本文整理汇总了Python中utils.Utils.unique_list方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Utils.unique_list方法的具体用法?Python Utils.unique_list怎么用?Python Utils.unique_list使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类utils.Utils
示例1: prep_email
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def prep_email(self):
# are required flags set?
if ((self.config["email_list_filename"] is not None) or (self.config["gather_emails"] == True)):
self.display.output("Obtaining list of email targets")
if (self.config["always_yes"] or self.display.yn("Continue", default="y")):
# if an external email list file was specified, read it in
if self.config["email_list_filename"] is not None:
file = open(self.config["email_list_filename"], 'r')
temp_list = file.read().splitlines()
self.display.verbose("Loaded [%s] email addresses from [%s]" % (len(temp_list), self.config["email_list_filename"]))
self.email_list += temp_list
# gather email addresses
if self.config["gather_emails"] == True:
if (self.config["domain_name"] == ""):
self.display.error("No target domain specified. Can not gather email addresses.")
self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via built-in methods")
if (not self.gather):
self.gather = Gather(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
temp_list = self.gather.emails()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from the Internet" % (len(temp_list)))
self.email_list += temp_list
# gather email addresses from external sources
if (self.config["gather_emails"] == True) and (self.config["enable_externals"] == True):
# theHarvester
self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via theHarvester")
thr = theHarvester(self.config["domain_name"], self.config["theharvester_path"], display=self.display)
out = thr.run()
if (not out):
temp_list = thr.emails()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from theHarvester" % (len(temp_list)))
self.email_list += temp_list
# # Recon-NG
# self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via Recon-NG")
# temp_list = reconng(self.config["domain_name"], self.config["reconng_path"]).gather()
# self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from Recon-NG" % (len(temp_list)))
# self.email_list += temp_list
# sort/unique email list
self.email_list = Utils.unique_list(self.email_list)
# add each user to the sqllite db
# print list of email addresses
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] unique email addresses" % (len(self.email_list)))
self.display.print_list("EMAIL LIST",self.email_list)
for email in self.email_list:
self.display.log(email + "\n", filename="email_targets.txt")
示例2: getWebTemplates
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def getWebTemplates(self, ttype="static"):
templates = []
cursor = self.getCursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT src_url, tdir FROM web_templates WHERE ttype=?', (ttype,))
for row in cursor.fetchall():
return Utils.unique_list(templates)
示例3: getUsers
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def getUsers(self):
users = []
cursor = self.getCursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT user FROM users')
for row in cursor.fetchall():
return Utils.unique_list(users)
示例4: gather_dns
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def gather_dns(self):
# are required flags set?
if (self.config["gather_dns"] == True):
self.display.output("Obtaining list of host on the %s domain" % (self.config["domain_name"]))
self.display.verbose("Gathering hosts via built-in methods")
# Gather hosts from internet search
if (not self.gather):
self.gather = Gather(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
temp_list = self.gather.hosts()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from the Internet Search" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
# Gather hosts from DNS lookups
temp_list = Dns.xfr(self.config["domain_name"])
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from DNS Zone Transfer" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
temp_list = Dns.ns(self.config["domain_name"])
temp_list = Utils.filterList(temp_list, self.config["domain_name"])
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from DNS NS lookups" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
temp_list = Dns.mx(self.config["domain_name"])
temp_list = Utils.filterList(temp_list, self.config["domain_name"])
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from DNS MX lookups" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
# Gather hosts from dictionary lookup
temp_list = Dns.brute(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from DNS BruteForce/Dictionay Lookup" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
# sort/unique hostname list
self.hostname_list = Utils.unique_list(self.hostname_list)
# add list of identified hosts to sqllite db
# print list of hostnames
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] unique host names" % (len(self.hostname_list)))
self.display.print_list("HOST LIST", self.hostname_list)
示例5: run
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
if not self.gather:
self.gather = Gather(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
temp_list = self.gather.emails()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from the Internet" % (len(temp_list)))
self.email_list += temp_list
# gather email addresses from external sources
if (self.config["gather_emails"] == True) and (self.config["enable_externals"] == True):
# theHarvester
self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via theHarvester")
thr = theHarvester(
self.config["domain_name"], self.config["theharvester_path"], display=self.display
out = thr.run()
if not out:
temp_list = thr.emails()
"Gathered [%s] email addresses from theHarvester" % (len(temp_list))
self.email_list += temp_list
# # Recon-NG
# self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via Recon-NG")
# temp_list = reconng(self.config["domain_name"], self.config["reconng_path"]).gather()
# self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from Recon-NG" % (len(temp_list)))
# self.email_list += temp_list
# sort/unique email list
self.email_list = Utils.unique_list(self.email_list)
# print list of email addresses
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] unique email addresses" % (len(self.email_list)))
self.display.print_list("EMAIL LIST", self.email_list)
for email in self.email_list:
self.display.log(email + "\n", filename="email_targets.txt")
# ==================================================
# Gather dns hosts
# ==================================================
if self.config["gather_dns"] == True:
self.display.output("Obtaining list of host on the %s domain" % (self.config["domain_name"]))
self.display.verbose("Gathering hosts via built-in methods")
# Gather hosts from internet search
if not self.gather:
self.gather = Gather(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
temp_list = self.gather.hosts()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from the Internet Search" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
# Gather hosts from DNS lookups
temp_list = Dns.xfr(self.config["domain_name"])
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] hosts from DNS Zone Transfer" % (len(temp_list)))
self.hostname_list += temp_list
示例6: run
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def run(self, argv):
# Process/Load commanline args and config file
# load the config file
if (self.config["config_filename"] is not None):
temp1 = self.config
temp2 = Utils.load_config(self.config["config_filename"])
self.config = dict(temp2.items() + temp1.items())
if Utils.is_readable("default.cfg"):
self.display.error("a CONFIG FILE was not specified... defaulting to [default.cfg]")
temp1 = self.config
temp2 = Utils.load_config("default.cfg")
self.config = dict(temp2.items() + temp1.items())
self.display.error("a CONFIG FILE was not specified...")
# set verbosity level
if (self.config['verbose'] >= 1):
if (self.config['verbose'] > 1):
# set logging path
self.display.setLogPath(os.getcwd() + "/" + self.config["domain_name"] + "_" + self.config["phishing_domain"] + "/")
self.display.log("STARTTIME=%s\n" % (time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), filename="INFO.txt")
self.display.log("TARGETDOMAIN=%s\n" % (self.config["domain_name"]), filename="INFO.txt")
self.display.log("PHISHINGDOMAIN=%s\n" % (self.config["phishing_domain"]), filename="INFO.txt")
# Load/Gather target email addresses
if ((self.config["email_list_filename"] is not None) or (self.config["gather_emails"] == True)):
self.display.output("Obtaining list of email targets")
if (self.config["always_yes"] or self.display.yn("Continue", default="y")):
# if an external emaillist file was specified, read it in
if self.config["email_list_filename"] is not None:
file = open(self.config["email_list_filename"], 'r')
temp_list = file.read().splitlines()
self.display.verbose("Loaded [%s] email addresses from [%s]" % (len(temp_list), self.config["email_list_filename"]))
self.email_list += temp_list
# gather email addresses
if self.config["gather_emails"] == True:
if (self.config["domain_name"] == ""):
self.display.error("No target domain specified. Can not gather email addresses.")
self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via built-in methods")
self.gather = Gather(self.config["domain_name"], display=self.display)
temp_list = self.gather.emails()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from the Internet" % (len(temp_list)))
self.email_list += temp_list
# gather email addresses from external sources
if (self.config["gather_emails"] == True) and (self.config["enable_externals"] == True):
# theHarvester
self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via theHarvester")
thr = theHarvester(self.config["domain_name"], self.config["theharvester_path"], display=self.display)
out = thr.run()
if (not out):
temp_list = thr.emails()
self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from theHarvester" % (len(temp_list)))
self.email_list += temp_list
# # Recon-NG
# self.display.verbose("Gathering emails via Recon-NG")
# temp_list = reconng(self.config["domain_name"], self.config["reconng_path"]).gather()
# self.display.verbose("Gathered [%s] email addresses from Recon-NG" % (len(temp_list)))
# self.email_list += temp_list
# sort/unique email list
self.email_list = Utils.unique_list(self.email_list)
# print list of email addresses
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] unique email addresses" % (len(self.email_list)))
self.display.print_list("EMAIL LIST",self.email_list)
for email in self.email_list:
self.display.log(email + "\n", filename="email_targets.txt")
# Load web sites
示例7: profile_site
# 需要导入模块: from utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from utils.Utils import unique_list [as 别名]
def profile_site(self):
# are required flags set?
if (self.config["profile_domain"] == True):
self.display.output("Determining if any of the identified hosts have web servers.")
# for hosts in the port 80 list
for host in self.server_list[80]:
# create a profiler object
p = profiler()
# run it against the website
profile_results = p.run("http://" + host, debug=False)
# if we got valid results, look to see if we have a match for one of the templates
if (profile_results and (len(profile_results) > 0)):
max_key = ""
max_value = 0
for key, value in profile_results:
if (value.getscore() > max_value):
max_key = key
max_value = value.getscore()
if (max_value > 0):
self.display.verbose("POSSIBLE MATCH FOR [http://%s] => [%s]" % (host, max_key))
# other wise we will see about adding it to a list of sites to clone
if (p.hasLogin("http://" + host)):
self.profile_dynamic_web_templates.append("http://" + host)
# repeat same as for port 80
for host in self.server_list[443]:
p = profiler()
profile_results = p.run("https://" + host, debug=False)
if (profile_results and (len(profile_results) > 0)):
max_key = ""
max_value = 0
for key, value in profile_results:
if (value.getscore() > max_value):
max_key = key
max_value = value.getscore()
if (max_value > 0):
self.display.verbose("POSSIBLE MATCH FOR [https://%s] => [%s]" % (host, max_key))
if (p.hasLogin("https://" + host)):
self.display.verbose("POSSIBLE DYNAMIC TEMPLATE SITE [https://%s]" % (host))
self.profile_dynamic_web_templates.append("https://" + host)
# sort/unique list of valid templates
self.profile_valid_web_templates = Utils.unique_list(self.profile_valid_web_templates)
# print list of valid templatess
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] valid web templates" % (len(self.profile_valid_web_templates)))
self.display.print_list("VALID TEMPLATE LIST",self.profile_valid_web_templates)
# sort/unique list of dynamic templates
self.profile_dynamic_web_templates = Utils.unique_list(self.profile_dynamic_web_templates)
# print list of valid templatess
self.display.verbose("Collected [%s] dynamic web templates" % (len(self.profile_dynamic_web_templates)))
self.display.print_list("DYNAMIC TEMPLATE LIST",self.profile_dynamic_web_templates)
# sort/unique hostname list
self.profile_dynamic_web_templates = Utils.lowercase_list(self.profile_dynamic_web_templates)
self.profile_dynamic_web_templates = Utils.unique_list(self.profile_dynamic_web_templates)
# for any dynamic sites, try to clone them
self.display.output("Cloning any DYNAMIC sites")
for template in self.profile_dynamic_web_templates:
sc = SiteCloner(clone_dir=self.outdir+"web_clones/")
tdir = sc.cloneUrl(template)
self.display.verbose("Cloning [%s] to [%s]" % (template, tdir))
self.db.addWebTemplate(ttype="dynamic", src_url=template, tdir=tdir)
# loop over all built in templates
for f in os.listdir(self.config["web_template_path"]):
template_file = os.path.join(self.config["web_template_path"], f) + "/CONFIG"
for line in open(template_file).readlines():
for tem in self.profile_valid_web_templates:
if re.match("^VHOST=\s*"+tem+"\s*$", line, re.IGNORECASE):
self.db.addWebTemplate(ttype="static", src_url="", tdir=os.path.join(self.config["web_template_path"], f))