本文整理汇总了Python中volumina.api.ColortableLayer类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ColortableLayer类的具体用法?Python ColortableLayer怎么用?Python ColortableLayer使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
"""The LayerViewer base class calls this function to obtain
the list of layers that should be displaye in the central
layers = []
inputGrid = LazyflowSource(self.topLevelOperatorView.GridOutput)
colortable = [QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba(), QColor(255, 0, 0).rgba(),]
gridlayer = ColortableLayer(inputGrid, colortable)
gridlayer.name = "Grid"
gridlayer.zeroIsTransparent = True
layers.insert(0, gridlayer)
# Show the raw input data as a convenience for the user
inputImageSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.RawInput
if inputImageSlot.ready():
inputLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot(inputImageSlot)
inputLayer.name = "Raw Input"
inputLayer.visible = True
inputLayer.opacity = 1.0
return layers
示例2: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
layers = []
op = self.topLevelOperatorView
binct = [QColor(Qt.black), QColor(Qt.white)]
#binct[0] = 0
ct = create_default_16bit()
# associate label 0 with black/transparent?
ct[0] = 0
# Show the cached output, since it goes through a blocked cache
if op.CachedOutput.ready():
outputSrc = LazyflowSource(op.CachedOutput)
outputLayer = ColortableLayer(outputSrc, ct)
outputLayer.name = "Connected Components"
outputLayer.visible = False
outputLayer.opacity = 1.0
outputLayer.setToolTip("Results of connected component analysis")
if op.Input.ready():
rawSrc = LazyflowSource(op.Input)
rawLayer = ColortableLayer(outputSrc, binct)
#rawLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot(op.Input)
rawLayer.name = "Raw data"
rawLayer.visible = True
rawLayer.opacity = 1.0
return layers
示例3: createLabelLayer
def createLabelLayer(self, direct=False):
Return a colortable layer that displays the label slot data, along with its associated label source.
direct: whether this layer is drawn synchronously by volumina
labelOutput = self._labelingSlots.labelOutput
if not labelOutput.ready():
return (None, None)
# Add the layer to draw the labels, but don't add any labels
labelsrc = LazyflowSinkSource( self._labelingSlots.labelOutput,
labellayer = ColortableLayer(labelsrc, colorTable = self._colorTable16, direct=direct)
labellayer.name = "Labels"
labellayer.ref_object = None
labellayer.contexts.append(QAction("Import...", None,
triggered=partial(import_labeling_layer, labellayer, self._labelingSlots, self)))
labellayer.shortcutRegistration = ("0", ShortcutManager.ActionInfo(
"Show/Hide Labels",
return labellayer, labelsrc
示例4: _initPredictionLayers
def _initPredictionLayers(self, predictionSlot):
layers = []
opLane = self.topLevelOperatorView
colors = opLane.PmapColors.value
names = opLane.LabelNames.value
# Use a slicer to provide a separate slot for each channel layer
#opSlicer = OpMultiArraySlicer2( parent=opLane.viewed_operator() )
#opSlicer.Input.connect( predictionSlot )
if predictionSlot.ready() :
from volumina import colortables
predictLayer = ColortableLayer(LazyflowSource(predictionSlot), colorTable = colortables.jet(), normalize = 'auto')
#predictLayer = AlphaModulatedLayer( predictsrc,
# tintColor=QColor(*colors[channel]),
# range=(0.0, 1.0),
# normalize=(0.0, 1.0) )
predictLayer.opacity = 0.25
predictLayer.visible = True
predictLayer.name = "Prediction"
return layers
示例5: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
layers = []
predictionSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.PredictionImage
if predictionSlot.ready():
predictlayer = ColortableLayer( LazyflowSource(predictionSlot),
colorTable=self._colorTable16 )
predictlayer.name = "Prediction"
predictlayer.visible = True
rawSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.RawImage
if rawSlot.ready():
rawLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot(rawSlot)
rawLayer.name = "Raw data"
binarySlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.BinaryImage
if binarySlot.ready():
ct_binary = [QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba(),
QColor(255, 255, 255, 255).rgba()]
binaryLayer = ColortableLayer(LazyflowSource(binarySlot), ct_binary)
binaryLayer.name = "Binary Image"
return layers
示例6: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
Called by our base class when one of our data slots has changed.
This function creates a layer for each slot we want displayed in the volume editor.
# Base class provides the label layer.
layers = super(Counting3dGui, self).setupLayers()
# Add each of the predictions
labels = self.labelListData
slots = {'density' : self.op.Density}
for name, slot in slots.items():
if slot.ready():
from volumina import colortables
layer = ColortableLayer(LazyflowSource(slot), colorTable = colortables.jet(), normalize = 'auto')
layer.name = name
boxlabelsrc = LazyflowSinkSource(self.op.BoxLabelImages,self.op.BoxLabelInputs )
boxlabellayer = ColortableLayer(boxlabelsrc, colorTable = self._colorTable16, direct = False)
boxlabellayer.name = "boxLabels"
boxlabellayer.opacity = 0.3
self.boxlabelsrc = boxlabelsrc
inputDataSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.InputImages
if inputDataSlot.ready():
inputLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot( inputDataSlot )
inputLayer.name = "Input Data"
inputLayer.visible = True
inputLayer.opacity = 1.0
def toggleTopToBottom():
index = self.layerstack.layerIndex( inputLayer )
self.layerstack.selectRow( index )
if index == 0:
inputLayer.shortcutRegistration = (
"Prediction Layers",
"Bring Input To Top/Bottom",
QShortcut( QKeySequence("i"), self.viewerControlWidget(), toggleTopToBottom),
inputLayer )
return layers
示例7: _initSegmentationlayer
def _initSegmentationlayer(self, segSlot):
if not segSlot.ready():
return None
opLane = self.topLevelOperatorView
colors = opLane.PmapColors.value
colortable = []
colortable.append( QColor(0,0,0).rgba() )
for color in colors:
colortable.append( QColor(*color).rgba() )
segsrc = LazyflowSource( segSlot )
seglayer = ColortableLayer( segsrc, colortable )
seglayer.name = "Simple Segmentation"
return seglayer
示例8: addCCOperator
def addCCOperator(self):
self.opCC = OpConnectedComponents(self.g)
#we shouldn't have to define these. But just in case...
ccsrc = LazyflowSource(self.opCC.outputs["Output"][0])
ccsrc.setObjectName("Connected Components")
ctb = colortables.create_default_16bit()
ctb.insert(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba()) # make background transparent
ccLayer = ColortableLayer(ccsrc, ctb)
ccLayer.name = "Connected Components"
self.layerstack.insert(1, ccLayer)
示例9: createLabelLayer
def createLabelLayer(self, direct=False):
Return a colortable layer that displays the label slot data, along with its associated label source.
direct: whether this layer is drawn synchronously by volumina
labelOutput = self._labelingSlots.labelOutput
if not labelOutput.ready():
return (None, None)
traceLogger.debug("Setting up labels")
# Add the layer to draw the labels, but don't add any labels
labelsrc = LazyflowSinkSource(self._labelingSlots.labelOutput, self._labelingSlots.labelInput)
labellayer = ColortableLayer(labelsrc, colorTable=self._colorTable16, direct=direct)
labellayer.name = "Labels"
labellayer.ref_object = None
return labellayer, labelsrc
示例10: createCropLayer
def createCropLayer(self, direct=False):
Return a colortable layer that displays the crop slot data, along with its associated crop source.
direct: whether this layer is drawn synchronously by volumina
cropOutput = self._croppingSlots.cropOutput
if not cropOutput.ready():
return (None, None)
# Add the layer to draw the crops, but don't add any crops
cropsrc = LazyflowSinkSource( self._croppingSlots.cropOutput,
croplayer = ColortableLayer(cropsrc, colorTable = self._colorTable16, direct=direct )
croplayer.name = "Crops"
croplayer.ref_object = None
return croplayer, cropsrc
示例11: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
mainOperator = self.topLevelOperatorView
layers = []
if mainOperator.ObjectCenterImage.ready():
self.centerimagesrc = LazyflowSource(mainOperator.ObjectCenterImage)
#layer = RGBALayer(red=ConstantSource(255), alpha=self.centerimagesrc)
redct = [0, QColor(255, 0, 0).rgba()]
layer = ColortableLayer(self.centerimagesrc, redct)
layer.name = "Object Centers"
layer.visible = False
ct = colortables.create_default_16bit()
if mainOperator.LabelImage.ready():
self.objectssrc = LazyflowSource(mainOperator.LabelImage)
self.objectssrc.setObjectName("LabelImage LazyflowSrc")
ct[0] = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba() # make 0 transparent
layer = ColortableLayer(self.objectssrc, ct)
layer.name = "Label Image"
layer.visible = False
layer.opacity = 0.5
# white foreground on transparent background
binct = [QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba(), QColor(255, 255, 255, 255).rgba()]
if mainOperator.BinaryImage.ready():
self.binaryimagesrc = LazyflowSource(mainOperator.BinaryImage)
self.binaryimagesrc.setObjectName("Binary LazyflowSrc")
layer = ColortableLayer(self.binaryimagesrc, binct)
layer.name = "Binary Image"
## raw data layer
self.rawsrc = None
self.rawsrc = LazyflowSource(mainOperator.RawImage)
self.rawsrc.setObjectName("Raw Lazyflow Src")
layerraw = GrayscaleLayer(self.rawsrc)
layerraw.name = "Raw"
layers.insert(len(layers), layerraw)
if mainOperator.BinaryImage.meta.shape:
self.editor.dataShape = mainOperator.BinaryImage.meta.shape
return layers
示例12: addThresholdOperator
def addThresholdOperator(self):
if self.opThreshold is None:
self.opThreshold = OpThreshold(self.g)
#channel, value = ThresholdDlg(self.labelListModel._labels)
channel = 0
value = 0.5
ref_label = self.labelListModel._labels[channel]
threshsrc = LazyflowSource(self.opThreshold.outputs["Output"][0])
threshsrc.setObjectName("Threshold for %s" % ref_label.name)
transparent = QColor(0,0,0,0)
white = QColor(255,255,255)
colorTable = [transparent.rgba(), white.rgba()]
threshLayer = ColortableLayer(threshsrc, colorTable = colorTable )
threshLayer.name = "Threshold for %s" % ref_label.name
self.layerstack.insert(1, threshLayer)
示例13: createLabelLayer
def createLabelLayer(self, direct=False):
Return a colortable layer that displays the label slot data, along with its associated label source.
direct: whether this layer is drawn synchronously by volumina
labelOutput = self._labelingSlots.labelOutput
if not labelOutput.ready():
return (None, None)
# Add the layer to draw the labels, but don't add any labels
labelsrc = LazyflowSinkSource( self._labelingSlots.labelOutput,
labellayer = ColortableLayer(labelsrc, colorTable = self._colorTable16, direct=direct )
labellayer.name = "Labels"
labellayer.ref_object = None
partial( import_labeling_layer, labellayer, self._labelingSlots, self )))
return labellayer, labelsrc
示例14: _initPredictionLayers
def _initPredictionLayers(self, predictionSlot):
layers = []
opLane = self.topLevelOperatorView
if predictionSlot.ready() and self.topLevelOperatorView.UpperBound.ready():
upperBound = self.topLevelOperatorView.UpperBound.value
layer = ColortableLayer(LazyflowSource(predictionSlot), colorTable = countingColorTable, normalize =
layer.name = "Density"
# def _initPredictionLayers(self, predictionSlot):
# layers = []
# opLane = self.topLevelOperatorView
# colors = opLane.PmapColors.value
# names = opLane.LabelNames.value
# # Use a slicer to provide a separate slot for each channel layer
# opSlicer = OpMultiArraySlicer2( parent=opLane.viewed_operator() )
# opSlicer.Input.connect( predictionSlot )
# opSlicer.AxisFlag.setValue('c')
# for channel, channelSlot in enumerate(opSlicer.Slices):
# if channelSlot.ready() and channel < len(colors) and channel < len(names):
# drange = channelSlot.meta.drange or (0.0, 1.0)
# predictsrc = LazyflowSource(channelSlot)
# predictLayer = AlphaModulatedLayer( predictsrc,
# tintColor=QColor(*colors[channel]),
# # FIXME: This is weird. Why are range and normalize both set to the same thing?
# range=drange,
# normalize=drange )
# predictLayer.opacity = 0.25
# predictLayer.visible = True
# predictLayer.name = names[channel]
# layers.append(predictLayer)
return layers
示例15: setupLayers
def setupLayers(self):
layers = []
fromDiskSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.ImageOnDisk
if fromDiskSlot.ready():
exportLayer = ColortableLayer( LazyflowSource(fromDiskSlot), colorTable=self.ct )
exportLayer.name = "Tracking - Exported"
exportLayer.visible = True
previewSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.ImageToExport
if previewSlot.ready():
previewLayer = ColortableLayer( LazyflowSource(previewSlot), colorTable=self.ct )
previewLayer.name = "Tracking - Preview"
previewLayer.visible = False
rawSlot = self.topLevelOperatorView.RawData
if rawSlot.ready():
rawLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot(rawSlot)
rawLayer.name = "Raw Data"
rawLayer.opacity = 1.0
return layers