientOptions);

    void client.onReady().then(() => {
        client.onRequest(NoSassLintLibraryRequest.type, (params) => {
            const uri: Uri = Uri.parse(params.source.uri);

            const workspaceFolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri);
            const packageManager = workspace.getConfiguration("sasslint", uri).get("packageManager", "npm");

            client.info(getInstallFailureMessage(uri, workspaceFolder, packageManager));

            return {};

    function getInstallFailureMessage(
        uri: Uri,
        workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined,
        packageManager: string
    ): string {
        const localCommands = {
            npm: "npm install sass-lint",
            yarn: "yarn add sass-lint"

        const globalCommands = {
            npm: "npm install -g sass-lint",
            yarn: "yarn global add sass-lint"

        const localCmd = localCommands[packageManager];
        const globalCmd = globalCommands[packageManager];

        const failureMessage = `Failed to load the sass-lint library for the document "${uri.fsPath}"\n\n`;

        if (workspaceFolder) { // Workspace opened on a folder.
            return [
                `To use sass-lint in this workspace, install it using "${localCmd}", or globally using "${globalCmd}".`,
                "\n\nYou need to reopen the workspace after installing sass-lint."
        } else {
            return [
                `To use sass-lint for a single file, install it globally using "${globalCmd}".`,
                "\n\nYou need to reopen VS Code after installing sass-lint."

        commands.registerCommand("sasslint.showOutputChannel", () => { client.outputChannel.show(); })


示例14: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): void {
	const serverModule: string = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', 'out', 'index.js'));
	const debugOptions: { execArgv: string[] } = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6009'] };

	// If the extension is launched in debug mode then the debug server options are used
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	const serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions },

	const rubyDocumentSelector: { scheme: string; language: string }[] = [
		{ scheme: 'file', language: 'ruby' },
		{ scheme: 'untitled', language: 'ruby' },

	// Options to control the language client
	const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		documentSelector: rubyDocumentSelector,
		synchronize: {
			// Notify server of changes to .ruby-version or .rvmrc files
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/{.ruby-version,.rvmrc}'),
		outputChannel: window.createOutputChannel('Ruby Language Server'),
		middleware: {
			workspace: {
				configuration: (
					params: ConfigurationParams,
					token: CancellationToken,
					next: Function
				): any[] => {
					if (!params.items) {
						return [];
					let result = next(params, token, next);
					let settings = result[0];
					let scopeUri = '';

					for (let item of params.items) {
						if (!item.scopeUri) {
						} else {
							scopeUri = item.scopeUri;
					let resource = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(scopeUri);
					let workspaceFolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resource);
					if (workspaceFolder) {
						// Convert any relative paths to absolute paths
						if (
							settings.lint &&
							settings.lint.rubocop &&
							typeof settings.lint.rubocop === 'object'
						) {
							const {
								lint: { rubocop },
							} = settings;
							for (const key of RUBOCOP_ABSOLUTE_PATH_KEYS) {
								if (rubocop[key]) {
									rubocop[key] = rubocop[key].map(f => convertAbsolute(f, workspaceFolder));

						// Save the file's workspace folder
						const protocolUri = client.code2ProtocolConverter.asUri(workspaceFolder.uri);
						settings.workspaceFolderUri = protocolUri;
					return result;
			} as WorkspaceMiddleware,

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	client = new LanguageClient('ruby', 'Ruby', serverOptions, clientOptions);
	client.registerFeature(new WorkspaceRubyEnvironmentFeature(client));

	// Push the disposable to the context's subscriptions so that the
	// client can be deactivated on extension deactivation

示例15: activate

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

	let toDispose = context.subscriptions;

	let packageInfo = getPackageInfo(context);
	telemetryReporter = packageInfo && new TelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);

	let serverMain = readJSONFile(context.asAbsolutePath('./server/package.json')).main;
	let serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('server', serverMain));

	// The debug options for the server
	let debugOptions = { execArgv: ['--nolazy', '--inspect=' + (9000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000))] };

	// If the extension is launch in debug mode the debug server options are use
	// Otherwise the run options are used
	let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
		run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
		debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions }

	let documentSelector = ['json', 'jsonc'];

	// Options to control the language client
	let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
		// Register the server for json documents
		synchronize: {
			// Synchronize the setting section 'json' to the server
			configurationSection: ['json', 'http'],
			fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.json')
		middleware: {
			workspace: {
				didChangeConfiguration: () => client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() })

	// Create the language client and start the client.
	let client = new LanguageClient('json', localize('jsonserver.name', 'JSON Language Server'), serverOptions, clientOptions);

	let disposable = client.start();
	client.onReady().then(() => {
		disposable = client.onTelemetry(e => {
			if (telemetryReporter) {
				telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent(e.key, e.data);

		// handle content request
		client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, (uriPath: string) => {
			let uri = Uri.parse(uriPath);
			return workspace.openTextDocument(uri).then(doc => {
				return doc.getText();
			}, error => {
				return Promise.reject(error);

		let handleContentChange = (uri: Uri) => {
			if (uri.scheme === 'vscode' && uri.authority === 'schemas') {
				client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uri.toString());
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => handleContentChange(e.document.uri)));
		toDispose.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => handleContentChange(d.uri)));

		client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociation(context));

	let languageConfiguration: LanguageConfiguration = {
		wordPattern: /("(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.)?)*"?)|[^\s{}\[\],:]+/,
		indentationRules: {
			increaseIndentPattern: /^.*(\{[^}]*|\[[^\]]*)$/,
			decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*[}\]],?\s*$/
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('json', languageConfiguration);
	languages.setLanguageConfiguration('jsonc', languageConfiguration);
