本文整理汇总了Python中models.Article.objects方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Article.objects方法的具体用法?Python Article.objects怎么用?Python Article.objects使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.Article
示例1: sec_list
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def sec_list(request,domain=None):
""".. :py:method::
domains_list = []
domain_list = Domain.objects().all()
for do in domain_list:
title = u'{}分类文章数量'.format(domain)
per_dict = {}
domain_obj = Domain.objects(name=domain).first()
if domain_obj:
categories = Category.objects(belong_Domain=domain_obj).all()
article_all = 0
for cate in categories:
article_all = article_all + Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
for cate in categories:
article_num = Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
per_dict[cate.name] = float(u"%.2f" % (float(article_num)/article_all))
per_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(per_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
raise Http404
return render_to_response('webanan_list.html',{
'title': title,
示例2: all_list
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def all_list(request):
""".. :py:method::
domains_list = []
domain_list = Domain.objects().all()
for do in domain_list:
title = u'各主机文章数量'
per_dict = {}
domains = Domain.objects().all()
article_all = Article.objects().count()
for domain in domains:
categories = Category.objects(belong_Domain=domain).all()
domain_count = 0
for cate in categories:
article_num = Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
domain_count = domain_count + article_num
per_dict[domain.name] = float(u"%.2f" % (float(domain_count)/article_all))
per_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(per_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
return render_to_response('webanan_list.html',{
'title': title,
示例3: unsubscribe
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def unsubscribe(rss_id):
'''Logic to unsubscribe a user from an rss feed, and all articles from that feed'''
feed_to_be_removed = Feed.objects.get(id = rss_id)
#atomically remove feed subscription from current user
User.objects(id = current_user.id).update_one(pull__subscriptions__feed_id = feed_to_be_removed.id)
#atomically remove articles from unsubscribed feed for current user
Article.objects(feed_id = feed_to_be_removed.id).update(pull__readers__user_id = current_user.id)
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Success'))
except DoesNotExist:
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Error', message = 'Given feed does not exist'))
示例4: markRead
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def markRead(article_id, interest):
'''Logic to atomically mark an article as being read by the logged in user'''
#TODO: test it
#atomically remove current user from readers of given article, add them to the interested/uninterested list
if interest is 0:
Article.objects(id = article_id).update_one(\
pull__readers__user_id = current_user.id\
, add_to_set__uninterested_users = current_user.id\
Article.objects(id = article_id).update_one(\
pull__readers__user_id = current_user.id\
, add_to_set__interested_users = current_user.id\
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Success'))
示例5: go
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def go(request):
user = request.user
articles = None
#articles = Article.objects(reported=True)
articles = Article.objects(isvisible=True)
s_articles = []
for art in articles:
ideas = None
ideas = Idea.objects(isvisible=True)
s_ideas = []
for idea in ideas:
template_values = {
'articles': s_articles,
'ideas': s_ideas,
'user' : user,
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/ideas/managebulk.html')
return render_to_response(path, template_values)
示例6: unpublish
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def unpublish(request):
error_msg = u"No POST data sent."
if request.method == "POST":
post = request.POST.copy()
if post.has_key('id') and post.has_key('type'):
iid = post['id']
type = post['type']
if type =='idea':
ideas = Idea.objects(id=iid)
if(len(ideas) >0):
idea = ideas[0]
idea.isvisible = False
t = ThreadClass("Idea Unpublished", "Your idea '"+idea.title +"' has been unpublished.",[idea.email]+"'")
except Exception as inst:
print 'exception sending email '+str(inst)
articles = Article.objects(id=iid)
if(len(articles) >0):
art = articles[0]
art.isvisible = False
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
except Exception as inst:
return HttpResponseServerError('wowza! an error occurred, sorry!</br>'+str(inst))
error_msg = u"Insufficient POST data (need 'slug' and 'title'!)"
return HttpResponseServerError(error_msg)
示例7: voteart
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def voteart(request):
error_msg = u"No POST data sent."
if request.method == "POST":
post = request.POST.copy()
if post.has_key('id') and post.has_key('vote'):
iid = post['id']
articles = Article.objects(id=iid)
if(len(articles) >0):
art = articles[0]
curcount = art.votecount
if post['vote']=='1':
art.votecount = curcount + 1
elif post['vote']=='3':
art.votecount = curcount + 3
elif post['vote']=='5':
art.votecount = curcount + 5
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
except Exception as inst:
return HttpResponseServerError('wowza! an error occurred, sorry!</br>'+str(inst))
error_msg = u"Insufficient POST data (need 'slug' and 'title'!)"
return HttpResponseServerError(error_msg)
示例8: approve
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def approve(request):
error_msg = u"No POST data sent."
if request.method == "POST":
post = request.POST.copy()
if post.has_key('id') and post.has_key('type'):
iid = post['id']
type = post['type']
if type =='idea':
ideas = Idea.objects(id=iid)
if(len(ideas) >0):
idea = ideas[0]
idea.reported = False
articles = Article.objects(id=iid)
if(len(articles) >0):
art = articles[0]
art.reported = False
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
except Exception as inst:
return HttpResponseServerError('wowza! an error occurred, sorry!</br>'+str(inst))
error_msg = u"Insufficient POST data (need 'slug' and 'title'!)"
return HttpResponseServerError(error_msg)
示例9: subscribe
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def subscribe(rss_url):
'''Logic to add a given rss feed to the db, if required, and subscribe the current user to this feed'''
feed = Feed.get_or_construct(rss_url)
except NotAFeed:
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Error', message='The given url is not an rss feed url'))
new_subscription = Subscription(feed_id = feed.id)
#atomically add new feed subscription to current user
number_of_items_affected = User.objects(id = current_user.id).update_one(add_to_set__subscriptions = new_subscription)
new_reader = Reader(user_id = current_user.id)
#atomically add current user to readers of all articles in subscribed feed
Article.objects(feed_id = feed.id).update(add_to_set__readers = new_reader)
if number_of_items_affected is 1:
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Success'))
return jsonify(dict(\
status = 'Error'\
, message = 'Unable to subscribe'\
示例10: markUnread
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def markUnread(article_id):
'''Logic to atomically mark an article as being unread by the logged in user'''
#TODO: test it
new_reader = Reader(user_id = current_user.id)
#atomically add current user to readers of given article
number_of_items_affected = Article.objects(id = article_id).update_one(add_to_set__readers = new_reader)
if number_of_items_affected is 1:
return jsonify(dict(status = 'Success'))
return jsonify(dict(\
status = 'Error'\
, message = 'No articles matched the given id'\
示例11: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
year = int(kwargs['id'])
d = request.GET.dict()
page_num = int(d.get('page_num', 1))
if page_num < 1:
page_num = 1
item_num = 10
page_start = (page_num -1 )* item_num
page_end = page_num * item_num
start = datetime(year, 1, 1)
end = datetime(year, 12, 31)
total_num = Article.objects(Q(status=1) & Q(create_time__gte=start) & Q(create_time__lte=end)).count()
total_page = math.ceil(total_num*1.0/item_num)
last_page = page_num-1
next_page = page_num+1
a_list = list(Article.objects(Q(status=1) & Q(create_time__gte=start)& Q(create_time__lte=end)).order_by('-create_time'))[page_start:page_end]
for i in a_list:
i.content = markdown(i.content)
para = {'article_list': a_list}
para.update({"page_num": page_num,
"last_page": last_page,
"next_page": next_page,
'total_page': total_page,})
except DoesNotExist:
para = {'article_list': None}
t = TemplateResponse(request, 'list.html', para)
return t
示例12: reportarticle
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def reportarticle(request):
tag = request.path_info
tag = tag.split('/')[2]
articles = Article.objects(id=tag)
if len(articles)>0:
art = articles[0]
art.reported = True
person = getPerson(request)
if person:
person.timesReport = person.timesReport +1
rating = Score.objects(type='report')[0].value
person.currentRating = person.currentRating + rating
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
示例13: getUnreadArticles
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def getUnreadArticles(feedId):
'''Logic to get unread articles for a particular subscribed feed for the current user'''
items = []
for article in Article.objects(feed_id = feedId, readers__user_id = current_user.id):
for reader in article.readers:
if reader.user_id == current_user.id:
user_score = reader.score
item = dict(\
article_id = str( article.id )\
, title = article.features.title\
, content_snippet = article.features.content_snippet\
, source_link = article.source_url\
, time_stamp = time.mktime(article.time_stamp.timetuple())\
, score = user_score\
return jsonify(dict(\
articles = items\
示例14: getUserInfo
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def getUserInfo():
'''Logic to get all required information about a user '''
items = []
for subscription in current_user.subscriptions:
feed = Feed.objects.get(id = subscription.feed_id)
UnreadArticleCount = Article.objects(feed_id = subscription.feed_id, readers__user_id = current_user.id).count()
item = dict(\
#feed_id is encoded as string to allow it to be sent as JSON
feed_id = str( subscription.feed_id )\
, feed_name = feed.name\
, site_url = feed.site_url\
, UnreadCount = UnreadArticleCount\
return jsonify(dict(\
name = current_user.name\
, email = current_user.email\
, subscriptions = items\
示例15: go
# 需要导入模块: from models import Article [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Article import objects [as 别名]
def go(request):
user = request.user
articles = None
articles = Article.objects(isvisible=True).order_by('-votecount')
s_articles = []
for art in articles:
if str(request.user) in art.voters:
art.hasvoted = True
template_values = {
'articles': s_articles,
'user' : user,
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/ideas/articles.html')
return render_to_response(path, template_values)