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Python Dictionary.is_word方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中dictionary.Dictionary.is_word方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Dictionary.is_word方法的具体用法?Python Dictionary.is_word怎么用?Python Dictionary.is_word使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在dictionary.Dictionary的用法示例。


示例1: test_dictionary

# 需要导入模块: from dictionary import Dictionary [as 别名]
# 或者: from dictionary.Dictionary import is_word [as 别名]
    def test_dictionary(self):
        d = Dictionary("unit_tests/mocks/mockDictionary.txt")


示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from dictionary import Dictionary [as 别名]
# 或者: from dictionary.Dictionary import is_word [as 别名]
class AnagramSolver:
	def __init__(self, dic_file = 'dictionaries/english'):
		self.outwords = {}
		self.permutations = {}
		self.dictionary = Dictionary(dic_file)

	def swap(self, word, i, j):
		wlist = list(word)
		tmp = wlist[i]
		wlist[i] = wlist[j]
		wlist[j] = tmp
		return ''.join(wlist)

	def swapChar(self, word, index, char):
		wlist = list(word)
		wlist[index] = char
		return ''.join(wlist)

	def get_combos(self, letters):
		check_words(letters, 0)

	def get_permutations(self, word):
		self.permutations = {}
		for item in self.wild(word.replace('*',''), word.count('*')):
			self.get_permutations_rec(item, 0)
		return self.permutations.keys()

	def get_permutations_rec(self, word, i):
		while i<len(word):
			# try it with letter[i] switched with all next letters
			for j in range(i, len(word)):
				test = self.swap(word, i, j)
				self.permutations[test] = 1
				if i < len(word) - 1:
					self.get_permutations_rec(test, i+1)
			i += 1

	def wild(self, str, num_wild):
		if num_wild > 0:
			return [y + x for x in string.lowercase for y in self.wild(str, num_wild-1)]
			return [str]

	def anagram(self, mask, chars):
		# mask is of the form: e__ph_nt and characters can be a-z or *
		# where lower case letters are literal, underscores can
		# be filled in with chars from chars, and asterisks
		# can be filled with any character a-z
		# clear the output hash
		self.outwords = {}
		# get the list of character permutations
		charPerms = self.get_permutations(chars)
		# fill the blanks with the permutations
		for x in range(len(charPerms)):
			permMask = mask
			lastBlank = -1
			for i in range(len(charPerms[x])):
				lastBlank = permMask.find("_", lastBlank+1)
				if lastBlank == -1:

				permMask = self.swapChar(permMask, lastBlank, charPerms[x][i])

			# check if permMask is a dictionary word
			if self.dictionary.is_word(permMask):
				self.outwords[permMask] = 1
		return self.outwords.keys()
