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Python ete3.TreeStyle类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ete3.TreeStyle的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python TreeStyle类的具体用法?Python TreeStyle怎么用?Python TreeStyle使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: createImg

def createImg(filename, thres=0, samples=1):
    count = parseLineage(filename)
    suffix, matrix, taxo = getSuffixandMatrixandNewick(count,thres,samples)
    newick = convert(taxo,suffix)
    newick += ';'

    t = Tree(newick, format=1)
    ct = ClusterTree(t.write(),  text_array=matrix)

    # nodes are linked to the array table
    array = ct.arraytable
    # Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color gradients.
    matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))for i in array.matrix[r] if np.isfinite(i)]
    matrix_max = np.max(matrix_dist)
    matrix_min = np.min(matrix_dist)
    matrix_avg = (matrix_max+matrix_min)/2
    # Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a heatmap
    profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 14, "heatmap",colorscheme=3)
    # Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
    def mylayout(node):
        # If node is a leaf
        if node.is_leaf():
            # And a line profile
            add_face_to_node(profileFace, node, 0, aligned=True)

    # Use my layout to visualize the tree
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = mylayout
    # ct.show(tree_style=ts)
    filedir = '/'.join(filename.split('/')[:-1])
    # t.write(format=9, outfile="output/newick/"+param+".nw")

示例2: show_tree

def show_tree(experiment_folder):
    model = MDPD.Hierachical_MDPD(1)
    model.load(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'model.p'))

    width, depth = model.width, model.depth

    root = Tree()

    cache = [(0, root)]

    for i in range(depth + 1):
        foo = []

        for idx, node in cache:
            paren = int((idx - 1) / width)
            kid = idx - paren * width
            face = faces.ImgFace(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'images', '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(idx, paren, kid)))
            node.add_face(face, 0)

            if i < depth:
                for k in range(width):
                    foo.append((idx * width + k + 1, node.add_child()))

        cache = foo

    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.mode = "c"

    root.render(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'images', 'tree_plot.png'), tree_style=ts)
    return root

示例3: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():

    # Set dashed blue lines in all leaves
    nst1 = NodeStyle()
    nst1["bgcolor"] = "LightSteelBlue"
    nst2 = NodeStyle()
    nst2["bgcolor"] = "Moccasin"
    nst3 = NodeStyle()
    nst3["bgcolor"] = "DarkSeaGreen"
    nst4 = NodeStyle()
    nst4["bgcolor"] = "Khaki"

    t = Tree("((((a1,a2),a3), ((b1,b2),(b3,b4))), ((c1,c2),c3));")
    for n in t.traverse():
        n.dist = 0

    n1 = t.get_common_ancestor("a1", "a2", "a3")
    n2 = t.get_common_ancestor("b1", "b2", "b3", "b4")
    n3 = t.get_common_ancestor("c1", "c2", "c3")
    n4 = t.get_common_ancestor("b3", "b4")
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = layout
    ts.show_leaf_name = False

    ts.mode = "c"
    ts.root_opening_factor = 1
    return t, ts

示例4: ete_draw

    def ete_draw(self, fname=None):
        """ Draws the tree and saves it to a file.  If `fname` is None,
            show the tree instead of saving it.

                fname: filename to save to (default=None)
        if Cfg.USE_ETE3:
            def layout(node):
                faces.add_face_to_node(AttrFace("name"), node, column=0,

            ts = TreeStyle()
            ts.show_leaf_name = False
            ts.layout_fn = layout
            ts.rotation = 90
            tree = EteTree(self.ete_str(), format=8)

            if fname:
                tree.render(fname, tree_style=ts)
            # TODO maybe throw an error?

示例5: get_tree_style

 def get_tree_style(self):
     ts = TreeStyle()
     ts.layout_fn = self.custom_layout
     ts.show_leaf_name = False
     ts.draw_guiding_lines = True
     #ts.guiding_lines_type = 1
     self._treestyle = ts
     return ts

示例6: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():
    t = Tree()
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = layout
    ts.mode = "r"
    ts.show_leaf_name = False
    return t, ts

示例7: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():
    t = Tree()
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.rotation = 45
    ts.show_leaf_name = False
    ts.layout_fn = rotation_layout

    return t, ts

示例8: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():

    t = Tree()
    t.populate(8, reuse_names=False)

    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = master_ly
    ts.title.add_face(faces.TextFace("Drawing your own Qt Faces", fsize=15), 0)
    return t, ts

示例9: export_tree

def export_tree(tree, filename, insignif_color, signif_color, i_group, width):
    exports the given tree to the given filename
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.show_leaf_name = False
    ts.show_scale = False
    ts.layout_fn = generate_layout(insignif_color, signif_color, i_group)
    tree.render(filename, w=width, tree_style=ts)

示例10: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():
    t = Tree()
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = layout
    ts.mode = "c"
    ts.show_leaf_name = True
    ts.min_leaf_separation = 15
    return t, ts

示例11: drawTree

def drawTree(treeFile, ShowBool):
	Draw a tree from a phy file
	t = Tree(treeFile)
	imgFile = treeFile.replace(".tree", ".tree.png")

	# Basic tree style
	ts = TreeStyle()
	ts.show_leaf_name = True
	ts.show_branch_support = True
	ts.scale =  160

	# Draws nodes as small red spheres of diameter equal to 10 pixels
	nstyle = NodeStyle()
	nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
	nstyle["size"] = 10
	nstyle["fgcolor"] = "darkred"
	#nstyle["faces_bgcolor"] = "pink"

	nstyle2 = NodeStyle()
	nstyle2["shape"] = "sphere"
	nstyle2["size"] = 10
	nstyle2["fgcolor"] = "darkblue"

	# Gray dashed branch lines
	nstyle["hz_line_type"] = 1
	nstyle["hz_line_color"] = "#cccccc"

	# Applies the same static style to all nodes in the tree. Note that,
	# if "nstyle" is modified, changes will affect to all nodes
	for n in t.traverse():
		if n.is_leaf():
			if n.name.split("|")[-1] == "GI":
			if n.name.split("|")[-1] == "plasmid":
			gi = n.name.split("|")[1]
			n.name = n.name.split("|")[0] #+ "   " + n.name.split("|")[1]
			n.name = n.name.replace("_tRNA_modification_GTPase_", "")
			n.name = n.name.replace("_DNA", "")
			n.name = " " + n.name + " "
			if n.name[-1] == "_": n.name.rstrip()
			taxon, color = taxonToColour(gi)
			n.add_face(TextFace(taxon, fgcolor = color, fsize = 8), column=1, position="branch-right")
			#n.img_style["bgcolor"] = color
	if ShowBool == True: #permet de flipper les braches pour avoir des topologies similaires
	t.render(imgFile, w=393, units="mm", tree_style=ts)

示例12: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():

    t = Tree()

    # Node style handling is no longer limited to layout functions. You
    # can now create fixed node styles and use them many times, save them
    # or even add them to nodes before drawing (this allows to save and
    # reproduce an tree image design)

    # Set bold red branch to the root node
    style = NodeStyle()
    style["fgcolor"] = "#0f0f0f"
    style["size"] = 0
    style["vt_line_color"] = "#ff0000"
    style["hz_line_color"] = "#ff0000"
    style["vt_line_width"] = 8
    style["hz_line_width"] = 8
    style["vt_line_type"] = 0 # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
    style["hz_line_type"] = 0

    #Set dotted red lines to the first two branches
    style1 = NodeStyle()
    style1["fgcolor"] = "#0f0f0f"
    style1["size"] = 0
    style1["vt_line_color"] = "#ff0000"
    style1["hz_line_color"] = "#ff0000"
    style1["vt_line_width"] = 2
    style1["hz_line_width"] = 2
    style1["vt_line_type"] = 2 # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
    style1["hz_line_type"] = 2
    t.children[0].img_style = style1
    t.children[1].img_style = style1

    # Set dashed blue lines in all leaves
    style2 = NodeStyle()
    style2["fgcolor"] = "#000000"
    style2["shape"] = "circle"
    style2["vt_line_color"] = "#0000aa"
    style2["hz_line_color"] = "#0000aa"
    style2["vt_line_width"] = 2
    style2["hz_line_width"] = 2
    style2["vt_line_type"] = 1 # 0 solid, 1 dashed, 2 dotted
    style2["hz_line_type"] = 1
    for l in t.iter_leaves():
        l.img_style = style2

    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = layout
    ts.show_leaf_name = False

    return t, ts

示例13: argument

def argument(name):
    g.name = name
    argument_file = "static/inputs/%s.txt" % name
    g.argument_tree = "/static/outputs/%s.png" % name
    argument_tree = "static/outputs/%s.png" % name

        f = open(argument_file)  # open the file

    g.premises = []
    g.conclusion = None

    for line in f:
    g.conclusion = g.premises[-1]
    g.premises = g.premises[:-1]

    stmt_set = main.open_argument(argument_file)
    print stmt_set
    g.sat, tree = satisfiable.satisfiable(stmt_set)

    existing = os.listdir("static/outputs")
    for f in existing:
        if f == name + ".png":
            return render_template("argument.html")

    # set teh tree style...
    ts = TreeStyle()
    # don't show the name of the leaf nodes (which are just a x/o for a open/closed branch) in the final graph
    ts.show_leaf_name = False

    for child in tree.traverse():
        # add a marker with the name of each node, at each node
        child.add_face(TextFace(child.name), column=0, position="branch-top")

    # render the file and save it
    tree.render(argument_tree, tree_style=ts, w=5000)

    # crop out the unwanted part of the image...
    im = Image.open(argument_tree)
    (x, y) = im.size

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle((0, y*.5, x*.25, y), fill="white")
    im.save(argument_tree, "PNG")

    return render_template("argument.html")

示例14: get_example_tree

def get_example_tree():
    # Create a random tree and add to each leaf a random set of motifs
    # from the original set
    t = Tree()
    # for l in t.iter_leaves():
    #     seq_motifs = [list(m) for m in motifs] #sample(motifs, randint(2, len(motifs)))

    #     seqFace = SeqMotifFace(seq, seq_motifs, intermotif_format="line",
    #                            seqtail_format="compactseq", scale_factor=1)
    #     seqFace.margin_bottom = 4
    #     f = l.add_face(seqFace, 0, "aligned")

    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = layout
    return t, ts

示例15: render_tree

def render_tree(tree, fname):
    # Generates tree snapshot
    npr_nodestyle = NodeStyle()
    npr_nodestyle["fgcolor"] = "red"
    for n in tree.traverse():
        if hasattr(n, "nodeid"):
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.show_leaf_name = True
    ts.show_branch_length = True
    ts.show_branch_support = True
    ts.mode = "r"
    iterface = faces.TextFace("iter")
    ts.legend.add_face(iterface, 0)

    tree.dist = 0
    tree.render(fname, tree_style=ts, w=700)
