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TypeScript StringMapWrapper.keys方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中angular2/src/facade/collection.StringMapWrapper.keys方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript StringMapWrapper.keys方法的具体用法?TypeScript StringMapWrapper.keys怎么用?TypeScript StringMapWrapper.keys使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在angular2/src/facade/collection.StringMapWrapper的用法示例。


示例1: endMeasure

   * Ends measuring.
  endMeasure(restart: boolean): Promise<{[key: string]: any}> {
    let completer = PromiseWrapper.completer<{[key: string]: any}>();
    let adapter = this._wdAdapter;
    let names = StringMapWrapper.keys(this._userMetrics);

    function getAndClearValues() {
      PromiseWrapper.all(names.map(name => adapter.executeScript(`return window.${name}`)))
          .then((values: any[]) => {
            if (values.every(isNumber)) {
              PromiseWrapper.all(names.map(name => adapter.executeScript(`delete window.${name}`)))
                  .then((_: any[]) => {
                    let map = StringMapWrapper.create();
                    for (let i = 0, n = names.length; i < n; i++) {
                      StringMapWrapper.set(map, names[i], values[i]);
                  }, completer.reject);
            } else {
              TimerWrapper.setTimeout(getAndClearValues, 100);
          }, completer.reject);
    return completer.promise;

示例2: recognize

   * Given a URL and a parent component, return the most specific instruction for navigating
   * the application into the state specified by the
  recognize(url: string, parentComponent): Instruction {
    var componentRecognizer = MapWrapper.get(this._rules, parentComponent);
    if (isBlank(componentRecognizer)) {
      return null;

    // Matches some beginning part of the given URL
    var possibleMatches = componentRecognizer.recognize(url);

    // A list of instructions that captures all of the given URL
    var fullSolutions = ListWrapper.create();

    for (var i = 0; i < possibleMatches.length; i++) {
      var candidate: RouteMatch = possibleMatches[i];

      // if the candidate captures all of the URL, add it to our list of solutions
      if (candidate.unmatchedUrl.length == 0) {
        ListWrapper.push(fullSolutions, routeMatchToInstruction(candidate, parentComponent));
      } else {
        // otherwise, recursively match the remaining part of the URL against the component's
        // children
        var children = StringMapWrapper.create(), allChildrenMatch = true,
            components = StringMapWrapper.get(candidate.handler, 'components');

        var componentNames = StringMapWrapper.keys(components);
        for (var nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < componentNames.length; nameIndex++) {
          var name = componentNames[nameIndex];
          var component = StringMapWrapper.get(components, name);

          var childInstruction = this.recognize(candidate.unmatchedUrl, component);
          if (isPresent(childInstruction)) {
            childInstruction.params = candidate.params;
            children[name] = childInstruction;
          } else {
            allChildrenMatch = false;

        if (allChildrenMatch) {
          ListWrapper.push(fullSolutions, new Instruction({
                             component: parentComponent,
                             children: children,
                             matchedUrl: candidate.matchedUrl,
                             parentSpecificity: candidate.specificity

    if (fullSolutions.length > 0) {
      var mostSpecificSolution = fullSolutions[0];
      for (var solutionIndex = 1; solutionIndex < fullSolutions.length; solutionIndex++) {
        var solution = fullSolutions[solutionIndex];
        if (solution.specificity > mostSpecificSolution.specificity) {
          mostSpecificSolution = solution;

      return mostSpecificSolution;

    return null;
