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Python etree.ElementTree类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中lxml.etree.ElementTree的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ElementTree类的具体用法?Python ElementTree怎么用?Python ElementTree使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: generate_tool_conf

def generate_tool_conf(parsed_ctds, tool_conf_destination, galaxy_tool_path, default_category):
    # for each category, we keep a list of models corresponding to it
    categories_to_tools = dict()
    for parsed_ctd in parsed_ctds:
        category = strip(parsed_ctd.ctd_model.opt_attribs.get("category", ""))
        if not category.strip():
            category = default_category
        if category not in categories_to_tools:
            categories_to_tools[category] = []
    # at this point, we should have a map for all categories->tools
    toolbox_node = Element("toolbox")
    if galaxy_tool_path is not None and not galaxy_tool_path.strip().endswith("/"):
        galaxy_tool_path = galaxy_tool_path.strip() + "/"
    if galaxy_tool_path is None:
        galaxy_tool_path = ""
    for category, file_names in categories_to_tools.iteritems():
        section_node = add_child_node(toolbox_node, "section")
        section_node.attrib["id"] = "section-id-" + "".join(category.split())
        section_node.attrib["name"] = category
        for filename in file_names:
            tool_node = add_child_node(section_node, "tool")
            tool_node.attrib["file"] = galaxy_tool_path + filename

    toolconf_tree = ElementTree(toolbox_node)
    toolconf_tree.write(open(tool_conf_destination,'w'), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)
    logger.info("Generated Galaxy tool_conf.xml in %s" % tool_conf_destination, 0)

示例2: retrieveMessagesFromFiles

    def retrieveMessagesFromFiles(self):
        # We read each file and create one message for each file
        self.messages = []

        for file in self.filesToBeImported:

            from netzob.Common.ResourcesConfiguration import ResourcesConfiguration
            xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), "xsds/0.1/common.xsd")
            # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function
            if not Workspace.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, file):
                logging.error(_("The specified XML file {0} is not valid according to the XSD ({1}).").format(str(file), str(xmlSchemaPath)))
                logging.debug(_("XML file valid according to the XSD schema"))

                # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
                tree = ElementTree()
                xmlFile = tree.getroot()

                for xmlMessage in xmlFile.findall("{" + Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE + "}message"):
                    message = AbstractMessageFactory.loadFromXML(xmlMessage, Project.COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
                    logging.debug(_("XML String data: {0}").format(message.getStringData()))
                    self.lineView.get_model().append(None, [str(message.getID()), message.getType(), message.getStringData()])

示例3: _convert_internal

def _convert_internal(parsed_ctds, **kwargs):
    # parse all input files into models using CTDopts (via utils)
    # the output is a tuple containing the model, output destination, origin file
    for parsed_ctd in parsed_ctds:
        model = parsed_ctd.ctd_model
        origin_file = parsed_ctd.input_file
        output_file = parsed_ctd.suggested_output_file

        if kwargs["skip_tools"] is not None and model.name in kwargs["skip_tools"]:
            logger.info("Skipping tool %s" % model.name, 0)
        elif kwargs["required_tools"] is not None and model.name not in kwargs["required_tools"]:
            logger.info("Tool %s is not required, skipping it" % model.name, 0)
            logger.info("Converting %s (source %s)" % (model.name, utils.get_filename(origin_file)), 0)
            tool = create_tool(model)
            write_header(tool, model)
            create_description(tool, model)
            expand_macros(tool, model, **kwargs)
            create_command(tool, model, **kwargs)
            create_inputs(tool, model, **kwargs)
            create_outputs(tool, model, **kwargs)
            create_help(tool, model)

            # wrap our tool element into a tree to be able to serialize it
            tree = ElementTree(tool)
            logger.info("Writing to %s" % utils.get_filename(output_file), 1)
            tree.write(open(output_file, 'w'), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)

示例4: scrape

    def scrape(self, chamber, session):
        for term in self.metadata["terms"]:
            if session in term["sessions"]:
                year = term["start_year"]

        self.versions_dict = self._versions_dict(year)

        base_bill_url = "http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/%d/BillHtml/" % year
        index_page = ElementTree(lxml.html.fromstring(self.urlopen(base_bill_url)))

        bill_urls = []
        for bill_anchor in index_page.findall("//a"):
            # See 2009 HB 645
            if bill_anchor.text.find("govlineveto") == -1:
                # House bills start with H, Senate bills start with S
                if chamber == "lower" and bill_anchor.text.startswith("H"):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))
                elif chamber == "upper" and bill_anchor.text.startswith("S"):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))

        for bill_url in bill_urls:
            bill = self.parse_bill(bill_url, session, chamber)
            if bill:

示例5: exportProjectAction

    def exportProjectAction(self, widget, data):
        chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_("Export as (XML)"), action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
                                        buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
        res = chooser.run()
        if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
            fileName = chooser.get_filename()

        doCreateFile = False
        isFile = os.path.isfile(fileName)
        if not isFile:
            doCreateFile = True
            md = gtk.MessageDialog(None,
                                   gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION,
                                   gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, _("Are you sure to override the file '{0}'?").format(fileName))
            resp = md.run()
            if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
                doCreateFile = True

        if doCreateFile:
            root = self.netzob.getCurrentProject().generateXMLConfigFile()
            tree = ElementTree(root)
            NetzobInfoMessage(_("Project correctly exported to '{0}'").format(fileName))

示例6: getdescendants

def getdescendants(request, code):
    params = {}
    results = {}
    language = request.LANGUAGE_CODE.lower()
    if language == 'pt-br':
        language = 'pt'

    for lang in DECS_LANGS:
        params[lang] = urllib.urlencode({
            'tree_id': code or '',
            'lang': lang,

        resource = urllib.urlopen(settings.DECS_SERVICE, params[lang])

        tree = ElementTree()

        descendants = tree.findall('decsws_response/tree/descendants/term_list[@lang="%s"]/term' % lang)
        for d in descendants:
            if d.attrib['tree_id'] in results:
                results[ d.attrib['tree_id'] ] += ',"%s":"%s"' % (lang,d.text.capitalize())
                results[ d.attrib['tree_id'] ] = '"%s":"%s"' % (lang,d.text.capitalize())

    json = '[%s]' % ','.join((JSON_MULTILINGUAL_TERM % (id,desc) for desc,id in results.items()))
    json_response = json_loads(json)
    json_response.sort(key=lambda x: x['fields']['description'][language])
    return HttpResponse(json_dumps(json_response), mimetype='application/json')

示例7: getNameOfProject

    def getNameOfProject(workspace, projectDirectory):
        projectFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), projectDirectory), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)

        # verify we can open and read the file
        if projectFile == None:
            return None
        # is the projectFile is a file
        if not os.path.isfile(projectFile):
            logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file (" + str(projectFile) + ") is not valid : its not a file.")
            return None
        # is it readable
        if not os.access(projectFile, os.R_OK):
            logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file (" + str(projectFile) + ") is not readable.")
            return None

        # We validate the file given the schemas
        for xmlSchemaFile in Project.PROJECT_SCHEMAS.keys():
            xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), xmlSchemaFile)
            # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function
            if Project.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, projectFile):
                logging.debug("The file " + str(projectFile) + " validates the project configuration file.")
                tree = ElementTree()
                xmlProject = tree.getroot()
                # Register the namespace
                etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
                etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

                projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none')

                if projectName != None and projectName != 'none':
                    return projectName
                logging.warn("The project declared in file (" + projectFile + ") is not valid")
        return None

示例8: saveConfigFile

    def saveConfigFile(self, overrideTraces=[]):
        """This functions allows to save the current (and only)
        instance of the Workspace. You can supply a list of traces
        that should be written on-disk through the `overrideTraces`
        variable. This allows to override specific traces that where

        :param overrideTraces: a list of trace identifiers that should
        be written on-disk, even if they already exists.

        workspaceFile = os.path.join(self.path, Workspace.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)

        logging.info("Save the config file of the workspace {0} in {1}".format(self.getName(), workspaceFile))

        # Register the namespace
        etree.register_namespace('netzob', WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE)
        etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

        # Dump the file
        root = etree.Element("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}workspace")
        root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate()))
        root.set("name", str(self.getName()))

        xmlWorkspaceConfig = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}configuration")

        relTracePath = os.path.relpath(self.getPathOfTraces(), self.path)
        xmlTraces = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces")
        xmlTraces.text = str(self.getPathOfTraces())

        xmlLogging = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging")
        xmlLogging.text = str(self.getPathOfLogging())

        xmlPrototypes = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes")
        xmlPrototypes.text = str(self.getPathOfPrototypes())

        xmlPrototypes = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}enable_bug_reporting")
        xmlPrototypes.text = str(self.enableBugReporting).lower()

        xmlWorkspaceProjects = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects")
        for projectPath in self.getProjectsPath():
            xmlProject = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceProjects, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}project")
            xmlProject.set("path", projectPath)

        xmlWorkspaceImported = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces")
        for importedTrace in self.getImportedTraces():
            # overrideTraces variable contains the list of
            # ImportedTraces that should be overriden. This is useful
            # in case of message removal for example.
            forceOverride = (importedTrace.id in overrideTraces)

            importedTrace.save(xmlWorkspaceImported, WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE,
                               os.path.join(self.path, self.getPathOfTraces()), forceOverride)

        xmlWorkspaceFunctions = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}functions")
        for function in self.getCustomFunctions():
            function.save(xmlWorkspaceFunctions, WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE)

        tree = ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(workspaceFile, pretty_print=True)

示例9: get_chapters

def get_chapters(request):
    params = {}
    results = {}

    language = "pt"
    #    language = request.LANGUAGE_CODE.lower()
    #    if language == 'pt-br':
    #        language = 'pt'

    params = urllib.urlencode({"LI": "CAPITULO"})

    resource = urllib.urlopen(settings.ICD10_SERVICE, params)

    tree = ElementTree()

    terms = tree.findall("cid10ws_response")

    data = []
    for term in terms:
        description = {}
        chapter = term.findall("tree/self/term_list/term")[0]

        for lang in ICD10_LANGS:
            term_trans = term.findall('record_list/record/descriptor_list/descriptor[@lang="%s"]' % lang)[0]
            if term_trans.text:
                description[lang] = "%s - %s" % (chapter.attrib["chapter"], term_trans.text.strip().capitalize())

        data.append({"fields": {"description": description, "label": chapter.attrib["tree_id"]}})

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")

示例10: print_predictions

def print_predictions(agency, stops, label=""):
    title_index = build_title_index(stops)
    url = build_url(agency, stops)

    debug("NextBus predictions for %s: %s" % (agency, url))
    f = urllib.urlopen(url)

    e = ElementTree(file=f)

    predictions = e.findall("//predictions")
    predictions = filter(lambda el: el.find(".//prediction") is not None, predictions)
    predictions.sort(key=lambda el: el.find(".//prediction").get("epochTime"))

    for n, p in enumerate(predictions):
        routeTag = p.get("routeTag")
        stopTag = p.get("stopTag")
        title = title_index.get((routeTag, stopTag), False)
        if title:
            title = "<em>%s</em>" % (title.replace("\n", "<br>"), )
            title = p.get("routeTitle")
            title = re.sub(r'^Saferide ', '', title)
            title = label + title

        print "<h2>"+title+"</h2>"
        times = p.findall(".//prediction")
        print "<ol class='predictions'>"
        print '<li>%s</li>' % minutes(times.pop(0).get("minutes"))
        for t in times[0:2]:
            print '<li>%s</li>' % minutes(t.get("minutes"))
        print "</ol>"

示例11: scrape

    def scrape(self, chamber, year):
        year = int(year)
        session = self.getSession(year)
        # 2 year terms starting on odd year, so if even number, use the previous odd year
        if year < 1999:
            raise NoDataForPeriod(year)
        if year % 2 == 0:
            year -= 1

        if year == 1999:
            base_bill_url = "http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/BillHtml/"
            base_bill_url = "http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/%d/BillHtml/" % year
        index_page = ElementTree(lxml.html.fromstring(self.urlopen(base_bill_url)))

        bill_urls = []
        for bill_anchor in index_page.findall("//a"):
            # See 2009 HB 645
            if bill_anchor.text.find("govlineveto") == -1:
                # House bills start with H, Senate bills start with S
                if chamber == "lower" and bill_anchor.text.startswith("H"):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))
                elif chamber == "upper" and bill_anchor.text.startswith("S"):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))

        for bill_url in bill_urls:
            bill = self.parse_bill(bill_url, session, chamber)

示例12: parse_bill

    def parse_bill(self, bill_url, session, chamber):
        bill = None
        bill_page = ElementTree(lxml.html.fromstring(self.urlopen(bill_url)))
        for anchor in bill_page.findall("//a"):
            if anchor.text_content().startswith("status of") or anchor.text_content().startswith(
                "Detailed Information (status)"
                status_url = anchor.attrib["href"].replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "")
                bill = self.parse_bill_status_page(status_url, bill_url, session, chamber)
            elif anchor.text_content().startswith("This bill in WP"):
                index_url = anchor.attrib["href"]
                index_url = index_url[0 : index_url.rindex("/")]
                # this looks weird.  See http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/BillHtml/SB0002.htm for why
                index_url = index_url[index_url.rindex("http://") :]
                self.add_bill_versions(bill, index_url)

        if bill is None:
            # No bill was found.  Maybe something like HB0790 in the 2005 session?
            # We can search for the bill metadata.
            page_name = bill_url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
            bill_type = page_name[0:2]
            bill_number = page_name[2:]
            laws_year = metadata["session_details"][session]["years"][0] % 100

            status_url = self.search_url_template % (laws_year, bill_type, bill_number)
            bill = self.parse_bill_status_page(status_url, bill_url, session, chamber)
        return bill

示例13: loadProject_0_1

def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = xmlProject.get('id')
    projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none')
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get('creation_date'))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get('path')
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") != None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") != None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1", project)

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") != None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
        if projectGrammar != None:

    return project

示例14: scrape

    def scrape(self, chamber, session):
        for term in self.metadata['terms']:
            if session in term['sessions']:
                year = term['start_year']

        self.versions_dict = self._versions_dict(year)

        base_bill_url = 'http://leg.mt.gov/bills/%d/BillHtml/' % year
        index_page = ElementTree(lxml.html.fromstring(self.get(base_bill_url).text))

        bill_urls = []
        for bill_anchor in index_page.findall('//a'):
            # See 2009 HB 645
            if bill_anchor.text.find("govlineveto") == -1:
                # House bills start with H, Senate bills start with S
                if chamber == 'lower' and bill_anchor.text.startswith('H'):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))
                elif chamber == 'upper' and bill_anchor.text.startswith('S'):
                    bill_urls.append("%s%s" % (base_bill_url, bill_anchor.text))

        for bill_url in bill_urls:
            bill = self.parse_bill(bill_url, session, chamber)
            if bill:

示例15: loadProject_0_1

def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace("netzob", PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace("netzob-common", COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = str(xmlProject.get("id"))
    projectName = xmlProject.get("name", "none")
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get("creation_date"))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get("path")
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    description = xmlProject.get("description")

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") is not None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") is not None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"),

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") is not None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"
        if projectGrammar is not None:

    # Parse the simulator
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator") is not None:
        projectSimulator = Simulator.loadSimulator(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator"),
        if projectSimulator is not None:

    return project
