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Python Add.normal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.core.Add.normal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Add.normal方法的具体用法?Python Add.normal怎么用?Python Add.normal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sympy.core.Add的用法示例。


示例1: limit

# 需要导入模块: from sympy.core import Add [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.core.Add import normal [as 别名]

        unknown_result = []
        finite = []
        zero = []

        def _sift(term):
            if z not in term.free_symbols:
                if term.is_unbounded:
                result = term.subs(z, z0)
                bounded = result.is_bounded
                if bounded is False or result is S.NaN:
                    if result != S.NaN:
                        # take result from direction given
                        result = limit(term, z, z0, dir)
                elif bounded:
                    if result:

        for term in e.args:

        bad = bool(unknown and unbounded)
        if bad or len(unknown) > 1 or len(unbounded) > 1 and not zero:
            uu = unknown + unbounded
            # we won't be able to resolve this with unbounded
            # terms, e.g. Sum(1/k, (k, 1, n)) - log(n) as n -> oo:
            # since the Sum is unevaluated it's boundedness is
            # unknown and the log(n) is oo so you get Sum - oo
            # which is unsatisfactory. BUT...if there are both
            # unknown and unbounded terms (condition 'bad') or
            # there are multiple terms that are unknown, or
            # there are multiple symbolic unbounded terms they may
            # respond better if they are made into a rational
            # function, so give them a chance to do so before
            # reporting failure.
            u = Add(*uu)
            f = u.normal()
            if f != u:
                unknown = []
                unbounded = []
                unbounded_result = []
                unknown_result = []
                _sift(limit(f, z, z0, dir))

            # We came in with a) unknown and unbounded terms or b) had multiple
            # unknown terms

            # At this point we've done one of 3 things.
            # (1) We did nothing with f so we now report the error
            # showing the troublesome terms which are now in uu. OR

            # (2) We did something with f but the result came back as unknown.
            # Normally this wouldn't be a problem,
            # but we had either multiple terms that were troublesome (unk and
            # unbounded or multiple unknown terms) so if we
            # weren't able to resolve the boundedness by now, that indicates a
            # problem so we report the error showing the troublesome terms which are
            # now in uu.
            if unknown:
                if bad:
                    msg = 'unknown and unbounded terms present in %s'
                elif unknown:
                    msg = 'multiple terms with unknown boundedness in %s'
                raise NotImplementedError(msg % uu)
            # OR
            # (3) the troublesome terms have been identified as finite or unbounded
            # and we proceed with the non-error code since the lists have been updated.

        u = Add(*unknown_result)
        if unbounded_result or unbounded_const:
            inf_limit = Add(*(unbounded_result + unbounded_const))
            if inf_limit is not S.NaN:
                return inf_limit + u
            if finite:
                return Add(*finite) + limit(Add(*unbounded), z, z0, dir) + u
            return Add(*finite) + u

    if e.is_Order:
        args = e.args
        return C.Order(limit(args[0], z, z0), *args[1:])

        r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
        if r is S.NaN:
            raise PoleError()
    except (PoleError, ValueError):
        r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
    return r
