本文整理汇总了Python中cc.tools.io.DataIO.writeCols方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DataIO.writeCols方法的具体用法?Python DataIO.writeCols怎么用?Python DataIO.writeCols使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类cc.tools.io.DataIO
示例1: waterFraction1StepProfiler
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def waterFraction1StepProfiler(model_id,path_gastronoom,fraction,rfrac):
Create a 1-step fractional profile for water.
The original water abundance profile is taken from the output of the
original model without fractional abundances.
These fraction profiles can be used for CHANGE_ABUNDANCE_FRACTION in mline
@param model_id: The model id of the original cooling model
@type model_id: string
@param path_gastronoom: The model subfolder in ~/GASTRoNOoM/
@type path_gastronoom: string
@param fraction: the fraction used
@type fraction: float
@param rfrac: the radius at the step to the fractional abundance [cm]
@type rfrac: float
rfrac = float(rfrac)
fraction = float(fraction)
filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,path_gastronoom,'models',\
rad = Gastronoom.getGastronoomOutput(filename=filename,keyword='RADIUS',\
fraction_profile = np.ones(len(rad))
step_index = np.argmin(abs(rad-rfrac))
fraction_profile[step_index:] = fraction
output_filename = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom,path_gastronoom,\
示例2: combineRedLaw
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def combineRedLaw(ofn, chiar_curve="ism", power=-1.8):
A method to combine the Fitzpatrick 2004 and Chiar & Tielens 2006 reddening
laws as well as to extrapolate Chiar and Tielens 2006 to longer wavelengths.
The result is saved in a file and used by the IvS repository as a valid
reddening law.
@param ofn: The output filename with path
@type ofn: str
@keyword chiar_curve: The curve type for Chiar & Tielens 2004. Either 'gc'
or 'ism'.
(default: 'ism')
@type chiar_curve: str
@keyword power: The power for the power law extrapolation. Default is taken
from Chiar and Tielens 2006, as a typical value for local
ISM between 2 and 5 micron. gc may require different value
but not very important.
(default: -1.8)
@type power: float
chiar_curve = chiar_curve.lower()
# -- Extract the two relevant extinction laws.
xchiar, a_ak_chiar = red.get_law("chiar2006", norm="Ak", wave_units="micron", curve=chiar_curve)
xfitz, a_ak_fitz = red.get_law("fitzpatrick2004", norm="Ak", wave_units="micron")
# -- Define a power law for the extrapolation
def power_law(x, scale, power):
return scale * (x) ** power
# -- Determine the scaling factor from specific chiar/tielens law
scale = a_ak_chiar[-1] / (xchiar[-1] ** power)
# -- Create an x grid for longer wavelengths.
xlong = np.linspace(xchiar[-1] + 0.1, 1000, 1000)
a_ak_long = power_law(xlong, scale, power)
# -- Combine the three sections
xcom = hstack([xfitz[xfitz < xchiar[0]], xchiar, xlong])
a_ak_com = hstack([a_ak_fitz[xfitz < xchiar[0]], a_ak_chiar, a_ak_long])
# -- Write the result to a file
comments = "#-- wavelength (micron) A_lambda/A_k\n"
DataIO.writeCols(filename=ofn, cols=[[comments]])
DataIO.writeCols(filename=ofn, cols=[xcom, a_ak_com], mode="a")
示例3: mergeOpacity
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def mergeOpacity(species,lowres='nom_res',highres='high_res'):
Merge high-res opacities into a grid of low-res opacities.
The wavelength range of the inserted high res opacities is taken from the
given high res grid.
@param species: The dust species for which this is done. This is also the
name of the folder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/ that contains
the data files.
@type species: string
@keyword lowres: The subfolder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/species containing
the low resolution datafiles.
(default: low_res)
@type lowres: string
@keyword highres: The subfolder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/species containing
the high resolution datafiles.
(default: high_res)
@type highres: string
path = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac,species)
lowres_files = [f
for f in glob(os.path.join(path,lowres,'*'))
if f[-5:] == '.opac']
highres_files = [f
for f in glob(os.path.join(path,highres,'*'))
if f[-5:] == '.opac']
files = set([os.path.split(f)[1] for f in lowres_files] + \
[os.path.split(f)[1] for f in highres_files])
for f in files:
hdfile = os.path.join(path,highres,f)
ldfile = os.path.join(path,lowres,f)
if os.path.isfile(ldfile) and os.path.isfile(hdfile):
hd = DataIO.readCols(hdfile)
ld = DataIO.readCols(ldfile)
hdw = hd[0]
ldw = ld[0]
wmin = hdw[0]
wmax = hdw[-1]
ld_low = [list(col[ldw<wmin]) for col in ld]
ld_high = [list(col[ldw>wmax]) for col in ld]
hd = [list(col) for col in hd]
merged = [ld_low[i] + hd[i] + ld_high[i]
for i in range(len(hd))]
示例4: writeChi2
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def writeChi2(self,fn,sort=1,parameters=[]):
Write the Chi^2 values to a file. Lists the model id in the first column
with the chi^2 value in the second.
The chi^2 values can be requested to be sorted.
Parameters from the Star() objects can be added as additional columns.
Given parameters must be valid.
@param fn: The output filename
@type fn: str
@keyword sort: Sort the star_grid according to the chi^2 values from
lowest to highest. Requires calcChi2 to be ran first.
(default: 1)
@type sort: bool
@keyword parameters: The additional model parameters to be added as
columns in the file.
(default: [])
@type parameters: list(str)
#-- If no chi^2 was calculated, do nothing
if not self.chi2.size:
#-- Write the header
comments = ['# '] + ['ID','RedChi^2'] + parameters + ['\n']
#-- Define the columns
cols = [[s['LAST_MCMAX_MODEL'] for s in self.getStarGrid(sort=sort)]]
if sort:
isort = np.argsort(self.chi2)
#-- Add additional model parameters if requested
for par in parameters:
cols.append([s[par] for s in self.getStarGrid(sort=sort)])
#-- Append the columns to the file after the header
示例5: prepInput
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def prepInput(star,path,repl_str=''):
Prepare inputfiles for LIME from a GASTRoNOoM and MCMax model.
Input is taken from the model ouput and written into files. The output
folder can be chosen. The model_id tag can be replaced with an arbitrary
Input is converted to SI units, except opacities, which are in cm2/g.
@param star: The model object including the GASTRoNOoM and MCMax model ids.
@type star: Star()
@param path: The target folder for the files.
@type path: str
@keyword repl_str: Replacement string for the model_id tag.
(default: '')
@type repl_str: str
#-- First opacities and t_dust, which are not part of the GASTRoNOoM output
mcmid = star['LAST_MCMAX_MODEL']
fnopac = os.path.join(path,'opac_%s.dat'%(repl_str and repl_str or mcmid))
#-- Write dust temperature to a file.
fntd = os.path.join(path,'td_%s.dat'%(repl_str and repl_str or mcmid))
rad = star.getDustRad(unit='m')
td = star.getDustTemperature()
#-- Finally the gas properties
if not repl_str: repl_str = star['LAST_GASTRONOOM_MODEL']
#-- Radius for nh2 and vel
rad = star.getGasRad(unit='m',ftype='fgr_all')
if rad.size > 10000:
icutoff = np.argmin(abs(rad-1e14))
rad = Data.reduceArray(rad,20,1e14,'remove')
icutoff = None
#-- h2 number density
nh2 = star.getGasNumberDensity(ftype='fgr_all')
nh2 = nh2*10**6
if not icutoff is None:
nh2 = Data.reduceArray(nh2,20,nh2[icutoff],'remove')
fnnh2 = os.path.join(path,'nh2_%s.dat'%repl_str)
#-- Velocity profile
vel = star.getGasVelocity(ftype='fgr_all')
vel = vel*10**-2
if not icutoff is None:
vel = Data.reduceArray(vel,20,vel[icutoff],'remove')
fnvel = os.path.join(path,'vg_%s.dat'%repl_str)
#-- CO abundance
rad = star.getGasRad(ftype='1',mstr='12C16O',unit='m')
nh2 = star.getGasNumberDensity(ftype='1',mstr='12C16O')
nco = star.getGasNumberDensity(ftype='1',mstr='12C16O',molecule=1)
aco = nco/nh2
fnaco = os.path.join(path,'aco_%s.dat'%repl_str)
示例6: __convolveSphinx
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
def __convolveSphinx(self,star):
Check if sphinx output has already been convolved (pacs db) and do so
if not.
@param star: The parameter set
@type star: Star()
#- check for which filenames the convolution has already been done
finished_conv_filenames = self.checkStarDb(star)
finished_conv_filenames = [this_f
for this_f in finished_conv_filenames
if this_f in [os.path.split(f)[1]
for f in self.data_filenames]]
#- if after db check pacs id is undefined, then there is no pacs model,
#- and the convolution will be done anyway
if self.redo_convolution and star['LAST_PACS_MODEL']:
for filename in finished_conv_filenames:
ori = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'stars',self.star_name,\
backup = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'stars',self.star_name,\
subprocess.call(['mv %s %s'%(ori,backup)],shell=True)
self.db[star['LAST_PACS_MODEL']]['filenames'] = []
finished_conv_filenames = []
filenames_to_do = [this_f
for this_f in [os.path.split(f)[1]
for f in self.data_filenames]
if this_f not in finished_conv_filenames]
#-Get sphinx model output and merge, for all star models in star_grid
if filenames_to_do:
#- if list is not empty, some filenames still need a convolution
print '* Reading Sphinx model and merging.'
merged = star['LAST_GASTRONOOM_MODEL'] \
and self.mergeSphinx(star) \
or [[],[]]
sphinx_wave = merged[0]
sphinx_flux = merged[1]
if not sphinx_wave:
print '* No Sphinx data found.'
#- convolve the model fluxes with a gaussian at central wavelength
#- from data_wave_list for every star, and appropriate sigma
print '* Convolving Sphinx model, after correction for v_lsr.'
if not self.data_delta_list:
for filename in filenames_to_do:
i_file = [os.path.split(f)[1]
for f in self.data_filenames].index(filename)
if not star['LAST_PACS_MODEL']:
star['LAST_PACS_MODEL'] = \
self.db[star['LAST_PACS_MODEL']] = \
#-- Correct for the v_lsr of the central source
sphinx_wave_corr = array(sphinx_wave)*(1./(1-self.vlsr/self.c))
sph_conv = Data.doConvolution(\
sph_fn = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'stars',self.star_name,\
示例7: runEB_ALI
# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import writeCols [as 别名]
@type eb: EnergyBalance()
@return: The EnergyBalance object is returned with all its properties.
@rtype: EnergyBalance()
#-- 1) Calculate the zeroth ALI iteration for initial level populations
#-- 2) Set up the EnergyBalance object
#-- 3) Calculate the first EB iteration and create new input for ALI
#-- 4) Run ALI with the new input.
#-- 5) Rinse and repeat until converged.
#-- Step 1: Calculate ALI given the pre-defined inputfile for all molecules
if isinstance(afn,str): afn = [afn]
if not eb is None: runALIinit = 0
if runALIinit:
print('Running first guess for ALI.')
for ifn in afn: execALI(ifn,args=ALI_args)
#-- Step 2: Set up the EnergyBalance object.
if eb is None:
pars = {'template': 'mcp'}
eb = EB.EnergyBalance(*args,**pars)
#-- Remember the maximum requested iterations if it is present. Otherwise,
# set it to the default in the EnergyBalance.
ei = int(ei)
imax = iterT_kwargs['imax'] if iterT_kwargs.has_key('imax') else 50
if eb is None:
iterT_kwargs['imax'] = ei if int(ei) else imax
iterT_kwargs['imax'] = eb.i + ei if int(ei) else eb.i+imax
#-- Step 3: Run the EnergyBalance
m = 'next' if not eb is None else 'first'
print('Running {} guess of EnergyBalance (EB).'.format(m))
#-- Prep step 4: Create new filenames for ALI input and Tkin
fnT = afn[0].replace('.inp','_iter.temp')
fn_new = [ifn.replace('.inp','_iter.inp') for ifn in afn]
#-- Step 4: Iterate between steps 2 and 3 until the temperature iteration
# needs only 1 step to converge. Note that ei cannot be 1 for this
# to work.
ei = 2 if int(ei) == 1 else int(ei)
i, iT, iter_texguess = 1, -2, float(iter_texguess)
while eb.i != iT + 1 and eb.i <= iTmax:
print('Running iteration {} of ALI + EB. Current EB'.format(i) + \
' iteration index: {}.'.format(eb.i))
#-- Remember the current temperature iteration
iT = eb.i
#-- Step 2':
#-- Update the ALI inputfiles and run. This overwrites the previous temp
# and pop files. You have access to both pops and temps of all
# iterations through eb.pop[i] and eb.T_iter[i], respectively, with i
# the iteration. Also sets the (maybe) new convergence criterion, new
# Tkin/pop filename, and TexGuess to -1.
for ifn,ifn_new in zip(afn,fn_new):
#-- Step 3':
#-- Update the level populations for all molecules.
for m,ifn_new in zip(eb.molecules,fn_new):
#-- Only if ei is not zero, limit the maximum amount of iterations.
# Otherwise set it to imax or the default of imax, in addition to the
# current iteration
iterT_kwargs['imax'] = eb.i+ei if int(ei) else eb.i+imax
#-- Increase the EB+ALI iteration index.
i += 1
#-- If the temperature iteration reaches convergence, run the original ALI
# inputfile again, with updated T and pop files (ie with the original
# convergence criterion and number of iterations.
print('Running final ALI iteration.')
for ifn,ifn_new in zip(afn,fn_new):
return eb