本文整理汇总了Python中astropy.table.QTable类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QTable类的具体用法?Python QTable怎么用?Python QTable使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: load_HST_WFC3
def load_HST_WFC3(cls):
""" Load the LLS survey using HST/WFC3
by O'Meara et al. 2013, ApJ, 765, 137
lls_survey : IGMSurvey
# LLS File
lls_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/HST/lls_wfc3_stat_LLS.fits.gz'
lls = QTable.read(lls_fil)
# Rename some columns?
lls.rename_column('QSO_RA', 'RA')
lls.rename_column('QSO_DEC', 'DEC')
# Read
lls_survey = cls.from_sfits(lls)
lls_survey.ref = 'HST-WFC3'
# QSOs file
qsos_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/HST/lls_wfc3_qsos_sn1020.fits.gz'
qsos = QTable.read(qsos_fil)
lls_survey.sightlines = qsos
# Return
print('HST-WFC3: Loaded')
return lls_survey
示例2: test_ecsv_mixins_qtable_to_table
def test_ecsv_mixins_qtable_to_table():
"""Test writing as QTable and reading as Table. Ensure correct classes
come out.
names = sorted(mixin_cols)
t = QTable([mixin_cols[name] for name in names], names=names)
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format="ascii.ecsv")
t2 = Table.read(out.getvalue(), format='ascii.ecsv')
assert t.colnames == t2.colnames
for name, col in t.columns.items():
col2 = t2[name]
attrs = compare_attrs[name]
compare_class = True
if isinstance(col.info, QuantityInfo):
# Downgrade Quantity to Column + unit
assert type(col2) is Column
# Class-specific attributes like `value` or `wrap_angle` are lost.
attrs = ['unit']
compare_class = False
# Compare data values here (assert_objects_equal doesn't know how in this case)
assert np.allclose(col.value, col2, rtol=1e-10)
assert_objects_equal(col, col2, attrs, compare_class)
示例3: test_possible_string_format_functions
def test_possible_string_format_functions():
The QuantityInfo info class for Quantity implements a
possible_string_format_functions() method that overrides the
standard pprint._possible_string_format_functions() function.
Test this.
t = QTable([[1, 2] * u.m])
t['col0'].info.format = '%.3f'
assert t.pformat() == [' col0',
' m ',
t['col0'].info.format = 'hi {:.3f}'
assert t.pformat() == [' col0 ',
' m ',
'hi 1.000',
'hi 2.000']
t['col0'].info.format = '.4f'
assert t.pformat() == [' col0 ',
' m ',
示例4: test_fits_mixins_qtable_to_table
def test_fits_mixins_qtable_to_table(tmpdir):
"""Test writing as QTable and reading as Table. Ensure correct classes
come out.
filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_simple.fits'))
names = sorted(mixin_cols)
t = QTable([mixin_cols[name] for name in names], names=names)
t.write(filename, format='fits')
t2 = Table.read(filename, format='fits', astropy_native=True)
assert t.colnames == t2.colnames
for name, col in t.columns.items():
col2 = t2[name]
# Special-case Time, which does not yet support round-tripping
# the format.
if isinstance(col2, Time):
col2.format = col.format
attrs = compare_attrs[name]
compare_class = True
if isinstance(col.info, QuantityInfo):
# Downgrade Quantity to Column + unit
assert type(col2) is Column
# Class-specific attributes like `value` or `wrap_angle` are lost.
attrs = ['unit']
compare_class = False
# Compare data values here (assert_objects_equal doesn't know how in this case)
assert np.all(col.value == col2)
assert_objects_equal(col, col2, attrs, compare_class)
示例5: generic_export
def generic_export(spectrum, path):
Creates a temporary export format for use in writing out data.
from astropy.table import QTable
import astropy.units as u
data = {
'spectral_axis': spectrum.spectral_axis,
'flux': spectrum.flux,
'mask': spectrum.mask if spectrum.mask is not None
else u.Quantity(np.ones(spectrum.spectral_axis.shape))
if spectrum.uncertainty is not None:
data['uncertainty'] = spectrum.uncertainty.array * spectrum.uncertainty.unit
meta = {}
if spectrum.meta is not None and 'header' in spectrum.meta:
meta.update({'header': {k: v for k, v in
tab = QTable(data, meta=meta)
tab.write(path, format='ascii.ecsv')
示例6: test_insert_row_bad_unit
def test_insert_row_bad_unit():
Insert a row into a QTable with the wrong unit
t = QTable([[1] * u.m])
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
t.insert_row(0, (2 * u.m / u.s,))
assert "'m / s' (speed) and 'm' (length) are not convertible" in str(exc.value)
示例7: test_auto_format_func
def test_auto_format_func():
"""Test for #5802 (fix for #5800 where format_func key is not unique)"""
t = Table([[1, 2] * u.m])
t['col0'].format = '%f'
t.pformat() # Force caching of format function
qt = QTable(t)
qt.pformat() # Generates exception prior to #5802
示例8: load_mage_z3
def load_mage_z3(cls, sample='all'):
""" Load the LLS table from the z~3 MagE survey
(Fumagalli et al. 2013, ApJ, 775, 78)
sample : str
Survey sample
* all -- All
* non-color -- Restricts to quasars that were *not* color-selected
* color -- Restricts to quasars that were color-selected
lls_survey : IGMSurvey
Includes all quasars observed in the survey
And all the LLS
# LLS File
survey_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/HD-LLS/fumagalli13_apj775_78_tab1+2.fits'
tab = Table.read(survey_fil)
# Rename some columns
tab.rename_column('RAJ2000', 'RA')
tab['RA'].unit = u.deg
tab.rename_column('DEJ2000', 'DEC')
tab['DEC'].unit = u.deg
tab.rename_column('zqso', 'Z_QSO')
tab.rename_column('zlls', 'Z_LLS')
tab.rename_column('zend', 'Z_START') # F13 was opposite of POW10
tab.rename_column('zstart', 'Z_END') # F13 was opposite of POW10
# Cut table
if sample == 'all':
elif sample == 'non-color':
NC = np.array([True if row['n_Name'][0] == 'N' else False for row in tab])
tab = tab[NC]
elif sample == 'color':
Clr = [True if row['n_Name'][0] == 'C' else False for row in tab]
tab = tab[Clr]
# Good LLS
lls = tab['Z_LLS'] >= tab['Z_START']
lls_tab = QTable(tab[lls])
nlls = np.sum(lls)
# Set NHI to 17.8 (tau>=2)
lls_tab.add_column(Column([17.8]*nlls, name='NHI'))
lls_tab.add_column(Column([99.9]*nlls, name='SIGNHI'))
# Generate survey
lls_survey = cls.from_sfits(lls_tab)
lls_survey.ref = 'z3_MagE'
lls_survey.sightlines = tab
return lls_survey
示例9: load_SDSS_DR7
def load_SDSS_DR7(cls, sample='stat'):
""" Load the LLS from the SDSS-DR7 survey (Prochaska+10, ApJ, 718, 391)
sample : str, optional
LLS sample
stat : Statistical sample
all : All LLS
nonstat : Non-statistical sample
lls_survey : IGMSurvey
# LLS File
lls_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/SDSS/lls_dr7_stat_LLS.fits.gz'
print('SDSS-DR7: Loading LLS file {:s}'.format(lls_fil))
lls = QTable.read(lls_fil)
# Rename some columns?
lls.rename_column('QSO_RA', 'RA')
lls.rename_column('QSO_DEC', 'DEC')
# Read
lls_survey = cls.from_sfits(lls)
lls_survey.ref = 'SDSS-DR7'
# QSOs file
qsos_fil = pyigm_path+'/data/LLS/SDSS/lls_dr7_qsos_sn2050.fits.gz'
print('SDSS-DR7: Loading QSOs file {:s}'.format(qsos_fil))
qsos = QTable.read(qsos_fil)
lls_survey.sightlines = qsos
# All?
if sample == 'all':
return lls_survey
# Stat
# z_em cut
zem_min = 3.6
lowz_q = qsos['ZEM'] < zem_min
qsos['ZT2'][lowz_q] = 99.99
# Generate mask
print('SDSS-DR7: Performing stats (~60s)')
mask = lls_stat(lls_survey, qsos)
if sample == 'stat':
lls_survey.mask = mask
lls_survey.mask = ~mask
# Return
print('SDSS-DR7: Loaded')
return lls_survey
示例10: __getitem__
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self._is_list_or_tuple_of_str(item):
if 'time_bin_start' not in item or 'time_bin_size' not in item:
out = QTable([self[x] for x in item],
out._groups = groups.TableGroups(out, indices=self.groups._indices,
return out
return super().__getitem__(item)
示例11: test_quantity_representation
def test_quantity_representation():
Test that table representation of quantities does not have unit
t = QTable([[1, 2] * u.m])
assert t.pformat() == ['col0',
' m ',
' 1.0',
' 2.0']
示例12: test_convert_np_array
def test_convert_np_array(mixin_cols):
Test that converting to numpy array creates an object dtype and that
each instance in the array has the expected type.
t = QTable(mixin_cols)
ta = t.as_array()
m = mixin_cols['m']
dtype_kind = m.dtype.kind if hasattr(m, 'dtype') else 'O'
assert ta['m'].dtype.kind == dtype_kind
示例13: read_observation_table
def read_observation_table(pathin):
if pathin[-4:]=='.csv':
table = ascii.read(pathin)
qtable = QTable(table)
for key in qtable.keys():
if key[-3:]=='[s]' or key[-5:]=='[sec]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.s
if key[-5:]=='[min]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.min
if key[-3:]=='[h]' or key[-4:]=='[hr]' or key[-6:]=='[hour]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.s
if key[-3:]=='[d]' or key[-5:]=='[day]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.d
if key[-5:]=='[mag]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.Magnitude
if key[-4:]=='[Jy]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.Jy
if key[-5:]=='[mJy]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.mJy
if key[-12:]=='[erg/cm^2/s]':
qtable[key] = qtable[key] * u.erg / u.cm / u.cm / u.s
elif pathin[-7:]=='.pickle':
pdata = pickle_utilities.load(pathin)['results']
time = []
time_err_lo = []
time_err_hi = []
eflux = []
eflux_err_lo = []
eflux_err_hi = []
for period in pdata:
time_err_lo.append(time[-1] - period['time']['min'])
time_err_hi.append(period['time']['max'] - time[-1])
dll_map = period['dloglike']['dloglike']
eflux_map = period['dloglike']['eflux']
args_bestlike = zip(np.where(dll_map==dll_map.min())[0], np.where(dll_map==dll_map.min())[1])[0]
eflux_shown = eflux_map[2.*dll_map<=2.30]
eflux_min = min(eflux_shown.flatten())
eflux_max = max(eflux_shown.flatten())
qtable = QTable()
qtable['time'] = Column(time, unit=u.s)
qtable['time_err_lo'] = Column(time_err_lo, unit=u.s)
qtable['time_err_hi'] = Column(time_err_hi, unit=u.s)
qtable['eflux'] = Column(eflux, unit=u.MeV/u.cm/u.cm/u.s)
qtable['eflux_err_lo'] = Column(eflux_err_lo, unit=u.MeV/u.cm/u.cm/u.s)
qtable['eflux_err_hi'] = Column(eflux_err_hi, unit=u.MeV/u.cm/u.cm/u.s)
return qtable
示例14: get_coord
def get_coord(targ_file, radec=None):
radec: int (None)
None: Read from ASCII file
1: List of [Name, RA, DEC] with RA/DEC as : separated strings
2: List of [Name, RA, DEC] with RA/DEC as decimal degrees
if not isinstance(targ_file,basestring):
raise IOError('Bad input to finder.get_coord!')
from astropy.io import ascii
# Import Tables
if radec == None:
# Read
ra_tab = ascii.read(targ_file) #, names=('Name','RA','DEC','Epoch'))
# Rename the columns
if isinstance(ra_tab['col2'][0],basestring):
elif radec == 1:
# Error check
if len(targ_file) != 3:
return -1
# Manipulate
arr = np.array(targ_file).reshape(1,3)
# Generate the Table
ra_tab = QTable( arr, names=('Name','RAS','DECS') )
elif radec == 2:
# Error check
if len(targ_file) != 3:
return -1
# Manipulate
ras, decs = x_radec.dtos1((targ_file[1], targ_file[2]))
# Generate the Table
ra_tab = QTable( [ [targ_file[0]], [ras], [decs] ], names=('Name','RA','DEC') )
raise ValueError('get_coord: Bad flag')
# Add dummy columns for decimal degrees and EPOCH
nrow = len(ra_tab)
col_RAD = Column(name='RAD', data=np.zeros(nrow), unit=u.degree)
col_DECD = Column(name='DECD', data=np.zeros(nrow), unit=u.degree)
col_EPOCH = Column(name='EPOCH', data=np.zeros(nrow))
ra_tab.add_columns( [col_RAD, col_DECD, col_EPOCH] )
# Assume 2000 for now
ra_tab['EPOCH'] = 2000.
return ra_tab
示例15: write_to_ascii
def write_to_ascii(self, outfil, format='ascii.ecsv'):
''' Write to a text file.
outfil: str
# Convert to astropy Table
table = QTable([self.wavelength, self.flux, self.sig],
names=('WAVE', 'FLUX', 'ERROR'))
# Write
table.write(outfil, format=format)