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Python JIRA.add_issues_to_epic方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jira.JIRA.add_issues_to_epic方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python JIRA.add_issues_to_epic方法的具体用法?Python JIRA.add_issues_to_epic怎么用?Python JIRA.add_issues_to_epic使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在jira.JIRA的用法示例。


示例1: update_or_create_jira_issue

# 需要导入模块: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira.JIRA import add_issues_to_epic [as 别名]
def update_or_create_jira_issue(study_id, user_token, is_curator):
        params = app.config.get('JIRA_PARAMS')
        user_name = params['username']
        password = params['password']

        updated_studies = []
            jira = JIRA(options=options, basic_auth=(user_name, password))
            return False, 'Could not connect to JIRA server, incorrect username or password?', updated_studies

        # Get the MetaboLights project
        mtbls_project = jira.project(project)

        studies = [study_id]
        if not study_id and is_curator:
            studies = get_all_studies(user_token)

        for study in studies:
            study_id = study[0]
            user_name = study[1]
            release_date = study[2]
            update_date = study[3]
            study_status = study[4]
            curator = study[5]
            issue = []
            summary = None

            # Get an issue based on a study accession search pattern
            search_param = "project='" + mtbls_project.key + "' AND summary  ~ '" + study_id + " \\\-\\\ 20*'"
            issues = jira.search_issues(search_param)  # project = MetaboLights AND summary ~ 'MTBLS121 '
            new_summary = study_id + ' - ' + release_date.replace('-', '') + ' - ' + \
                          study_status + ' (' + user_name + ')'
                if issues:
                    issue = issues[0]
                    if study_status == 'Submitted':
                        logger.info("Could not find Jira issue for " + search_param)
                        print("Creating new Jira issue for " + search_param)
                        issue = jira.create_issue(project=mtbls_project.key, summary='MTBLS study - To be updated',
                                                  description='Created by API', issuetype={'name': 'Story'})
                        continue  # Only create new cases if the study is in status Submitted
            except Exception:  # We could not find or create a Jira issue

            summary = issue.fields.summary  # Follow pattern 'MTBLS123 - YYYYMMDD - Status'
                assignee = issue.fields.assignee.name
                assignee = ""

            valid_curator = False
            jira_curator = ""
            if curator:
                if curator.lower() == 'mark':
                    jira_curator = 'mwilliam'
                    valid_curator = True
                elif curator.lower() == 'keeva':
                    jira_curator = 'keeva'
                    valid_curator = True
                jira_curator = ""

            # Release date or status has changed, or the assignee (curator) has changed
            if summary.startswith('MTBLS') and (summary != new_summary or assignee != jira_curator):

                # Add "Curation" Epic
                issues_to_add = [issue.key]
                jira.add_issues_to_epic(curation_epic, issues_to_add)  # Add the Curation Epic
                labels = maintain_jira_labels(issue, study_status, user_name)

                # Add a comment to the issue.
                comment_text = 'Status ' + study_status + '. Database update date ' + update_date
                jira.add_comment(issue, comment_text)

                # Change the issue's summary, comments and description.
                issue.update(summary=new_summary, fields={"labels": labels}, notify=False)

                if valid_curator:  # ToDo, what if the curation log is not up to date?
                    issue.update(assignee={'name': jira_curator})

                logger.info('Updated Jira case for study ' + study_id)
                print('Updated Jira case for study ' + study_id)
    except Exception:
        return False, 'Update failed', updated_studies
    return True, 'Ticket(s) updated successfully', updated_studies
