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Python Vector.z方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mathutils.Vector.z方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Vector.z方法的具体用法?Python Vector.z怎么用?Python Vector.z使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mathutils.Vector的用法示例。


示例1: calcAlign

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
    def calcAlign(self, localArea):
        alnVec = Vector([0, 0, 0])
        if len(localArea) == 0:
            return alnVec
        agents = self.sim.agents
        for neighbour in localArea:
            alnVec.x += agents[neighbour].arx
            alnVec.y += agents[neighbour].ary
            alnVec.z += agents[neighbour].arz
        alnVec /= len(localArea)

        alnVec.x -= agents[self.userid].arx
        alnVec.y -= agents[self.userid].ary
        alnVec.z -= agents[self.userid].arz

        alnVec.x %= 2 * math.pi
        alnVec.y %= 2 * math.pi
        alnVec.z %= 2 * math.pi

        if alnVec.x < math.pi:
            alnVec.x = alnVec.x / math.pi
            alnVec.x = -2 + alnVec.x / math.pi
        if alnVec.y < math.pi:
            alnVec.y = alnVec.y / math.pi
            alnVec.y = -2 + alnVec.y / math.pi
        if alnVec.z < math.pi:
            alnVec.z = alnVec.z / math.pi
            alnVec.z = -2 + alnVec.z / math.pi
        return alnVec

示例2: getBoundingBox

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def getBoundingBox(scene):
  minimum = Vector() 
  maximum = Vector()

  for obj in scene.objects:
    if obj.type == 'MESH':
      bbox_corners = [obj.matrix_world * Vector(corner) for corner in obj.bound_box]

      for v in bbox_corners:
        if v.x < minimum.x:
          minimum.x = v.x
        if v.y < minimum.y:
          minimum.y = v.y
        if v.z < minimum.z:
          minimum.z = v.z
        if v.x > maximum.x:
          maximum.x = v.x
        if v.y > maximum.y:
          maximum.y = v.y
        if v.z > maximum.z:
          maximum.z = v.z

  return  {
    "minimum" : { "x" : minimum.x, "y" : minimum.y, "z" : minimum.z },
    "maximum" : { "x" : maximum.x, "y" : maximum.y, "z" : maximum.z }

示例3: getBoundsBF

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def getBoundsBF(obj:Object):
    """ brute force method for obtaining object bounding box """
    # initialize min and max
    min = Vector((math.inf, math.inf, math.inf))
    max = Vector((-math.inf, -math.inf, -math.inf))
    # calculate min and max verts
    for v in obj.data.vertices:
        if v.co.x > max.x:
            max.x = v.co.x
        elif v.co.x < min.x:
            min.x = v.co.x
        if v.co.y > max.y:
            max.y = v.co.y
        elif v.co.y < min.y:
            min.y = v.co.y
        if v.co.z > max.z:
            max.z = v.co.z
        elif v.co.z < min.z:
            min.z = v.co.z
    # set up bounding box list of coord lists
    bound_box = [list(min),
                 [min.x, min.y, min.z],
                 [min.x, min.y, max.z],
                 [min.x, max.y, max.z],
                 [min.x, max.y, min.z],
                 [max.x, min.y, min.z],
                 [max.y, min.y, max.z],
                 [max.x, max.y, min.z]]
    return bound_box

示例4: readPackedVector

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def readPackedVector(f, format):
    packed = f

    output = Vector()
    if format == 'XZY':
        output.x = packed
        output.y = packed / 65536.0
        output.z = packed / 256.0
    elif format == 'ZXY':
        output.x = packed / 256.0
        output.y = packed / 65536.0
        output.z = packed
    elif format == 'XYZ':
        output.x = packed
        output.y = packed / 256.0
        output.z = packed / 65536.0

    output.x -= math.floor(output.x)
    output.y -= math.floor(output.y)
    output.z -= math.floor(output.z)

    output.x = output.x*2 - 1
    output.y = output.y*2 - 1
    output.z = output.z*2 - 1

    return output

示例5: analyzeMeshObject

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def analyzeMeshObject(obj, meshFaces):

    mesh = obj.data
    parts = []
    halfSize = obj.dimensions * 0.5
    candidParts = []
    centerOfMass = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    trianglesCount = 0
    meshVerticesCount = len(mesh.vertices)
    meshMaterialCount = len(mesh.materials)

    if meshMaterialCount > 0:
        # Create parts. It is important to iterate it manually 
        # so material names order is preserved.
        for i in range(meshMaterialCount):
            candidParts.append({'name': mesh.materials[i].name, 'start': 0, 'count': 0})
        # If there are no materials defined, create default part placeholder.
        candidParts.append({'name': DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 'start': 0, 'count': 0})

    for f in meshFaces:
        # Some faces can be quads - values have to doubled then.
        modifier = 2 if len(f.vertices) == 4 else 1
        candidParts[f.material_index]['count'] += 3 * modifier
        trianglesCount += 1 * modifier

    # Update part`s start attribute so they take other parts into account.
    for i in range(0, len(candidParts)):
        if i > 0:
            candidParts[i]['start'] = candidParts[i - 1]['start'] + candidParts[i - 1]['count']

    # Only export parts that have any triangles assigned.
    for p in candidParts:
        if p['count'] > 0:

    centerMax = Vector((-9999.999, -9999.999, -9999.999))
    centerMin = Vector(( 9999.999,  9999.999,  9999.999))

    for v in mesh.vertices:
        centerMax.x = max(centerMax.x, v.co.x)
        centerMin.x = min(centerMin.x, v.co.x)
        centerMax.y = max(centerMax.y, v.co.y)
        centerMin.y = min(centerMin.y, v.co.y)
        centerMax.z = max(centerMax.z, v.co.z)
        centerMin.z = min(centerMin.z, v.co.z)

    centerOfMass.x = abs(centerMax.x) - abs(centerMin.x)
    centerOfMass.y = abs(centerMax.y) - abs(centerMin.y)
    centerOfMass.z = abs(centerMax.z) - abs(centerMin.z)

    centerOfMass *= 0.5

    return centerOfMass, halfSize, trianglesCount, parts

示例6: bounding_box

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def bounding_box(mesh):
    v0 = mesh.vertices[0].co
    vmin = Vector((v0.x, v0.y, v0.z))
    vmax = Vector((v0.x, v0.y, v0.z))
    for i in range(1, len(mesh.vertices)):
        v = mesh.vertices[i].co
        vmin.x = min(vmin.x, v.x)
        vmin.y = min(vmin.y, v.y)
        vmin.z = min(vmin.z, v.z)
        vmax.x = max(vmax.x, v.x)
        vmax.y = max(vmax.y, v.y)
        vmax.z = max(vmax.z, v.z)
    return vmin, vmax

示例7: modal

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
    def modal(self, context, event):
        props = context.scene.tom_props
        prefs = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences

        # 3Dビューの画面を更新
        if context.area:

        # キーボードのQキーが押された場合は、オブジェクト並進移動モードを終了
        if event.type == 'Q' and event.value == 'PRESS':
            props.running = False
            print("サンプル3-10: 通常モードへ移行しました。")
            return {'FINISHED'}

        if event.value == 'PRESS':
            value = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
            if event.type == prefs.x_axis:
                value.x = 1.0 if not event.shift else -1.0
            if event.type == prefs.y_axis:
                value.y = 1.0 if not event.shift else -1.0
            if event.type == prefs.z_axis:
                value.z = 1.0 if not event.shift else -1.0
            # 選択中のオブジェクトを並進移動する

        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

示例8: fencehop

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def fencehop():
	cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
	own = cont.owner
	auto_action = cont.sensors['auto_action']
	if not auto_action:
		return False
	elif own['isSpaceon']:
		#Gather info on the fence
		fence_obj = auto_action.hitObject
		fence_pos = fence_obj.worldPosition
		#get the normal of the fence
		hit_norm = Vector(auto_action.hitNormal)
		hit_norm.z = 0.0
		#Vector axis of Sintel
		own_negative_y = Vector(own.getAxisVect((0.0, -1.0, 0.0)))
		own_negative_y.z = 0.0
		#Cross it, then get the absolute vaule
		cross = hit_norm.cross(own_negative_y)
		cross = math.fabs(cross[2])
		#print (cross)
		#Check the angle of approach
		if cross <=.5:
			new_pos = (fence_pos[2] + 2)
			own.worldPosition[2] = new_pos
			CURRENT_SPEED = own.getLinearVelocity(True)
			if CURRENT_SPEED[1] < 11:
				CURRENT_SPEED[1] = 11
			CURRENT_SPEED[2] = 10
			#print (CURRENT_SPEED)
			own.setLinearVelocity(CURRENT_SPEED ,True)
			return True
			return False

示例9: onKeyPressed

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
	def onKeyPressed(self, keys):
		rot = self.obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
		pos = Vector([0,0,0])
		if key.W in keys: rot.x += 0.01
		if key.S in keys: rot.x -= 0.01
		if key.A in keys: rot.z += 0.01
		if key.D in keys: rot.z -= 0.01
		if key.WHEELUPMOUSE in keys: pos.z = -self.obj.worldPosition.z * 0.3
		if key.WHEELDOWNMOUSE in keys: pos.z = self.obj.worldPosition.z * 0.3

		#Max speed is dependent of the Tile sizes, ex (200m/s = size) / 50fps = 4m/tick
		#Since we are using an extra radius we can guarante a speed of 8m/tick without glitches: 8*60fps = 480m/s = 1728 km/h
		#if pos.length > 8: pos.length = 8
		#But we don't care for now
		if pos.length > 50: pos.length = 50
		self.obj.worldPosition += pos
		self.obj.worldOrientation = rot

示例10: roi2point

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
 def roi2point(self, msg):
   Returns a normalized point at the center of the given RegionOfInterest
   p = Vector([0,0,0])
   if self.camerainfo.width > 0:
     p.x =  0.5 - (msg.x_offset+(msg.width/2.0))/self.camerainfo.width
   if self.camerainfo.height > 0:
     p.z =  0.5 - (msg.y_offset+(msg.height/2.0))/self.camerainfo.height
   return p

示例11: __neg__

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
 def __neg__(self):
     """ return antipodal point """
     if self.co.x > 0:
         coo.x = self.co.x -  math.pi
         coo.x = self.co.x + math.pi
     coo.y = abs(math.pi - self.co.y)
     coo.z = -self.co.z
     return Reflection(co=coo,

示例12: main

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
def main():
	cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
	own = cont.owner

	wall_ray = cont.sensors["wall_ray"]

	wall_normal = Vector(wall_ray.hitNormal)
	wall_normal.z = 0.0

	own_negative_y = Vector(own.getAxisVect((0.0, -1.0, 0.0)))
	own_negative_y.z = 0.0
	cross = wall_normal.cross(own_negative_y)

	if cross.z > 0.0:
		new_dir = Matrix.Rotation(-90.0, 3, 'X') * wall_normal
		new_dir = Matrix.Rotation(90.0, 3, 'X') * wall_normal
	#print (new_dir)
	#own.alignAxisToVect(new_dir, 0, .1)

示例13: getDimensions

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
    def getDimensions(self):
        highest = Vector((-10000, -10000, -10000))
        lowest  = Vector(( 10000,  10000,  10000))

        for bone in self.bones:
            if highest.x < bone.restHead.x: highest.x = bone.restHead.x
            if highest.y < bone.restHead.y: highest.y = bone.restHead.y
            if highest.z < bone.restHead.z: highest.z = bone.restHead.z

            if highest.x < bone.restTail.x: highest.x = bone.restTail.x
            if highest.y < bone.restTail.y: highest.y = bone.restTail.y
            if highest.z < bone.restTail.z: highest.z = bone.restTail.z

            if lowest .x > bone.restHead.x: lowest .x = bone.restHead.x
            if lowest .y > bone.restHead.y: lowest .y = bone.restHead.y
            if lowest .z > bone.restHead.z: lowest .z = bone.restHead.z

            if lowest .x > bone.restTail.x: lowest .x = bone.restTail.x
            if lowest .y > bone.restTail.y: lowest .y = bone.restTail.y
            if lowest .z > bone.restTail.z: lowest .z = bone.restTail.z

        return Vector((highest.x - lowest.x, highest.y - lowest.y, highest.z - lowest.z))

示例14: _move

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
    def _move(self, direction, value):
        """ Moves view into direction by value. """

        for view in self.get3DView():
            offset = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
            if direction == "horizontal":
                offset.x = value
            elif direction == "vertical":
                offset.y = value
            elif direction == "straightforward":
                offset.z = value

            view.view_location = view.view_rotation*offset + view.view_location

示例15: execute

# 需要导入模块: from mathutils import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from mathutils.Vector import z [as 别名]
    def execute(self, context):
        scene = context.scene
        obj = context.active_object
        # check if active object is a mesh object
        if not obj or obj.type != 'MESH':
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "No selected mesh object!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        # check if it has one single face
        if len(obj.data.polygons) != 1:
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "The selected mesh object has to have exactly one quad!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        rl = scene.lightfield.row_length
        # use a degree angle here
        angle = degrees(scene.lightfield.angle)
        spacing = scene.lightfield.spacing
        # resolution of final renderings
        res = round(scene.render.resolution_x * (scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100.))
        width = self.getWidth(obj)

        # the offset between n pixels on the focal plane
        fplane_offset = (width / res) * spacing

        # vertices for the basemesh
        verts = []
        # the offset vector
        vec = self.getCamVec(obj, angle)
        # lower left coordinates of the grid
        sx = obj.location[0] - fplane_offset * int(rl / 2)
        sy = obj.location[1] - fplane_offset * int(rl / 2)
        z = obj.location[2]
        # position on the focal plane
        fplane_pos = Vector()
        for x in [sx + fplane_offset * i for i in range(rl)]:
            for y in [sy + fplane_offset * i for i in range(rl)]:
                fplane_pos.x = x
                fplane_pos.y = y
                fplane_pos.z = z
                # position of a vertex in a basemesh
                pos = fplane_pos + vec
                # pack coordinates flat into the vert list
                verts.append((pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))

        # setup the basemesh and add verts
        mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(self.objName)
        mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], [])

        return {'FINISHED'}
