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Python Parameter.Parameter类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sandbox.util.Parameter.Parameter的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Parameter类的具体用法?Python Parameter怎么用?Python Parameter使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: evaluateCvOuter

    def evaluateCvOuter(self, X, y, folds):
        Computer the average AUC using k-fold cross validation and the linear kernel. 
        Parameter.checkInt(folds, 2, float('inf'))
        idx = cross_val.StratifiedKFold(y, folds)
        metricMethods = [Evaluator.auc2, Evaluator.roc]

        if self.kernel == "linear":
            logging.debug("Running linear rank SVM ")
            trainMetrics, testMetrics = AbstractPredictor.evaluateLearn2(X, y, idx, self.modelSelectLinear, self.predict, metricMethods)
        elif self.kernel == "rbf":
            logging.debug("Running RBF rank SVM")
            trainMetrics, testMetrics = AbstractPredictor.evaluateLearn2(X, y, idx, self.modelSelectRBF, self.predict, metricMethods)

        bestTrainAUCs = trainMetrics[0]
        bestTrainROCs = trainMetrics[1]
        bestTestAUCs = testMetrics[0]
        bestTestROCs = testMetrics[1]

        bestParams = {}
        bestMetaDicts = {}
        allMetrics = [bestTrainAUCs, bestTrainROCs, bestTestAUCs, bestTestROCs]

        return (bestParams, allMetrics, bestMetaDicts)

示例2: evaluate

    def evaluate(self, X1, X2):
        Find kernel evaluation between two matrices X1 and X2 whose rows are
        examples and have an identical number of columns.

        :param X1: First set of examples.
        :type X1: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        :param X2: Second set of examples.
        :type X2: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Parameter.checkClass(X1, numpy.ndarray)
        Parameter.checkClass(X2, numpy.ndarray)
        if X1.shape[1] != X2.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Invalid matrix dimentions: " + str(X1.shape) + " " + str(X2.shape))

        j1 = numpy.ones((X1.shape[0], 1))
        j2 = numpy.ones((X2.shape[0], 1))

        diagK1 = numpy.sum(X1**2, 1)
        diagK2 = numpy.sum(X2**2, 1)

        X1X2 = numpy.dot(X1, X2.T)

        Q = (2*X1X2 - numpy.outer(diagK1, j2) - numpy.outer(j1, diagK2) )/ (2*self.sigma**2)

        return numpy.exp(Q)

示例3: randCrossValidation

    def randCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, dtype=numpy.int32):
        Returns a list of tuples (trainIndices, testIndices) using k-fold cross
        validation. In this case we randomise the indices and then split into 

        :param folds: The number of cross validation folds.
        :type folds: :class:`int`

        :param numExamples: The number of examples.
        :type numExamples: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkInt(folds, 1, numExamples)
        Parameter.checkInt(numExamples, 2, float('inf'))

        foldSize = float(numExamples)/folds
        indexList = []

        inds = numpy.array(numpy.random.permutation(numExamples), dtype)

        for i in range(0, folds):
            testIndices = inds[int(foldSize*i): int(foldSize*(i+1))]
            trainIndices = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(0, numExamples), testIndices)
            indexList.append((trainIndices, testIndices))

        return indexList 

示例4: bootstrap2

    def bootstrap2(repetitions, numExamples):
        Perform 0.632 bootstrap in whcih we take a sample with replacement from
        the dataset of size numExamples. The examples not present in the training
        set are used to form the test set. We oversample the test set to include
        0.368 of the examples from the training set. Returns a list of tuples of the form
        (trainIndices, testIndices).

        :param repetitions: The number of repetitions of bootstrap to perform.
        :type repetitions: :class:`int`

        :param numExamples: The number of examples.
        :type numExamples: :class:`int`

        Parameter.checkInt(numExamples, 2, float('inf'))
        Parameter.checkInt(repetitions, 1, float('inf'))

        inds = []
        for i in range(repetitions):
            trainInds = numpy.random.randint(numExamples, size=numExamples)
            testInds = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(numExamples), numpy.unique(trainInds))
            #testInds = numpy.r_[testInds, trainInds[0:(numExamples*0.368)]]

            inds.append((trainInds, testInds))

        return inds

示例5: setSampleReplace

 def setSampleReplace(self, sampleReplace):
     :param sampleReplace: A boolean to decide whether to sample with replacement. 
     :type sampleReplace: :class:`bool`
     self.sampleReplace = sampleReplace

示例6: setNumTrees

 def setNumTrees(self, numTrees):
     :param numTrees: The number of trees to generate in the forest.
     :type numTrees: :class:`int`
     Parameter.checkInt(numTrees, 1, float('inf'))
     self.numTrees = numTrees

示例7: setMaxDepth

 def setMaxDepth(self, maxDepth):
     :param maxDepth: the maximum depth of the learnt tree. 
     :type maxDepth: :class:`int`
     Parameter.checkInt(maxDepth, 1, float("inf"))
     self.maxDepth = int(maxDepth)

示例8: setErrorCost

 def setErrorCost(self, errorCost):
     The penalty on errors on positive labels. The penalty for negative labels
     is 1.
     Parameter.checkFloat(errorCost, 0.0, 1.0)
     self.errorCost = errorCost

示例9: setBestResponse

 def setBestResponse(self, bestResponse):
     :param bestResponse: the label corresponding to "positive"
     :type bestResponse: :class:`int`
     Parameter.checkInt(bestResponse, -float("inf"), float("inf"))
     self.bestResponse = bestResponse

示例10: parallelPenaltyGridRbf

def parallelPenaltyGridRbf(svm, X, y, fullX, gridPoints, pdfX, pdfY1X, pdfYminus1X):
    Find out the "ideal" penalty.
    Parameter.checkClass(X, numpy.ndarray)
    Parameter.checkClass(y, numpy.ndarray)
    chunkSize = 10

    idealPenalties = numpy.zeros((svm.Cs.shape[0], svm.gammas.shape[0]))
    paramList = []

    for i in range(svm.Cs.shape[0]):
        for j in range(svm.gammas.shape[0]):
            paramList.append((X, y, fullX, svm.Cs[i], svm.gammas[j], gridPoints, pdfX, pdfY1X, pdfYminus1X))

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    resultsIterator = pool.imap(computeIdealPenalty, paramList, chunkSize)

    for i in range(svm.Cs.shape[0]):
        for j in range(svm.gammas.shape[0]):
            idealPenalties[i, j] = resultsIterator.next()


    return idealPenalties

示例11: setWeight

 def setWeight(self, weight):
     :param weight: the weight on the positive examples between 0 and 1 (the negative weight is 1-weight)
     :type weight: :class:`float`
     Parameter.checkFloat(weight, 0.0, 1.0)
     self.weight = weight

示例12: predict

    def predict(self, X):
        Make a prediction for a set of examples given as the rows of the matrix X.

        :param X: A matrix with examples as rows
        :type X: :class:`ndarray`

        :return: A vector of scores corresponding to each example. 
        Parameter.checkClass(X, numpy.ndarray)

        scores = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0])
        root = self.tree.getVertex((0, 0))

        #We go down the tree making predictions at each stage 
        for d in range(self.maxDepth+1):
            for k in range(2**d):
                if self.tree.vertexExists((d, k)):
                    self.classifyNode(self.tree, X, d, k)

                    node = self.tree.getVertex((d,k))
                    if node.isLeafNode():
                        inds = node.getTestInds()
                        scores[inds] = node.getScore()

        return scores 

示例13: __init__

 def __init__(self, fileName):
     Lock a job whose results are saved as fileName. 
     Parameter.checkClass(fileName, str)
     self.fileName = fileName
     self.lockFileName = self.fileName + ".lock"

示例14: predictEdges

    def predictEdges(self, vertexIndices):
        This makes a prediction for a series of edges using the following score
        \sum_z \in n(x) \cup n(y) = 1/|log(n(z)|
        Returns a matrix with rows are a ranked list of verticies of length self.windowSize.

        Parameter.checkInt(self.windowSize, 1, self.graph.getNumVertices())
        logging.info("Running predictEdges in " + str(self.__class__.__name__))

        P = numpy.zeros((vertexIndices.shape[0], self.windowSize))
        S = numpy.zeros((vertexIndices.shape[0], self.windowSize))
        W = self.graph.getWeightMatrix()

        for i in range(vertexIndices.shape[0]):
            Util.printIteration(i, self.printStep, vertexIndices.shape[0])
            scores = numpy.zeros(self.graph.getNumVertices())

            for j in range(0, self.graph.getNumVertices()):
                commonNeighbours = numpy.nonzero(W[vertexIndices[i], :] * W[j, :])[0]

                for k in commonNeighbours:
                    q = numpy.log(numpy.nonzero(W[k, :])[0].shape[0])
                    if q != 0:
                        scores[j] = scores[j] + 1/q

            P[i, :], S[i, :] = self.indicesFromScores(vertexIndices[i], scores)

        return P, S

示例15: array1DToRow

    def array1DToRow(X, precision=3):
        Take a 1D numpy array and print in latex table row format i.e. x1 & x2 .. xn

        :param X: The array to print
        :type X: :class:`ndarray`

        :param precision: The precision of the printed floating point numbers.
        :type precision: :class:`int`
        Parameter.checkInt(precision, 0, 10)
        if X.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError("Array must be one dimensional")

        n = X.shape[0]
        outputStr = ""

        if X.dtype == float:
            fmtStr = "%." + str(precision) + "f & "
            endFmtStr = "%." + str(precision) + "f"
            fmtStr = "%d & "
            endFmtStr = "%d"

        for i in range(0, n):
            if i != n - 1:
                outputStr += fmtStr % X[i]
                outputStr += endFmtStr % X[i]

        return outputStr
