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Python Graph.subgraph方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中networkx.Graph.subgraph方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.subgraph方法的具体用法?Python Graph.subgraph怎么用?Python Graph.subgraph使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在networkx.Graph的用法示例。


示例1: subnetwork

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import subgraph [as 别名]
 def subnetwork(self, nbunch, pos=None):
     """ Returns Network instance with nbunch nodes, see subgraph. """
     if not pos:
         pos = self.pos
     H = Graph.subgraph(self, nbunch)
     for node in H:
         H.pos.update({node: pos[node][:2]})
         if len(pos[node]) > 2:
             H.ori.update({node: pos[node][2]})
             H.ori.update({node: self.ori[node]})
         H.labels.update({node: self.labels[node]})
     H._environment = deepcopy(self._environment)
     assert(isinstance(H, Network))
     return H

示例2: _get_fbvs

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import subgraph [as 别名]
    def _get_fbvs(self, graph: Graph):
        # get the list of cycles
        cycles = cycle_basis(graph)

        # if the graph is already acyclic, there's nothing to remove, so return an empty set
        if len(cycles) == 0:
            return set()

        # get the set of nodes that is in at least one cycle
        nodes_in_cycles = set([item for sublist in cycles for item in sublist])

        min_num_to_remove = sys.maxsize
        min_nodes_to_remove = set()

        for node in nodes_in_cycles:
            # make an induced subgraph with the current node removed
            nodes = graph.nodes()
            nodes_set = frozenset(nodes)

            if nodes_set in self.cacheDict:
                # if we have previously calculated the min fbvs for this induced subgraph, get that
                # fbvs from the cache dict
                nodes_to_remove = self.cacheDict[nodes_set]
                # otherwise we have to calculate it
                new_graph = graph.subgraph(nodes)
                nodes_to_remove = self._get_fbvs(new_graph)

                # add the newly calculated fbvs to the cache dict
                self.cacheDict[nodes_set] = nodes_to_remove

            if len(nodes_to_remove) < min_num_to_remove:
                min_num_to_remove = len(nodes_to_remove)
                min_nodes_to_remove = nodes_to_remove

        return min_nodes_to_remove

示例3: Network

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import subgraph [as 别名]

        """ Creates the datasource manager instance if not yet available """
        if self.active:
            if self.datasourcemanager is None:
                logger.debug('Create a DatasourceManager instance')
                self.datasourcemanager = DatasourceManager(network=self)
                logger.debug('DatasourceManager instance already running. This is an error.')

    def _render_matrix(self):
        """ Invokes the connectivity matrix viewer """
        # assume the network is activated (i.e. data source generated)
        # we need the edge parameter instance initialized
        if self._edge_para is None:
            self._edge_para = EdgeParameters(self, self.rendermanager.attract.point_scalars_name)
        logger.debug('Invoke Matrix Viewer...')
    def _trackvis_launch(self):
        """ Generates scene file and launch Trackvis on the selected nodes """
        import tempfile
        logger.debug('Starting TrackVis ...')

        # extract selected subgraph
        selectionlist = self.get_selectiongraph_list()
        if len(selectionlist) == 0:
            # message            
            from enthought.traits.ui.message import message
            message(message = 'No nodes selected for ROI creation!', title = 'Infomessage', buttons = [ 'OK' ], parent = None)

        tmpgraph = self.graph.subgraph(selectionlist)

        # extract trackfile temporarily
        if len(self.tracks) == 0:
            logger.info('No trackfile found to invoke Trackvis.')

            # load the first trackfile
            trackfname = self.tracks[0].load_trackfile_to_file()

            # find the first valid segmentation volume in the self.volumes list
            for vol in self.volumes:
                if vol.segmentation:
                    logger.debug('Found a segmentation volume file. Assume labels are corresponding.')
                    volumefname = vol.load_volume_to_file()

        # generate the scene file in the temporary folder
        tmpscenefile=tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp', suffix='.scene')
        # generate trackfile        
        generate_scene_file(scenefname=tmpscenefile[1], \
                          trackfname = trackfname, \
                          volumefname = volumefname, \
                          selectiongraph = tmpgraph)
        # execute trackvis in a thread
        pref = preference_manager.preferences       
        action = ThreadedTrackvis(tvpath = pref.get('cviewer.plugins.ui.trackvispath'), \
                                    fname = tmpscenefile[1], \
                                    trkfname = trackfname,\
                                    volfname = volumefname)
