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Python Add._from_args方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.core.Add._from_args方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Add._from_args方法的具体用法?Python Add._from_args怎么用?Python Add._from_args使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sympy.core.Add的用法示例。


示例1: _sqrtdenest34

# 需要导入模块: from sympy.core import Add [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.core.Add import _from_args [as 别名]
def _sqrtdenest34(expr):
    """Helper that denests the square root of three or four surds.

    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import _sqrtdenest34
    >>> _sqrtdenest34(sqrt(-72*sqrt(2) + 158*sqrt(5) + 498))
    -sqrt(10) + sqrt(2) + 9 + 9*sqrt(5)
    >>> _sqrtdenest34(sqrt(12 + 2*sqrt(6) + 2*sqrt(14) + 2*sqrt(21)))
    sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)

    - D. J. Jeffrey and A. D. Rich, 'Symplifying Square Roots of Square Roots
      by Denesting'

    from sympy.simplify.simplify import radsimp
    if expr.base < 0:
        return sqrt(-1)*_sqrtdenest34(sqrt(-expr.base))
    # a should be > b so we sort; this also makes the process canonical
    args = sorted(expr.base.args, reverse=True)
    a = Add._from_args(args[:2])
    b = Add._from_args(args[2:])
    c = _sqrtdenest1(sqrt(_mexpand(a**2 - b**2)))
    if sqrt_depth(c) > 1:
        return expr
    d = _sqrtdenest1(sqrt(a + c))
    if sqrt_depth(d) > 1:
        return expr
    return _mexpand(radsimp((d/sqrt(2) + b/(sqrt(2)*d))))

示例2: _sqrt_match

# 需要导入模块: from sympy.core import Add [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.core.Add import _from_args [as 别名]
def _sqrt_match(p):
    """Return [a, b, r] for p.match(a + b*sqrt(r)) where, in addition to
    matching, sqrt(r) also has then maximal sqrt_depth among addends of p.

    >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import _sqrt_match
    >>> _sqrt_match(1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) +  2*sqrt(1+sqrt(5)))
    [1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(6), 2, 1 + sqrt(5)]

    p = _mexpand(p)
    if p.is_Number:
        res = (p, S.Zero, S.Zero)
    elif p.is_Add:
        pargs = list(p.args)
        # to make the process canonical, the argument is included in the tuple
        # so when the max is selected, it will be the largest arg having a
        # given depth
        v = [(sqrt_depth(x), x, i) for i, x in enumerate(pargs)]
        nmax = max(v)
        if nmax[0] == 0:
            res = []
            depth, _, i = nmax
            r = pargs.pop(i)
            a = Add._from_args(pargs)
            b = S.One
            if r.is_Mul:
                bv = []
                rv = []
                for x in r.args:
                    if sqrt_depth(x) < depth:

                b = Mul._from_args(bv)
                r = Mul._from_args(rv)
            res = (a, b, r**2)
        b, r = p.as_coeff_Mul()
        if is_sqrt(r):
            res = (S.Zero, b, r**2)
            res = []
    return list(res)

示例3: handle

# 需要导入模块: from sympy.core import Add [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.core.Add import _from_args [as 别名]
    def handle(expr):
        # Handle first reduces to the case
        # expr = 1/d, where d is an add, or d is base**p/2.
        # We do this by recursively calling handle on each piece.
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import nsimplify

        n, d = fraction(expr)

        if expr.is_Atom or (d.is_Atom and n.is_Atom):
            return expr
        elif not n.is_Atom:
            n = n.func(*[handle(a) for a in n.args])
            return _unevaluated_Mul(n, handle(1/d))
        elif n is not S.One:
            return _unevaluated_Mul(n, handle(1/d))
        elif d.is_Mul:
            return _unevaluated_Mul(*[handle(1/d) for d in d.args])

        # By this step, expr is 1/d, and d is not a mul.
        if not symbolic and d.free_symbols:
            return expr

        if ispow2(d):
            d2 = sqrtdenest(sqrt(d.base))**numer(d.exp)
            if d2 != d:
                return handle(1/d2)
        elif d.is_Pow and (d.exp.is_integer or d.base.is_positive):
            # (1/d**i) = (1/d)**i
            return handle(1/d.base)**d.exp

        if not (d.is_Add or ispow2(d)):
            return 1/d.func(*[handle(a) for a in d.args])

        # handle 1/d treating d as an Add (though it may not be)

        keep = True  # keep changes that are made

        # flatten it and collect radicals after checking for special
        # conditions
        d = _mexpand(d)

        # did it change?
        if d.is_Atom:
            return 1/d

        # is it a number that might be handled easily?
        if d.is_number:
            _d = nsimplify(d)
            if _d.is_Number and _d.equals(d):
                return 1/_d

        while True:
            # collect similar terms
            collected = defaultdict(list)
            for m in Add.make_args(d):  # d might have become non-Add
                p2 = []
                other = []
                for i in Mul.make_args(m):
                    if ispow2(i, log2=True):
                        p2.append(i.base if i.exp is S.Half else i.base**(2*i.exp))
                    elif i is S.ImaginaryUnit:
            rterms = list(ordered(list(collected.items())))
            rterms = [(Mul(*i), Add(*j)) for i, j in rterms]
            nrad = len(rterms) - (1 if rterms[0][0] is S.One else 0)
            if nrad < 1:
            elif nrad > max_terms:
                # there may have been invalid operations leading to this point
                # so don't keep changes, e.g. this expression is troublesome
                # in collecting terms so as not to raise the issue of 2834:
                # r = sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5)
                # eq = 1/(sqrt(5)*r + 2*sqrt(5)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5) + 5*r)
                keep = False
            if len(rterms) > 4:
                # in general, only 4 terms can be removed with repeated squaring
                # but other considerations can guide selection of radical terms
                # so that radicals are removed
                if all([x.is_Integer and (y**2).is_Rational for x, y in rterms]):
                    nd, d = rad_rationalize(S.One, Add._from_args(
                        [sqrt(x)*y for x, y in rterms]))
                    n *= nd
                    # is there anything else that might be attempted?
                    keep = False
            from sympy.simplify.powsimp import powsimp, powdenest

            num = powsimp(_num(rterms))
            n *= num
            d *= num
            d = powdenest(_mexpand(d), force=symbolic)
            if d.is_Atom:

        if not keep:
