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Python AdjacencyList.pos_within方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pelita.graph.AdjacencyList.pos_within方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AdjacencyList.pos_within方法的具体用法?Python AdjacencyList.pos_within怎么用?Python AdjacencyList.pos_within使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pelita.graph.AdjacencyList的用法示例。


示例1: test_pos_within

# 需要导入模块: from pelita.graph import AdjacencyList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pelita.graph.AdjacencyList import pos_within [as 别名]
    def test_pos_within(self):
        test_layout = (
        """ ##################
            #0#.  .  # .     #
            #2#####    #####1#
            #     . #  .  .#3#
            ################## """)
        universe = CTFUniverse.create(test_layout, 4)
        al = AdjacencyList(universe.free_positions())
        free = set(pos for pos, val in universe.maze.items() if not val)

        self.assertFalse((0, 0) in al)
        self.assertRaises(NoPathException, al.pos_within, (0, 0), 0)
        self.assertFalse((6, 2) in al)
        self.assertRaises(NoPathException, al.pos_within, (6, 2), 0)

        self.assertTrue((1, 1) in al)
        self.assertEqual(set([(1, 1)]), al.pos_within((1, 1), 0))
        target = set([(1, 1), (1, 2), (1,3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3)])
        self.assertEqual(target, al.pos_within((1, 1), 5))
        # assuming a_star is working properly
        for pos in target:
            self.assertTrue(len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) < 5)
        for pos in free.difference(target):
            self.assertTrue(len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) >= 5)

示例2: test_pos_within

# 需要导入模块: from pelita.graph import AdjacencyList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pelita.graph.AdjacencyList import pos_within [as 别名]
    def test_pos_within(self):
        test_layout = (
        """ ##################
            #0#.  .  # .     #
            #2#####    #####1#
            #     . #  .  .#3#
            ################## """)
        universe = CTFUniverse.create(test_layout, 4)
        al = AdjacencyList(universe.free_positions())
        free = {pos for pos, val in universe.maze.items() if not val}

        assert not ((0, 0) in al)
        with pytest.raises(NoPathException):
            al.pos_within((0, 0), 0)
        assert not ((6, 2) in al)
        with pytest.raises(NoPathException):
            al.pos_within((6, 2), 0)

        assert (1, 1) in al
        unittest.TestCase().assertCountEqual([(1, 1)], al.pos_within((1, 1), 0))
        target = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1,3), (2, 3), (3, 3)]
        unittest.TestCase().assertCountEqual(target, al.pos_within((1, 1), 5))
        # assuming a_star is working properly
        for pos in target:
            assert len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) < 5
        for pos in free.difference(target):
            assert len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) >= 5

示例3: test_pos_within

# 需要导入模块: from pelita.graph import AdjacencyList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pelita.graph.AdjacencyList import pos_within [as 别名]
    def test_pos_within(self):
        test_layout = (
        """ ##################
            #0#.  .  # .     #
            #2#####    #####1#
            #     . #  .  .#3#
            ################## """)
        universe = create_CTFUniverse(test_layout, 4)
        al = AdjacencyList(universe)
        free = set(universe.maze.pos_of(Free))

        self.assertRaises(NoPositionException, al.pos_within, (0, 0), 0)
        self.assertRaises(NoPositionException, al.pos_within, (6, 2), 0)

        self.assertEqual(set([(1, 1)]), al.pos_within((1, 1), 0))
        target = set([(1, 1), (1, 2), (1,3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3)])
        self.assertEqual(target, al.pos_within((1, 1), 5))
        # assuming a_star is working properly
        for pos in target:
            self.assertTrue(len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) < 5)
        for pos in free.difference(target):
            self.assertTrue(len(al.a_star((1, 1), pos)) >= 5)

示例4: JakovPlayer

# 需要导入模块: from pelita.graph import AdjacencyList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pelita.graph.AdjacencyList import pos_within [as 别名]
class JakovPlayer(AbstractPlayer):
    def set_initial(self):
        self.adjacency = AdjacencyList(self.current_uni.reachable([self.initial_pos]))
        self.next_food = None

    def goto_pos(self, pos):
        return self.adjacency.a_star(self.current_pos, pos)[-1]

    def get_move(self):
        # check, if food is still present
        if (self.next_food is None
                or self.next_food not in self.enemy_food):
            if not self.enemy_food:
                # all food has been eaten? ok. i’ll stop
                return datamodel.stop
            self.next_food = self.rnd.choice(self.enemy_food) # !!! to improve: not random from all enemy_food by from closest food

        # determine enemy positions dangerous & killable 
        dangerous_enemy_pos = [bot.current_pos
            for bot in self.enemy_bots if bot.is_destroyer]
        non_noisy_dangerous_enemy_pos = [bot.current_pos
            for bot in self.enemy_bots if (bot.is_destroyer and not bot.noisy)]
        killable_enemy_pos = [bot.current_pos
            for bot in self.enemy_bots if bot.is_harvester]

            next_pos = self.goto_pos(self.next_food)
#            next_pos = self.rnd.choice([(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)])
            move = diff_pos(self.current_pos, next_pos)
            my_adjecent_pos = self.adjacency.pos_within(self.current_pos,5)
            legal_moves = self.legal_moves
            # check if the next position is dangerous

            # list of dangerous enemy adecent positions                
#                dangerous_enemy_adj_pos = []        
            acceptable_adjecent_pos = list(my_adjecent_pos)        
#            for position in dangerous_enemy_pos:
            for position in non_noisy_dangerous_enemy_pos:
                dangerous_enemy_adj_pos = self.adjacency.pos_within(position,3)
                for enemy_adj_pos in dangerous_enemy_adj_pos:
                    if enemy_adj_pos in acceptable_adjecent_pos:                    
            # TODO: improve to -> escape to the direction oposite from the enemy
            if len(acceptable_adjecent_pos) == 0:
                return self.rnd.choice(list(legal_moves.keys()))
            if next_pos not in my_adjecent_pos:
                next_pos = self.rnd.choice(list(my_adjecent_pos))
                move = diff_pos(self.current_pos, next_pos)

            # Remove stop
#            try:
#                del legal_moves[datamodel.stop]
#            except KeyError:
#                pass
#            # now remove the move that would lead to the enemy
#            # unless there is no where else to go.
#            if len(legal_moves) > 1:
#                for (k,v) in legal_moves.items():
#                    if v in dangerous_enemy_pos:
#                        break
#                del legal_moves[k]
#            # just in case, there is really no way to go to:
#            if not legal_moves:
#                return datamodel.stop
#            # and select a move at random
#            return self.rnd.choice(list(legal_moves.keys()))
            # selecting one of the moves
#                while next_pos in dangerous_enemy_pos:
#                    move = self.rnd.choice(possible_moves)
#                    next_pos = (self.current_pos[0] + move[0],self.current_pos[1] + move[1])
            self.say("bla bla!")
            return move
        except NoPathException:
            return datamodel.stop

示例5: UniverseNoiser

# 需要导入模块: from pelita.graph import AdjacencyList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pelita.graph.AdjacencyList import pos_within [as 别名]
class UniverseNoiser(object):
    """ Class to make bot positions noisy.

    Supports uniform noise in maze space. Can be extended to support other types
    of noise. Noise will only be applied if the enemy bot is with a certain
    threshold (`sight_distance`).

    universe : CTFUniverse
        the universe which will later be used
    noise_radius : int, optional, default: 5
        the radius for the uniform noise
    sight_distance : int, optional, default: 5
        the distance at which noise is no longer applied.

    adjacency : AdjacencyList
        adjacency list representation of the Maze


    def __init__(self, universe, noise_radius=5, sight_distance=5):
        self.adjacency = AdjacencyList(universe)
        self.noise_radius = noise_radius
        self.sight_distance = sight_distance

    def uniform_noise(self, universe, bot_index):
        """ Apply uniform noise to the enemies of a Bot.

        Given a `bot_index` the method looks up the enemies of this bot. It then
        adds uniform noise in maze space to the enemy positions. If a position
        is noisy or not is indicated by the `noisy` attribute in the Bot class.

        The method will modify the reference, therefore it is important to use a
        copy of the universe as an argument.

        universe : CTFUniverse
            the universe to add noise to
        bot_index : int
            the bot whose enemies should be noisy

        noisy_universe : CTFUniverse
            universe with noisy enemy positions

        bot = universe.bots[bot_index]
        bots_to_noise = universe.enemy_bots(bot.team_index)
        for b in bots_to_noise:
            # Check that the distance between this bot and the enemy is larger
            # than `sight_distance`.
            if len(self.adjacency.a_star(bot.current_pos, b.current_pos)) > self.sight_distance:
                # If so then alter the position of the enemy
                possible_positions = list(self.adjacency.pos_within(b.current_pos,
                b.current_pos = random.choice(possible_positions)
                b.noisy = True
        return universe
