本文整理汇总了Python中ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.project.ProjectManager类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ProjectManager类的具体用法?Python ProjectManager怎么用?Python ProjectManager使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: load_project
def load_project(self, fname):
file = File(fname)
print 'Loading project file: ', file.getAbsolutePath()
pm = ProjectManager()
project = pm.loadProject(file)
print pm.status()
return project
示例2: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
assert(project.simulationParameters.getTemperature()- 6.3<=1e-6)
defSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration")
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例3: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
#assert(project.proj3Dproperties.getDisplayOption() == Display3DProperties.DISPLAY_SOMA_SOLID_NEURITE_LINE)
assert(abs(project.simulationParameters.getTemperature() - 10) < 1e-6)
assert(not project.neuronSettings.isVarTimeStep())
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例4: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from " + projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
assert len(project.getProjectDescription()) > 0
assert len(project.cellManager.getAllCells()) >= 22
assert len(project.cellGroupsInfo.getAllCellGroupNames()) >= 6
assert project.proj3Dproperties.getDisplayOption() == Display3DProperties.DISPLAY_SOMA_SOLID_NEURITE_LINE
assert project.simulationParameters.getDt() - 0.025 <= 1e-6
assert not project.neuronSettings.isVarTimeStep()
assert project.neuronSettings.getDataSaveFormat().equals(NeuronSettings.DataSaveFormat.TEXT_NC)
assert project.simulationParameters.getTemperature() == 34
sci = project.simConfigInfo
cgi = project.cellGroupsInfo
assert cgi.getCellType("Channeltestgroup") == "Channeltest_Cell"
assert cgi.getCellType("CMLtestGroup") == "CMLtest_Cell"
assert cgi.getCellType("pyr_group") == "LarkumPyr"
assert cgi.getCellType("pyrCML_group") == "LarkumPyr_NML"
sci.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration").getCellGroups(), ["Channeltestgroup", "CMLtestGroup"]
arrayListsIdentical(sci.getSimConfig("test_IClamp").getCellGroups(), ["pyr_group", "pyrCML_group"])
arrayListsIdentical(sci.getSimConfig("background activity").getCellGroups(), ["pyr_group"])
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self, pconf):
configDict = pconf.parse_project_data()
self.pconf = pconf
self.logger = pconf.get_logger("neurosim")
self.proj_path = self.pconf.local_path(configDict["proj_path"])
self.pm = ProjectManager()
projFile = File(self.proj_path)
self.sim_timeout = self.pconf.get_float("sim_timeout", "Simulation")
self.myProject = self.pm.loadProject(projFile)
self.simConfig = self.myProject.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig(self.pconf.get("sim_config", "Simulation"))
示例6: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
#assert(project.proj3Dproperties.getDisplayOption() == Display3DProperties.DISPLAY_SOMA_SOLID_NEURITE_LINE)
assert(abs(project.simulationParameters.getTemperature() - 6.3) < 1e-6)
assert(not project.neuronSettings.isVarTimeStep())
defSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration")
assert(str(defSimConfig.getCellGroups())=='[baskets, pyramidals]')
smallNetSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("SmallNetwork")
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例7: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
assert(project.simulationParameters.getTemperature() == 34)
sci = project.simConfigInfo
cgi = project.cellGroupsInfo
assert(cgi.getCellType("Channeltestgroup") == "Channeltest_Cell")
assert(cgi.getCellType("CMLtestGroup") == "CMLtest_Cell")
assert(cgi.getCellType("pyr_group") == "LarkumPyr")
assert(cgi.getCellType("pyrCML_group") == "LarkumPyr_NML")
arrayListsIdentical(sci.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration").getCellGroups(), ["Channeltestgroup", "CMLtestGroup"])
arrayListsIdentical(sci.getSimConfig("test_IClamp").getCellGroups(), ["pyr_group", "pyrCML_group"])
arrayListsIdentical(sci.getSimConfig("background activity").getCellGroups(), ["pyr_group"])
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例8: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
#assert(project.proj3Dproperties.getDisplayOption() == Display3DProperties.DISPLAY_SOMA_SOLID_NEURITE_LINE)
assert(abs(project.simulationParameters.getTemperature() - 6.3) < 1e-6)
assert(not project.neuronSettings.isVarTimeStep())
defSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration")
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例9: quit
except ImportError:
print "Note: this file should be run using ..\\nC.bat -python XXX.py' or './nC.sh -python XXX.py'"
print "See http://www.neuroconstruct.org/docs/python.html for more details"
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.project import ProjectManager
from math import *
# Load an existing neuroConstruct project
projFile = File("TestPython/TestPython.neuro.xml")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", exists: " + str(projFile.exists())
pm = ProjectManager()
myProject = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + myProject.getProjectName()
# Add a number of cells to the generatedCellPositions, connections to generatedNetworkConnections
# and electrical inputs to generatedElecInputs
numCells = 12
for i in range(0, numCells):
x = 100 * sin(i * 2 * pi / numCells)
y = 100 * cos(i * 2 * pi / numCells)
myProject.generatedCellPositions.addPosition("SampleCellGroup", i, x, y, 0)
if i != numCells - 1:
myProject.generatedNetworkConnections.addSynapticConnection("NC1", i, i + 1)
示例10: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# Load an existing neuroConstruct project
projFile = File("../CElegans.ncx")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", exists: " + str(projFile.exists())
pm = ProjectManager()
project = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + project.getProjectName()
defSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getDefaultSimConfig()
cellsOnlySimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("CellsOnly")
pharyngealSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("PharyngealNeurons")
expectedNumberCells = 302
print "\n----- Test 1: Check number of cells in sim config " + defSimConfig.getName() + "..."
pm.doGenerate(defSimConfig.getName(), 1234)
while pm.isGenerating():
print "Waiting for the project to be generated with Simulation Configuration: " + str(defSimConfig)
numGenerated = project.generatedCellPositions.getNumberInAllCellGroups()
print "Number of cells generated: " + str(numGenerated)
assert numGenerated == expectedNumberCells
print "Correct number of cells generated!"
print "\n---- Test 2: number of cells in sim config " + cellsOnlySimConfig.getName() + "..."
pm.doGenerate(cellsOnlySimConfig.getName(), 1234)
while pm.isGenerating():
print "Waiting for the project to be generated with Simulation Configuration: " + str(cellsOnlySimConfig)
numGenerated = project.generatedCellPositions.getNumberInAllCellGroups()
print "Number of cells generated: " + str(numGenerated)
assert numGenerated == expectedNumberCells
print "Correct number of cells generated!"
filename = "../../CElegansNeuronTables.xls"
print "\n---- Test 3: confirm settings in project match those in " + filename + "..."
from xlrd import open_workbook
rb = open_workbook(filename)
print "Opened Excel file: " + filename
confirmed = 0
prefix = "NCXLS_"
for row in range(1, rb.sheet_by_index(0).nrows):
pre = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row, 0).value
post = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row, 1).value
syntype = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row, 2).value
num = int(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row, 3).value)
synclass = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row, 4).value
# print "------------------------------------------\nConnection %i has %i from %s to %s (type: %s, synapse: %s)" %(row, num, pre, post, syntype, synclass)
netConnName = prefix + pre + "_" + post
if "GapJunction" in syntype:
netConnName = netConnName + "_GJ"
src = project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getSourceCellGroup(netConnName)
tgt = project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getTargetCellGroup(netConnName)
if not (src == pre and tgt == post):
print "------------------------------------------\nConnection %i has %i from %s to %s (type: %s, synapse: %s)" % (
print "*** Couldn't find connection: %s, src: %s, tgt: %s" % (netConnName, src, tgt)
assert src == pre
assert tgt == post
if src == tgt:
print "------------------------------------------\nConnection %i has %i from %s to %s (type: %s, synapse: %s)" % (
示例11: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# Load an existing neuroConstruct project
projFile = File("../CElegans.ncx")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath()+", exists: "+ str(projFile.exists())
pm = ProjectManager()
project = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + project.getProjectName()
defSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getDefaultSimConfig()
cellsOnlySimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("CellsOnly")
pharyngealSimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("PharyngealNeurons")
mdl08SimConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("MDL08Connections")
expectedNumberCells = 302
print "\n----- Test 1: Check number of cells in sim config "+defSimConfig.getName()+"..."
pm.doGenerate(defSimConfig.getName(), 1234)
while pm.isGenerating():
print "Waiting for the project to be generated with Simulation Configuration: "+str(defSimConfig)
numGenerated = project.generatedCellPositions.getNumberInAllCellGroups()
print "Number of cells generated: " + str(numGenerated)
assert numGenerated == expectedNumberCells
print "Correct number of cells generated!"
print "\n---- Test 2: number of cells in sim config "+cellsOnlySimConfig.getName()+"..."
pm.doGenerate(cellsOnlySimConfig.getName(), 1234)
while pm.isGenerating():
print "Waiting for the project to be generated with Simulation Configuration: "+str(cellsOnlySimConfig)
numGenerated = project.generatedCellPositions.getNumberInAllCellGroups()
print "Number of cells generated: " + str(numGenerated)
assert numGenerated == expectedNumberCells
print "Correct number of cells generated!"
filename = "../../CElegansNeuronTables.xls"
print "\n---- Test 3: confirm settings in project match those in "+filename+"..."
from xlrd import open_workbook
rb = open_workbook(filename)
print "Opened Excel file: "+ filename
confirmed = 0
prefix = "NCXLS_"
for row in range(1,rb.sheet_by_index(0).nrows):
pre = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,0).value
post = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,1).value
syntype = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,2).value
num = int(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,3).value)
synclass = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,4).value
#print "------------------------------------------\nConnection %i has %i from %s to %s (type: %s, synapse: %s)" %(row, num, pre, post, syntype, synclass)
netConnName = prefix+pre+"_"+post
if "GapJunction" in syntype:
netConnName = netConnName + "_GJ"
src = project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getSourceCellGroup(netConnName)
tgt = project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getTargetCellGroup(netConnName)
synlist = project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getSynapseList(netConnName)
#print synlist
assert synclass == synlist[0].getSynapseType()
if '_GJ' in synclass and synclass != 'Generic_GJ':
print "Only allowed gap junction synapse is Generic_GJ, not "+synclass
assert synclass == 'Generic_GJ'
示例12: quit
except ImportError:
print "Note: this file should be run using ..\\nC.bat -python XXX.py' or './nC.sh -python XXX.py'"
print "See http://www.neuroconstruct.org/docs/python.html for more details"
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.project import ProjectManager
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.project import SimConfig
from math import *
from random import *
# Load an existing neuroConstruct project
projFile = File("../../CElegans.ncx")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath()+", exists: "+ str(projFile.exists())
pm = ProjectManager()
project = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + project.getProjectName()
newSimConfig = "MDL08Connections"
newSimConfigDesc = "Generates a subset of the CElegans neural system consisting of the MDL08 muscle and motor neurons which connect to it. See https://github.com/openworm/OpenWorm/issues/53"
cells = ["AS1", "AS2", "DA1", "DA2", "DB1", "DD1", "SMDDL", "SMDDR", "MDL08"]
simConfig = SimConfig(newSimConfig, newSimConfigDesc)
示例13: File
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.gui.plotter import PlotManager
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.gui.plotter import PlotCanvas
from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.dataset import DataSet
from math import *
import time
import shutil
import random
import os
import subprocess
# Load the original project
projName = "LarkumEtAl2009"
projFile = File("/home/matteo/neuroConstruct/models/"+projName+"/"+projName+".ncx")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath()+", exists: "+ str(projFile.exists())
pm = ProjectManager()
myProject = pm.loadProject(projFile)
simConfig = myProject.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig("Default Simulation Configuration")#
randomseed = random.randint(1000,5000)
pm.doGenerate(simConfig.getName(), randomseed)
while pm.isGenerating():
print "Waiting for the project to be generated..."
numGenerated = myProject.generatedCellPositions.getNumberInAllCellGroups()
simsRunning = []
def updateSimsRunning():
simsFinished = []
for sim in simsRunning:
timeFile = File(myProject.getProjectMainDirectory(), "simulations/"+sim+"/time.dat")
#print "Checking file: "+timeFile.getAbsolutePath() +", exists: "+ str(timeFile.exists())
示例14: testAll
def testAll(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
print "Loading project from "+ projFile.getCanonicalPath()
projectManager = ProjectManager()
project = projectManager.loadProject(projFile)
synSetupFile = open("netbuild/makeSyns.sh", 'r')
for line in synSetupFile:
line = line.strip()
if len(line)>0 and not line.startswith("#"):
words = line.split()
if len(words)>=6 and words[2].startswith("Syn_"):
synName = words[2]
cm = project.cellMechanismInfo.getCellMechanism(synName)
print "Checked syn %s"%cm.getInstanceName()
netConnList = open("netbuild/netConnList", 'r')
for line in netConnList:
line = line.strip()
if len(line)>0 and not line.startswith("#"):
#print "\n\n---- Deciphering line: "+ line
words = line.split()
source = words[0]
target = words[1]
syns = words[2].strip("[]").split(",")
netConnName = "NC3D_"+source[5:]+"_"+target[5:]
assert(source == project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getSourceCellGroup(netConnName))
assert(target == project.morphNetworkConnectionsInfo.getTargetCellGroup(netConnName))
print "Checked %s"%netConnName
assert(project.proj3Dproperties.getDisplayOption() == Display3DProperties.DISPLAY_SOMA_SOLID_NEURITE_LINE)
assert(not project.neuronSettings.isVarTimeStep())
assert(not project.genesisSettings.isSymmetricCompartments())
print "\n**************************************"
print " All tests passed!"
print "**************************************\n"
示例15: runColumnSimulation
def runColumnSimulation(simConfig= "TempSimConfig",
simDuration = 100,
simDt = 0.025,
neuroConstructSeed = 1234,
simulatorSeed = 1234,
simulators = ["NEURON"],
simRefPrefix = "Net_",
suggestedRemoteRunTime = 120,
defaultSynapticDelay = 0.05,
mpiConf = MpiSettings.LOCAL_SERIAL,
scaleCortex = 0.1,
scaleThalamus = 0,
gabaScaling = 1,
l4ssAmpaScaling = 1,
l5PyrGapScaling = 1,
inNrtTcrNmdaScaling = 1,
pyrSsNmdaScaling = 1,
deepBiasCurrent = -1,
maxElecLenFRB = 0.01,
maxElecLenRS = 0.01,
maxElecLenIN = 0.01,
maxElecLenSS = 0.01,
somaNseg = -1,
varTimestepNeuron = False,
verbose = True,
runInBackground = False):
print "Running new column simulation..."
# Full column populations
numFRB = 50 # full model: 50
numRS = 1000 # full model: 1000
numSupBask = 90 # full model: 90
numSupAxAx = 90 # full model: 90
numSupLTS = 90 # full model: 90
numL4SpinStell = 240 # full model: 240
numL5TuftIB = 800 # full model: 800
numL5TuftRS = 200 # full model: 200
numDeepBask = 100 # full model: 100
numDeepAxAx = 100 # full model: 100
numDeepLTS = 100 # full model: 100
numL6NonTuftRS = 500 # full model: 500
numTCR = 100 # full model: 100
numnRT = 100 # full model: 100
### Load neuroConstruct project
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime.now()
print "Loading project %s from at %s " % (projFile.getCanonicalPath(),start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
pm = ProjectManager()
project = pm.loadProject(projFile)
### Set duration & timestep & simulation configuration
simConfig = project.simConfigInfo.getSimConfig(simConfig)
### Set simulation reference
index = 0
simRef = "%s%i"%(simRefPrefix,index)
while File( "%s/simulations/%s_N"%(project.getProjectMainDirectory().getCanonicalPath(), simRef)).exists():
simRef = "%s%i"%(simRefPrefix,index)
index = index+1
### Change num in each cell group
numFRB = int(scaleCortex * numFRB)
numRS = int(scaleCortex * numRS)
numSupBask = int(scaleCortex * numSupBask)
numSupAxAx = int(scaleCortex * numSupAxAx)
numSupLTS = int(scaleCortex * numSupLTS)
numL4SpinStell = int(scaleCortex * numL4SpinStell)
numL5TuftIB = int(scaleCortex * numL5TuftIB)
numL5TuftRS = int(scaleCortex * numL5TuftRS)
numDeepBask = int(scaleCortex * numDeepBask)
numDeepAxAx = int(scaleCortex * numDeepAxAx)
numDeepLTS = int(scaleCortex * numDeepLTS)