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Python VCA.get_networks方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA.get_networks方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VCA.get_networks方法的具体用法?Python VCA.get_networks怎么用?Python VCA.get_networks使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import get_networks [as 别名]

        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        vm_info = the_vapp.get_vms_network_info()
        print vm_info
        assert vm_info
        assert len(vm_info) == 1
        assert len(vm_info[0]) == 0

    def test_0010(self):
        """Disconnect vApp from pre-defined networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_from_networks()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0012(self):
        """Connect vApp to network"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network, self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name))
        assert len(nets) == 1
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.connect_to_network(nets[0].name, nets[0].href)
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0013(self):
        """Connect VM to network - MANUAL static IP mode"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        ip_address = config['vcloud']['ip_address']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network, self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name))
        assert len(nets) == 1
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.connect_vms(nets[0].name, connection_index=0, ip_allocation_mode='MANUAL', ip_address=ip_address)
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        vm_info = the_vapp.get_vms_network_info()
        print vm_info

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import get_networks [as 别名]

        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name

    def test_0004(self):
        """Disconnect vApp from pre-defined networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_from_networks()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0005(self):
        """Connect vApp to network"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        mode = config['vcloud']['mode']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network, self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name))
        assert len(nets) == 1
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.connect_to_network(nets[0].name, nets[0].href)
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0006(self):
        """Connect VM to network"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network = config['vcloud']['network']
        mode = config['vcloud']['mode']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network, self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name))
        assert len(nets) == 1
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        task = the_vapp.connect_vms(nets[0].name, connection_index=0, ip_allocation_mode=mode.upper())
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

    def test_0007(self):
        """Change vApp/VM Memory"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pyvcloud.vcloudair import VCA [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyvcloud.vcloudair.VCA import get_networks [as 别名]
class TestNet:

    def __init__(self):
        self.vca = None

    def login_to_vcloud(self):
        """Login to vCloud"""
        username = config['vcloud']['username']
        password = config['vcloud']['password']
        service_type = config['vcloud']['service_type']
        host = config['vcloud']['host']
        version = config['vcloud']['version']
        org = config['vcloud']['org']
        service = config['vcloud']['service']
        instance = config['vcloud']['instance']
        self.vca = VCA(host=host, username=username, service_type=service_type, version=version, verify=True, log=True)
        assert self.vca
        if VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_STANDALONE == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password, org=org)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token, org=org, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCHS == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login(token=self.vca.token)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_org(service, org)
            assert result
        elif VCA.VCA_SERVICE_TYPE_VCA == service_type:
            result = self.vca.login(password=password)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=password, instance=instance, token=None, org_url=None)
            assert result
            result = self.vca.login_to_instance(password=None, instance=instance, token=self.vca.vcloud_session.token, org_url=self.vca.vcloud_session.org_url)
            assert result

    def logout_from_vcloud(self):
        """Logout from vCloud"""
        print 'logout'
        self.vca = None
        assert self.vca is None

    def test_0001(self):
        """Loggin in to vCloud"""
        assert self.vca.token

    def test_0003(self):
        """Get Networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        networks = self.vca.get_networks(vdc_name)
        for network in networks:

    def test_0004(self):
        """ Connect to Networks"""
        vdc_name = config['vcloud']['vdc']
        vapp_name = config['vcloud']['vapp']
        vm_name = config['vcloud']['vm']
        network_name = config['vcloud']['network']
        network_name2 = config['vcloud']['network2']
        network_name3 = config['vcloud']['network3']
        the_vdc = self.vca.get_vdc(vdc_name)
        assert the_vdc
        assert the_vdc.get_name() == vdc_name
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        assert the_vapp
        assert the_vapp.name == vapp_name
        print('disconnect vms')
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_vms()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result
        print('disconnect vapp')
        task = the_vapp.disconnect_from_networks()
        assert task
        result = self.vca.block_until_completed(task)
        assert result

        index = 0
        the_vapp = self.vca.get_vapp(the_vdc, vapp_name)
        nets = filter(lambda n: n.name == network_name,
        mode = 'POOL'
        if len(nets) == 1:
            print("connecting vApp to network"
                                " '%s' with mode '%s'" %
                                (network_name, mode))
            task = the_vapp.connect_to_network(
