本文整理汇总了Python中geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter.rect方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BatchPainter.rect方法的具体用法?Python BatchPainter.rect怎么用?Python BatchPainter.rect使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter
示例1: QuadsLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import rect [as 别名]
class QuadsLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data, cmap='hot_r'):
self.data = data
if cmap is not None:
self.cmap = geoplotlib.colors.ColorMap(cmap, alpha=196)
self.cmap = None
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
w = x.max() - x.min()
h = y.max() - y.min()
w = np.ceil(w / 2) * 2
h = np.ceil(h / 2) * 2
l = max(w, h)
root = QuadTree(x.min(), x.min() + l, y.min() + l, y.min())
maxarea = (root.right - root.left) * (root.top - root.bottom)
queue = [root]
done = []
while len(queue) > 0:
qt = queue.pop()
if qt.can_split(x, y):
print len(queue), len(done)
if self.cmap is not None:
for qt in done:
area = (qt.right - qt.left) * (qt.top - qt.bottom)
self.painter.set_color(self.cmap.to_color(1 + area, 1 + maxarea, 'log'))
self.painter.rect(qt.left, qt.top, qt.right, qt.bottom)
for qt in done:
self.painter.linestrip([qt.left, qt.right, qt.right, qt.left],
[qt.top, qt.top, qt.bottom, qt.bottom], closed=True)
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
示例2: HistogramLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import rect [as 别名]
class HistogramLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data, cmap='hot', alpha=220, colorscale='sqrt',
binsize=16, show_tooltip=False, scalemin=0, scalemax=None, f_group=None):
"""Create a 2D histogram
:param data: data access object
:param cmap: colormap name
:param alpha: color alpha
:param colorscale: scaling [lin, log, sqrt]
:param binsize: size of the hist bins
:param show_tooltip: if True, will show the value of bins on mouseover
:param scalemin: min value for displaying a bin
:param scalemax: max value for a bin
:param f_group: function to apply to samples in the same bin. Default is to count
self.data = data
self.cmap = colors.ColorMap(cmap, alpha=alpha)
self.binsize = binsize
self.show_tooltip = show_tooltip
self.scalemin = scalemin
self.scalemax = scalemax
self.colorscale = colorscale
self.f_group = f_group
if self.f_group is None:
self.f_group = lambda grp: len(grp)
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
self.data['_xbin'] = (x / self.binsize).astype(int)
self.data['_ybin'] = (y / self.binsize).astype(int)
uniquevalues = set([tuple(row) for row in np.vstack([self.data['_xbin'],self.data['_ybin']]).T])
results = {(v1,v2): self.f_group(self.data.where((self.data['_xbin'] == v1) & (self.data['_ybin'] == v2))) \
for v1, v2 in uniquevalues}
del self.data['_xbin']
del self.data['_ybin']
self.hotspot = HotspotManager()
if self.scalemax:
vmax = self.scalemax
vmax = max(results.values()) if len(results) > 0 else 0
if vmax >= 1:
for (ix, iy), value in results.items():
if value > self.scalemin:
self.painter.set_color(self.cmap.to_color(value, vmax, self.colorscale))
l = self.binsize
rx = ix * self.binsize
ry = iy * self.binsize
self.painter.rect(rx, ry, rx+l, ry+l)
if self.show_tooltip:
self.hotspot.add_rect(rx, ry, l, l, 'Value: %d' % value)
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
picked = self.hotspot.pick(mouse_x, mouse_y)
if picked:
def bbox(self):
return BoundingBox.from_points(lons=self.data['lon'], lats=self.data['lat'])