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Python StringIO.name方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中six.moves.StringIO.name方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python StringIO.name方法的具体用法?Python StringIO.name怎么用?Python StringIO.name使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在six.moves.StringIO的用法示例。


示例1: test_delete_old_unclaimed_attachments

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_delete_old_unclaimed_attachments(self):
        # type: () -> None
        # Upload some files and make them older than a weeek
        d1 = StringIO("zulip!")
        d1.name = "dummy_1.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': d1})
        d1_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

        d2 = StringIO("zulip!")
        d2.name = "dummy_2.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': d2})
        d2_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

        two_week_ago = timezone_now() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=2)
        d1_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id = d1_path_id)
        d1_attachment.create_time = two_week_ago
        self.assertEqual(str(d1_attachment), u'<Attachment: dummy_1.txt>')
        d2_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id = d2_path_id)
        d2_attachment.create_time = two_week_ago

        # Send message refering only dummy_1
        self.subscribe(self.example_user("hamlet"), "Denmark")
        body = "Some files here ...[zulip.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + d1_path_id + ")"
        self.send_stream_message(self.example_email("hamlet"), "Denmark", body, "test")

        # dummy_2 should not exist in database or the uploads folder
        self.assertTrue(not Attachment.objects.filter(path_id = d2_path_id).exists())
        self.assertTrue(not delete_message_image(d2_path_id))

示例2: test_upload_size_quote

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_upload_size_quote(self):
        # type: () -> None
        User quote for uploading should not be exceeded

        d1 = StringIO("zulip!")
        d1.name = "dummy_1.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': d1})
        d1_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])
        d1_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id = d1_path_id)

        Below we set size quota to the limit without 1 upload(1GB - 11 bytes).
        d1_attachment.size = UserProfile.DEFAULT_UPLOADS_QUOTA - 11

        d2 = StringIO("zulip!")
        d2.name = "dummy_2.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': d2})

        d3 = StringIO("zulip!")
        d3.name = "dummy_3.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': d3})
        self.assert_json_error(result, "Upload would exceed your maximum quota.")

示例3: test_check_attachment_reference_update

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_check_attachment_reference_update(self):
        # type: () -> None
        f1 = StringIO("file1")
        f1.name = "file1.txt"
        f2 = StringIO("file2")
        f2.name = "file2.txt"
        f3 = StringIO("file3")
        f3.name = "file3.txt"

        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': f1})
        f1_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': f2})
        f2_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

        self.subscribe(self.example_user("hamlet"), "test")
        body = ("[f1.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + f1_path_id + ")"
                "[f2.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + f2_path_id + ")")
        msg_id = self.send_stream_message(self.example_email("hamlet"), "test", body, "test")

        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': f3})
        f3_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

        new_body = ("[f3.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + f3_path_id + ")"
                    "[f2.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + f2_path_id + ")")
        result = self.client_patch("/json/messages/" + str(msg_id), {
            'message_id': msg_id,
            'content': new_body

        message = Message.objects.get(id=msg_id)
        f1_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f1_path_id)
        f2_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f2_path_id)
        f3_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f3_path_id)

        self.assertTrue(message not in f1_attachment.messages.all())
        self.assertTrue(message in f2_attachment.messages.all())
        self.assertTrue(message in f3_attachment.messages.all())

        # Delete all the attachments from the message
        new_body = "(deleted)"
        result = self.client_patch("/json/messages/" + str(msg_id), {
            'message_id': msg_id,
            'content': new_body

        message = Message.objects.get(id=msg_id)
        f1_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f1_path_id)
        f2_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f2_path_id)
        f3_attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=f3_path_id)
        self.assertTrue(message not in f1_attachment.messages.all())
        self.assertTrue(message not in f2_attachment.messages.all())
        self.assertTrue(message not in f3_attachment.messages.all())

示例4: test_multiple_upload_failure

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_multiple_upload_failure(self):
        Attempting to upload two files should fail.
        self.login("[email protected]")
        fp = StringIO("bah!")
        fp.name = "a.txt"
        fp2 = StringIO("pshaw!")
        fp2.name = "b.txt"

        result = self.client.post("/json/upload_file", {'f1': fp, 'f2': fp2})
        self.assert_json_error(result, "You may only upload one file at a time")

示例5: test_multiple_upload_failure

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_multiple_upload_failure(self):
        # type: () -> None
        Attempting to upload two files should fail.
        fp = StringIO("bah!")
        fp.name = "a.txt"
        fp2 = StringIO("pshaw!")
        fp2.name = "b.txt"

        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'f1': fp, 'f2': fp2})
        self.assert_json_error(result, "You may only upload one file at a time")

示例6: setUp

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def setUp(self):
        stream = StringIO("""
                - hosts: localhost
                    number: 1
                    string: Ansible
                    utf8_string: Cafè Eñyei
                      webster: daniel
                      oed: oxford
                      - a
                      - b
                      - 1
                      - 2
                    - name: Test case
                        data: "{{ utf8_string }}"

                    - name: Test 2
                        data: "Cafè Eñyei"

                    - name: Test 3
                      command: "printf 'Cafè Eñyei\\n'"
        self.play_filename = '/path/to/myplay.yml'
        stream.name = self.play_filename
        self.loader = AnsibleLoader(stream)
        self.data = self.loader.get_single_data()

示例7: test_file_upload_authed

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_file_upload_authed(self):
        # type: () -> None
        A call to /json/upload_file should return a uri and actually create an
        entry in the database. This entry will be marked unclaimed till a message
        refers it.
        self.login("[email protected]")
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"

        result = self.client_post("/json/upload_file", {'file': fp})
        json = ujson.loads(result.content)
        self.assertIn("uri", json)
        uri = json["uri"]
        base = '/user_uploads/'
        self.assertEquals(base, uri[:len(base)])

        # In the future, local file requests will follow the same style as S3
        # requests; they will be first authenthicated and redirected
        response = self.client_get(uri)
        data = b"".join(response.streaming_content)
        self.assertEquals(b"zulip!", data)

        # check if DB has attachment marked as unclaimed
        entry = Attachment.objects.get(file_name='zulip.txt')
        self.assertEquals(entry.is_claimed(), False)

        self.subscribe_to_stream("[email protected]", "Denmark")
        body = "First message ...[zulip.txt](http://localhost:9991" + uri + ")"
        self.send_message("[email protected]", "Denmark", Recipient.STREAM, body, "test")
        self.assertIn('title="zulip.txt"', self.get_last_message().rendered_content)

示例8: test_rest_endpoint

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_rest_endpoint(self):
        # type: () -> None
        Tests the /api/v1/user_uploads api endpoint. Here a single file is uploaded
        and downloaded using a username and api_key
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"

        # Upload file via API
        auth_headers = self.api_auth('[email protected]')
        result = self.client_post('/api/v1/user_uploads', {'file': fp}, **auth_headers)
        json = ujson.loads(result.content)
        self.assertIn("uri", json)
        uri = json["uri"]
        base = '/user_uploads/'
        self.assertEquals(base, uri[:len(base)])

        # Download file via API
        response = self.client_get(uri, **auth_headers)
        data = b"".join(response.streaming_content)
        self.assertEquals(b"zulip!", data)

        # Files uploaded through the API should be accesible via the web client
        self.login("[email protected]")
        response = self.client_get(uri)
        data = b"".join(response.streaming_content)
        self.assertEquals(b"zulip!", data)

示例9: test_file_upload_authed

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_file_upload_authed(self):
        # type: () -> None
        A call to /json/user_uploads should return a uri and actually create an
        entry in the database. This entry will be marked unclaimed till a message
        refers it.
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"

        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': fp})
        self.assertIn("uri", result.json())
        uri = result.json()["uri"]
        base = '/user_uploads/'
        self.assertEqual(base, uri[:len(base)])

        # In the future, local file requests will follow the same style as S3
        # requests; they will be first authenthicated and redirected
        self.assert_url_serves_contents_of_file(uri, b"zulip!")

        # check if DB has attachment marked as unclaimed
        entry = Attachment.objects.get(file_name='zulip.txt')
        self.assertEqual(entry.is_claimed(), False)

        self.subscribe(self.example_user("hamlet"), "Denmark")
        body = "First message ...[zulip.txt](http://localhost:9991" + uri + ")"
        self.send_stream_message(self.example_email("hamlet"), "Denmark", body, "test")
        self.assertIn('title="zulip.txt"', self.get_last_message().rendered_content)

示例10: test_file_download_authorization_public

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_file_download_authorization_public(self):
        # type: () -> None
        subscribed_users = [self.example_email("hamlet"), self.example_email("iago")]
        unsubscribed_users = [self.example_email("othello"), self.example_email("prospero")]
        realm = get_realm("zulip")
        for email in subscribed_users:
            self.subscribe(get_user(email, realm), "test-subscribe")

        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': fp})
        uri = result.json()['uri']
        fp_path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', uri)
        body = "First message ...[zulip.txt](http://localhost:9991/user_uploads/" + fp_path_id + ")"
        self.send_stream_message(self.example_email("hamlet"), "test-subscribe", body, "test")

        # Now all users should be able to access the files
        for user in subscribed_users + unsubscribed_users:
            response = self.client_get(uri)
            data = b"".join(response.streaming_content)
            self.assertEqual(b"zulip!", data)

示例11: test_rest_endpoint

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_rest_endpoint(self):
        # type: () -> None
        Tests the /api/v1/user_uploads api endpoint. Here a single file is uploaded
        and downloaded using a username and api_key
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"

        # Upload file via API
        auth_headers = self.api_auth(self.example_email("hamlet"))
        result = self.client_post('/api/v1/user_uploads', {'file': fp}, **auth_headers)
        self.assertIn("uri", result.json())
        uri = result.json()['uri']
        base = '/user_uploads/'
        self.assertEqual(base, uri[:len(base)])

        # Download file via API
        response = self.client_get(uri, **auth_headers)
        data = b"".join(response.streaming_content)
        self.assertEqual(b"zulip!", data)

        # Files uploaded through the API should be accesible via the web client
        self.assert_url_serves_contents_of_file(uri, b"zulip!")

示例12: test_delete_message_image_local

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_delete_message_image_local(self):
        # type: () -> None
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': fp})

        path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', result.json()['uri'])

示例13: _open

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def _open(self, name, mode='rb'):
        if self.name_prefix:
            name = self.name_prefix + name

        headers, content = swiftclient.get_object(self.storage_url, self.token,
                                                  self.container_name, name,
        buf = StringIO(content)
        buf.name = os.path.basename(name)
        buf.mode = mode
        return File(buf)

示例14: test_delete_message_image_local

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_delete_message_image_local(self):
        # type: () -> None
        self.login("[email protected]")
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/upload_file", {'file': fp})

        json = ujson.loads(result.content)
        uri = json["uri"]
        path_id = re.sub('/user_uploads/', '', uri)

示例15: test_file_download_unauthed

# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import StringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.StringIO import name [as 别名]
    def test_file_download_unauthed(self):
        # type: () -> None
        fp = StringIO("zulip!")
        fp.name = "zulip.txt"
        result = self.client_post("/json/user_uploads", {'file': fp})
        uri = result.json()["uri"]

        response = self.client_get(uri)
        self.assert_json_error(response, "Not logged in: API authentication or user session required",
