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Python Group.label方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中larch.Group.label方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Group.label方法的具体用法?Python Group.label怎么用?Python Group.label使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在larch.Group的用法示例。


示例1: read_athena

# 需要导入模块: from larch import Group [as 别名]
# 或者: from larch.Group import label [as 别名]
def read_athena(filename, match=None, do_preedge=True, do_bkg=True, do_fft=True, use_hashkey=False, _larch=None):
    """read athena project file
    returns a Group of Groups, one for each Athena Group in the project file

        filename (string): name of Athena Project file
        match (sring): pattern to use to limit imported groups (see Note 1)
        do_preedge (bool): whether to do pre-edge subtraction [True]
        do_bkg (bool): whether to do XAFS background subtraction [True]
        do_fft (bool): whether to do XAFS Fast Fourier transform [True]
        use_hashkey (bool): whether to use Athena's hash key as the
                       group name instead of the Athena label [False]

        group of groups each named according the label used by Athena.

        1. To limit the imported groups, use the pattern in `match`,
           using '*' to match 'all' '?' to match any single character,
           or [sequence] to match any of a sequence of letters.  The match
           will always be insensitive to case.
        3. do_preedge,  do_bkg, and do_fft will attempt to reproduce the
           pre-edge, background subtraction, and FFT from Athena by using
           the parameters saved in the project file.
        2. use_hashkey=True will name groups from the internal 5 character
           string used by Athena, instead of the group label.

        1. read in all groups from a project file:
           cr_data = read_athena('My Cr Project.prj')

        2. read in only the "merged" data from a Project, and don't do FFT:
           zn_data = read_athena('Zn on Stuff.prj', match='*merge*', do_fft=False)


    from larch_plugins.xafs import pre_edge, autobk, xftf

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise IOError("%s '%s': cannot find file" % (ERR_MSG, filename))

        fh = GzipFile(filename)
        lines = [bytes2str(t) for t in fh.readlines()]
        raise ValueError("%s '%s': invalid gzip file" % (ERR_MSG, filename))

    athenagroups = []
    dat = {"name": ""}
    Athena_version = None
    vline = lines.pop(0)
    if "Athena project file -- Demeter version" not in vline:
        raise ValueError("%s '%s': invalid Athena File" % (ERR_MSG, filename))

    major, minor, fix = "0", "0", "0"
        vs = vline.split("Athena project file -- Demeter version")[1]
        major, minor, fix = vs.split(".")
        raise ValueError("%s '%s': cannot read version" % (ERR_MSG, filename))
    if int(minor) < 9 or int(fix[:2]) < 21:
        raise ValueError("%s '%s': file is too old to read" % (ERR_MSG, filename))

    for t in lines:
        if t.startswith("#") or len(t) < 2:
        key = t.split(" ")[0].strip()
        key = key.replace("$", "").replace("@", "")
        if key == "old_group":
            dat["name"] = perl2json(t)
        elif key == "[record]":
            dat = {"name": ""}
        elif key == "args":
            dat["args"] = perl2json(t)
        elif key in ("x", "y", "i0"):
            dat[key] = np.array([float(x) for x in perl2json(t)])

    if match is not None:
        match = match.lower()

    out = Group()
    out.__doc__ = """XAFS Data from Athena Project File %s""" % (filename)
    for dat in athenagroups:
        label = dat["name"]
        this = Group(
            athena_id=label, energy=dat["x"], mu=dat["y"], bkg_params=Group(), fft_params=Group(), athena_params=Group()
        if "i0" in dat:
            this.i0 = dat["i0"]
        if "args" in dat:
            for i in range(len(dat["args"]) // 2):
                key = dat["args"][2 * i]
                val = dat["args"][2 * i + 1]
                if key.startswith("bkg_"):
                    setattr(this.bkg_params, key[4:], val)
                elif key.startswith("fft_"):
                    setattr(this.fft_params, key[4:], val)
                elif key == "label":
