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Python Client.direct_view方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ipyparallel.Client.direct_view方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Client.direct_view方法的具体用法?Python Client.direct_view怎么用?Python Client.direct_view使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ipyparallel.Client的用法示例。


示例1: simulate_general

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
def simulate_general(runner, results_filename):
    Function with the general code to simulate the MIMO schemes.

    # xxxxxxxxxx Print the simulation parameters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    print("MIMO Scheme: {0}".format(runner.mimo_object.__class__.__name__))
    # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    # xxxxx Replace any parameter mention in results_filename xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    # xxxxxxxxxx Perform the simulation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    # The simulation will be run either in parallel or serially depending
    # if the IPython engines are running or not.
    run_in_parallel = True
    # noinspection PyBroadException,PyBroadException
        # If we can get an IPython view that means that the IPython engines
        # are running. In that case we will perform the simulation in
        # parallel
        from ipyparallel import Client
        cl = Client()
        # We create a direct view to run coe in all engines
        dview = cl.direct_view()

        # Reset the engines so that we don't have variables there from last
        # computations

        dview.execute('import sys')
        # We use block=True to ensure that all engines have modified their
        # path to include the folder with the simulator before we create
        # the load lanced view in the following.
        dview.execute('sys.path.append("{0}")'.format(parent_dir), block=True)

        # But for the actual simulation we are better using a load balanced
        # view
        lview = cl.load_balanced_view()
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0703
        # If we can't get an IPython view then we will perform the
        # simulation serially
        run_in_parallel = False

    if run_in_parallel is True:
        print("-----> Simulation will be run in Parallel")
        print("-----> Simulation will be run serially")
    # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    print("Runned iterations: {0}".format(runner.runned_reps))
    print("Elapsed Time: {0}".format(runner.elapsed_time))

    return runner.results, runner.results_filename

示例2: setup_parallel

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
def setup_parallel(dbname):
    c = Client()
    dview = c.direct_view()
    dview.push({'dbname': str(dbname)})
    # dview.push({'remove_duplicates_from_image_name_data':
    #             remove_duplicates_from_image_name_data,
    #             'get_temp_fname': get_temp_fname,
    #             'dbname': dbname})
    lbview = c.load_balanced_view()
    return lbview

示例3: Client

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
        # Get the SNR from the simulation parameters
        SNR = np.array(self.params['SNR'])

        # Calculates the Theoretical SER and BER
        theoretical_ser = modulator.calcTheoreticalSER(SNR)
        theoretical_ber = modulator.calcTheoreticalBER(SNR)
        return SNR, ber, ser, theoretical_ber, theoretical_ser

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Since we are using the parallel capabilities provided by IPython, we
    # need to create a client and then a view of the IPython engines that
    # will be used.
    from ipyparallel import Client
    cl = Client()
    dview = cl.direct_view()

    # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    # NOTE: Before running the code above, initialize the ipython
    # engines. One easy way to do that is to call the "ipcluster start"
    # command in a terminal.
    # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    # Add the folder containing PyPhysim to the python path in all the
    # engines
    dview.execute('import sys')

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from apps.awgn_modulators.simulate_parallel_psk import \

示例4: Client

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
import datetime
import re
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from ipyparallel import Client

from CreationModules import FileSearch as FS
from CreationModules import PriorBreathData as PDB

__author__ = 'sottilep'

ipclient = Client()
ipview = ipclient.direct_view()

client = MongoClient()
db = client.VentDB
input_log = db.input_log
breath_col = db.breath_collection

# input_log.drop()
# breath_col.drop()

    input_log.create_index([('type', pymongo.TEXT)])
    input_log.create_index([('loaded', pymongo.ASCENDING)])
    input_log.create_index([('analyzed', pymongo.ASCENDING)])
    input_log.create_index([('loc', pymongo.GEO2D)], min = -1,
                           max = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days = 1440)).timestamp())

    breath_col.create_index([('patient_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)])

示例5: Client

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
from numpy import array, nan, percentile, savez

from ipyparallel import Client

from .adf_simulation import adf_simulation

# Number of repetitions
EX_NUM = 500
# Number of simulations per exercise
EX_SIZE = 200000
# Approximately controls memory use, in MiB

rc = Client()
dview = rc.direct_view()
with dview.sync_imports():
    from numpy import arange, zeros
    from numpy.random import RandomState

def lmap(*args):
    return list(map(*args))

def wrapper(n, trend, b, seed=0):
    Wraps and blocks the main simulation so that the maximum amount of memory
    can be controlled on multi processor systems when executing in parallel
    rng = RandomState()

示例6: ClusterLab

# 需要导入模块: from ipyparallel import Client [as 别名]
# 或者: from ipyparallel.Client import direct_view [as 别名]
class ClusterLab(epyc.Lab):
    """A :class:`Lab` running on an ``ipyparallel`` compute

    Experiments are submitted to engines in the cluster for
    execution in parallel, with the experiments being performed
    asynchronously to allow for disconnection and subsequent retrieval
    of results. Combined with a persistent :class:`LabNotebook`, this allows
    for fully decoupled access to an on-going computational experiment
    with piecewise retrieval of results.

    This class requires a cluster to already be set up and running, configured
    for persistent access, with access to the necessary code and libraries,
    and with appropriate security information available to the client.

    # Tuning parameters
    WaitingTime = 30           #: Waiting time for checking for job completion. Lower values increase network traffic.

    def __init__( self, notebook = None, url_file = None, profile = None, profile_dir = None, ipython_dir = None, context = None, debug = False, sshserver = None, sshkey = None, password = None, paramiko = None, timeout = 10, cluster_id = None, use_dill = False, **extra_args ):
        """Create an empty lab attached to the given cluster. Most of the arguments
        are as expected by the ``ipyparallel.Client`` class, and are used to create the
        underlying connection to the cluster. The connection is opened immediately,
        meaning the cluster must be up and accessible when creating a lab to use it.

        :param notebook: the notebook used to results (defaults to an empty :class:`LabNotebook`)
        :param url_file: file containing connection information for accessing cluster
        :param profile: name of the IPython profile to use
        :param profile_dir: directory containing the profile's connection information
        :param ipython_dir: directory containing profile directories
        :param context: ZMQ context
        :param debug: whether to issue debugging information (defaults to False)
        :param sshserver: username and machine for ssh connections
        :param sshkey: file containing ssh key
        :param password: ssh password
        :param paramiko: True to use paramiko for ssh (defaults to False)
        :param timeout: timeout in seconds for ssh connection (defaults to 10s)
        :param cluster_id: string added to runtime files to prevent collisions
        :param use_dill: whether to use Dill as pickler (defaults to False)"""
        super(epyc.ClusterLab, self).__init__(notebook)
        # record all the connection arguments for later
        self._arguments = dict(url_file = url_file,
                               profile = profile,
                               profile_dir = profile_dir,
                               ipython_dir = ipython_dir,
                               context = context,
                               debug = debug,
                               sshserver = sshserver,
                               sshkey = sshkey,
                               password = password,
                               paramiko = paramiko,
                               timeout = timeout,
                               cluster_id = cluster_id,
        self._client = None

        # connect to the cluster

        # use Dill if requested
        if use_dill:
    def open( self ):
        """Connect to the cluster."""
        if self._client is None:
            self._client = Client(**self._arguments)
    def close( self ):
        """Close down the connection to the cluster."""
        if self._client is not None:
            self._client = None
    def numberOfEngines( self ):
        """Return the number of engines available to this lab.

        :returns: the number of engines"""
        return len(self.engines())

    def engines( self ):
        """Return a list of the available engines.

        :returns: a list of engines"""
        return self._client[:]

    def use_dill( self ):
        """Make the cluster use Dill as pickler for transferring results. This isn't
        generally needed, but is sometimes useful for particularly complex experiments
        such as those involving closures. (Or, to put it another way, if you find yourself
        tempted to use this method, consider re-structuring your experiment code.)"""
        with self.sync_imports(quiet = True):
            import dill

    def sync_imports( self, quiet = False ):
