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Python expr.Expr类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中expr.Expr的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Expr类的具体用法?Python Expr怎么用?Python Expr使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __new__

    def __new__(cls, *args, **options):
        if len(args) == 0:
            return cls.identity

        args = map(_sympify, args)
        if len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]

        if not options.pop('evaluate', True):
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args)
            obj.is_commutative = all(a.is_commutative for a in args)
            return obj

        c_part, nc_part, order_symbols = cls.flatten(args)
        if len(c_part) + len(nc_part) <= 1:
            if c_part:
                obj = c_part[0]
            elif nc_part:
                obj = nc_part[0]
                obj = cls.identity
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *(c_part + nc_part))
            obj.is_commutative = not nc_part

        if order_symbols is not None:
            obj = C.Order(obj, *order_symbols)
        return obj

示例2: __new__

    def __new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions):
        expr = sympify(expr)
        if not symbols:
            return expr
        symbols = Derivative._symbolgen(*symbols)
        if expr.is_commutative:
            assumptions['commutative'] = True
        evaluate = assumptions.pop('evaluate', False)
        if not evaluate and not isinstance(expr, Derivative):
            symbols = list(symbols)
            if len(symbols) == 0:
                # We make a special case for 0th derivative, because there
                # is no good way to unambiguously print this.
                return expr
            obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions)
            return obj
        unevaluated_symbols = []
        for s in symbols:
            s = sympify(s)
            if not isinstance(s, C.Symbol):
                raise ValueError('Invalid literal: %s is not a valid variable' % s)
            obj = expr._eval_derivative(s)
            if obj is None:
            elif obj is S.Zero:
                return S.Zero
                expr = obj

        if not unevaluated_symbols:
            return expr
        return Expr.__new__(cls, expr, *unevaluated_symbols, **assumptions)

示例3: row_select

 def row_select(self, vec):
   Boolean column select lookup
   :param vec: An H2OVec.
   :return: A new H2OVec.
   e = Expr("[", self, vec)
   j = h2o.frame(e.eager())
   return H2OVec(self._name, e)

示例4: _new

 def _new(cls, _mpf_, _prec):
     if _mpf_ == mlib.fzero:
         return S.Zero
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj._mpf_ = _mpf_
     obj._prec = _prec
     return obj

示例5: __new__

 def __new__(cls, p, q = None):
     if q is None:
         if isinstance(p, basestring):
             p, q = _parse_rational(p)
         elif isinstance(p, Rational):
             return p
             return Integer(p)
     q = int(q)
     p = int(p)
     if q==0:
         if p==0:
             if _errdict["divide"]:
                 raise ValueError("Indeterminate 0/0")
                 return S.NaN
         if p<0: return S.NegativeInfinity
         return S.Infinity
     if q<0:
         q = -q
         p = -p
     n = igcd(abs(p), q)
     if n>1:
         p //= n
         q //= n
     if q==1: return Integer(p)
     if p==1 and q==2: return S.Half
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj.p = p
     obj.q = q
     #obj._args = (p, q)
     return obj

示例6: __new_stage2__

 def __new_stage2__(cls, name, **assumptions):
     if not isinstance(name, basestring):
         raise TypeError("name should be a string, not %s" % repr(type(name)))
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj.name = name
     obj._assumptions = StdFactKB(assumptions)
     return obj

示例7: __new__

    def __new__(cls, lhs, rhs, rop=None, **assumptions):
        lhs = _sympify(lhs)
        rhs = _sympify(rhs)
        if cls is not Relational:
            rop_cls = cls
                rop_cls = Relational.ValidRelationOperator[rop]
            except KeyError:
                msg = "Invalid relational operator symbol: '%r'"
                raise ValueError(msg % repr(rop))
        if lhs.is_number and rhs.is_number and (rop_cls in (Equality, Unequality) or lhs.is_real and rhs.is_real):
            diff = lhs - rhs
            know = diff.equals(0, failing_expression=True)
            if know is True:  # exclude failing expression case
                Nlhs = S.Zero
            elif know is False:
                from sympy import sign

                Nlhs = sign(diff.n(1))
                Nlhs = None
                lhs = know
                rhs = S.Zero
            if Nlhs is not None:
                return rop_cls._eval_relation(Nlhs, S.Zero)

        obj = Expr.__new__(rop_cls, lhs, rhs, **assumptions)
        return obj

示例8: _eval_evalf

    def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
        # Lookup mpmath function based on name
        fname = self.func.__name__
            if not hasattr(mpmath, fname):
                from sympy.utilities.lambdify import MPMATH_TRANSLATIONS
                fname = MPMATH_TRANSLATIONS[fname]
            func = getattr(mpmath, fname)
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                return C.Real(self._imp_(*self.args), prec)
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

        # Convert all args to mpf or mpc
            args = [arg._to_mpmath(prec) for arg in self.args]
        except ValueError:

        # Set mpmath precision and apply. Make sure precision is restored
        # afterwards
        orig = mpmath.mp.prec
            mpmath.mp.prec = prec
            v = func(*args)
            mpmath.mp.prec = orig

        return Expr._from_mpmath(v, prec)

示例9: __new__

    def __new__(cls, expr, variables, point, **assumptions):
        if not ordered_iter(variables, Tuple):
            variables = [variables]
        variables = Tuple(*sympify(variables))

        if uniq(variables) != variables:
            repeated = repeated = [ v for v in set(variables)
                                    if list(variables).count(v) > 1 ]
            raise ValueError('cannot substitute expressions %s more than '
                             'once.' % repeated)

        if not ordered_iter(point, Tuple):
            point = [point]
        point = Tuple(*sympify(point))

        if len(point) != len(variables):
            raise ValueError('Number of point values must be the same as '
                             'the number of variables.')

        # it's necessary to use dummy variables internally
        new_variables = Tuple(*[ arg.as_dummy() if arg.is_Symbol else
            C.Dummy(str(arg)) for arg in variables ])
        expr = sympify(expr).subs(tuple(zip(variables, new_variables)))

        if expr.is_commutative:
            assumptions['commutative'] = True

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, expr, new_variables, point, **assumptions)
        return obj

示例10: matches

 def matches(self, expr, repl_dict={}, evaluate=False):
     if self in repl_dict:
         if repl_dict[self] == expr:
             return repl_dict
     elif isinstance(expr, Derivative):
         if len(expr.variables) == len(self.variables):
             return Expr.matches(self, expr, repl_dict, evaluate)

示例11: matches

    def matches(self, expr, repl_dict={}, old=False):
        expr = _sympify(expr)

        # special case, pattern = 1 and expr.exp can match to 0
        if expr is S.One:
            d = repl_dict.copy()
            d = self.exp.matches(S.Zero, d)
            if d is not None:
                return d

        b, e = expr.as_base_exp()

        # special case number
        sb, se = self.as_base_exp()
        if sb.is_Symbol and se.is_Integer and expr:
            if e.is_rational:
                return sb.matches(b**(e/se), repl_dict)
            return sb.matches(expr**(1/se), repl_dict)

        d = repl_dict.copy()
        d = self.base.matches(b, d)
        if d is None:
            return None

        d = self.exp.xreplace(d).matches(e, d)
        if d is None:
            return Expr.matches(self, expr, repl_dict)
        return d

示例12: __new__

 def __new__(cls, p, q=None):
     if q is None:
         if isinstance(p, Rational):
            return p
         if isinstance(p, basestring):
                 # we might have a Real
                 neg_pow, digits, expt = decimal.Decimal(p).as_tuple()
                 p = [1, -1][neg_pow] * int("".join(str(x) for x in digits))
                 if expt > 0:
                     rv = Rational(p*Pow(10, expt), 1)
                 return Rational(p, Pow(10, -expt))
             except decimal.InvalidOperation:
                 import re
                 f = re.match(' *([-+]? *[0-9]+)( */ *)([0-9]+)', p)
                 if f:
                     p, _, q = f.groups()
                     return Rational(int(p), int(q))
                     raise ValueError('invalid literal: %s' % p)
         elif not isinstance(p, Basic):
             return Rational(S(p))
         q = S.One
     if isinstance(q, Rational):
         p *= q.q
         q = q.p
     if isinstance(p, Rational):
         q *= p.q
         p = p.p
     p = int(p)
     q = int(q)
     if q == 0:
         if p == 0:
             if _errdict["divide"]:
                 raise ValueError("Indeterminate 0/0")
                 return S.NaN
         if p < 0:
             return S.NegativeInfinity
         return S.Infinity
     if q < 0:
         q = -q
         p = -p
     n = igcd(abs(p), q)
     if n > 1:
         p //= n
         q //= n
     if q == 1:
         return Integer(p)
     if p == 1 and q == 2:
         return S.Half
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
     obj.p = p
     obj.q = q
     #obj._args = (p, q)
     return obj

示例13: __le__

 def __le__(self, other):
         other = _sympify(other)
     except SympifyError:
         return False    # sympy > other  --> not <=
     if self is other: return True
     if other.is_comparable: other = other.evalf()
     if isinstance(other, Number):
         return self.evalf()<=other
     return Expr.__le__(self, other)

示例14: __getitem__

  def __getitem__(self, i):
    Column selection via integer, string(name)
    Column selection via slice returns a subset of the H2OFrame

    :param i: An int, str, slice, H2OVec, or list/tuple
    :return: An H2OVec, an H2OFrame, or scalar depending on the input slice.
    if self._vecs is None or self._vecs == []:
      raise ValueError("Frame Removed")
    if isinstance(i, int):   return self._vecs[i]
    if isinstance(i, str):   return self._find(i)
    # Slice; return a Frame not a Vec
    if isinstance(i, slice): return H2OFrame(vecs=self._vecs[i])
    # Row selection from a boolean Vec
    if isinstance(i, H2OVec):
      return H2OFrame(vecs=[x.row_select(i) for x in self._vecs])

    # have a list/tuple of numbers or strings
    if isinstance(i, list) or (isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) != 2):
      vecs = []
      for it in i:
        if isinstance(it, int):    vecs.append(self._vecs[it])
        elif isinstance(it, str):  vecs.append(self._find(it))
        else:                      raise NotImplementedError
      return H2OFrame(vecs=vecs)

    # multi-dimensional slicing via 2-tuple
    if isinstance(i, tuple):
      veckeys = [str(v._expr._data) for v in self._vecs]
      left = Expr(veckeys)
      rite = Expr((i[0], i[1]))
      res = Expr("[", left, rite, length=2)
      if not isinstance(i[0], int) or not isinstance(i[1], int): return res # possible big data
      # small data (single value)
      if res.is_local(): return res._data
      j = h2o.frame(res._data) # data is remote
      return map(list, zip(*[c['data'] for c in j['frames'][0]['columns'][:]]))[0][0]

    raise NotImplementedError("Slicing by unknown type: "+str(type(i)))

示例15: _from_args

    def _from_args(cls, args, is_commutative=None):
        """Create new instance with already-processed args"""
        if len(args) == 0:
            return cls.identity
        elif len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args)
        if is_commutative is None:
            is_commutative = all(a.is_commutative for a in args)
        obj.is_commutative = is_commutative
        return obj
