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TypeScript StringMapWrapper.forEach方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中angular2/src/facade/collection.StringMapWrapper.forEach方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript StringMapWrapper.forEach方法的具体用法?TypeScript StringMapWrapper.forEach怎么用?TypeScript StringMapWrapper.forEach使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在angular2/src/facade/collection.StringMapWrapper的用法示例。


示例1: CompilePipeline

 return new CompilePipeline([new MockStep((parent, current, control) => {
   if (isPresent(propertyBindings)) {
     StringMapWrapper.forEach(propertyBindings, (ast, name) => {
       current.bindElement().bindProperty(name, ast);
 }), new DirectiveParser(parser, annotatedDirectives)]);

示例2: MockStep

 new MockStep((parent, current, control) => {
   if (isPresent(propertyBindings)) {
     StringMapWrapper.forEach(propertyBindings, (ast, name) => {
       current.bindElement().bindProperty(name, ast);

示例3: config

   * Given a component and a configuration object, add the route to this registry
  config(parentComponent, config: StringMap<string, any>): void {
    if (!StringMapWrapper.contains(config, 'path')) {
      throw new BaseException('Route config does not contain "path"');

    if (!StringMapWrapper.contains(config, 'component') &&
        !StringMapWrapper.contains(config, 'components') &&
        !StringMapWrapper.contains(config, 'redirectTo')) {
      throw new BaseException(
          'Route config does not contain "component," "components," or "redirectTo"');

    var recognizer: RouteRecognizer = MapWrapper.get(this._rules, parentComponent);

    if (isBlank(recognizer)) {
      recognizer = new RouteRecognizer();
      MapWrapper.set(this._rules, parentComponent, recognizer);

    config = normalizeConfig(config);

    if (StringMapWrapper.contains(config, 'redirectTo')) {
      recognizer.addRedirect(config['path'], config['redirectTo']);

    var components = config['components'];
    StringMapWrapper.forEach(components, (component, _) => this.configFromComponent(component));

    recognizer.addConfig(config['path'], config, config['as']);

示例4: _serializeParams

function _serializeParams(params: {[key: string]: string}): string {
  let res = "";
  if (isPresent(params)) {
    StringMapWrapper.forEach(params, (v, k) => res += `;${k}=${v}`);
  return res;

示例5: _forEach

 _forEach(obj, fn) {
   if (obj instanceof Map) {
     MapWrapper.forEach(obj, fn);
   } else {
     StringMapWrapper.forEach(obj, fn);

示例6: _reduceControls

 /** @internal */
 _reduceControls(controlsConfig: any): {[key: string]: modelModule.AbstractControl} {
   var controls: {[key: string]: modelModule.AbstractControl} = {};
   StringMapWrapper.forEach(controlsConfig, (controlConfig, controlName) => {
     controls[controlName] = this._createControl(controlConfig);
   return controls;

示例7: constructor

 constructor({params, component, children, matchedUrl, parentSpecificity}: {
   params?: StringMap<string, any>,
   component?: any,
   children?: StringMap<string, Instruction>,
   matchedUrl?: string,
   parentSpecificity?: number
 } = {}) {
   this.reuse = false;
   this.capturedUrl = matchedUrl;
   this.accumulatedUrl = matchedUrl;
   this.specificity = parentSpecificity;
   if (isPresent(children)) {
     this._children = children;
     var childUrl;
     StringMapWrapper.forEach(this._children, (child, _) => {
       childUrl = child.accumulatedUrl;
       this.specificity += child.specificity;
     if (isPresent(childUrl)) {
       this.accumulatedUrl += childUrl;
   } else {
     this._children = StringMapWrapper.create();
   this.component = component;
   this.params = params;

示例8: _reduceControls

 _reduceControls(controlsConfig) {
   var controls = {};
   StringMapWrapper.forEach(controlsConfig, (controlConfig, controlName) => {
     controls[controlName] = this._createControl(controlConfig);
   return controls;

示例9: describe

 describe(): StringMap<string, any> {
   var res = {
     'scriptTime': 'script execution time in ms, including gc and render',
     'pureScriptTime': 'script execution time in ms, without gc nor render'
   if (this._perfLogFeatures.render) {
     res['renderTime'] = 'render time in ms';
   if (this._perfLogFeatures.gc) {
     res['gcTime'] = 'gc time in ms';
     res['gcAmount'] = 'gc amount in kbytes';
     res['majorGcTime'] = 'time of major gcs in ms';
     if (this._forceGc) {
       res['forcedGcTime'] = 'forced gc time in ms';
       res['forcedGcAmount'] = 'forced gc amount in kbytes';
   if (this._captureFrames) {
     res['meanFrameTime'] = this._perfLogFeatures.frameCapture ?
                                'mean frame time in ms (target: 16.6ms for 60fps)' :
                                'WARNING: Metric requested, but not supported by driver';
                            (desc, name) => { StringMapWrapper.set(res, name, desc); });
   return res;

示例10: _mergeErrors

 static _mergeErrors(control: modelModule.AbstractControl, res: StringMap<string, any>): void {
   StringMapWrapper.forEach(control.errors, (value, error) => {
     if (!StringMapWrapper.contains(res, error)) {
       res[error] = [];
     ListWrapper.push(res[error], control);
