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Python IonObject.get_class_decorator_value方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject.get_class_decorator_value方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IonObject.get_class_decorator_value方法的具体用法?Python IonObject.get_class_decorator_value怎么用?Python IonObject.get_class_decorator_value使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject的用法示例。


示例1: create_prepare_resource_support

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import get_class_decorator_value [as 别名]
    def create_prepare_resource_support(self, resource_id="", prepare_resource_type=None, origin_resource_type=None):

        if not isinstance(resource_id, types.StringType):
            raise Inconsistent("The parameter resource_id is not a single resource id string")

        if not self.service_provider or not self._rr:
            raise Inconsistent("This class is not initialized properly")

        if prepare_resource_type is not None and prepare_resource_type not in getextends(OT.ResourcePrepareSupport):
            raise BadRequest('The requested resource %s is not extended from %s' % (prepare_resource_type, OT.ResourcePrepareSupport))

        resource_data = IonObject(prepare_resource_type)

        # Check to make sure the extended resource decorator raise OriginResourceType matches the type of the resource type
        origin_resource_decorator =  resource_data.get_class_decorator_value('OriginResourceType')
        if origin_resource_decorator is None and origin_resource_type is None:
            raise NotFound('OriginResourceType decorator not found in object specification %s', prepare_resource_type)

        origin_resource_type = origin_resource_type if origin_resource_type is not None else origin_resource_decorator
        if origin_resource_type is None:
            raise NotFound('OriginResourceType decorator not found in object specification %s', prepare_resource_type)

        resource_object = None
        if resource_id:
            resource_object = self._rr.read(resource_id)

            if origin_resource_type != resource_object.type_ and not issubtype(resource_object.type_, origin_resource_type):
                raise Inconsistent('The OriginResourceType decorator of the requested resource %s(%s) does not match the type of the specified resource id(%s).' % (
                    prepare_resource_type, origin_resource_type, resource_object.type_))

            resource_data._id = resource_object._id
            resource_object = IonObject(origin_resource_type)

        resource_data.resource = resource_object
        resource_data.resource_schema = get_object_schema(origin_resource_type)

        for field in resource_data._schema:

            deco_value = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, 'AssociatedResources')
            assoc_dict = {}
            if deco_value is not None:
                if deco_value.find(',') == -1:
                    associated_resources = [deco_value]
                    associated_resources = deco_value.split(',')

                for res in associated_resources:
                    assoc = self.get_associated_resource_info(origin_resource_type, resource_id, res)
                    assoc_dict[assoc.key] = assoc

                setattr(resource_data, field, assoc_dict)

        return resource_data

示例2: get_associated_resource_info

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import get_class_decorator_value [as 别名]
    def get_associated_resource_info(self, origin_resource_type="", resource_id="", assoc_resource_type=None):

        if not origin_resource_type:
            raise Inconsistent("The parameter origin_resource_type is not set")

        if not isinstance(resource_id, types.StringType):
            raise Inconsistent("The parameter resource_id is not a single resource id string")

        if not self.service_provider or not self._rr:
            raise Inconsistent("This class is not initialized properly")

        if assoc_resource_type is not None and assoc_resource_type not in getextends(OT.AssociatedResources):
            raise BadRequest(
                "The requested resource %s is not extended from %s" % (assoc_resource_type, OT.AssociatedResources)

        resource_data = IonObject(assoc_resource_type)

        log.debug("get_associated_resource_info: %s", assoc_resource_type)

        for field in resource_data._schema:

            deco_value = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "ResourceType")
            if deco_value is not None:

                # Set the type of the associated resource to be used as the key in dict of associations
                setattr(resource_data, "resource_type", deco_value)

                res_list, _ = self._rr.find_resources(restype=deco_value, id_only=False)

                exclude_lcs_filter_value = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "ExcludeLifecycleStates")
                if exclude_lcs_filter_value is not None and exclude_lcs_filter_value.find(",") > -1:
                    exclude_filter = exclude_lcs_filter_value.split(",")
                    res_list = [res for res in res_list if res.lcstate not in exclude_filter]

                # Look for ResourceSPOFilter filter and filter above results to exclude other resources already assigned
                # This filter MUST be a comma separated value of Subject, Predicate, Object
                res_filter_value = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "ResourceSPOFilter")
                if res_filter_value is not None and res_filter_value.find(",") > -1:
                    assoc_filter = res_filter_value.split(",")

                    res_associations = self._rr.find_associations(predicate=assoc_filter[1], id_only=False)
                    assoc_list = [a for a in res_associations if a.st == assoc_filter[0] and a.ot == assoc_filter[2]]

                    def resource_available(res):
                        # give me a list of associations relevent to the passed in resource
                        rel_assocs = [
                            a for a in assoc_list if res._id == (a.o if a.st == origin_resource_type else a.s)

                        # of those resources, give me the ids of resources whos types match what i am currently building for
                        assocs = [(a.s if a.st == origin_resource_type else a.o) for a in rel_assocs]

                        # return true if there are no associations for the resource in question, or it has an association to
                        # the current resource we are building for
                        return len(assocs) == 0 or resource_id in assocs

                    # Iterate over the list and remove any object which are assigned to other resources and not the target resource
                    final_list = []
                    final_list.extend([res for res in res_list if resource_available(res)])
                    setattr(resource_data, field, final_list)

                    setattr(resource_data, field, res_list)


            deco_value = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "Association")
            if deco_value is not None:

                # If the association is related to an existing resource and this is a create then skip
                if not resource_id and (
                    resource_data.is_decorator(field, "ResourceSubject")
                    or resource_data.is_decorator(field, "ResourceObject")

                resource_sub = resource_id if resource_data.is_decorator(field, "ResourceSubject") else None
                resource_obj = resource_id if resource_data.is_decorator(field, "ResourceObject") else None
                assoc_list = self._rr.find_associations(
                    subject=resource_sub, predicate=deco_value, object=resource_obj, id_only=False

                subject_type = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "SubjectType")
                if subject_type is not None:
                    assoc_list = [assoc for assoc in assoc_list if (assoc.st == subject_type)]

                object_type = resource_data.get_decorator_value(field, "ObjectType")
                if object_type is not None:
                    assoc_list = [assoc for assoc in assoc_list if (assoc.ot == object_type)]

                setattr(resource_data, field, assoc_list)

        # set key if we have one
        key = resource_data.get_class_decorator_value("Key")
        if key is None:
            resource_data.key = resource_data.resource_type
            resource_data.key = key

示例3: create_extended_resource_container

# 需要导入模块: from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyon.core.bootstrap.IonObject import get_class_decorator_value [as 别名]
    def create_extended_resource_container(
        Returns an extended resource container for a given resource_id.
        overall_start_time = time.time()
        self.ctx = None  # Clear the context in case this instance gets reused

        if not isinstance(resource_id, types.StringType):
            raise Inconsistent("The parameter resource_id is not a single resource id string")

        if not self.service_provider or not self._rr:
            raise Inconsistent("This class is not initialized properly")

        if extended_resource_type not in getextends(OT.ResourceContainer):
            raise BadRequest(
                "The requested resource %s is not extended from %s" % (extended_resource_type, OT.ResourceContainer)

        if computed_resource_type and computed_resource_type not in getextends(OT.BaseComputedAttributes):
            raise BadRequest(
                "The requested resource %s is not extended from %s"
                % (computed_resource_type, OT.BaseComputedAttributes)

        resource_object = self._rr.read(resource_id)

        if not resource_object:
            raise NotFound("The Resource %s does not exist" % resource_id)

        res_container = IonObject(extended_resource_type)

        # Check to make sure the extended resource decorator raise OriginResourceType matches the type of the resource type
        originResourceType = res_container.get_class_decorator_value("OriginResourceType")
        if originResourceType is None:
                "The requested extended resource %s does not contain an OriginResourceType decorator.",

        elif originResourceType != resource_object.type_ and not issubtype(resource_object.type_, originResourceType):
            raise Inconsistent(
                "The OriginResourceType decorator of the requested resource %s(%s) does not match the type of the specified resource id(%s)."
                % (extended_resource_type, originResourceType, resource_object.type_)

        res_container._id = resource_object._id
        res_container.resource = resource_object

        # Initialize context object field and load resource associations

        # Fill lcstate related resource container fields

        # Fill resource container info; currently only type_version

        # Fill resource container fields
        self.set_container_field_values(res_container, ext_exclude, **kwargs)

        # Fill computed attributes
        self.set_computed_attributes(res_container, computed_resource_type, ext_exclude, **kwargs)

        # Fill additional associations
        self.set_extended_associations(res_container, ext_associations, ext_exclude)

        res_container.ts_created = get_ion_ts()

        overall_stop_time = time.time()

            "Time to process extended resource container %s %f secs",
            overall_stop_time - overall_start_time,

        # log.info("ResourceContainer: %s" % res_container)

        return res_container
