本文整理汇总了Python中utility.Utility.report_status方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Utility.report_status方法的具体用法?Python Utility.report_status怎么用?Python Utility.report_status使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类utility.Utility
示例1: reportTrainingStats
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def reportTrainingStats(self, elapsedTime, batchIndex, valLoss, trainCost, mode=0):
DB.storeTrainingStats( self.id, valLoss, trainCost, mode=mode)
msg = '(%0.1f) %i %f%%'%\
status = '[%f]'%(trainCost)
Utility.report_status( msg, status )
示例2: report
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def report(self, name, dims):
msg = '%s'%(name)
status = '['
p_dim = None
for dim in dims:
if p_dim == None:
status = '%s%s'%(status, dim)
status = '%s x %s'%(status, dim)
p_dim = dim
status = '%s]'%status
Utility.report_status( msg, status)
示例3: report_stats
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def report_stats(self, id, elapsedTime, batchIndex, valLoss, trainCost, mode=0):
if mode == 0 and not self.offline:
DB.storeTrainingStats( id, valLoss, trainCost, mode=mode)
self.add_validation_loss( valLoss )
msg = '(%0.1f) %i %f%%'%\
status = '[%f]'%(trainCost)
Utility.report_status( msg, status )
示例4: run
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def run(self):
while not self.done:
# always query for the most current projects
projects = DB.getProjects()
running = None
runningId = None
# the first active project is the running project,
# all others are deactivated
for project in projects:
projectId = project.id
projectStatus = project.trainingStatus
print project.startTime, project.id, projectStatus
projectStatusStr = DB.projectStatusToStr( projectStatus )
if projectStatus >= 1:
if running == None:
running = project
runningId = projectId
print 'shutting down....', projectId
print projectStatusStr
print projectStatus
print runningId
DB.stopProject( projectId )
msg1 = 'stopping (%s)' %(projectId)
msg2 = '(%s) -> (Deactive)'%(projectStatusStr)
Utility.report_status( msg1, msg2 )
# start the new project if changed.
if self.projectId != runningId and running != None:
projectStatus = running.trainingStatus
projectStatusStr = DB.projectStatusToStr( projectStatus )
self.create_model( running )
# reset the training stats
#if self.name == 'training':
# DB.removeTrainingStats( projectId )
msg1 = 'starting (%s)' %(runningId)
msg2 = '(Deactive) -> (Active)'
Utility.report_status( msg1, msg2 )
if self.model is not None:
self.projectId = runningId
self.work( running )
print 'slept....', self.waittime
示例5: work_offline
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def work_offline(self, project):
imagePaths = sorted( glob.glob( '%s/*.tif'%(Paths.TrainGrayscale) ) )
for path in imagePaths:
if self.done:
name = Utility.get_filename_noext( path )
print 'path:', path
Utility.report_status('segmenting', '%s'%(name))
#segPath = '%s/%s.offline.seg'%(Paths.TrainGrayscale, name)
segPath = '%s/%s.%s.offline.seg'%(Paths.Segmentation, name, project.id)
self.classify_n_save( path, segPath, project )
示例6: save_stats
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def save_stats(self):
n_data = len(self.p)
n_good = len( np.where( self.p == 0 )[0] )
self.accuracy = float(n_good)/n_data
print '------data.save_stats-----'
print 'accuracy:', self.accuracy
Utility.report_status('.', '.')
for entry in self.entries:
i = np.arange( entry.offset, entry.offset+entry.length )
#y = self.y[ i ]
p = self.p[ i ]
n_data = len(p)
n_good = len( np.where( p == 0 )[0] )
score = 0.0 if n_good == 0 else float(n_good)/n_data
#print np.bincount( self.p ), np.bincount( p ), n_good
#print len(p), '/', len(self.p)
DB.storeTrainingScore( self.project.id, entry.name, score )
Utility.report_status('%s'%(entry.name), '%.2f'%(score))
#print 'image (%s)(%.2f)'%(entry.name, score)
Utility.report_status('.', '.')
示例7: work
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def work(self, project):
if not self.online:
self.done = True
start_time = time.clock()
if project is None:
print 'prediction.... running', len(self.high)
if len(self.high) == 0:
self.high = DB.getPredictionImages( project.id, 1)
#FG - march 4th 2016
#if len(self.low) == 0:
# self.low = DB.getPredictionImages( project.id, 0 )
for img in self.high:
print 'hid:', img.id, img.modelModifiedTime, img.segmentationTime
print '----'
for img in self.low:
print 'lid:', img.id, img.modelModifiedTime, img.segmentationTime
task = None
if (self.priority == 0 or len(self.low) == 0) and len(self.high) > 0:
self.priority = 1
task = self.high[0]
del self.high[0]
elif len(self.low) > 0:
self.priority = 0
task = self.low[0]
del self.low[0]
if task == None:
has_new_model = (self.modTime != project.modelTime)
revision = DB.getRevision( project.id )
print 'revision:', revision
#has_new_model = (revision != self.revision or has_new_model)
# reload the model if it changed
if has_new_model:
#self.revision = revision
print 'initializing...'
self.modTime = project.modelTime
# read image to segment
basepath = Paths.TrainGrayscale if task.purpose == 0 else Paths.ValidGrayscale
path = '%s/%s.tif'%(basepath, task.id)
#success, image = Utility.get_image_padded(path, project.patchSize ) #model.get_patch_size())
print 'segment - path:', path
print 'priority - ', task.segmentationPriority
# perform segmentation
Utility.report_status('segmenting %s'%(task.id),'')
#probs = self.model.predict( path )
#probs = self.model.classify( image )
# serialize to file
segPath = '%s/%s.%s.seg'%(Paths.Segmentation, task.id, project.id)
#self.save_probs( probs, project.id, task.id )
self.classify_n_save( path, segPath, project )
end_time = time.clock()
duration = (end_time - start_time)
DB.finishPrediction( self.projectId, task.id, duration, self.modTime )
示例8: save_probs
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
self.save_probs( prob, segPath)
# save probability map
def save_probs(self, data, path):
output = StringIO.StringIO()
content = output.getvalue()
encoded = base64.b64encode(content)
compressed = zlib.compress(encoded)
with open(path, 'w') as outfile:
manager = None
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
if manager is not None:
# Entry point to the main function of the program.
if __name__ == '__main__':
print sys.argv
Utility.report_status('running prediction module', '')
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
manager = Prediction()
Manager.start( sys.argv, manager )
示例9: load_validation
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def load_validation(self):
# retrieve the list of training images
# (annotated images)
valid_new = len(self.entries_valid) > 0
print 'valid_new: ', valid_new
images = DB.getImages( self.project.id, purpose=1, new=valid_new, annotated=True )
# bailout if there's no images to train.
if len(images) == 0:
# determine the maximum number of samples to draw
# from each image
n_samples_per_image = Data.MaxSamples/len(images)
print '#n_samples_per_image:', n_samples_per_image
print '#images:', len(images)
entries = []
# Load training samples for each image.
for image in images:
Utility.report_status( 'loading validation image', image.id)
print 'ttime:', image.trainingTime
print 'atime:', image.annotationTime
print 'tstat:', image.trainingStatus
offset = len( entries )
# generate samples for the image
#data = self.gen_samples( project, image.id, n_samples_per_image )
data = self.gen_samples( Paths.ValidGrayscale, self.project, image.id, n_samples_per_image )
x_data = data[0]
y_data = data[1]
n_data = len( y_data )
# skip if no annotations found
if n_data == 0:
# add sample to the training set
if offset == 0:
x = x_data
y = y_data
p = np.ones( n_data, dtype=np.int )
x = np.vstack( (x, x_data) )
y = np.hstack( (y, y_data) )
p = np.hstack( (p, np.ones( n_data, dtype=np.int )) )
# keep track of each image's data in an entry for
# easier replacement.
entries.append( Entry( image.id, offset, n_data ) )
Utility.report_status('x', '(%d bytes)'%(x.nbytes))
Utility.report_status('y', '(%d bytes)'%(y.nbytes))
# bailout if no entries found
if len(entries) == 0:
Utility.report_status('Fetching new data', 'None Found')
Utility.report_status( 'Loading new data', 'please wait')
# bailout if no current entries
if len(self.entries_valid) > 0:
#append old entries after the new entries
offset = len(y)
print entries[-1].name, entries[-1].offset, entries[-1].length
mask = np.ones( len(self.y_valid), dtype=bool)
names = [ e.name for e in entries ]
for entry in self.entries_valid:
if entry.name in names:
mask[ entry.offset : entry.offset+entry.length ] = False
entry.offset = offset
offset += entry.length
entries.append( entry )
print entry.name, entry.offset, entry.length
x_keep = self.x_valid[ mask ]
y_keep = self.y_valid[ mask ]
p_keep = self.p_valid[ mask ]
x = np.vstack( (x, x_keep) )
y = np.hstack( (y, y_keep) )
p = np.hstack( (p, p_keep) )
if len( np.unique( y ) ) <= 1:
print 'not enough labels specified...'
示例10: load_training
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def load_training(self):
# retrieve the list of training images
# (annotated images)
first_time = (len(self.entries) == 0)
images = DB.getTrainingImages( self.project.id, new=(not first_time) )
imgs = DB.getImages( self.project.id )
# bailout if there's no images to train.
if len(images) == 0:
# determine the maximum number of samples to draw
# from each image
n_samples_per_image = Data.MaxSamples/len(images)
print '#n_samples_per_image:', n_samples_per_image
print '#images:', len(images)
entries = []
# Load training samples for each image.
for image in images:
Utility.report_status( 'loading', image.id)
print 'ttime:', image.trainingTime
print 'atime:', image.annotationTime
print 'tstat:', image.trainingStatus
offset = len( entries )
# generate samples for the image
#data = self.gen_samples( project, image.id, n_samples_per_image )
data = self.gen_samples( Paths.TrainGrayscale, self.project, image.id, n_samples_per_image )
x_data = data[0]
y_data = data[1]
n_data = len( y_data )
print 'wmean:', data[2], 'wstd:', data[3], 'mean:', self.project.mean, 'std:', self.project.std
# skip if no annotations found
if n_data == 0:
# add sample to the training set
if offset == 0:
x = x_data
y = y_data
p = np.ones( n_data, dtype=np.int )
x = np.vstack( (x, x_data) )
y = np.hstack( (y, y_data) )
p = np.hstack( (p, np.ones( n_data, dtype=np.int )) )
# keep track of each image's data in an entry for
# easier replacement.
entries.append( Entry( image.id, offset, n_data ) )
Utility.report_status('x', '(%d bytes)'%(x.nbytes))
Utility.report_status('y', '(%d bytes)'%(y.nbytes))
# bailout if no entries found
if len(entries) == 0:
Utility.report_status('Fetching new data', 'None Found')
Utility.report_status( 'Loading new data', 'please wait')
# bailout if no current entries
if len(self.entries) > 0:
#append old entries after the new entries
offset = len(y)
print entries[-1].name, entries[-1].offset, entries[-1].length
mask = np.ones( len(self.y), dtype=bool)
names = [ e.name for e in entries ]
for entry in self.entries:
if entry.name in names:
mask[ entry.offset : entry.offset+entry.length ] = False
entry.offset = offset
offset += entry.length
entries.append( entry )
print entry.name, entry.offset, entry.length
x_keep = self.x[ mask ]
y_keep = self.y[ mask ]
p_keep = self.p[ mask ]
x = np.vstack( (x, x_keep) )
y = np.hstack( (y, y_keep) )
p = np.hstack( (p, p_keep) )
if len( np.unique( y ) ) <= 1:
示例11: aload
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def aload(self, project):
self.projecft = project
train_new = len(self.entries) > 0
images = DB.getImages( project.id, purpose=0, new=train_new)
out = self.load_data(
self.x = out[0]
self.y = out[1]
self.p = out[2]
self.entries = out[3]
n_samples = len(self.y)
self.i = np.arange( n_samples )
self.n_superbatch = int(n_samples/(Data.TrainSuperBatchSize + Data.ValidSuperBatchSize))
self.i_randomize = 0
self.data_changed = True
self.i_train = []
self.avg_losses = []
self.last_avg_loss = 0
if n_samples > 0:
Utility.report_status('---------training---------', '')
Utility.report_status('x shape','(%d,%d)'%(self.x.shape[0], self.x.shape[1]))
Utility.report_status('y shape','(%d)'%(self.x.shape[0]))
Utility.report_status('x memory', '(%d bytes)'%(self.x.nbytes))
Utility.report_status('y memory', '(%d bytes)'%(self.y.nbytes))
print 'min:', np.min( self.x )
print 'max:', np.max( self.x )
print 'uy:', np.unique( self.y )
print 'x:', self.x[:5]
print 'y:', self.y[:5]
valid_new = len(self.entries_valid) > 0
images = DB.getImages( project.id, purpose=1, new=valid_new )
out = self.load_data(
self.x_valid = out[0]
self.y_valid = out[1]
self.p_valid = out[2]
self.entries_valid = out[3]
n_samples = len(self.y_valid)
self.i_valid = np.arange( n_samples )
if n_samples > 0:
Utility.report_status('---------validation---------', '')
Utility.report_status('x shape','(%d,%d)'%(self.x_valid.shape[0], self.x_valid.shape[1]))
Utility.report_status('y shape','(%d)'%(self.x_valid.shape[0]))
Utility.report_status('x memory', '(%d bytes)'%(self.x_valid.nbytes))
Utility.report_status('y memory', '(%d bytes)'%(self.y_valid.nbytes))
print 'min:', np.min( self.x_valid )
print 'max:', np.max( self.x_valid )
print 'uy:', np.unique( self.y_valid )
print 'x:', self.x_valid[:5]
print 'y:', self.y_valid[:5]
DB.finishLoadingTrainingset( project.id )
示例12: predict
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def predict(self):
Utility.report_status('starting prediction', '')
msg = 'loading prediction data'
if not self.datasets.load_test():
Utility.report_status( msg, 'fail')
return False
Utility.report_status( msg, 'done' )
self.report( 'test set x', \
self.report( 'test set y', \
path = '%s/best_model.pkl'%(self.settings.params)
msg = 'loading best model'
if not os.path.exists(path):
Utility.report_status( msg, 'fail' )
return False
n_hidden = self.settings.n_hidden
n_classes = self.datasets.n_classes
n_features = self.datasets.n_features
w_val = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n_features, n_hidden))
b_val = np.zeros( n_hidden )
w = theano.shared(value=w_val, name='W', borrow=True)
b = theano.shared(value=b_val, name='b', borrow=True)
save_file = open(path)
w_val, b_val = cPickle.load(save_file)
#cPickle.load(save_file), borrow=True)
#cPickle.load(save_file), borrow=True)
print 'w:', w.shape.eval()
print 'b:', b.shape.eval()
Utility.report_status( msg, 'done' )
test_set_x = self.datasets.test_set_x
test_set_y = self.datasets.test_set_y
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
# Step 1. Declare Theano variables
x = T.fmatrix()
y = T.ivector()
index = T.iscalar()
path = '%s/%s'%(self.settings.models, 'best_model_mlp.pkl')
print 'loading %'%(path)
classifier = MLP_Ex( path )
if True:
return True
classifier = MLP(
classifier.params = []
classifier.params.extend([ w, b ])
predict_model = theano.function(
x: test_set_x,
y: test_set_y
predicted_values = predict_model( 1 )
print 'size predicted:', len( predicted_values )
msg = 'image segmentation'
Utility.report_status( msg, 'done' )
return True
示例13: len
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
print 'path:', path
print 'images:'
print [img.id for img in images]
if len(images) == 0:
return x_out, y_out, p_out, entries_out
# determine the maximum number of samples to draw
# from each image
n_samples_per_image = Data.MaxSamples/len(images)
entries = []
for image in images:
Utility.report_status( 'loading', image.id)
print 'ttime:', image.trainingTime
print 'atime:', image.annotationTime
print 'tstat:', image.trainingStatus
offset = len( entries )
# generate samples for the image
data = self.gen_samples( path, project, image.id, n_samples_per_image )
x_data = data[0]
y_data = data[1]
n_data = len( y_data )
# skip if no annotations found
if n_data == 0:
示例14: train_online
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
updates = gradient_updates_momentum(cost, self.params, lr, m)
train_model = theano.function(inputs=[index], outputs=cost,
x: train_set_x[index * batchSize:(index + 1) * batchSize],
y: train_set_y[index * batchSize:(index + 1) * batchSize],
lr: lr_shared,
m: m_shared})
print '... training'
print 'self.best_validation_loss:', self.best_validation_loss
best_iter = 0
validation_frequency = 1
start_time = time.clock()
elapsed_time = 0
iter = 0
minibatch_avg_costs = []
minibatch_index = 0
#while (elapsed_time < self.trainTime)\
# and (minibatch_index<n_train_batches)\
# and (not self.done):
while (minibatch_index<n_train_batches) and (not self.done):
if (elapsed_time >= self.trainTime):
train_cost = train_model(minibatch_index)
# test the trained samples against the target
# values to measure the training performance
i = minibatch_index
probs = predict_samples(minibatch_index)
#print 'probs:', probs.shape
i_batch = data.i_train[ i * batchSize:(i+1)*batchSize ]
data.p[ i_batch ] = probs
good = np.where( probs == 0)[0]
bad = np.where( probs == 1)[0]
print 'bad:', len(bad)
print 'good:', len(good)
#print probs
#print '----->traincost:', type(train_cost), train_cost
iter += 1
#iter = (epoch - 1) * n_train_batches + minibatch_index
if (iter + 1) % validation_frequency == 0 and valid_samples > 0:
validation_losses = np.array([validate_model(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)])
this_validation_loss = numpy.sum(validation_losses) * 100.0 / valid_samples
elapsed_time = time.clock() - start_time
print this_validation_loss, '/', self.best_validation_loss
data.add_validation_loss( this_validation_loss )
# if we got the best validation score until now
if this_validation_loss < self.best_validation_loss:
self.best_validation_loss = this_validation_loss
best_iter = iter
print "New best score!"
# advance to next mini batch
minibatch_index += 1
# update elapsed time
elapsed_time = time.clock() - start_time
if valid_samples == 0:
probs = predict_samples()
data.p[ data.i_train ] = probs
elapsed_time = time.clock() - start_time
msg = 'The code an for'
status = '%f seconds' % (elapsed_time)
Utility.report_status( msg, status )
print 'done...'
示例15: report
# 需要导入模块: from utility import Utility [as 别名]
# 或者: from utility.Utility import report_status [as 别名]
def report(self):
Utility.report_status('learning rate', "%s"%self.learning_rate)
Utility.report_status('hidden units', "%s"%self.n_hidden)
Utility.report_status('sample_size', "%s"%self.sample_size)