本文整理汇总了Python中migen.sim.generic.Simulator.run方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Simulator.run方法的具体用法?Python Simulator.run怎么用?Python Simulator.run使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类migen.sim.generic.Simulator
示例1: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
# Create graph
g = DataFlowGraph()
gen1 = ComposableSource(g, NumberGen())
gen2 = ComposableSource(g, NumberGen())
ps = gen1 + gen2
result = ps*gen1 + ps*gen2
g.add_connection(result.actor_node, ActorNode(Dumper()))
gen1.actor_node.actor.name = "gen1"
gen2.actor_node.actor.name = "gen2"
result.actor_node.name = "result"
# Elaborate
print("is_abstract before elaboration: " + str(g.is_abstract()))
print("is_abstract after elaboration : " + str(g.is_abstract()))
# Simulate
c = CompositeActor(g)
fragment = c.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
示例2: SDRAMHostReadTest
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
class SDRAMHostReadTest(sim.sdram_test_util.SDRAMUTFramework, unittest.TestCase):
# def setUp(self):
def _run(self, dummy_data, dummy_idle, max_burst_length, host_burst_length):
self.tb = TestBench("mt48lc16m16a2", dummy_data, dummy_idle, max_burst_length, host_burst_length)
# Verify that all necessary files are present
files = gather_files(self.tb)
for i in files:
if not os.path.exists(i):
raise FileNotFoundError("Please download and save the vendor "
"SDRAM model in %s (not redistributable)"
% i)
runner = icarus.Runner(extra_files=files)
vcd = "test_%s.vcd" % self.__class__.__name__
self.sim = Simulator(self.tb, TopLevel(vcd), sim_runner=runner)
with self.sim:
def test_sdram_host_read(self):
self._run(300, 1000, 256, 16)
def test_sdram_host_read_2(self):
self._run(300, 10, 256, 256)
def test_sdram_host_read_3(self):
self._run(300, 1000, 16, 17)
def test_sdram_host_read_4(self):
self._run(300, 10, 32, 64)
示例3: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
nbits = 32
# See:
# http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~damian/Idioms/Topics/12.1.DataFlow/html/text.html
g = DataFlowGraph()
adder = ActorNode(Add(BV(nbits)))
bufadd = ActorNode(plumbing.Buffer) # TODO FIXME: deadlocks without this buffer
init1 = ActorNode(Init(nbits))
buf1 = ActorNode(plumbing.Buffer)
init2 = ActorNode(Init(nbits))
buf2 = ActorNode(plumbing.Buffer)
g.add_connection(adder, bufadd)
g.add_connection(bufadd, init1)
g.add_connection(init1, buf1)
g.add_connection(buf1, adder, sink_subr="a")
g.add_connection(buf1, init2)
g.add_connection(init2, buf2)
g.add_connection(buf2, adder, sink_subr="b")
g.add_connection(bufadd, ActorNode(Dumper(nbits)))
c = CompositeActor(g)
fragment = c.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
示例4: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
dut = Refresher(13, 2, tRP=3, tREFI=100, tRFC=5)
logger = CommandLogger(dut.cmd)
granter = Granter(dut.req, dut.ack)
fragment = dut.get_fragment() + logger.get_fragment() + granter.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment)
示例5: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
# Compute filter coefficients with SciPy.
coef = signal.remez(80, [0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5], [1, 0])
fir = FIR(coef)
# Simulate for different frequencies and concatenate
# the results.
in_signals = []
out_signals = []
for frequency in [0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2]:
tb = TB(fir, frequency)
fragment = autofragment.from_local()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
in_signals += tb.inputs
out_signals += tb.outputs
# Plot data from the input and output waveforms.
# Print the Verilog source for the filter.
ios={fir.i, fir.o}))
示例6: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
hub = asmibus.Hub(16, 128)
port = hub.get_port()
dut = Framebuffer(1, port, True)
fragment = hub.get_fragment() + dut.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment)
def csr_w(addr, d):
sim.wr(dut.bank.description[addr].field.storage, d)
hres = 4
vres = 4
csr_w(1, hres) # hres
csr_w(2, hres+3) # hsync_start
csr_w(3, hres+5) # hsync_stop
csr_w(4, hres+10) # hscan
csr_w(5, vres) # vres
csr_w(6, vres+3) # vsync_start
csr_w(7, vres+5) # vsync_stop
csr_w(8, vres+10) # vscan
csr_w(10, hres*vres*4) # length
csr_w(0, 1) # enable
示例7: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
base_layout = [("value", 32)]
packed_layout = structuring.pack_layout(base_layout, pack_factor)
rawbits_layout = [("value", 32*pack_factor)]
source = SimActor(source_gen(), ("source", Source, base_layout))
sink = SimActor(sink_gen(), ("sink", Sink, base_layout))
# A tortuous way of passing integer tokens.
packer = structuring.Pack(base_layout, pack_factor)
to_raw = structuring.Cast(packed_layout, rawbits_layout)
from_raw = structuring.Cast(rawbits_layout, packed_layout)
unpacker = structuring.Unpack(pack_factor, base_layout)
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(source, packer)
g.add_connection(packer, to_raw)
g.add_connection(to_raw, from_raw)
g.add_connection(from_raw, unpacker)
g.add_connection(unpacker, sink)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
reporter = perftools.DFGReporter(g)
fragment = comp.get_fragment() + reporter.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
g_layout = nx.spectral_layout(g)
nx.draw(g, g_layout)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(g, g_layout, reporter.get_edge_labels())
示例8: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
dut = Counter()
# We do not specify a top-level nor runner object, and use the defaults.
sim = Simulator(dut.get_fragment())
# Since we do not use sim.interrupt, limit the simulation
# to some number of cycles.
示例9: test_writer
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def test_writer():
print("*** Testing writer")
trgen = SimActor(trgen_gen(), ("address_data", Source, [("a", BV(30)), ("d", BV(32))]))
writer = dma_wishbone.Writer()
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(trgen, writer)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
peripheral = MyPeripheral()
tap = wishbone.Tap(peripheral.bus)
interconnect = wishbone.InterconnectPointToPoint(writer.bus, peripheral.bus)
def end_simulation(s):
s.interrupt = trgen.done and not s.rd(comp.busy)
fragment = (
+ peripheral.get_fragment()
+ tap.get_fragment()
+ interconnect.get_fragment()
+ Fragment(sim=[end_simulation])
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
示例10: run_sim
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def run_sim(ng):
g = DataFlowGraph()
d = Dumper(layout)
g.add_connection(ng, d)
c = CompositeActor(g)
sim = Simulator(c)
del sim
示例11: run_sim
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def run_sim(ng):
g = DataFlowGraph()
d = Dumper(layout)
g.add_connection(ng, d)
c = CompositeActor(g)
fragment = c.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
del sim
示例12: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
source = SimSource()
loop = misc.IntSequence(32)
sink = SimSink()
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(source, loop)
g.add_connection(loop, sink)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
sim = Simulator(comp)
示例13: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(DataGen(), PE43602Driver(PE43602()))
c = CompositeActor(g)
def end_simulation(s):
s.interrupt = s.cycle_counter > 5 and not s.rd(c.busy)
f = c.get_fragment() + Fragment(sim=[end_simulation])
sim = Simulator(f, TopLevel(vcd_name="pe43602.vcd"))
示例14: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
source = ActorNode(SimActor(source_gen(), ("source", Source, [("value", BV(32))])))
loop = ActorNode(control.For(32))
sink = ActorNode(SimActor(sink_gen(), ("sink", Sink, [("value", BV(32))])))
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(source, loop)
g.add_connection(loop, sink)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
fragment = comp.get_fragment()
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())
示例15: main
# 需要导入模块: from migen.sim.generic import Simulator [as 别名]
# 或者: from migen.sim.generic.Simulator import run [as 别名]
def main():
source = SimActor(source_gen(), ("source", Source, [("value", 32)]))
sink = SimActor(sink_gen(), ("sink", Sink, [("value", 32)]))
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(source, sink)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
def end_simulation(s):
s.interrupt = source.token_exchanger.done
fragment = comp.get_fragment() + Fragment(sim=[end_simulation])
sim = Simulator(fragment, Runner())