本文整理汇总了Python中geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter.points方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BatchPainter.points方法的具体用法?Python BatchPainter.points怎么用?Python BatchPainter.points使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter
示例1: TrailsLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class TrailsLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self):
self.data = read_csv('data/taxi.csv')
self.cmap = colorbrewer(self.data['taxi_id'], alpha=220)
self.t = self.data['timestamp'].min()
self.painter = BatchPainter()
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
df = self.data.where((self.data['timestamp'] > self.t) & (self.data['timestamp'] <= self.t + 15*60))
for taxi_id in set(df['taxi_id']):
grp = df.where(df['taxi_id'] == taxi_id)
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(grp['lon'], grp['lat'])
self.painter.points(x, y, 10)
self.t += 2*60
if self.t > self.data['timestamp'].max():
self.t = self.data['timestamp'].min()
def bbox(self):
return BoundingBox(north=40.110222, west=115.924463, south=39.705711, east=116.803369)
示例2: ConvexHullLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class ConvexHullLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data, col, fill=True, point_size=4):
Convex hull for a set of points
:param data: points
:param col: color
:param fill: whether to fill the convexhull polygon or not
:param point_size: size of the points on the convexhull. Points are not rendered if None
self.data = data
self.col = col
self.fill = fill
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
if len(x) >= 3:
self.painter.convexhull(x, y, self.fill)
self.painter.linestrip(x, y)
if self.point_size > 0:
self.painter.points(x, y, self.point_size)
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
示例3: KMeansLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class KMeansLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
k_means = KMeans()
labels = k_means.labels_
self.cmap = create_set_cmap(set(labels), 'hsv')
for l in set(labels):
self.painter.convexhull(x[labels == l], y[labels == l])
self.painter.points(x[labels == l], y[labels == l], 2)
except Exception:
print '=============',l,'=============='
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers):
return False
示例4: KMeansLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class KMeansLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.k = 2
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k)
labels = k_means.labels_
self.cmap = create_set_cmap(set(labels), 'hsv')
for l in set(labels):
self.painter.convexhull(x[labels == l], y[labels == l])
self.painter.points(x[labels == l], y[labels == l], 2)
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
ui_manager.info('Use left and right to increase/decrease the number of clusters. k = %d' % self.k)
def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers):
if key == pyglet.window.key.LEFT:
self.k = max(2,self.k - 1)
return True
elif key == pyglet.window.key.RIGHT:
self.k = self.k + 1
return True
return False
示例5: DotDensityLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class DotDensityLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, data, color=None, point_size=2, f_tooltip=None):
"""Create a dot density map
:param data: data access object
:param color: color
:param point_size: point size
:param f_tooltip: function to return a tooltip string for a point
self.data = data
self.color = color
if self.color is None:
self.color = [255,0,0]
self.point_size = point_size
self.f_tooltip = f_tooltip
self.hotspots = HotspotManager()
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(self.data['lon'], self.data['lat'])
if self.f_tooltip:
for i in range(0, len(x)):
record = {k: self.data[k][i] for k in self.data.keys()}
self.hotspots.add_rect(x[i] - self.point_size, y[i] - self.point_size,
2*self.point_size, 2*self.point_size,
self.painter.points(x, y, 2*self.point_size, False)
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
picked = self.hotspots.pick(mouse_x, mouse_y)
if picked:
def bbox(self):
return BoundingBox.from_points(lons=self.data['lon'], lats=self.data['lat'])
示例6: GeoJSONLayer
# 需要导入模块: from geoplotlib.core import BatchPainter [as 别名]
# 或者: from geoplotlib.core.BatchPainter import points [as 别名]
class GeoJSONLayer(BaseLayer):
def __init__(self, geojson_or_fname, color='b', linewidth=1, fill=False, f_tooltip=None):
self.color = color
self.linewidth = linewidth
self.fill = fill
self.f_tooltip = f_tooltip
if type(geojson_or_fname) == str:
with open(geojson_or_fname) as fin:
self.data = json.load(fin)
elif type(geojson_or_fname) == dict:
self.data = geojson_or_fname
raise Exception('must provide either dict or filename')
self.boundingbox = None
for feature in self.data['features']:
if feature['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
for poly in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
poly = np.array(poly)
self.__update_bbox(poly[:,0], poly[:,1])
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'MultiPolygon':
for multipoly in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
for poly in multipoly:
poly = np.array(poly)
self.__update_bbox(poly[:,0], poly[:,1])
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
lon,lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
self.__update_bbox(np.array([lon]), np.array([lat]))
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'LineString':
line = np.array(feature['geometry']['coordinates'])
self.__update_bbox(line[:,0], line[:,1])
def __update_bbox(self, lon, lat):
if self.boundingbox is None:
self.boundingbox = BoundingBox(north=lat.max(), south=lat.min(), west=lon.min(), east=lon.max())
self.boundingbox = BoundingBox(
north=max(self.boundingbox.north, lat.max()),
south=min(self.boundingbox.south, lat.min()),
west=min(self.boundingbox.west, lon.min()),
east=max(self.boundingbox.east, lon.max()))
def invalidate(self, proj):
self.painter = BatchPainter()
self.hotspots = HotspotManager()
for feature in self.data['features']:
if isfunction(self.color):
if feature['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
for poly in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
poly = np.array(poly)
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(poly[:,0], poly[:,1])
if self.fill:
self.painter.poly(x, y)
self.painter.linestrip(x, y, self.linewidth, closed=True)
if self.f_tooltip:
self.hotspots.add_poly(x, y, self.f_tooltip(feature['properties']))
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'MultiPolygon':
for multipoly in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
for poly in multipoly:
poly = np.array(poly)
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(poly[:,0], poly[:,1])
if self.fill:
self.painter.poly(x, y)
self.painter.linestrip(x, y, self.linewidth, closed=True)
if self.f_tooltip:
self.hotspots.add_poly(x, y, self.f_tooltip(feature['properties']))
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
lon,lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(np.array([lon]), np.array([lat]))
self.painter.points(x, y)
elif feature['geometry']['type'] == 'LineString':
line = np.array(feature['geometry']['coordinates'])
x, y = proj.lonlat_to_screen(line[:,0], line[:,1])
self.painter.linestrip(x, y, self.linewidth, closed=False)
print('unknow geometry %s' % feature['geometry']['type'])
def draw(self, proj, mouse_x, mouse_y, ui_manager):
picked = self.hotspots.pick(mouse_x, mouse_y)
if picked: