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Python Polygon.set_gid方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.patches.Polygon.set_gid方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Polygon.set_gid方法的具体用法?Python Polygon.set_gid怎么用?Python Polygon.set_gid使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在matplotlib.patches.Polygon的用法示例。


示例1: ScatterGraph

# 需要导入模块: from matplotlib.patches import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from matplotlib.patches.Polygon import set_gid [as 别名]
  def ScatterGraph(self):
    AnnotatedArtists = []

    # Compute the scatter plot for this cluster
    NumberOfFrames  = self.Data.GetNumberOfFrames()
    NumberOfObjects = self.Data.GetNumberOfObjects()
    FirstObject     = self.Data.GetFirstObject() - 2 # Include filtered and noise
    LastObject      = self.Data.GetLastObject()
    TasksPerFrame   = self.Data.GetTasksPerFrame()

    SelectedFrame   = self.GUI.GetSelectedFrame()
    SelectedCluster  = self.GUI.GetSelectedCluster()
    SelectedMetricX = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricX()
    SelectedMetricY = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricY()
    if self.GUI.in_3D():
      SelectedMetricZ = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricZ()

#    cursor = Cursor(self.ScatterPlotAxes, useblit=True, color='black', linewidth=1 )

    for current_frame in range(1, NumberOfFrames+1):

      for current_object in range(FirstObject, LastObject+1):
        (r, g, b) = Decorations.RGBColor0_1(current_object)

        # Compute the scatter plot for this cluster
        xdata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricX )
        ydata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricY )
        if (len(xdata) == 0) or (len(ydata) == 0):
        if self.GUI.in_3D():
          zdata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricZ )
          if (len(zdata) == 0):

        if (self.GUI.in_Trajectory_View()):
          if self.GUI.RatioX():
            xdata = xdata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1]
          if self.GUI.RatioY():
            ydata = ydata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1]
          if self.GUI.in_3D() and self.GUI.RatioZ():
            zdata = zdata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1]

        if self.GUI.in_3D():
          scatter = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( xdata, ydata, zdata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=50, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object), picker=True )
          scatter = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( xdata, ydata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=50, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object), picker=True )
        thumb = self.GUI.GetThumbAxes(current_frame).scatter( xdata, ydata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=100, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object))
        thumb.set_visible( False )
        self.Thumbs[(current_object, current_frame)] = thumb

        scatter.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) )
        scatter.set_visible( False )
        self.Scatters[(current_object, current_frame)] = scatter
        AnnotatedArtists.append( scatter )

        # Compute the centroid for this cluster
        centroid_x = nanmean( xdata )
        centroid_y = nanmean( ydata )
        if self.GUI.in_3D():
          centroid_z = nanmean( zdata )
          centroid = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z, s=50, color=(r, g, b), edgecolor="black", marker="o", zorder=3, picker=True )
          self.Trajectories[(current_object, current_frame)] = (centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z)
          centroid = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( centroid_x, centroid_y, s=50, color=(r, g, b), edgecolor="black", marker="o", zorder=3, picker=True)
          self.Trajectories[(current_object, current_frame)] = (centroid_x, centroid_y)

        centroid.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) )
        self.Centroids[(current_object, current_frame)] = centroid
        AnnotatedArtists.append( centroid )

        # Compute the convex hull for this cluster
        if (AvailableHulls) and self.GUI.in_2D():
          points = np.array( zip(xdata, ydata) )
          if (len(points) < 3):

            hull     = ConvexHull( points, qhull_options='Pp' )
            vertices = hull.vertices
            vertices = []
          if (len(vertices) > 0):
            polygon_points = []
            for vertice in vertices:
              polygon_points.append( (points[vertice][0], points[vertice][1]) )
            hull_polygon = Polygon(polygon_points, closed=True, alpha=0.5, color=Decorations.RGBColor0_1(current_object), zorder=4, lw=10)
            hull_polygon.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) )
            self.Hulls[(current_object, current_frame)] = hull_polygon
