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Python Logutil.debug方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中util.Logutil.debug方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Logutil.debug方法的具体用法?Python Logutil.debug怎么用?Python Logutil.debug使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在util.Logutil的用法示例。


示例1: readImagePlacing

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def readImagePlacing(self, imagePlacingName, tree):

		#fileTypeForRow = None
		fileTypeForRows = tree.findall('ImagePlacing/fileTypeFor')

		fileTypeForRow = next((element for element in fileTypeForRows if element.attrib.get('name') == imagePlacingName), None)
		if fileTypeForRow is None:
			Logutil.log('Configuration error. ImagePlacing/fileTypeFor %s does not exist in config.xml' % str(imagePlacingName), util.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
			return None, util.localize(32005)

		imagePlacing = ImagePlacing()

		imagePlacing.name = imagePlacingName

		for attr in ['fileTypesForGameList', 'fileTypesForGameListSelected',
					 'fileTypesForMainView1', 'fileTypesForMainView2', 'fileTypesForMainView3',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewBackground', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoBig',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpperLeft', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpperRight',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLowerLeft', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLowerRight',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLower', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoUpper',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoRight', 'fileTypesForMainViewGameInfoLeft',
					 'fileTypesForMainViewVideoWindowBig', 'fileTypesForMainViewVideoWindowSmall',
			# Hack - class attribute fileTypesForXXX doesn't match XML key fileTypeForXXX
			val = self.readFileTypeForElement(fileTypeForRow, attr.replace('fileTypesFor', 'fileTypeFor'), tree)
			log.debug("Reading imageplacing for {0}: {1}".format(attr, val))
			setattr(imagePlacing, attr, val)

		return imagePlacing, ''

示例2: get_scraper_by_name

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def get_scraper_by_name(self, sname):
		"""Given a scraper name, returns the scraper class

			sname: Name of the scraper, e.g. thegamesdb.net or MAME

			ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException: No scraper matches the name

			target = self.scrapers[sname]
		except KeyError as e:
			raise ConfigScraperSiteDoesNotExistException("Unsupported scraper: {0}".format(sname))

		log.debug("Instantiating scraper class {0} - {1}".format(sname, target))
			module = __import__(target.lower())
			class_ = getattr(module, target)
			instance = class_()
		except ImportError:
			log.error("Unable to find scraper {0}".format(sname))

		return instance

示例3: insertFile

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def insertFile(self, fileName, gameId, fileType, romCollectionId, publisherId, developerId):
        log.debug("Begin Insert file: %s" % fileName)

        parentId = None

        # TODO console and romcollection could be done only once per RomCollection
        # fileTypeRow[3] = parent
        if fileType.parent == 'game':
            parentId = gameId
        elif fileType.parent == 'romcollection':
            parentId = romCollectionId
        elif fileType.parent == 'publisher':
            parentId = publisherId
        elif fileType.parent == 'developer':
            parentId = developerId

        log.info("Inserting file with parent {0} (type {1})".format(parentId, fileType.parent))

        fileRow = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndTypeAndParent(fileName, fileType.id, parentId)
        if fileRow is None:
            log.info("File does not exist in database. Insert file: %s" % fileName)
            f = File(self.gdb)
                f.insert((fileName, fileType.id, parentId))
            except Exception, (exc):
                log.warn("Error inserting into database: %s" % fileName)

示例4: __checkGameHasSaveStates

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def __checkGameHasSaveStates(self, gameRow, filenameRows):

		if self.romCollection.saveStatePath == '':
			log.debug("No save state path set")
			return ''

		rom = filenameRows[0][0]
		saveStatePath = self.__replacePlaceholdersInParams(self.romCollection.saveStatePath, rom, gameRow)

		saveStateFiles = glob.glob(saveStatePath)

		if len(saveStateFiles) == 0:
			log.debug("No save state files found")
			return ''

		log.info('saveStateFiles found: ' + str(saveStateFiles))

		# don't select savestatefile if ASKNUM is requested in Params
		if re.search('(?i)%ASKNUM%', self.romCollection.saveStateParams):
			return saveStateFiles[0]

		options = [util.localize(32165)]
		for f in saveStateFiles:
		selectedFile = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(util.localize(32166), options)
		# If selections is canceled or "Don't launch statefile" option
		if selectedFile < 1:
			return ''

		return saveStateFiles[selectedFile - 1]

示例5: add_romfiles_to_db

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
 def add_romfiles_to_db(self, romFiles, gameId):
     for romFile in romFiles:
         log.debug("Adding romfile to DB: %s" % romFile)
         fileType = FileType()
         fileType.id, fileType.name, fileType.parent = 0, "rcb_rom", "game"
         self.insertFile(romFile, gameId, fileType, None, None, None)
         del fileType

示例6: retrieve

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def retrieve(self, gameid, platform=None):

        result = {}

        tree = ET.ElementTree()
        if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
            parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
            parser = ET.XMLParser()

        tree.parse(self._get_xml_path(), parser)

        #gameid is the exact name of the game used in element <description>
        game = tree.find('.//game[description="%s"]'%gameid)

        # Standard fields
        for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
            # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a
            # list, even if only one value is in that list
                result[k] = [game.find(v).text]
            # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use:
            # result[k] = game.find(v).text
            except Exception as e:
                # Typically this result doesn't have this field
                log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k))

        # Custom fields
        result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game)

        return result

示例7: add_genres_to_db

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
 def add_genres_to_db(self, genreIds, gameId):
     # If the genre-game link doesn't exist in the DB, create it
     for genreId in genreIds:
         genreGame = GenreGame(self.gdb).getGenreGameByGenreIdAndGameId(genreId, gameId)
         if genreGame is None:
             log.debug("Inserting link between game %s and genre %s" % (str(gameId), str(genreId)))
             GenreGame(self.gdb).insert((genreId, gameId))
         del genreGame

示例8: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def __init__(self):
		self.env = (os.environ.get("OS", "win32"), "win32", )[os.environ.get("OS", "win32") == "xbox"]
		log.debug("Running environment detected as {0}".format(self.env))

		# Do we need to escape commands before executing?
		self.escapeCmd = __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_ESCAPECOMMAND).upper() == 'TRUE'

		self.romCollection = None

示例9: open_xml_url

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def open_xml_url(self, **kwargs):
        log.info('Retrieving url %s, params = %s' %(kwargs['url'], kwargs['params']))

        r = requests.get(kwargs['url'], headers=self._headers, params=kwargs['params'])

        log.debug(u"Retrieving {0} as XML - HTTP{1}".format(r.url, r.status_code))

        # Need to ensure we are sending back Unicode text
        return r.text.encode('utf-8')

示例10: checkRomfileAlreadyExists

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def checkRomfileAlreadyExists(self, filename, enableFullReimport):

        isUpdate = False
        gameId = None
        log.debug("Checking if file already exists in DB: %s" % filename)
        romFile = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndType(filename, 0)
        if romFile is not None:
            isUpdate = True
            gameId = romFile[3]  # FIXME TODO Replace with FILE_parentId
            log.info("File '%s' already exists in database." % filename)
            log.info("Always rescan imported games = {0}".format(enableFullReimport))
            if enableFullReimport is False:
                log.info("Won't scrape this game again. Set 'Always rescan imported games' to True to force scraping.")
                return False, isUpdate, gameId
            log.debug("Couldn't find file in DB")

        return True, isUpdate, gameId

示例11: _parse_search_results

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def _parse_search_results(self, response):
		results = []

		""" response is expected to be a JSON object """
		log.debug("Parsing response for search results: {0}".format(response))

		if len(response["games"]) == 0:
			log.warn("No results found")
			return results

		for result in response['games']:
			results.append({'id': result['game_id'],
							'title': result['title'],
							'releaseDate': "",    # MobyGames search doesn't return a year in brief mode
							'SearchKey': [result['title']]})

		log.debug("Found {0} results using requests JSON parser: {1}".format(len(results), results))

		return results

示例12: resolveParseResult

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName):

		resultValue = ""

			resultValue = result[itemName][0]
			resultValue = util.html_unescape(resultValue)
			resultValue = resultValue.strip()
			# unescape ugly html encoding from websites
			resultValue = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(resultValue)

		except Exception as e:
			# log.warn("Error while resolving item: " + itemName + " : " + str(exc))
			log.warn("Error while resolving item: {0} : {1} {2}".format(itemName, type(e), str(e)))

			log.debug("Result " + itemName + " = " + resultValue)

		return resultValue

示例13: addNewElements

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def addNewElements(self, results, newResults):
        """ Add fields from the results to the existing set of results, adding if new, replacing if empty. This allows
		us to add fields from subsequent site scrapes that were missing or not available in previous sites.

			results: Existing results dict from previous scrapes
			newResults: Result dict from most recent scrape

			Updated dict of result fields
            log.debug("Before merging results: %s vs %s" % (results.items(), newResults.items()))
            # Retain any existing key values that aren't an empty list, overwrite all others
            z = dict(newResults.items() + dict((k, v) for k, v in results.iteritems() if len(v) > 0).items())
            log.debug("After merging results: %s" % z.items())
            return z
        except Exception as e:
            # Return original results without doing anything
            log.warn("Error when merging results: %s" % e)
            return results

示例14: __copyLauncherScriptsToUserdata

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
	def __copyLauncherScriptsToUserdata(self):

		oldBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonInstallPath(), 'resources', 'scriptfiles')
		newBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonDataPath(), 'scriptfiles')

		files = []
		# Copy applaunch shell script/batch file
		if self.env == 'win32':

		# Copy VBS files
		if self.env == 'win32' and __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_USEVBINSOLOMODE).lower() == 'true':
			files += ['applaunch-vbs.bat', 'LaunchKodi.vbs', 'Sleep.vbs']

		for f in files:
			if not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
				log.debug("Copying file {0} from {1} to {2}".format(f, oldBasePath, newBasePath))
				if not xbmcvfs.copy(os.path.join(oldBasePath, f), os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
					log.warn("Error copying file")

示例15: open_json_url

# 需要导入模块: from util import Logutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from util.Logutil import debug [as 别名]
    def open_json_url(self, **kwargs):
        log.info('Retrieving url %s, params = %s' %(kwargs['url'], kwargs['params']))
            r = requests.get(kwargs['url'], headers=self._headers, params=kwargs['params'])
        except ValueError as e:
            # Typically non-JSON response
            raise ScraperUnexpectedContentException("Non-JSON response received")

        log.debug(u"Retrieving {0} as JSON - HTTP{1}".format(r.url, r.status_code))

        if r.status_code == 401:
            # Mobygames and GiantBomb send a 401 if the API key is invalid
            raise ScraperUnauthorisedException("Invalid API key sent")

        if r.status_code == 429:
            raise ScraperExceededAPIQuoteException("Scraper exceeded API key limits")

        if r.status_code == 500:
            raise ScraperWebsiteUnavailableException("Website unavailable")

        return r.json()
