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Python VCA.login_to_org方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA.login_to_org方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VCA.login_to_org方法的具体用法?Python VCA.login_to_org怎么用?Python VCA.login_to_org使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA的用法示例。


示例1: login_to_vcloud

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
def login_to_vcloud(username, password, host, version, org, service_type, instance):       

        vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert vca

        if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result, "Wrong password or Org?"
            result = vca.login(token=vca.token, org=org, org_url=vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS == service_type:
            result = vca.login(password=password)
            assert result, "Wrong Password?"
            result = vca.login(token=vca.token)
            assert result
            result = vca.login_to_org(instance, org)  # service now called instance
            assert result, "Wrong service/aka instance or org?"
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA == service_type:
            result = vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            print "token " + vca.vcloud_session.token
            result = vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

        return vca

示例2: _login_user_to_service

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
 def _login_user_to_service(self, user, host, password, service_type,
                            service_version, service, org_name):
     vca = VCA(host, user, service_type, service_version)
     result = vca.login(password=password)
     if result:
         if service_type == 'subscription':
             if not service:
                 if org_name:
                     service = org_name
                     services = vca.services.get_Service()
                     if not services:
                         return None
                     service = services[0].serviceId
             if not org_name:
                 org_name = vca.get_vdc_references(service)[0].name
             result = vca.login_to_org(service, org_name)
         if result:
             return vca

示例3: VCA

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
vapp = 'cts'

#sample login sequence on vCloud Air Subscription
vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type='subscription', version='5.6', verify=True)

#first login, with password
result = vca.login(password=password)

#next login, with token, no password
#this tests the vca token
result = vca.login(token=vca.token)

#uses vca.token to generate vca.vcloud_session.token
vca.login_to_org(service, org)

#this tests the vcloud session token
test_vcloud_session(vca, vdc, vapp)

### On Demand            

username = os.environ['VCAUSER']
password = os.environ['PASSWORD']
instance = '28149a83-0d23-4f03-85e1-eb8be013e4ff'

示例4: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestCatalog:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_ONDEMAND == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def catalog_exists(self, catalog_name, catalogs):
        for catalog in catalogs:
            if catalog.name == catalog_name:
                return True
        return False

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0002(self):
        """Get VDC"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)        
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name

    def test_0009(self):
        """Validate that catalog doesn't exist"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        custom_catalog = config['vcloud']['custom_catalog']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        catalogs = self.vca.get_catalogs()
        assert not self.catalog_exists(custom_catalog, catalogs)

    def test_0010(self):
        """Create Catalog"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        custom_catalog = config['vcloud']['custom_catalog']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        task = self.vca.create_catalog(custom_catalog, custom_catalog)
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        catalogs = self.vca.get_catalogs()
        assert self.catalog_exists(custom_catalog, catalogs)

    def test_0011(self):

示例5: vca_login

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
def vca_login(module=None):
    service_type    = module.params.get('service_type')
    username        = module.params.get('username')
    password        = module.params.get('password')
    instance        = module.params.get('instance_id')
    org             = module.params.get('org')
    service         = module.params.get('service_id')
    vdc_name        = module.params.get('vdc_name')
    version         = module.params.get('api_version')
    verify          = module.params.get('verify_certs')
    if not vdc_name:
        if service_type == 'vchs':
            vdc_name = module.params.get('service_id')
    if not org:
        if service_type == 'vchs':
            if vdc_name:
                org = vdc_name
                org = service
    if service_type == 'vcd':
        host = module.params.get('host')
        host = LOGIN_HOST[service_type]

    if not username:
        if 'VCA_USER' in os.environ:
            username = os.environ['VCA_USER']
    if not password:
        if 'VCA_PASS' in os.environ:
            password = os.environ['VCA_PASS']
    if not username or not password:
        module.fail_json(msg = "Either the username or password is not set, please check")

    if service_type == 'vchs':
        version = '5.6'
    if service_type == 'vcd':
        if not version:
            version == '5.6'

    vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=SERVICE_MAP[service_type], version=version, verify=verify)

    if service_type == 'vca':
        if not vca.login(password=password):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Login Failed: Please check username or password", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None):
            s_json = serialize_instances(vca.instances)
            module.fail_json(msg = "Login to Instance failed: Seems like instance_id provided is wrong .. Please check",\
        if not vca.login_to_instance(instance=instance, password=None, token=vca.vcloud_session.token,
            module.fail_json(msg = "Error logging into org for the instance", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

    if service_type == 'vchs':
        if not vca.login(password=password):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Login Failed: Please check username or password", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login(token=vca.token):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Failed to get the token", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login_to_org(service, org):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Failed to login to org, Please check the orgname", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

    if service_type == 'vcd':
        if not vca.login(password=password, org=org):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Login Failed: Please check username or password or host parameters")
        if not vca.login(password=password, org=org):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Failed to get the token", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login(token=vca.token, org=org, org_url=vca.vcloud_session.org_url):
            module.fail_json(msg = "Failed to login to org", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestVCloud:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_ONDEMAND == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0002(self):
        """Get VDC"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)        
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name

    def test_0003(self):
        """Create vApp"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        catalog = config['vcloud']['catalog']
        template = config['vcloud']['template']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        mode = config['vcloud']['mode']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        task = self.vca.create_vapp(vdc_name, vapp_name, template, catalog, vm_name=vm_name)
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name

    def test_0004(self):
        """Disconnect vApp from pre-defined networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_from_networks()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0005(self):
        """Connect vApp to network"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        mode = config['vcloud']['mode']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestVApp:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0002(self):
        """Get VDC"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)        
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name

    def test_0003(self):
        """Create vApp"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        catalog = config['vcloud']['catalog']
        template = config['vcloud']['template']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        task = self.vca.create_vapp(vdc_name, vapp_name, template, catalog, vm_name=vm_name)
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name

    def test_0004(self):
        """Validate vApp State is powered off (8)"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.me.get_status() == 8

    def test_0009(self):
        """Disconnect VM from pre-defined networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)

示例8: VCAInventory

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]

	for j in vdcs:
            actual_vdc = j.name
            j.name = self.to_safe(j.name)
	    self.results[j.name] = dict(children=[])
	    vapps = self.get_vapps(self.vca, j.name) 
	    for k in vapps:
                k['vapp_name'] = self.to_safe(k['vapp_name'])
	        self.results[k['vapp_name']] = k['vms']
	self.results[self.org] = dict(children=org_children)
	self.results['_meta'] = self.meta
        cache_name = '__inventory_all__' + self.service_type
        self._put_cache(cache_name, self.results)
        return self.results

    def get_inventory_vca(self):

        if not self.vca.login(password=self.password):
            sys.stdout.write("Login Failed: Please check username or password")
	instances_dict = self.vca.get_instances()
	for i in instances_dict:
	    instance = i['id']
#	    region   = i['id']
	    region   = i['region']
            region   = self.to_safe(region.split('.')[0])
	    region_children = []
	    if len(instance) != 36:
	    if not self.vca.login_to_instance(password=self.password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None):
	        sys.stdout.write( "Login to Instance failed: Seems like instance provided is wrong .. Please check")
	    if not self.vca.login_to_instance(instance=instance, password=None, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, 
	        sys.stdout.write("Error logging into org for the instance %s" %instance)
	    vdcs = self.get_vdcs(self.vca)
	    for j in vdcs:
                j.name = self.to_safe(j.name)
	        self.results[region + '_' + j.name] = dict(children=[])
	        region_children.append(region + '_' + j.name)
	        vapps = self.get_vapps(self.vca, j.name) 
	        for k in vapps:
                    k['vapp_name'] = self.to_safe(k['vapp_name'])
	            self.results[region + '_' + j.name]['children'].append(region + '_' + j.name + '_' + k['vapp_name'])
	            self.results[region + '_' + j.name + '_' + k['vapp_name']] = k['vms']
	    self.results[region] = dict(children=region_children)
	self.results['_meta'] = self.meta
        cache_name = '__inventory_all__' + self.service_type
        self._put_cache(cache_name, self.results)
        return self.results
    def get_inventory_vchs(self):
        if not self.vca.login(password=self.password):
            sys.stdout.write("Login Failed: Please check username or password, errors: %s" %(self.vca.response))
        if not self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token):
            sys.stdout.write("Failed to get the token")

        if self.vca.services:
            table = []
            for s in self.vca.services.get_Service():
                for vdc in self.vca.get_vdc_references(s.serviceId):
                    table.append(dict(service=s.serviceId, service_type=s.serviceType, region=s.region,\
                                      vdc=vdc.name, status=vdc.status))  
            for i in table:
                if i['service'] != i['vdc']:
                    self.results[i['service']] = dict(children=[i['vdc']])
                region = i['vdc']
                region = self.to_safe(region)
                self.results[region] = dict(children=[])
                if not self.vca.login_to_org(i['service'], i['vdc']):
                    sys.stdout.write("Failed to login to org, Please check the orgname")
	        vapps = self.get_vapps(self.vca, i['vdc']) 
	        for k in vapps:
                    k['vapp_name'] = self.to_safe(k['vapp_name'])
	            self.results[region]['children'].append(region + '_' + k['vapp_name'])
	            self.results[region + '_' + k['vapp_name']] = k['vms']

	self.results['_meta'] = self.meta
        cache_name = '__inventory_all__' + self.service_type
        self._put_cache(cache_name, self.results)
        return self.results

    def get_inventory(self):
        cache_name = '__inventory_all__' + self.service_type
        inv = self._get_cache(cache_name, None)
        if inv is not None:
            return inv
        if self.service_type == 'ondemand':
            return self.get_inventory_vca()
        if self.service_type == 'subscription':
            return self.get_inventory_vchs()
        if self.service_type == 'vcd':
            return self.get_inventory_vcd()

示例9: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]

            self.error_message = 'Org can\'t be null'
            return False
        result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
        if result:
            Log.debug(self.logger, 'logged in, org=%s' % self.vca.org)
            if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
                result = self.vca.vcloud_session.login(token=self.vca.
                assert result
            if save_password:
                self.password = password
            self.save_config(self.profile, self.profile_file)
        return result

    def re_login_vcloud_session(self):
        Log.debug(self.logger, 'about to re-login vcloud_session vca=%s' %
        if self.vca.vcloud_session is not None:
            Log.debug(self.logger, 'about to re-login vcloud_session=%s' %
            if self.vca.vcloud_session.token is not None:
                          'about to re-login vcloud_session token=%s' %
        if self.vca.vcloud_session is not None and \
           self.vca.vcloud_session.token is not None:
            result = self.vca.vcloud_session.login(
            if not result:
                          'vcloud session invalid, getting a new one')
                if self.vca.service_type in [VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS,
                    result = self.vca.login_to_org(self.instance, self.vca.org)
                elif self.vca.service_type in [VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA,
                    result = self.vca.login_to_instance_sso(self.instance)
                if result:
                              'successfully retrieved a new vcloud session')
                    raise Exception("Couldn't retrieve a new vcloud session")
                Log.debug(self.logger, 'vcloud session is valid')

    def re_login(self):
        if self.vca is None or \
           (self.vca.token is None and self.password is None):
            return False
        result = False
                      'about to re-login with ' +
                      'host=%s type=%s token=%s org=%s' %
                      (self.vca.host, self.vca.service_type,
                       self.vca.token, self.vca.org))
            org_url = None if self.vca.vcloud_session is None else \
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token,
            if result:
                Log.debug(self.logger, 'vca.login with token successful')
                Log.debug(self.logger, 'vca.login with token failed %s' %

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestVApp:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0002(self):
        """Get VDC"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)        
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name

    def test_0003(self):
        """Create vApp"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        catalog = config['vcloud']['catalog']
        template = config['vcloud']['template']
        cpu = config['vcloud']['cpus_new']
        memory = config['vcloud']['memory_new']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        task = self.vca.create_vapp(vdc_name, vapp_name, template, catalog, 
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name

    def test_0004(self):
        """Validate vApp State is powered off (8)"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.me.get_status() == 8

    def test_0031(self):

示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestNet:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0003(self):
        """Get Networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        networks = self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name)
        for network in networks:

    def test_0004(self):
        """ Connect to Networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network_name = config['vcloud']['network']
        network_name2 = config['vcloud']['network2']
        network_name3 = config['vcloud']['network3']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        print('disconnect vms')
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_vms()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        print('disconnect vapp')
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_from_networks()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

        index = 0
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network_name,
        mode = 'POOL'
        if len(nets) == 1:
            print("connecting vApp to network"
                                " '%s' with mode '%s'" %
                                (network_name, mode))
            task = the_vapp.connect_to_network(

示例12: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
class TestSQLAir:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif vcloudair.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_ONDEMAND == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            # result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            # assert result
            # result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0002(self):
        """Check SQLAir access"""
        # vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        # the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        # assert the_vdc
        # assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        sql_air = SQLAir(token=self.vca.token, version='5.7', verify=True, log=True)
        response_code = sql_air.ping()
        assert response_code == 200

    def test_0003(self):
        """Get MSSQL Service Info"""
        sql_air = SQLAir(token=self.vca.token, version='5.7', verify=True, log=True)
        service_code = 'mssql'
        service_mssql = sql_air.get_service(service_code)
        assert service_mssql
        assert service_mssql['serviceCode'] == service_code

    def test_0003(self):
        """Get DB Instances"""
        sql_air = SQLAir(token=self.vca.token, version='5.7', verify=True, log=True)
        service_code = 'mssql'
        instances = sql_air.get_instances(service_code)
        assert instances
        assert instances['total'] >= 0

示例13: vca_login

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
def vca_login(module=None):
    service_type = module.params.get("service_type")
    username = module.params.get("username")
    password = module.params.get("password")
    instance = module.params.get("instance_id")
    org = module.params.get("org")
    service = module.params.get("service_id")
    vdc_name = module.params.get("vdc_name")
    version = module.params.get("api_version")
    verify = module.params.get("verify_certs")
    if not vdc_name:
        if service_type == "vchs":
            vdc_name = module.params.get("service_id")
    if not org:
        if service_type == "vchs":
            if vdc_name:
                org = vdc_name
                org = service
    if service_type == "vcd":
        host = module.params.get("host")
        host = LOGIN_HOST[service_type]

    if not username:
        if "VCA_USER" in os.environ:
            username = os.environ["VCA_USER"]
    if not password:
        if "VCA_PASS" in os.environ:
            password = os.environ["VCA_PASS"]
    if not username or not password:
        module.fail_json(msg="Either the username or password is not set, please check")

    if service_type == "vchs":
        version = "5.6"
    if service_type == "vcd":
        if not version:
            version == "5.6"

    vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=SERVICE_MAP[service_type], version=version, verify=verify)

    if service_type == "vca":
        if not vca.login(password=password):
            module.fail_json(msg="Login Failed: Please check username or password", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None):
            s_json = serialize_instances(vca.instances)
                msg="Login to Instance failed: Seems like instance_id provided is wrong .. Please check",
        if not vca.login_to_instance(
            instance=instance, password=None, token=vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=vca.vcloud_session.org_url
            module.fail_json(msg="Error logging into org for the instance", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

    if service_type == "vchs":
        if not vca.login(password=password):
            module.fail_json(msg="Login Failed: Please check username or password", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login(token=vca.token):
            module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get the token", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login_to_org(service, org):
            module.fail_json(msg="Failed to login to org, Please check the orgname", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

    if service_type == "vcd":
        if not vca.login(password=password, org=org):
            module.fail_json(msg="Login Failed: Please check username or password or host parameters")
        if not vca.login(password=password, org=org):
            module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get the token", error=vca.response.content)
        if not vca.login(token=vca.token, org=org, org_url=vca.vcloud_session.org_url):
            module.fail_json(msg="Failed to login to org", error=vca.response.content)
        return vca

示例14: VCA

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import login_to_org [as 别名]
import os
from pyvcloud import vcloudair
from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA

username = os.environ['VCAUSER']
password = os.environ['VCAPASS']
host = 'vchs.vmware.com'
version = '5.6'
vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type,
          version=version, verify=True, log=True)
assert vca
result = vca.login(password=password)
assert result
assert vca.token
service = 'M684216431-4470'
org = 'M684216431-4470'
result = vca.login_to_org(service, org)
assert result
vdc = 'M684216431-4470'
the_vdc = vca.get_vdc(vdc)
assert the_vdc
print 'vdc name: ' + the_vdc.get_name()
print 'catalogs: '
for catalog in vca.get_catalogs():
    print '  - ' + catalog.get_name()

