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Python DataIO.readCols方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中cc.tools.io.DataIO.readCols方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DataIO.readCols方法的具体用法?Python DataIO.readCols怎么用?Python DataIO.readCols使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cc.tools.io.DataIO的用法示例。


示例1: mergeOpacity

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
def mergeOpacity(species,lowres='nom_res',highres='high_res'):
    Merge high-res opacities into a grid of low-res opacities.
    The wavelength range of the inserted high res opacities is taken from the 
    given high res grid. 
    @param species: The dust species for which this is done. This is also the 
                    name of the folder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/ that contains
                    the data files.
    @type species: string
    @keyword lowres: The subfolder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/species containing
                     the low resolution datafiles.
                     (default: low_res)
    @type lowres: string
    @keyword highres: The subfolder in ~/MCMax/DustOpacities/species containing
                      the high resolution datafiles.
                      (default: high_res)
    @type highres: string
    path = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac,species)
    lowres_files = [f 
                    for f in glob(os.path.join(path,lowres,'*')) 
                    if f[-5:] == '.opac']
    highres_files = [f 
                     for f in glob(os.path.join(path,highres,'*')) 
                     if f[-5:] == '.opac']
    files = set([os.path.split(f)[1] for f in lowres_files] + \
                [os.path.split(f)[1] for f in highres_files])
    for f in files:
        hdfile = os.path.join(path,highres,f)
        ldfile = os.path.join(path,lowres,f)
        if os.path.isfile(ldfile) and os.path.isfile(hdfile):
            hd = DataIO.readCols(hdfile)
            ld = DataIO.readCols(ldfile)
            hdw = hd[0]
            ldw = ld[0]
            wmin = hdw[0]
            wmax = hdw[-1]
            ld_low = [list(col[ldw<wmin]) for col in ld]
            ld_high = [list(col[ldw>wmax]) for col in ld]
            hd = [list(col) for col in hd]
            merged = [ld_low[i] + hd[i] + ld_high[i] 
                      for i in range(len(hd))]

示例2: readData

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def readData(self):
     Read the raw SED data. 
     for dt,fn in zip(self.data_types,self.data_filenames):
         data = DataIO.readCols(fn,nans=0)
         #-- Currently, error bars only available for these types of data.
         if 'Photometric' in dt or 'MIDI' in dt or 'Sacha' in dt: 
             #-- Sort MIDI data
             if 'MIDI' in dt: 
                 cdat = [dd[(data[0]<=13.)*(data[0]>=8.)] for dd in data]
                 i = argsort(cdat[0])
                 self.data[(dt,fn)] = (cdat[0][i],cdat[1][i],cdat[2][i])
                 self.data[(dt,fn)] = (data[0],data[1],data[2])
             if  dt == 'Photometric_IvS':
                 self.photbands = data[3]
                 self.photwave = data[0]
             #-- Still sorting for PACS. Obsolete when separate bands for 
             #   PACS are available. 
             i = argsort(data[0])
             self.data[(dt,fn)] = (data[0][i],data[1][i])

示例3: readData

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def readData(self):
     Read in data, taking special care of NaNs. 
     Four colums are taken as input! wave - contsub - original - continuum
     Two columns still works, but may result in errors in other places in 
     the code. 
     Data are always read in Jy versus micron, for both SPIRE and PACS.
     self.data_wave_list = [] 
     self.data_flux_list = []
     self.data_original_list = [] 
     self.data_continuum_list = [] 
     for filename in self.data_filenames:
         data = DataIO.readCols(filename=filename,nans=1)
         if len(data) == 2: 

示例4: updateDustMCMaxDatabase

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
def updateDustMCMaxDatabase(filename):

    Update dust filenames in MCMax database with the new OPAC_PATH system. 
    @param filename: The file and path to the MCMax database. 
    @type filename: str

    i = 0
    new_filename = "%s_new" % (filename)

    db_old = Database(filename)
    db_new = Database(new_filename)

    path = os.path.join(cc.path.usr, "Dust_updatefile.dat")
    dustfiles = DataIO.readCols(path)
    pfn_old = list(dustfiles[0])
    pfn_new = list(dustfiles[1])

    for k, v in db_old.items():
        dd = v["dust_species"]
        dd_new = dict()
        for pfn, cont in dd.items():
                new_key = pfn_new[pfn_old.index(pfn)]
                dd_new[new_key] = cont
            except ValueError:
                dd_new[pfn] = cont
        v["dust_species"] = dd_new
        db_new[k] = v

示例5: readDustInfo

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
    def readDustInfo(self):

        Read all column densities, min/max temperatures and min/max radii for 
        the species involved in the MCMax model.
        Note that the self.coldens dictionary does not give real column 
        densities! This dict merely gives column densities in a prescribed 
        shell with given min and max radius, in order to compare with the H2 
        col density. 

        dens = self.star.getDustDensity()
        temp = self.star.getDustTemperature()
        compf = os.path.join(
            cc.path.mcmax, self.star.path_mcmax, "models", self.star["LAST_MCMAX_MODEL"], "composition.dat"
        comp = DataIO.readCols(compf)
        self.rad = comp.pop(0) * self.au
        self.r_outer = self.rad[-1]

        for species in self.star.getDustList():
            # - Save the actual density profile for this dust species, as well
            # - as calculating the full column density of a dust species.
            self.dustfractions[species] = comp.pop(0)
            self.compd[species] = self.dustfractions[species] * dens
            self.fullcoldens[species] = trapz(x=self.rad, y=self.compd[species])
            # - Determine the column density from 90% of the dust species formed
            # - onward, based on the mass fractions!
            # - Not before, because the comparison with H2 must be made,
            # - and this will skew the result if not solely looking at where the
            # - dust has (almost) all been formed.
            # - We also save min amd max radii, for use with the H2 calculation
            a_species = self.star["A_%s" % species]
            maxdens = max(self.compd[species])
            mindens = maxdens * 10 ** (-10)
            radsel = self.rad[(self.dustfractions[species] > 0.9 * a_species) * (self.compd[species] > mindens)]
            denssel = self.compd[species][
                (self.dustfractions[species] > 0.9 * a_species) * (self.compd[species] > mindens)
            self.coldens[species] = trapz(x=radsel, y=denssel)
            if radsel.size:
                self.r_min_cd[species] = radsel[0]
                self.r_max_cd[species] = radsel[-1]
                print "Threshold dust mass fraction not reached for %s." % species
                self.r_min_cd[species] = 0
                self.r_max_cd[species] = 0
            # - Determine the actual destruction radius and temperature.
            # - Taken where the density reaches 1% of the maximum density
            # - (not mass fraction).
            self.r_des[species] = self.rad[self.compd[species] > (maxdens * 0.01)][0]
            self.t_des[species] = temp[self.compd[species] > (maxdens * 0.01)][0]

            # - e-10 as limit for minimum is ok, because if shell is 100000 R*
            # - the mass conservation dictates ~ (10^5)^2 = 10^10 (r^2 law)
            # - decrease in density. Shells this big dont occur anyway.
            self.r_max[species] = self.rad[self.compd[species] > mindens][-1]
            self.t_min[species] = temp[self.compd[species] > mindens][-1]

示例6: getSphinxConvolution

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def getSphinxConvolution(self,star,fn):
     Read the sphinx convolution and return if it has already been done. 
     Returns None if the convolution is not available. 
     @param star: The Star() object
     @type star: Star()
     @param fn: The filename of the dataset (band) for which the convolution
                is to be returned.
     @type fn: str
     @return: The sphinx convolution result. (wavelength, flux)
     @rtype: array
     this_id = star['LAST_PACS_MODEL']
     if not this_id:
         return ([],[])
     fn = os.path.split(fn)[1]
     sphinx_file = os.path.join(cc.path.gout,'stars',self.star_name,\
     return DataIO.readCols(sphinx_file)

示例7: plotExtinction

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def plotExtinction(self,star_grid=[],models=[],plot_default=1,cfg=''):
     Plotting wavelength dependent extinction efficiencies wrt grain size.
     This always depends on a star_grid or one created from a list of MCMax 
     model ids.
     Plotted are the total efficiencies, including relative weights between 
     the included dust species. This is the input for GASTRoNOoM!
     @keyword star_grid: List of Star() instances. If default, model ids 
                         have to be given.
                         (default: [])
     @type star_grid: list[Star()]
     @keyword models: The model ids, only required if star_grid is []
                      (default: [])
     @type models: list[string]
     @keyword cfg: path to the Plotting2.plotCols config file. If default, 
                   the hard-coded default plotting options are used.
                   (default: '')
     @type cfg: string
     print '***********************************'
     print '** Plotting Q_ext/a.'
     if not star_grid and not models:
         print 'Input is undefined. Aborting.'
     elif not star_grid and models:
         star_grid = self.makeMCMaxStars(models=models)
     x = []
     y = []
     keys = []
     for star in star_grid:        
             inputfile = os.path.join(cc.path.gdata,star['TEMDUST_FILENAME'])
             opacities = DataIO.readCols(filename=inputfile)
             keys.append('$Q_\mathrm{ext}/a$ for MCMax %s'\
         except IOError: 
     filename = os.path.join(self.pplot,'gastronoom_opacities_%s'\
     title = 'GASTRoNOoM Extinction Efficiencies in %s'\
     filename = Plotting2.plotCols(x=x,y=y,cfg=cfg,filename=filename,\
                                   xaxis='$\lambda$ ($\mu$m)',keytags=keys,\
                                   yaxis='$Q_{ext}/a$ (cm$^{-1}$)',\
     print '** The extinction efficiency plot can be found at:'
     print filename
     print '***********************************'  

示例8: readModelSpectrum

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
def readModelSpectrum(dpath,rt_sed=1,fn_spec='spectrum45.0.dat'):
    Read the model output spectrum.
    If no ray-tracing is requested or no ray-tracing output is found, the 
    average of the MC spectra is taken.
    @param dpath: folder that contains the MCMax outputfiles
    @type dpath: string
    @keyword rt_sed: If a ray-traced spectrum is requested
                     (default: 1)
    @type rt_sed: bool
    @keyword fn_spec: The filename of the ray-traced spectrum. Typically this 
                      is the default name, but can be different depending on 
                      the ray-tracing angle that is used. 
                      Not used if MCSpec are used.
                      (default: spectrum45.0.dat)
    @type fn_spec: str
    @return: The wavelength and flux grids (micron,Jy)
    @rtype: (array,array)
    rt_sed = int(rt_sed)
        if rt_sed:  
            dfile = os.path.join(dpath,fn_spec)
            this_data = DataIO.readCols(dfile)
            #- if the lists are not empty
            if list(this_data[0]) and list(this_data[1]):    
                w = this_data[0]
                f = this_data[1]
            else: raise IOError
        else: raise IOError                                
    except IOError:
        print 'No spectrum was found or ray-tracing is off for ' + \
              'this model. Taking average of theta-grid MCSpectra.'
        dfiles = glob(os.path.join(dpath,'MCSpec*.dat'))
        w = DataIO.readCols(filename=dfiles[0])[0]
        mcy_list = [DataIO.readCols(f)[1] for f in dfiles]
        f = sum(mcy_list)/len(mcy_list)
    return (w,f)

示例9: coolingDbRetrieval

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
def coolingDbRetrieval(path_gastronoom, r_outer=None):

    Reconstruct a cooling database based on the mline database and the
    GASTRoNOoM inputfiles.
    Only works if the water MOLECULE convenience keywords, the MOLECULE R_OUTER
    and/or the MOLECULE ENHANCE_ABUNDANCE_FACTOR keywords were not adapted!
    @param path_gastronoom: The path_gastronoom to the output folder
    @type path_gastronoom: string
    @keyword r_outer: The outer radius used for the cooling model, regardless
                      of the outer_r_mode parameter.
                      (default: None)
    @type r_outer: float

    # -- Convenience path
    cc.path.gout = os.path.join(cc.path.gastronoom, path_gastronoom)

    coolkeys_path = os.path.join(cc.path.aux, "Input_Keywords_Cooling.dat")
    coolkeys = DataIO.readCols(coolkeys_path, make_float=0, make_array=0)[0]
    extra_keys = [
    coolkeys = [k for k in coolkeys if k not in extra_keys]
    cool_db_path = os.path.join(cc.path.gout, "GASTRoNOoM_cooling_models.db")
    ml_db_path = os.path.join(cc.path.gout, "GASTRoNOoM_mline_models.db")
    subprocess.call(["mv %s %s_backupCoolDbRetrieval" % (cool_db_path, cool_db_path)], shell=True)
    cool_db = Database(db_path=cool_db_path)
    ml_db = Database(db_path=ml_db_path)
    for ml_id in ml_db.keys():
        file_path = os.path.join(cc.path.gout, "models", "gastronoom_%s.inp" % ml_id)
        input_dict = DataIO.readDict(file_path)
        input_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in input_dict.items() if k in coolkeys])
        cool_db[ml_id] = input_dict
        if r_outer <> None:
            cool_db[ml_id]["R_OUTER"] = r_outer

示例10: parseImpact

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
    def parseImpact(self):

        Parse sphinx file 1, which includes all the impact parameter info. 
        The output is stored in dict self.sph1.

        self.sph1 = dict()
        self.contents["sph1"] = self.sph1
        data = DataIO.readCols(self.filename.replace("*", "1"), start_row=1)
        self.sph1["impact"] = data[0]
        self.sph1["norm_intens"] = data[1]
        self.sph1["weighted_intens"] = data[2]
        self.sph1["sum_intens_p"] = data[3]
        self.sph1["sum_intens"] = data[4]

示例11: readVisibilities

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
def readVisibilities(dpath,fn_vis='visibility01.0.dat'):
    Read the model output visibilities, either as function of wavelength or
    @param dpath: folder that contains the MCMax outputfiles
    @type dpath: string
    @keyword fn_spec: The filename of the ray-traced visibilities. Typically 
                      this is the default name, but can be different depending 
                      on the inclination (or baseline) that is used. 
                      (default: visibility01.0.dat)
    @type fn_spec: str
    @return: A dictionary containing either wavelength or baseline, the flux, 
             and the visibilities for either given baselines or wavelengths
    @rtype: dict
    #-- Read file and 
    dfile = os.path.join(dpath,fn_vis)
    if not os.path.isfile(dfile):
        return dict()
    cols, comments = DataIO.readCols(dfile,return_comments=1)
    comments = [comment for comment in comments if comment]
    if 'visibility' in fn_vis: 
        xtype = 'wavelength'
        seltype = 'baseline'
    elif 'basevis' in fn_vis: 
        xtype = 'baseline'
        seltype = 'wavelength'
    model = dict()
    model[xtype] = cols[0]
    model['flux'] = cols[1]
    model[seltype] = dict()
    for i,comment in enumerate(comments[2:]):
        val = float(comment.partition(seltype)[2].partition(',')[0])
        model[seltype][val] = cols[2+i]
    return model

示例12: readTxt

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def readTxt(self):
     Read the txt file. 
     Assumes Tmb flux values in K, with respect to velocity. 
     data = DataIO.readCols(filename=self.filename,start_row=0,nans=1)
     if self.filename[-6:] == '.ISPEC':
         del data[0]
         data[0] = data[0]/1000.
     self.contents['velocity'] = data[0]
     self.contents['flux'] = data[1]
     if self.contents['velocity'][0] > self.contents['velocity'][-1]: 
         self.contents['velocity'] = self.contents['velocity'][::-1]
         self.contents['flux'] = self.contents['flux'][::-1]
     self.contents['date_obs'] = 'N.A.'
     self.contents['vlsr'] = None

示例13: readKappas

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
    def readKappas(self, species):

        Read kappas (cm2/g) and Q_ext/a (cm-1) for a dust species from the 
        MCMax INPUT files. 
        This also reads the absorption and scattering kappas separately. 
        @param species: The dust species (from Dust.dat)
        @type species: string

        if self.waves.has_key(species):
            ispecies = self.lspecies.index(species)
        except ValueError:
            print "Species not found in Dust.dat."
        fn = os.path.join(cc.path.mopac, self.lfilenames[ispecies])
        sd = self.lspec_dens[ispecies]
        if fn[-9:] == ".particle":
            part_file = DataIO.readFile(filename=fn, delimiter=" ")
            wav = array([float(q[0]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4])
            kappa = [
                array([float(q[1]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                array([float(q[2]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
                array([float(q[3]) for q in part_file if len(q) == 4]),
            part_file = DataIO.readCols(filename=fn)
            wav = part_file[0]
            kappa = part_file[1:]
        self.spec_dens[species] = sd
        self.fns[species] = fn
        self.waves[species] = wav
        self.kappas[species] = kappa
        self.qext_a[species] = array(kappa) * 4 / 3.0 * sd

示例14: parseImpact

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def parseImpact(self):
     Parse sphinx file 1, line intensities at line center (!) as a function 
     of impact parameter. 
     The output is stored in dict self['sph1'].
     Note that the headers of the sph1 file state the last two columns are
     summed intensities. This is not true! It is the intensity at line 
     self['sph1'] = dict()
     data = DataIO.readCols(self.fn.replace('*','1'),start_row=1)
     self['sph1']['p'] = data[0]
     self['sph1']['norm_intens'] = data[1] 
     self['sph1']['weighted_intens'] = data[2] 
     self['sph1']['weighted_intens_p^-2'] = data[3]
     self['sph1']['intens'] = data[4]

示例15: readLineFit

# 需要导入模块: from cc.tools.io import DataIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from cc.tools.io.DataIO import readCols [as 别名]
 def readLineFit(self,**kwargs):
     Read the data from the line fit procedure.
     @keyword kwargs: Extra keywords for the readCols method.
                      (default: dict())
     @type kwargs: dict
     @return: The line fit columns are returned.
     @rtype: list[array]
     fn = os.path.join(self.path_instrument,self.star_name,\
     if not self.path_linefit or not os.path.isfile(fn):
         self.linefit = None
     dd = DataIO.readCols(fn,make_array=0,**kwargs)
     return dd
