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Python Graph.remove_node方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中networkx.Graph.remove_node方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.remove_node方法的具体用法?Python Graph.remove_node怎么用?Python Graph.remove_node使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在networkx.Graph的用法示例。


示例1: polygon_skeleton

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
def polygon_skeleton(polygon, density=10):
    """ Given a buffer polygon, return a skeleton graph.
    skeleton = Graph()
    points = []
    for ring in polygon_rings(polygon):
        points.extend(densify_line(list(ring.coords), density))
    if len(points) <= 4:
        # don't bother with this one
        return skeleton
    print >> stderr, ' ', len(points), 'perimeter points',
    rbox = '\n'.join( ['2', str(len(points))] + ['%.2f %.2f' % (x, y) for (x, y) in points] + [''] )
    qvoronoi = Popen('qvoronoi o'.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    output, error = qvoronoi.communicate(rbox)
    voronoi_lines = output.splitlines()
    if qvoronoi.returncode:
        raise _QHullFailure('Failed with code %s' % qvoronoi.returncode)
    vert_count, poly_count = map(int, voronoi_lines[1].split()[:2])
    for (index, line) in enumerate(voronoi_lines[2:2+vert_count]):
        point = Point(*map(float, line.split()[:2]))
        if point.within(polygon):
            skeleton.add_node(index, dict(point=point))
    for line in voronoi_lines[2+vert_count:2+vert_count+poly_count]:
        indexes = map(int, line.split()[1:])
        for (v, w) in zip(indexes, indexes[1:] + indexes[:1]):
            if v not in skeleton.node or w not in skeleton.node:
            v1, v2 = skeleton.node[v]['point'], skeleton.node[w]['point']
            line = LineString([(v1.x, v1.y), (v2.x, v2.y)])
            if line.within(polygon):
                skeleton.add_edge(v, w, dict(line=line, length=line.length))
    removing = True
    while removing:
        removing = False
        for index in skeleton.nodes():
            if skeleton.degree(index) == 1:
                depth = skeleton.node[index].get('depth', 0)
                if depth < 20:
                    other = skeleton.neighbors(index)[0]
                    skeleton.node[other]['depth'] = depth + skeleton.edge[index][other]['line'].length
                    removing = True
    print >> stderr, 'contain', len(skeleton.edge), 'internal edges.'
    return skeleton

示例2: remove_node

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
 def remove_node(self, node):
     """ Remove node from network. """
     if node not in self.nodes():
         logger.error("Node not in network")
     Graph.remove_node(self, node)
     del self.pos[node]
     del self.labels[node]
     node.network = None
     logger.debug('Node with id %d is removed.' % node.id)

示例3: polygon_dots_skeleton

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
def polygon_dots_skeleton(polygon, points):
    skeleton = Graph()

    rbox = '\n'.join( ['2', str(len(points))] + ['%.2f %.2f' % (x, y) for (x, y) in points] + [''] )
    qvoronoi = Popen('qvoronoi o'.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    output, error = qvoronoi.communicate(rbox)
    voronoi_lines = output.splitlines()
    if qvoronoi.returncode:
        raise _QHullFailure('Failed with code %s' % qvoronoi.returncode)
    vert_count, poly_count = map(int, voronoi_lines[1].split()[:2])
    for (index, line) in enumerate(voronoi_lines[2:2+vert_count]):
        point = Point(*map(float, line.split()[:2]))
        if point.within(polygon):
            skeleton.add_node(index, dict(point=point))
    for line in voronoi_lines[2+vert_count:2+vert_count+poly_count]:
        indexes = map(int, line.split()[1:])
        for (v, w) in zip(indexes, indexes[1:] + indexes[:1]):
            if v not in skeleton.node or w not in skeleton.node:
            v1, v2 = skeleton.node[v]['point'], skeleton.node[w]['point']
            line = LineString([(v1.x, v1.y), (v2.x, v2.y)])
            if line.within(polygon):
                skeleton.add_edge(v, w, dict(line=line, length=line.length))
    removing = True
    while removing:
        removing = False
        for index in skeleton.nodes():
            if skeleton.degree(index) == 1:
                depth = skeleton.node[index].get('depth', 0)
                if depth < 20:
                    other = skeleton.neighbors(index)[0]
                    skeleton.node[other]['depth'] = depth + skeleton.edge[index][other]['line'].length
                    removing = True
    logging.debug('found %d skeleton edges' % len(skeleton.edge))
    return skeleton

示例4: solve

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
def solve():
	from networkx import Graph, number_connected_components
	from heap.heap import heap
	def up(p):
		r, c = divmod(p,C)
		return (R-1 if r==0 else r-1)*C + c
	def down(p):
		r, c = divmod(p,C)
		return (0 if r==R-1 else r+1)*C + c
	def left(p):
		r, c = divmod(p,C)
		return r*C + (C-1 if c==0 else c-1)
	def right(p):
		r, c = divmod(p,C)
		return r*C + (0 if c==C-1 else c+1)
	def link(a,b):
		H[b] += 1
	R, C = map(int,input().split())
	N = R*C
	G = Graph()
	H = heap({n:0 for n in range(N)})
	for p in range(N):
	for p, x in enumerate(x for _ in range(R) for x in input().strip()):
		if x == '|':
		elif x == '-':
		elif x == '/':
		elif x == '\\':
	while H[H.peek()] <= 1:
		p, ins = H.popitem()
		if ins == 0:
			# There is a sqaure such that no other square points to it.
			# It's impossible for a lemming to get here.
			# So there are no proper ways to arrange this.
			return 0
			# There is exactly one edge leading into p.
			# Remove the relevant nodes.
			_, q = next(iter(G['end',p]))
			r = next(r for _, r in G['start',q] if r != p)
			# If q now points to p, the other square that q points to
			# has one fewer square pointing to it.
			H[r] -= 1
	# Now all remaining nodes are cycles, and there are exatly two ways
	# to choose the directions for each cycle.
	return pow(2,number_connected_components(G),1000003)

示例5: remove_node

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
 def remove_node(self,n):
     self.fh.write("Remove node: %s\n"%n)

示例6: Network

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]

    def show_surface(self):
        """ Shows the surface for the selected network nodes """
        if self.rendermanager is None:
            raise Exception('No RenderManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')

    def load_pickled_graphml(self, graph):
        """ Loads a pickled GraphML file
        graph : NetworkX Graph instance
            A graph instance
        # setting the graph
        self.graph = graph
        if self.graph.has_node('n0'):
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('nodekeys'):
                # extracting the node keys from the first node
                self.nodekeys = self.graph.node['n0']['nodekeys']
            # extracting the edge keys from the first edge (without explanation)
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('edgekeys'):
                self.edgekeys = self.graph.node['n0']['edgekeys']
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('graphid'):
                self.networkid = self.graph.node['n0']['graphid']
            # remove node
    def _return_default_edgevalue(self, edgekeys, key):
        """ Looks up if there is a default value defined, otherwise
        return zero """
        if edgekeys[key].has_key('default'):
            return float(edgekeys[key]['default'])
            return 0.0
    def parse_network_graphml(self, path):
        """ Read network in GraphML format from a path.
        path : string
            path the the GraphML file
        graph : NetworkX `Graph`
        import networkx as nx
        from networkx.utils import _get_fh
        from lxml import etree
        # Return a file handle for given path.
        # Path can be a string or a file handle.
        # Attempt to uncompress/compress files ending in .gz and .bz2.

示例7: print

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]
                utm_zone_number = pos[2]
            graph.add_node(item.id, lat=item.lat, lon=item.lon, pos=pos[:2])
            #nodes += 1
        items += 1
        print('{0} items processed'.format(items), end='\r')

    print('{0} items processed'.format(items))

    if shape_file:
        n = graph.number_of_nodes()
        i = 0
        print('Apply shapefile')
        for node in graph.nodes():
            p = Point(graph.node[node]['lon'], graph.node[node]['lat'])
            if not shape_file.contains(p):
            i += 1
            print('{0}/{1} nodes processed'.format(i, n), end='\r')
        print('{0}/{1} nodes processed'.format(i, n))

    print('Search for orphaned nodes')
    orphaned = set()
    n = graph.number_of_nodes()
    i = 0
    for node in graph.nodes_iter():
        if graph.degree(node) == 0:
        i += 1
        print('{0}/{1} nodes processed'.format(i, n), end='\r')
    print('{0}/{1} nodes processed'.format(i, n))

示例8: LangGraph

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.Graph import remove_node [as 别名]

		Returns the words in narrative order
		return [t.word for t in self.tokens()]

	def tokens(self):
		Returns the tokens in narrative order
		return [i.token for i in self.temporal]

	def labels(self):
		Returns the sequence of labels for the instances
		return [i.event.type for i in self.temporal]

	def removeAny(self, blackList):
		Removes any nodes/tokens/instances that match the words in the blacklist
		#if a token or its lemma match any of the words in the blacklist
		#mark it for removal
		toRemove = {inst.token for inst in self.temporal 
			if inst.token.word.lower() in blackList 
			or inst.token.lemma.lower() in blackList}


	def removeNodes(self, tokens):
		Removes the token from the graph
		startLen = len(self)

		#mark all the instances/indexes to remove
		instances = {inst:i for inst,i in self.temporalMap.items() 
			if inst.token in tokens}

		#determine the remaining nodes
		remaining = sorted(list(set(range(startLen)) - {i for i in instances.values()}))
		#add in all the bypasses
		for startIndex, endIndex in iterPairs(remaining):
				start = self.temporal[startIndex]
				end = self.temporal[endIndex]
				self.addEdge(start, end, WORD_EDGE)

		#remove the edges
		for inst in instances:
		#if there are remaining nodes then reset the temporal mapping
		if remaining:
			startIndex = min(remaining)
			self.start = self.temporal[startIndex]

			#redo narrative order
			self.temporal = self.narrativeOrder()
			self.temporalMap = self.narrativeMapping()

			self.start = None
			self.temporal = []
			self.temporalMap = {}

	def copy(self):
		Performs a shallow copy of the graph
		newGraph = LangGraph(self.isDirected, self.entEdges)

		#create new instances
		newInst = {i:me.Instance(copy(i.token), i.event) for i in self.temporal}

		#add in all the edges
		for start, end in self.graph.edges():
			for eType in self.edgeTypes(start, end):
				newGraph.addEdge(newInst[start], newInst[end], eType)


		return newGraph

	def graphString(self):
		Returns the graph as a string
		return " ".join([t.word for t in self.tokens()])

	def __len__(self):
		Returns the number of nodes (tokens) in the graph
		return len(self.graph)

	def __repr__(self):
		Returns a summary string of the graph
		return "LangGraph {} nodes, {} edges".format(len(self.graph.nodes()), len(self.graph.edges()))
