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Python IonObject.ts_execute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject.ts_execute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IonObject.ts_execute方法的具体用法?Python IonObject.ts_execute怎么用?Python IonObject.ts_execute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject的用法示例。


示例1: _execute

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import ts_execute [as 别名]
    def _execute(self, cprefix, command):
        if not command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("execute argument 'command' not present")
        if not command.command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("command not set")

        cmd_res = IonObject("AgentCommandResult", command_id=command.command_id, command=command.command)
        cmd_func = getattr(self, cprefix + str(command.command), None)
        if cmd_func:
            cmd_res.ts_execute = get_ion_ts()
                res = cmd_func(*command.args, **command.kwargs)
                cmd_res.status = 0
                cmd_res.result = res
            except iex.IonException as ex:
                # TODO: Distinguish application vs. uncaught exception
                cmd_res.status = getattr(ex, 'status_code', -1)
                cmd_res.result = str(ex)
                log.warn("Agent command %s failed with trace=%s" % (command.command, traceback.format_exc()))
            log.info("Agent command not supported: %s" % (command.command))
            ex = iex.NotFound("Command not supported: %s" % command.command)
            cmd_res.status = iex.NotFound.status_code
            cmd_res.result = str(ex)

        sub_type = "%s.%s" % (command.command, cmd_res.status)
        post_event = self._event_publisher._create_event(event_type=self.COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE,
                                origin=self.resource_id, origin_type=self.ORIGIN_TYPE,
                                sub_type=sub_type, command=command, result=cmd_res)
        post_event = self._post_execute_event_hook(post_event)
        success = self._event_publisher._publish_event(post_event, origin=post_event.origin)

        return cmd_res

示例2: _execute

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import ts_execute [as 别名]
    def _execute(self, cprefix, command):
        if not command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("execute argument 'command' not present")
        if not command.command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("command not set")

        cmd_res = IonObject("AgentCommandResult", command_id=command.command_id, command=command.command)
        cmd_func = getattr(self, cprefix + str(command.command), None)
        if cmd_func:
            cmd_res.ts_execute = get_ion_ts()
                res = cmd_func(*command.args, **command.kwargs)
                cmd_res.status = 0
                cmd_res.result = res
            except Exception as ex:
                # TODO: Distinguish application vs. uncaught exception
                cmd_res.status = getattr(ex, 'status_code', -1)
                cmd_res.result = str(ex)
                log.info("Agent function failed with ex=%s msg=%s" % (type(ex), str(ex)))
            log.info("Agent command not supported: %s" % (command.command))
            ex = iex.NotFound("Command not supported: %s" % command.command)
            cmd_res.status = iex.NotFound.status_code
            cmd_res.result = str(ex)
        return cmd_res

示例3: _execute

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import ts_execute [as 别名]
    def _execute(self, cprefix, command):
        if not command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("execute argument 'command' not present")
        if not command.command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("command not set")

        cmd_res = IonObject("AgentCommandResult", command_id=command.command_id, command=command.command)
        cmd_func = getattr(self, cprefix + str(command.command), None)
        if cmd_func:
            cmd_res.ts_execute = get_ion_ts()
                res = cmd_func(*command.args, **command.kwargs)
                cmd_res.status = 0
                cmd_res.result = res
            except Exception as ex:
                cmd_res.status = getattr(ex, 'status_code', -1)
                cmd_res.result = str(ex)
            ex = iex.NotFound("Command not supported: %s" % command.command)
            cmd_res.status = iex.NotFound.status_code
            cmd_res.result = str(ex)
        return cmd_res
