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Python ElementTree.getroot方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中lxml.etree.ElementTree.getroot方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ElementTree.getroot方法的具体用法?Python ElementTree.getroot怎么用?Python ElementTree.getroot使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在lxml.etree.ElementTree的用法示例。


示例1: test_from_element

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def test_from_element(self):
        elem = Element('document')
        tree = ElementTree(elem)
        self.assertEqual('document', tree.getroot().tag)

        with open('sample.xml') as f:
            et = ElementTree(file=f)
        root = et.getroot()

        tree = ElementTree(root)
        self.assertEqual(root.base, tree.getroot().base)
        self.assertEqual(et.docinfo.URL, tree.docinfo.URL)

示例2: test_etree_from_file

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def test_etree_from_file(self):
        with open('sample.xml') as f:
            et = ElementTree(file=f)
        root = et.getroot()
        self.assertEqual('{http://example.tld}document', root.tag)
        self.assertEqual('x', root.prefix)
        self.assertTrue('x' in root.nsmap)

        with open('hello.xml') as f:
            et = ElementTree(file=f)
        root = et.getroot()
        self.assertEqual('hello', root.tag)
        self.assertEqual(None, root.prefix)
        self.assertEqual({}, root.nsmap)

示例3: loadProject_0_1

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace("netzob", PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace("netzob-common", COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = str(xmlProject.get("id"))
    projectName = xmlProject.get("name", "none")
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get("creation_date"))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get("path")
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    description = xmlProject.get("description")

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") is not None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") is not None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"),

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") is not None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"
        if projectGrammar is not None:

    # Parse the simulator
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator") is not None:
        projectSimulator = Simulator.loadSimulator(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator"),
        if projectSimulator is not None:

    return project

示例4: retrieveMessagesFromFiles

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def retrieveMessagesFromFiles(self):
        # We read each file and create one message for each file
        self.messages = []

        for file in self.filesToBeImported:

            from netzob.Common.ResourcesConfiguration import ResourcesConfiguration
            xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), "xsds/0.1/common.xsd")
            # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function
            if not Workspace.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, file):
                logging.error(_("The specified XML file {0} is not valid according to the XSD ({1}).").format(str(file), str(xmlSchemaPath)))
                logging.debug(_("XML file valid according to the XSD schema"))

                # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
                tree = ElementTree()
                xmlFile = tree.getroot()

                for xmlMessage in xmlFile.findall("{" + Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE + "}message"):
                    message = AbstractMessageFactory.loadFromXML(xmlMessage, Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
                    logging.debug(_("XML String data: {0}").format(message.getStringData()))
                    self.lineView.get_model().append(None, [str(message.getID()), message.getType(), message.getStringData()])

示例5: create_IdpRequest

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def create_IdpRequest(self,key, issuer):
        time=strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime())
        id = uuid.uuid4()
        doc = ElementTree(fromstring(self.tmpl_req))
        doc.getroot().set("ID", id.urn)
        doc.getroot().set("IssueInstant", time)
        for node in doc.getroot().iter():
                if node.tag == "{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Issuer":
                        node.text = issuer
#       node = xmlsec.findNode(doc, "Issuer")
#       node.text = issuer

	#print  self.sign(doc,key)
	#print  self.encodeReq(self.sign(doc,key))

        return self.encodeReq(self.sign(doc,key))

示例6: get_info

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
def get_info(path):
    e = ET(file = path)
    items = []    
    # hack, it might not always be [1]. it just is on here
    for f in e.getroot()[1]:
        items.insert(0, (f.get('name'), 'file://' + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), f.get('link'))))
    return items

示例7: loadProject_0_1

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = xmlProject.get('id')
    projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none')
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get('creation_date'))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get('path')
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") != None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") != None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1", project)

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") != None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
        if projectGrammar != None:

    return project

示例8: getNameOfProject

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def getNameOfProject(workspace, projectDirectory):
        projectFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), projectDirectory), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)

        # verify we can open and read the file
        if projectFile == None:
            return None
        # is the projectFile is a file
        if not os.path.isfile(projectFile):
            logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file (" + str(projectFile) + ") is not valid : its not a file.")
            return None
        # is it readable
        if not os.access(projectFile, os.R_OK):
            logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file (" + str(projectFile) + ") is not readable.")
            return None

        # We validate the file given the schemas
        for xmlSchemaFile in Project.PROJECT_SCHEMAS.keys():
            xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), xmlSchemaFile)
            # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function
            if Project.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, projectFile):
                logging.debug("The file " + str(projectFile) + " validates the project configuration file.")
                tree = ElementTree()
                xmlProject = tree.getroot()
                # Register the namespace
                etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
                etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

                projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none')

                if projectName != None and projectName != 'none':
                    return projectName
                logging.warn("The project declared in file (" + projectFile + ") is not valid")
        return None

示例9: produce_settings_file

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def produce_settings_file(self, printer):
        printer_name = printer['name']
        tree = ElementTree()
        tree.parse(StringIO(XML_TEMPLATE.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\t', '')))

        name_node = tree.find('name')
        name_node.text = 'AirPrint %s @ %%h' % printer_name

        service_node = tree.find('service')

        port_node = service_node.find('port')
        port_node.text = '%d' % printer['port']
        host = printer['host']
        if host:
            if self.dnsdomain:
                pair = host.rsplit('.', 1)
                if len(pair) > 1:
                    host = '.'.join((pair[0], self.dnsdomain))
            service_node.append(self.new_node('host-name', host))

        txt = printer['txt']
        for key in txt:
            if self.adminurl or key != 'adminurl':
                service_node.append(self.new_txtrecord_node('%s=%s' % (key, txt[key])))

        source = printer['SOURCE'] if printer.has_key('SOURCE') else ''

        fname = '%s%s%s.service' % (self.prefix, '%s-' % source if len(source) > 0 else '', printer_name)
        if self.directory:
            fname = os.path.join(self.directory, fname)
        f = open(fname, 'w')

        if etree:
            tree.write(f, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8")
            xmlstr = tostring(tree.getroot())
            doc = parseString(xmlstr)
            dt= minidom.getDOMImplementation('').createDocumentType('service-group', None, 'avahi-service.dtd')
            doc.insertBefore(dt, doc.documentElement)
        if self.verbose:
            src = source if len(source) > 0 else 'unknown'
            sys.stderr.write('Created from %s: %s%s' % (src, fname, os.linesep))

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = name
     tree = ElementTree(file = name)
     labels = tuple((elt.tag.strip(), elt.text.strip()) for elt in tree.find("labels"))
     self.labels = tuple(pair[0] for pair in labels)
     self.descrs = dict(labels)
     self.date = tree.getroot().get("date")
     for elt in tree.findall("validation_status"):
         status = elt.get("status")
         uri = elt.text.strip()
         if status.startswith("rsync_transfer_") or elt.get("generation") != "current":
         if uri not in self:
             self[uri] = Object(self, uri)

示例11: encode_exception

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def encode_exception(self, message, version, code, locator=None):
        exception_attributes = {"exceptionCode": code}

        if locator:
            exception_attributes["locator"] = locator

        exception_text = (OWS("ExceptionText", message),) if message else ()

        xml_tree = ElementTree(
                OWS("Exception", *exception_text, **exception_attributes),
                **{ns_xml("lang"): "en"}

        xls_url = getattr(settings, "OWS11_EXCEPTION_XSL", None)
        if xls_url:
                ProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", 'type="text/xsl" href="%s"' % xls_url)

        return xml_tree

示例12: loadWorkspace_0_1

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
def loadWorkspace_0_1(workspacePath, workspaceFile):

    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()

    xmlWorkspace = tree.getroot()
    wsName = xmlWorkspace.get('name', 'none')
    wsCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlWorkspace.get('creation_date'))

    # Parse the configuration to retrieve the main paths
    xmlWorkspaceConfig = xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}configuration")
    pathOfTraces = xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces").text

    pathOfLogging = None
    if xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging") != None and xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging").text != None and len(xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging").text) > 0:
        pathOfLogging = xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging").text

    pathOfPrototypes = None
    if xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes") != None and xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes").text != None and len(xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes").text) > 0:
        pathOfPrototypes = xmlWorkspaceConfig.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes").text

    lastProject = None
    if xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects") != None:
        xmlProjects = xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects")
        if xmlProjects.get("last", "none") != "none":
            lastProject = xmlProjects.get("last", "none")

    # Instantiation of the workspace
    workspace = Workspace(wsName, wsCreationDate, workspacePath, pathOfTraces, pathOfLogging, pathOfPrototypes)

    # Load the already imported traces
    if xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces") != None:
        xmlTraces = xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces")
        for xmlTrace in xmlTraces.findall("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}trace"):
            trace = ImportedTrace.loadTrace(xmlTrace, WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1", workspace.getPathOfTraces())
            if trace != None:

    # Reference the projects
    if xmlWorkspace.find("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects") != None:
        for xmlProject in xmlWorkspace.findall("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects/{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}project"):
            project_path = xmlProject.get("path")
            if project_path == lastProject and lastProject != None:

    return workspace

示例13: hasPendingModifications

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def hasPendingModifications(self, workspace):
        result = True

        # TODO : Some errors may occur here...
            tree = ElementTree(self.generateXMLConfigFile())
            currentXml = etree.tostring(tree)

            tree.parse(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), "projects"), self.getPath()), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME))
            xmlProject = tree.getroot()
            oldXml = etree.tostring(xmlProject)

            if currentXml == oldXml:
                result = False

        return result

示例14: _readMessagesFromFile

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def _readMessagesFromFile(self, filePath):
        from netzob.Common.ResourcesConfiguration import ResourcesConfiguration
        xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), "xsds/0.1/common.xsd")
        # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function
        if not Workspace.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, filePath):
            logging.error("The specified XML file {0} is not valid "
                          "according to the XSD ({1}).".format(filePath, xmlSchemaPath))
            logging.debug("XML file valid according to the XSD schema")

            # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
            tree = ElementTree()
            xmlFile = tree.getroot()

            for xmlMessage in xmlFile.findall("{" + Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE + "}message"):
                message = AbstractMessageFactory.loadFromXML(xmlMessage, Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
                logging.debug("XML String data: " + message.getStringData())

示例15: save

# 需要导入模块: from lxml.etree import ElementTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from lxml.etree.ElementTree import getroot [as 别名]
    def save(self, root, namespace_workspace, namespace_common, pathOfTraces):
        xmlTrace = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_workspace + "}trace")
        xmlTrace.set("date", str(TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getDate())))
        xmlTrace.set("type", str(self.getType()))
        xmlTrace.set("description", str(self.getDescription()))
        xmlTrace.set("name", str(self.getName()))
        xmlTrace.set("id", str(self.getID()))

        # Creation of the XML File (in buffer)
        # Compress it using gzip and save the .gz
        tracesFile = os.path.join(pathOfTraces, str(self.getID()) + ".gz")
        logging.info("Save the trace " + str(self.getID()) + " in " + tracesFile)

        # Register the namespace (2 way depending on the version)
            etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', namespace_common)
        except AttributeError:
            etree._namespace_map[namespace_common] = 'netzob-common'

        # Save the messages
        root = etree.Element("{" + namespace_workspace + "}trace")
        root.set("id", str(self.getID()))
        xmlMessages = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_workspace + "}messages")
        for message in self.getMessages():
            AbstractMessageFactory.save(message, xmlMessages, namespace_workspace, namespace_common)

        # Save the sessions
        xmlSessions = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_workspace + "}sessions")
        for session in self.getSessions():
            session.save(xmlSessions, namespace_workspace, namespace_common)

        tree = ElementTree(root)
        contentOfFile = str(etree.tostring(tree.getroot()))

        # if outputfile already exists we delete it
        if os.path.isfile(tracesFile):
            logging.debug("The compressed version (" + tracesFile + ") of the file already exists, we replace it with the new one")

        # Compress and write the file
        gzipFile = gzip.open(tracesFile, 'wb')
