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Python Dictionary.update方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中dictionary.Dictionary.update方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Dictionary.update方法的具体用法?Python Dictionary.update怎么用?Python Dictionary.update使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在dictionary.Dictionary的用法示例。


示例1: checkFile

# 需要导入模块: from dictionary import Dictionary [as 别名]
# 或者: from dictionary.Dictionary import update [as 别名]
def checkFile(file_name, dictionary_file="words.dat"):
    # Set up dictionary based on words.dat
    d = Dictionary(file_name=dictionary_file)

    file_in = open(file_name, 'r')
    file_out = open("{}.out".format(file_name), 'w')

    current_word = ""

    while True:
        # Read one character at a time from the input file
        next_char = file_in.read(1)
        # Exit the loop when there's nothing else to read
        if not next_char:

        if next_char in d.ALLOWED_LETTERS:
            current_word += next_char
            # Verify the current_word with the dictionary
            resp, current_word = d.verify(current_word)
            if not resp:  # Word was not found in dictionary
                resp, new_word = getUserResponse(current_word)
                d.update(resp, current_word, new_word)
                current_word = new_word
            current_word = ""

    print("Spellchecked file written to {}.out.".format(file_name))

示例2: PinyinLookup

# 需要导入模块: from dictionary import Dictionary [as 别名]
# 或者: from dictionary.Dictionary import update [as 别名]
class PinyinLookup() :
    def __init__( self ) :
        self.dict = Dictionary()
        self.spliter = PinyinSpliter()
        self.fitter = Fitter()
        self.picker = Picker( self.dict )
        #self.picker.set( [], [], True )

        self.cache = [ [ 0, [], "" ] ]
        self.candCacheIndex = 0
        self.candStartIndex = 0
        self.candList = []
    def load( self, filePath ) :
        newKeys = self.dict.load( filePath )
        print "start build index"
        newPinyinSet = set()
        for key in newKeys :
            if key.count( "'" ) <= 0 :
                self.fitter.pinyinSet.add( key )
                newPinyinSet.add( key )
            self.fitter.dictTree.addKey( key )
        for pinyin in newPinyinSet :
            self.spliter.beginCharSet.add( pinyin[0] ) 
            self.spliter.pinyinTree.addPath( pinyin )
        print "built"
    def update( self, key, word, freq ) :
        newKey = self.dict.update( key, word, freq )
        if newKey :
            if newKey.count( "'" ) <= 0 :
                self.fitter.pinyinSet.add( newKey )
                self.spliter.beginCharSet.add( newKey[0] ) 
                self.spliter.pinyinTree.addPath( newKey )
            self.fitter.dictTree.addKey( newKey )
    def subFit( self, fitList, pinyinStringList ) :
        subFitPoint = -999
        #for key in fitList :
        for i in range( len( fitList ) ) :
            key = fitList[i]
            #currentSubFitPoint = len( key ) - key.count( "'" ) - len( self.spliter.code )
            currentSubFitPoint = key.count( "'" ) + 1 - len( pinyinStringList[i].string )
            #print key, pinyinStringList[i].string, currentSubFitPoint
            if currentSubFitPoint > 0 :
                currentSubFitPoint = -998
            if currentSubFitPoint > subFitPoint :
                subFitPoint = currentSubFitPoint
            #print key, currentSubFitPoint, subFitPoint
        newFitList = []
        preeditList = []
        for i in range( len( fitList ) ) :
            key = fitList[i]
            currentSubFitPoint = key.count( "'" ) + 1 - len( pinyinStringList[i].string )
            if currentSubFitPoint >= subFitPoint :
                newFitList.append( key )
                preeditList.append( str( pinyinStringList[i] ) )
        #print newFitList, newPreeditList
        return newFitList, preeditList
    def append( self, code ) :
        #print "append", code
        self.spliter.append( code )
        fitList = []
        #preeditList = []
        pinyinStringList = []
        fitPoint = -999
        for pinyinString in self.spliter.stack :
            #print pinyinString
            if pinyinString.length < len( self.spliter.code ) :
            else :
                currentFitPoint, keys = self.fitter.fit( pinyinString.string )
                #print currentFitPoint, keys
                if currentFitPoint > fitPoint :
                    fitPoint = currentFitPoint
                    fitList = []
                    preeditList = []
                    fitList.extend( keys )
                    #preeditList.extend( [ str( pinyinString ) ] * len( keys ) )
                    pinyinStringList.extend( [ pinyinString ] * len( keys ) )
                elif currentFitPoint == fitPoint :
                    fitList.extend( keys )
                    #preeditList.extend( [ str( pinyinString ) ] * len( keys ) )
                    pinyinStringList.extend( [ pinyinString ] * len( keys ) )
        fitList, preeditList = self.subFit( fitList, pinyinStringList )
        #print fitList
        self.picker.set( fitList, preeditList, True )
        cache = [ fitPoint, fitList, preeditList ] 
        self.cache.append( cache )
        self.candList = []
        self.candCacheIndex = len( self.cache ) - 1
        self.candStartIndex = 0
    def pop( self ) :
        if len( self.cache ) > 1 :
            self.cache = self.cache[:-1]
            cache = self.cache[-1]
            fitList = cache[1]
            preeditList = cache[2]
            self.picker.set( fitList, preeditList, True )
            self.candList = []
            self.candCacheIndex = len( self.cache ) - 1
            self.candStartIndex = 0
