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Python QTable.read方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中astropy.table.QTable.read方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QTable.read方法的具体用法?Python QTable.read怎么用?Python QTable.read使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在astropy.table.QTable的用法示例。


示例1: load_HST_WFC3

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def load_HST_WFC3(cls):
        """ Load the LLS survey using HST/WFC3

        by O'Meara et al. 2013, ApJ, 765, 137


        lls_survey : IGMSurvey
        # LLS File
        lls_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/HST/lls_wfc3_stat_LLS.fits.gz'
        lls = QTable.read(lls_fil)

        # Rename some columns?
        lls.rename_column('QSO_RA', 'RA')
        lls.rename_column('QSO_DEC', 'DEC')

        # Read
        lls_survey = cls.from_sfits(lls)
        lls_survey.ref = 'HST-WFC3'

        # QSOs file
        qsos_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/HST/lls_wfc3_qsos_sn1020.fits.gz'
        qsos = QTable.read(qsos_fil)
        lls_survey.sightlines = qsos

        # Return
        print('HST-WFC3: Loaded')
        return lls_survey

示例2: load_SDSS_DR7

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def load_SDSS_DR7(cls, sample='stat'):
        """ Load the LLS from the SDSS-DR7 survey (Prochaska+10, ApJ, 718, 391)

        sample : str, optional
          LLS sample
            stat : Statistical sample
            all : All LLS
            nonstat : Non-statistical sample

        lls_survey : IGMSurvey

        # LLS File
        lls_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/SDSS/lls_dr7_stat_LLS.fits.gz'
        print('SDSS-DR7: Loading LLS file {:s}'.format(lls_fil))
        lls = QTable.read(lls_fil)

        # Rename some columns?
        lls.rename_column('QSO_RA', 'RA')
        lls.rename_column('QSO_DEC', 'DEC')

        # Read
        lls_survey = cls.from_sfits(lls)
        lls_survey.ref = 'SDSS-DR7'

        # QSOs file
        qsos_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/SDSS/lls_dr7_qsos_sn2050.fits.gz'
        print('SDSS-DR7: Loading QSOs file {:s}'.format(qsos_fil))
        qsos = QTable.read(qsos_fil)
        lls_survey.sightlines = qsos

        # All?
        if sample == 'all':
            return lls_survey

        # Stat
        # z_em cut
        zem_min = 3.6
        lowz_q = qsos['ZEM'] < zem_min
        qsos['ZT2'][lowz_q] = 99.99

        # Generate mask
        print('SDSS-DR7: Performing stats (~60s)')
        mask = lls_stat(lls_survey, qsos)
        if sample == 'stat':
            lls_survey.mask = mask
            lls_survey.mask = ~mask
        # Return
        print('SDSS-DR7: Loaded')
        return lls_survey

示例3: read_verner94

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def read_verner94():
    """ Read Verner1994 Table
    # Read
    verner94 = lt_path + '/data/lines/verner94_tab6.fits'
        'linetools.lists.parse: Reading linelist --- \n   {:s}'.format(
    tbl_6 = QTable.read(verner94)

    # My table
    ldict, data = line_data(nrows=len(tbl_6))

    # Fill
    data['wrest'] = tbl_6['lambda']
    data['f'] = tbl_6['Fik']
    data['gj'] = tbl_6['Gi']
    data['gk'] = tbl_6['Gk']
    data['Z'] = tbl_6['Z']
    data['ion'] = tbl_6['Z'] - tbl_6['N'] + 1
    for ii,row in enumerate(tbl_6):
        data[ii]['name'] = (
            row['Species'][0:2].strip() + row['Species'][2:].strip() + 
            ' {:d}'.format(int(row['lambda'].value)))

    #  Finish
    data['group'] = 1
    data['Ref'] = 'Verner1994'
    data['mol'] = ''

    # Return
    return data

示例4: from_sfits

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
 def from_sfits(self):
     '''Generate the Survey from a summary FITS file
     # Read
     systems = QTable.read(self.summ_fits)
     self.nsys = len(systems)
     # Dict
     kdict = dict(NHI=['NHI','logNHI'],
     # Parse the Table
     inputs = {}
     for key in kdict.keys():
         vals, tag = lsio.get_table_column(kdict[key],[systems],idx=0)
         if vals is not None:
             inputs[key] = vals
     # Generate
     for kk,row in enumerate(systems):
         # Generate keywords
         kwargs = {}
         for key in inputs.keys():
             kwargs[key] = inputs[key][kk]
         # Instantiate

示例5: from_sfits

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def from_sfits(cls, summ_fits, **kwargs):
        """Generate the Survey from a summary FITS file

        Handles SPEC_FILES too.

        summ_fits : str or Table or QTable
          Summary FITS file
        **kwargs : dict
          passed to __init__
        # Init
        slf = cls(**kwargs)
        # Read
        if isinstance(summ_fits, Table):
            systems = summ_fits
            systems = QTable.read(summ_fits)
        nsys = len(systems)
        # Dict
        kdict = dict(NHI=['NHI', 'logNHI'],
                     sig_NHI=['sig(logNHI)', 'SIGNHI'],
                     name=['Name'], vlim=['vlim'],
                     zabs=['Z_LLS', 'ZABS', 'zabs'],
                     zem=['Z_QSO', 'QSO_ZEM'],
                     RA=['RA'], Dec=['DEC', 'Dec'])
        # Parse the Table
        inputs = {}
        for key in kdict.keys():
            vals, tag = lsio.get_table_column(kdict[key], [systems],idx=0)
            if vals is not None:
                inputs[key] = vals
        # vlim
        if 'vlim' not in inputs.keys():
            default_vlim = [-1000, 1000.]* u.km / u.s
            inputs['vlim'] = [default_vlim]*nsys
        # Generate
        for kk in range(nsys):
            # Generate keywords
            kwargs = {}
            args = {}
            for key in inputs.keys():
                if key in ['vlim', 'zabs', 'RA', 'Dec']:
                    args[key] = inputs[key][kk]
                    kwargs[key] = inputs[key][kk]
            # Instantiate
            abssys = class_by_type(slf.abs_type)((args['RA'], args['Dec']), args['zabs'], args['vlim'], **kwargs)
            # spec_files
                abssys.spec_files += systems[kk]['SPEC_FILES'].tolist()
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        # Mask
        # Return
        return slf

示例6: read_elvis_z0

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def read_elvis_z0(fn):
    tab = QTable.read(fn, format='ascii.commented_header', data_start=0, header_start=1)

    col_name_re = re.compile(r'(.*?)(\(.*\))?$')
    for col in tab.columns.values():
        match = col_name_re.match(col.name)
        if match:
            nm, unit = match.groups()
            if nm != col.name:
                col.name = nm
            if unit is not None:
                col.unit = u.Unit(unit[1:-1])  # 1:-1 to get rid of the parenthesis

    return tab

示例7: test_create_grism_objects

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def test_create_grism_objects():
    source_catalog = get_file_path('step_SourceCatalogStep_cat.ecsv')

    # create from test ascii file
    grism_objects = read_catalog(source_catalog)
    assert isinstance(grism_objects, list), "return grism objects were not a list"

    required_fields = list(SkyObject()._fields)
    go_fields = grism_objects[0]._fields
    assert all([a == b for a, b in zip(required_fields, go_fields)]), "Required fields mismatch for SkyObject and GrismObject"

    # create from QTable object
    tempcat = QTable.read(source_catalog, format='ascii.ecsv')
    grism_object_from_table = read_catalog(tempcat)
    assert isinstance(grism_object_from_table, list), "return grism objects were not a list"

示例8: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, filename='$GAMMA_CAT/docs/data/gammacat.fits.gz'):
        filename = make_path(filename)
        if not 'GAMMA_CAT' in os.environ:
            msg = 'The gamma-cat repo is not available. '
            msg += 'You have to set the GAMMA_CAT environment variable '
            msg += 'to point to the location for it to be found.'
            raise GammaCatNotFoundError(msg)

        self.filename = str(filename)
        table = QTable.read(self.filename)
        source_name_alias = ('other_names', 'gamma_names')
        super(SourceCatalogGammaCat, self).__init__(table=table,

示例9: test_votable_quantity_write

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def test_votable_quantity_write(tmpdir):
    Test that table with Quantity mixin column can be round-tripped by
    io.votable.  Note that FITS and HDF5 mixin support are tested (much more
    thoroughly) in their respective subpackage tests
    (io/fits/tests/test_connect.py and io/misc/tests/test_hdf5.py).
    t = QTable()
    t['a'] = u.Quantity([1, 2, 4], unit='Angstrom')

    filename = str(tmpdir.join('table-tmp'))
    t.write(filename, format='votable', overwrite=True)
    qt = QTable.read(filename, format='votable')
    assert isinstance(qt['a'], u.Quantity)
    assert qt['a'].unit == 'Angstrom'

示例10: get_table_from_ldac

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def get_table_from_ldac(filename, frame=1):
    Load an astropy table from a fits_ldac by frame (Since the ldac format has column 
    info for odd tables, giving it twce as many tables as a regular fits BinTableHDU,
    match the frame of a table to its corresponding frame in the ldac file).
    filename: str
        Name of the file to open
    frame: int
        Number of the frame in a regular fits file
    from astropy.table import QTable
    if frame>0:
        frame = frame*2
    tbl = QTable.read(filename, hdu=frame)
    return tbl

示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, version=None, verbose=True):
        # Set version
        if version is None:
            self._version = "DR7"
            self._version = version
        self.verbose = verbose
        # Paths
        if os.getenv("SDSSPATH") is None:
            print("SDSS_QUASAR: This code requires an SDSS database. Discuss with JXP")
        self._path = os.getenv("SDSSPATH") + "/" + self._version + "_QSO/"
        self._datdir = self._path + "spectro/1d_26/"

        # Grab Summary FITS file
        self._summf = self._path + self._version.lower() + "_qso.fits.gz"
        if self.verbose:
            print("SDSS_QUASAR: Using summary file {:s}".format(self._summf))
        self._data = QTable.read(self._summf)

示例12: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, version=None, verbose=True):
        # Set version
        if version is None:
            self._version = 'DR7'
            self._version = version
        self.verbose = verbose
        # Paths
        if os.getenv('SDSSPATH') is None:
            print('SDSS_QUASAR: This code requires an SDSS database. Discuss with JXP')
        self._path = os.getenv('SDSSPATH')+'/'+self._version+'_QSO/' 
        self._datdir = self._path+'spectro/1d_26/'

        # Grab Summary FITS file
        self._summf = self._path+self._version.lower()+'_qso.fits.gz'
        if self.verbose:
            print('SDSS_QUASAR: Using summary file {:s}'.format(self._summf))
        self._data = QTable.read(self._summf)

示例13: make_cutouts

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def make_cutouts(catalogname, imagename, image_label,
                 table_format='ascii.ecsv', image_ext=0, clobber=False,
    """Make cutouts from a 2D image and write them to FITS files.

    Catalog must have the following columns with unit info, where applicable:

        * ``'id'`` - ID string; no unit necessary.
        * ``'ra'`` - RA (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'dec'`` - DEC (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'cutout_x_size'`` - Cutout width (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'cutout_y_size'`` - Cutout height (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'spatial_pixel_scale'`` - Pixel scale (e.g., in arcsec/pix).

    The following are no longer used, so they are now optional:

        * ``'slit_pa'`` - Slit angle (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'slit_width'`` - Slit width (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'slit_length'`` - Slit length (e.g., in arcsec).

    Cutouts are organized as follows::


    Each cutout image is a simple single-extension FITS with updated WCS.
    Its header has the following special keywords:

        * ``OBJ_RA`` - RA of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_DEC`` - DEC of the cutout object in degrees.

    catalogname : str
        Catalog table defining the sources to cut out.

    imagename : str
        Image to cut.

    image_label : str
        Label to name the cutout sub-directory and filenames.

    table_format : str, optional
        Format as accepted by `~astropy.table.QTable`. Default is ECSV.

    image_ext : int, optional
        Image extension to extract header and data. Default is 0.

    clobber : bool, optional
        Overwrite existing files. Default is `False`.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Print extra info. Default is `True`.

    table = QTable.read(catalogname, format=table_format)

    with fits.open(imagename) as pf:
        data = pf[image_ext].data
        wcs = WCS(pf[image_ext].header)

    # It is more efficient to operate on an entire column at once.
    c = SkyCoord(table['ra'], table['dec'])
    x = table['cutout_x_size'] / table['spatial_pixel_scale']
    y = table['cutout_y_size'] / table['spatial_pixel_scale']

    # Sub-directory, relative to working directory.
    path = '{0}_cutouts'.format(image_label)
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    cutcls = partial(Cutout2D, data, wcs=wcs, mode='partial')

    for position, x_pix, y_pix, row in zip(c, x, y, table):
            cutout = cutcls(position, size=(y_pix, x_pix))
        except NoConvergence:
            if verbose:
                log.info('WCS solution did not converge: '
                         'Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

        if np.array_equiv(cutout.data, 0):
            if verbose:
                log.info('No data in cutout: Skipping {0}'.format(row['id']))

        fname = os.path.join(
            path, '{0}_{1}_cutout.fits'.format(row['id'], image_label))

        # Construct FITS HDU.
        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(cutout.data)
        hdu.header['OBJ_RA'] = (position.ra.deg, 'Cutout object RA in deg')
        hdu.header['OBJ_DEC'] = (position.dec.deg, 'Cutout object DEC in deg')

        hdu.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber)

        if verbose:

示例14: make_cutouts

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def make_cutouts(catalogname, imagename, image_label, apply_rotation=False,
                 table_format='ascii.ecsv', image_ext=0, clobber=False,
    """Make cutouts from a 2D image and write them to FITS files.

    Catalog must have the following columns with unit info, where applicable:

        * ``'id'`` - ID string; no unit necessary.
        * ``'ra'`` - RA (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'dec'`` - DEC (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'cutout_x_size'`` - Cutout width (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'cutout_y_size'`` - Cutout height (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'cutout_pa'`` - Cutout angle (e.g., in degrees). This is only
          use if user chooses to rotate the cutouts. Positive value
          will result in a clockwise rotation.
        * ``'spatial_pixel_scale'`` - Pixel scale (e.g., in arcsec/pix).

    The following are no longer used, so they are now optional:

        * ``'slit_pa'`` - Slit angle (e.g., in degrees).
        * ``'slit_width'`` - Slit width (e.g., in arcsec).
        * ``'slit_length'`` - Slit length (e.g., in arcsec).

    Cutouts are organized as follows::


    Each cutout image is a simple single-extension FITS with updated WCS.
    Its header has the following special keywords:

        * ``OBJ_RA`` - RA of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_DEC`` - DEC of the cutout object in degrees.
        * ``OBJ_ROT`` - Rotation of cutout object in degrees.

    catalogname : str
        Catalog table defining the sources to cut out.

    imagename : str
        Image to cut.

    image_label : str
        Label to name the cutout sub-directory and filenames.

    apply_rotation : bool
        Cutout will be rotated to a given angle. Default is `False`.

    table_format : str, optional
        Format as accepted by `~astropy.table.QTable`. Default is ECSV.

    image_ext : int, optional
        Image extension to extract header and data. Default is 0.

    clobber : bool, optional
        Overwrite existing files. Default is `False`.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Print extra info. Default is `True`.

    # Optional dependencies...
    from reproject import reproject_interp

    table = QTable.read(catalogname, format=table_format)

    with fits.open(imagename) as pf:
        data = pf[image_ext].data
        wcs = WCS(pf[image_ext].header)

    # It is more efficient to operate on an entire column at once.
    c = SkyCoord(table['ra'], table['dec'])
    x = (table['cutout_x_size'] / table['spatial_pixel_scale']).value  # pix
    y = (table['cutout_y_size'] / table['spatial_pixel_scale']).value  # pix
    pscl = table['spatial_pixel_scale'].to(u.deg / u.pix)

    # Do not rotate if column is missing.
    if 'cutout_pa' not in table.colnames:
        apply_rotation = False

    # Sub-directory, relative to working directory.
    path = '{0}_cutouts'.format(image_label)
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    cutcls = partial(Cutout2D, data, wcs=wcs, mode='partial')

    for position, x_pix, y_pix, pix_scl, row in zip(c, x, y, pscl, table):

        if apply_rotation:
            pix_rot = row['cutout_pa'].to(u.degree).value

            cutout_wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
            cutout_wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crval = [position.ra.deg, position.dec.deg]
            cutout_wcs.wcs.crpix = [(x_pix - 1) * 0.5, (y_pix - 1) * 0.5]


示例15: get_object_info

# 需要导入模块: from astropy.table import QTable [as 别名]
# 或者: from astropy.table.QTable import read [as 别名]
def get_object_info(catalog_name=None):
    """Return a list of SkyObjects from the direct image

    The source_catalog step catalog items are read into a list
    of  SkyObjects which can be referenced by catalog id. Only
    the columns needed by the WFSS code are saved.

    catalog_name : str, astropy.table.table.Qtable
        The name of the photutils catalog or its quantities table

    objects : list[jwst.transforms.models.SkyObject]
        A list of SkyObject tuples


    if isinstance(catalog_name, (str)):
        if len(catalog_name) == 0:
            err_text = "Empty catalog filename"
            raise ValueError(err_text)
            catalog = QTable.read(catalog_name, format='ascii.ecsv')
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            log.error("Could not find catalog file: {0}".format(e))
            raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find catalog: {0}".format(e))
    elif isinstance(catalog_name, QTable):
        catalog = catalog_name
        err_text = "Need to input string name of catalog or astropy.table.table.QTable instance"
        raise TypeError(err_text)

    objects = []

    # validate that the expected columns are there
    # id is just a bad name for a param, but it's used in the catalog
    required_fields = list(SkyObject()._fields)
    if "sid" in required_fields:
        required_fields[required_fields.index("sid")] = "id"

        if not set(required_fields).issubset(set(catalog.colnames)):
            difference = set(catalog.colnames).difference(required_fields)
            err_text = "Missing required columns in source catalog: {0}".format(difference)
            raise KeyError(err_text)
    except AttributeError as e:
        err_text = "Problem validating object catalog columns: {0}".format(e)
        raise AttributeError

    # The columns are named sky_bbox_ll, sky_bbox_ul, sky_bbox_lr,
    # and sky_bbox_ur, each of which is a SkyCoord (i.e. RA & Dec & frame) at
    # one corner of the minimal bounding box. There will also be a sky_bbox
    # property as a 4-tuple of SkyCoord, but that is not serializable
    # (hence, the four separate columns).

    for row in catalog:
    return objects
