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Python JIRA.transitions方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jira.JIRA.transitions方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python JIRA.transitions方法的具体用法?Python JIRA.transitions怎么用?Python JIRA.transitions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在jira.JIRA的用法示例。


示例1: update_jira_story

# 需要导入模块: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira.JIRA import transitions [as 别名]
def update_jira_story(story_id, transition_id, comment=None, **kwargs):
        jira = JIRA("https://thezebra.atlassian.net", basic_auth=(os.environ['username'], os.environ['password']))
        issue = jira.issue(story_id)
        allowed_transitions = {t['id'] for t in jira.transitions(issue)}
        if str(transition_id) not in allowed_transitions:
            app.logger.warn("Story %s cannot transition to %s" % (story_id, transition_id))
            jira.transition_issue(issue, transition_id)
            if comment:
                jira.add_comment(issue, comment)
    except Exception as ex:

示例2: update_tickets_from_git

# 需要导入模块: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira.JIRA import transitions [as 别名]
    def update_tickets_from_git(self, from_commit=None, to_commit=None):
        Find all ticket numbers and update their status in Jira.

        Run during a deployment.
        Looks at all commits between now and the last deployment.
        from jira import JIRA, JIRAError
        from burlap.git import gittracker, CURRENT_COMMIT

        r = self.local_renderer

#         get_current_commit = gittracker.get_current_commit
#         GITTRACKER = gittracker.name.upper()

        # Ensure this is only run once per role.
        if self.genv.host_string != self.genv.hosts[-1]:
            self.vprint('Not first server. Aborting.')

        self.vprint('self.env.update_from_git:', self.env.update_from_git)
        self.vprint('self.genv.jirahelper_update_from_git:', self.genv.jirahelper_update_from_git)
        if not self.env.update_from_git:
            self.vprint('Update from git disabled. Aborting.')

        if not self.env.ticket_pattern:
            self.vprint('No ticket pattern defined. Aborting.')

        if not self.env.basic_auth_username or not self.env.basic_auth_password:
            self.vprint('Username or password not given. Aborting.')

        # During a deployment, we should be given these, but for testing,
        # lookup the diffs dynamically.
        last = gittracker.last_manifest
        current = gittracker.current_manifest

        last_commit = from_commit or last.current_commit#[CURRENT_COMMIT]
        print('last_commit:', last_commit)
        current_commit = to_commit or current[CURRENT_COMMIT]
        print('current_commit:', current_commit)

        if not last_commit or not current_commit:
            print('Missing commit ID. Aborting.')

        self.vprint('last.keys:', last.keys())
        self.vprint('current.keys:', current.keys())

#         try:
#             last_commit = last['GITTRACKER']['current_commit']
#         except KeyError:
#             return
#         current_commit = current['GITTRACKER']['current_commit']

        # Find all tickets deployed between last deployment and now.
        tickets = self.get_tickets_between_commits(current_commit, last_commit)
        self.vprint('tickets:', tickets)

        # Update all tickets in Jira.
        jira = JIRA({
            'server': self.env.server
        }, basic_auth=(self.env.basic_auth_username, self.env.basic_auth_password))
        for ticket in tickets:

            # Mention this Jira updated.
            r.env.role = r.genv.ROLE.lower()
            comment = r.format(self.env.ticket_update_message_template)
            print('Commenting on ticket %s: %s' % (ticket, comment))
            if not self.dryrun:
                jira.add_comment(ticket, comment)

            # Update ticket status.
            recheck = False
            while 1:
                print('Looking up jira ticket %s...' % ticket)
                issue = jira.issue(ticket)
                self.vprint('Ticket %s retrieved.' % ticket)
                transition_to_id = dict((t['name'], t['id']) for t in jira.transitions(issue))
                self.vprint('%i allowable transitions found:' % len(transition_to_id))
                if self.verbose:
                self.vprint('issue.fields.status.id:', issue.fields.status.id)
                self.vprint('issue.fields.status.name:', issue.fields.status.name)
                jira_status_id = issue.fields.status.name.title()
                self.vprint('jira_status_id:', jira_status_id)
                next_transition_name = self.env.deploy_workflow.get(jira_status_id)
                self.vprint('next_transition_name:', next_transition_name)
                next_transition_id = transition_to_id.get(next_transition_name)
                self.vprint('next_transition_id:', next_transition_id)
                if next_transition_name:
                    if issue.fields.assignee:
                        if issue.fields.assignee.raw:
                            assignee_name = issue.fields.assignee.name
                            # Get assignee name directly

示例3: JiraAPI

# 需要导入模块: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira.JIRA import transitions [as 别名]


    def add_label(self, ticketid, label):
        ticket_obj = self.jira.issue(ticketid)
        if label not in ticket_obj.fields.labels:
            self.logger.info("Added label {label} to ticket {ticket}".format(label=label, ticket=ticketid))
            self.logger.error("Error while trying to add label {label} to ticket {ticket}".format(label=label, ticket=ticketid))
        return 0

    def close_fixed_tickets(self, vulnerabilities):
        # close tickets which vulnerabilities have been resolved and are still open
        found_vulns = []
        for vuln in vulnerabilities:

        comment = '''This ticket is being closed as it appears that the vulnerability no longer exists.
        If the vulnerability reappears, a new ticket will be opened.'''

        for ticket in self.all_tickets:
            if ticket.raw['fields']['summary'].strip() in found_vulns:
                self.logger.info("Ticket {} is still vulnerable".format(ticket))
            self.logger.info("Ticket {} is no longer vulnerable".format(ticket))
            self.close_ticket(ticket, self.JIRA_RESOLUTION_FIXED, comment) 
        return 0

    def is_ticket_reopenable(self, ticket_obj):
        transitions = self.jira.transitions(ticket_obj)
        for transition in transitions:
            if transition.get('name') == self.JIRA_REOPEN_ISSUE:
                self.logger.debug("Ticket is reopenable")
                return True
        self.logger.warn("Ticket can't be opened. Check Jira transitions.")
        return False

    def is_ticket_closeable(self, ticket_obj):
        transitions = self.jira.transitions(ticket_obj)
        for transition in transitions:
            if transition.get('name') == self.JIRA_CLOSE_ISSUE:
                return True
        self.logger.warn("Ticket can't closed. Check Jira transitions.")
        return False

    def is_ticket_resolved(self, ticket_obj):
        #Checks if a ticket is resolved or not
        if ticket_obj is not None:
            if ticket_obj.raw['fields'].get('resolution') is not None:
                if ticket_obj.raw['fields'].get('resolution').get('name') != 'Unresolved':
                    self.logger.debug("Checked ticket {} is already closed".format(ticket_obj))
                    self.logger.info("Ticket {} is closed".format(ticket_obj))
                    return True
        self.logger.debug("Checked ticket {} is already open".format(ticket_obj))
        return False

    def is_risk_accepted(self, ticket_obj):
        if ticket_obj is not None:
            if ticket_obj.raw['fields'].get('labels') is not None:
                labels = ticket_obj.raw['fields'].get('labels')
                if "risk_accepted" in labels:

示例4: update_tickets_from_git

# 需要导入模块: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira.JIRA import transitions [as 别名]
def update_tickets_from_git(last=None, current=None):
    Run during a deployment.
    Looks at all commits between now and the last deployment.
    Finds all ticket numbers and updates their status in Jira.
    from jira import JIRA, JIRAError
    from burlap.deploy import get_last_current_diffs
    from burlap.git import gittracker
    get_current_commit = gittracker.get_current_commit
    GITTRACKER = gittracker.name.upper()
    dryrun = common.get_dryrun()
    verbose = common.get_verbose()
    # Ensure this is only run once per role.
    if env.host_string != env.hosts[-1]:
    if not env.jira_update_from_git:
    if not env.jira_ticket_pattern:
    if not env.jira_basic_auth_username or not env.jira_basic_auth_password:
    # During a deployment, we should be given these, but for testing,
    # lookup the diffs dynamically.
    if not last or not current:
        last, current = get_last_current_diffs(GITTRACKER)
    if verbose:
        print('last.keys:', last.keys())
        print('current.keys:', current.keys())
        last_commit = last['GITTRACKER']['current_commit']
    except KeyError:
    current_commit = current['GITTRACKER']['current_commit']
    # Find all tickets deployed between last deployment and now.
    tickets = get_tickets_between_commits(current_commit, last_commit)
    if verbose:
        print('tickets:', tickets)
    # Update all tickets in Jira.
    jira = JIRA({
        'server': env.jira_server
    }, basic_auth=(env.jira_basic_auth_username, env.jira_basic_auth_password))
    for ticket in tickets:
        # Mention this Jira updated.
        comment = env.jira_ticket_update_message_template % dict(role=env.ROLE.lower())
        print('Commenting on ticket %s: %s' % (ticket, comment))
        if not dryrun:
            jira.add_comment(ticket, comment) 
        # Update ticket status.
        recheck = False
        while 1:
            print('Looking up jira ticket %s...' % ticket)
            issue = jira.issue(ticket)
            print('Ticket %s retrieved.' % ticket)
            transition_to_id = dict((t['name'], t['id']) for t in jira.transitions(issue))
            print('%i allowable transitions found: %s' % (len(transition_to_id), ', '.join(transition_to_id.keys())))
            next_transition_name = env.jira_deploy_workflow.get(issue.fields.status.name.title())
            next_transition_id = transition_to_id.get(next_transition_name)
            if next_transition_name:
                new_fields = {}
#                 print('jira_assignee_by_status:', env.jira_assignee_by_status, issue.fields.status.name.title()
                new_assignee = env.jira_assignee_by_status.get(
                if new_assignee == 'reporter':
                    new_assignee = issue.fields.reporter.name
#                 print('new_assignee:', new_assignee)
                print('Updating ticket %s to status %s and assigning it to %s.' \
                    % (ticket, next_transition_name, new_assignee))
                if not dryrun:
                        recheck = True
                    except AttributeError as e:
                        print('Unable to transition ticket %s to %s: %s' \
                            % (ticket, next_transition_name, e), file=sys.stderr)
                    # Note assignment should happen after transition, since the assignment may
