本文整理汇总了Python中theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters.load方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Parameters.load方法的具体用法?Python Parameters.load怎么用?Python Parameters.load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters
示例1: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
class Model:
Simple predictive model for forecasting words from
sequence using LSTMs. Choose how many LSTMs to stack
what size their memory should be, and how many
words can be predicted.
def __init__(self, hidden_size, input_size, vocab_size, stack_size=1, celltype=LSTM):
# core layer in RNN/LSTM
self.model = StackedCells(input_size, celltype=celltype, layers =[hidden_size] * stack_size)
# add an embedding
self.model.layers.insert(0, Embedding(vocab_size, input_size))
# add a classifier:
self.model.layers.append(Layer(hidden_size, vocab_size, activation = softmax))
self.turing_params = Parameters()
#init turing machine model
self.turing_updates , self.turing_predict = turing_model.build(self.turing_params , hidden_size , vocab_size)
# inputs are matrices of indices,
# each row is a sentence, each column a timestep
self._stop_word = theano.shared(np.int32(999999999), name="stop word")
self.for_how_long = T.ivector()
self.input_mat = T.imatrix()
self.priming_word = T.iscalar()
self.srng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(np.random.randint(0, 1024))
# create symbolic variables for prediction:
#change by darong #issue : what is greedy
self.lstm_predictions = self.create_lstm_prediction()
self.final_predictions = self.create_final_prediction()
# create symbolic variable for greedy search:
self.greedy_predictions = self.create_lstm_prediction(greedy=True)
# create gradient training functions:
self.create_cost_fun()#create 2 cost func(lstm final)
self.lstm_lr = 0.01
self.turing_lr = 0.01
self.all_lr = 0.01
self.create_training_function()#create 3 functions(lstm turing all)
self.create_predict_function()#create 2 predictions(lstm final)
# create ppl
self.lstm_ppl = self.create_lstm_ppl()
self.final_ppl = self.create_final_ppl()
def save(self, save_file, vocab):
pickle.dump(self.model, open(save_file, "wb")) # pickle is for lambda function, cPickle cannot
pickle.dump(vocab, open(save_file+'.vocab', "wb")) # pickle is for lambda function, cPickle cannot
def save_turing(self, save_file):
self.turing_params.save(save_file + '.turing')
def load(self, load_file, lr):
self.model = pickle.load(open(load_file, "rb"))
if os.path.isfile(load_file + '.turing') :
self.turing_params.load(load_file + '.turing')
else :
print "no turing model!!!! pretrain with lstm param"
self.turing_params['W_input_hidden'] = self.model.layers[-1].params[0].get_value().T #not sure
self.turing_params['W_read_hidden'] = self.model.layers[-1].params[0].get_value().T
self.turing_params['b_hidden_0'] = self.model.layers[-1].params[1].get_value()
temp = self.model.layers[1].initial_hidden_state.get_value()[self.hidden_size:]
self.turing_params['memory_init'] = temp.reshape((1,)+temp.shape)
# need to compile again for calculating predictions after loading lstm
self.srng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(np.random.randint(0, 1024))
self.lstm_predictions = self.create_lstm_prediction()
self.final_predictions = self.create_final_prediction()
self.greedy_predictions = self.create_lstm_prediction(greedy=True)#can change to final
self.create_cost_fun()#create 2 cost func(lstm final)
self.lstm_lr = lr
self.turing_lr = lr#change this
self.all_lr = lr
self.create_training_function()#create 3 functions(lstm turing all)
self.create_predict_function()#create 2 predictions(lstm final)
self.lstm_ppl = self.create_lstm_ppl()
self.final_ppl = self.create_final_ppl()
print "done loading model"
# print "done compile"
def stop_on(self, idx):
def params(self):
return self.model.params
def create_lstm_prediction(self, greedy=False):
def step(idx, *states):
# new hiddens are the states we need to pass to LSTMs
示例2: Parameters
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
import model
from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters
from theano_toolkit import updates
if __name__ == '__main__':
model_filename = sys.argv[1]
test_filename = sys.argv[2]
train_filename = sys.argv[3]
P = Parameters()
data_X, df = data.load_test(test_filename, train_filename)
f = model.build(P,
hidden_sizes=[256, 128, 64, 32]
X = T.matrix('X')
predict = theano.function(
outputs=f(X, test=True) > 0.5,
output = predict(data_X)
print data_X.shape
print output.shape
print df.values.shape
df['probs'] = predict(data_X)
df['Class'] = 'b'
df['Class'][df.probs > 0.5] = 's'
df['RankOrder'] = df.probs.rank(ascending=False,method='first').astype(int)
df.to_csv('data/submission.csv', cols=['EventId','RankOrder','Class'], index=False)
示例3: Parameters
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters
if __name__ == "__main__":
model_file = args.model_file
temp_input = args.temperature
id2char = pickle.load(args.vocab_file)
char2id = vocab.load(args.vocab_file.name)
prime_str = args.prime
P = Parameters()
sampler = model.build_sampler(P,
character_count=len(char2id) + 1,
temp = T.scalar('temp')
char = T.iscalar('char')
p_cell_1, p_hidden_1, p_cell_2, p_hidden_2 = T.vector("p_cell_1"), T.vector("p_hidden_2"), T.vector("p_cell_2"), T.vector("p_hidden_2")
output, cell_1, hidden_1, cell_2, hidden_2 = sampler(temp, char, p_cell_1, p_hidden_1, p_cell_2, p_hidden_2)
sample = theano.function(
inputs=[temp, char, p_cell_1, p_hidden_1, p_cell_2, p_hidden_2],
outputs=[output, cell_1, hidden_1, cell_2, hidden_2]
orig_c1 = P.init_recurrent_1_cell.get_value()
orig_h1 = T.tanh(P.init_recurrent_1_hidden).eval()
orig_c2 = P.init_recurrent_2_cell.get_value()
orig_h2 = T.tanh(P.init_recurrent_2_hidden).eval()
示例4: Parameters
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
from theano_toolkit import utils as U
from theano_toolkit import hinton
from theano_toolkit import updates
from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters
import ctc
import font
import lstm
from ocr import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
test_word = sys.argv[1]
P = Parameters()
X = T.matrix('X')
predict = build_model(P,8,512,len(font.chars)+1)
probs = predict(X)
test = theano.function(inputs=[X],outputs=probs)
image = font.imagify(test_word)
y_seq = label_seq(test_word)
probs = test(image)
print " ", ' '.join(font.chars[i] if i < len(font.chars) else "_" for i in np.argmax(probs,axis=1))
示例5: zip
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
'standard': [ (p, p - 0.001 * g) for p,g in zip(params,gradients) ],
# 'rmsprop' : updates.rmsprop(params,gradients),
# 'adadelta': updates.rmsprop(params,gradients),
for update_method in update_methods:
print "Using update method:",update_method
with open('train.%s.smart_init.log'%update_method,'w') as log:
train = theano.function(
inputs = [X],
outputs = cost,
updates = update_methods[update_method],
while True:
cost_val = train(np.random.randint(0,8,size=20).astype(np.int32))
print cost_val
if cost_val < 0.01:
示例6: validate
# 需要导入模块: from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters [as 别名]
# 或者: from theano_toolkit.parameters.Parameters import load [as 别名]
batched_stream = data_io.buffered_random(batched_stream, buffer_items=4)
return batched_stream
def validate():
stream = data_io.stream_file('data/train.%02d.pklgz' % 0)
stream = data_io.buffered_sort(stream, key=lambda x: x[1].shape[0], buffer_items=128)
batched_stream = reader.batch_and_pad(stream, batch_size=32, mean=mean, std=std)
total_cost = 0
total_frames = 0
for data, lengths in batched_stream:
batch_avg_cost = test(data,lengths)
batch_frames = np.sum(lengths)
total_cost += batch_avg_cost * batch_frames
total_frames += batch_frames
return total_cost / total_frames
import train_loop
train_fun=lambda batch:train(batch[0],batch[1]),