本文整理汇总了Python中astrodata.AstroData.rename_ext方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AstroData.rename_ext方法的具体用法?Python AstroData.rename_ext怎么用?Python AstroData.rename_ext使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类astrodata.AstroData
示例1: write_new_table
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def write_new_table(self, fname):
cols = list(self.get_columns())
# Create the table HDU
tablehdu = pf.new_table(cols)
# Create an AstroData object to contain the table
# and write to disk.
new_ad = AstroData(tablehdu)
new_ad.rename_ext('SCI', 1)
new_ad.write(fname, clobber=True)
示例2: as_astrodata
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def as_astrodata(self):
With each cut object in the cut_list having the SCI,DQ,VAR set,
form an hdu and append it to adout. Update keywords EXTNAME= 'SCI',
EXTVER=<footprint#>, CCDSEC, DISPAXIS, CUTSECT, CUTORDER in the header
and reset WCS information if there was a WCS in the input AD header.
self.cut_list: List of Cut objects.
self.adout: Output AD object with MDF and
TRACEFP extensions.
adout: contains the appended HDUs.
adout = self._init_as_astrodata()
ad = self.ad
scihdr = ad['SCI',1].header.copy()
if self.has_dq:
dqheader = ad['DQ', 1].header.copy()
if self.has_var:
varheader = ad['VAR',1].header.copy()
# Update NSCIEXT keyword to represent the current number of cuts.
if new_pyfits_version:
adout.phu.header.update = adout.phu.header.set
# This is a function renaming when using Pyfits 3.1
if new_pyfits_version:
scihdr.update = scihdr.set
extver = 1
# Generate the cuts using the region's sci_cut,var_cut and
# dq_cut
for region,sci_cut,var_cut,dq_cut in self.cut_list:
rx1,rx2,ry1,ry2 = np.asarray(region) + 1 # To 1-based
csec = '[%d:%d,%d:%d]'%(rx1,rx2,ry1,ry2)
comment="Region extracted by 'cut_footprints'")
scihdr.update('NSCUTSPC',extver,comment="Spectral order")
form_extn_wcs(scihdr, self.wcs, region)
new_sci_ext = AstroData(data=sci_cut,header=scihdr)
if self.has_dq:
new_dq_ext = AstroData(data=dq_cut, header=dqheader)
if self.has_var:
new_var_ext = AstroData(data=var_cut, header=varheader)
extver += 1
return adout
示例3: test_method_rename_ext_3
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def test_method_rename_ext_3():
ad = AstroData(TESTFILE2) # Single 'SCI' ext
assert ad.extname() == "FOO"
示例4: test_method_rename_ext_2
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def test_method_rename_ext_2():
ad = AstroData(TESTFILE)
with pytest.raises(SingleHDUMemberExcept):
示例5: test_method_rename_ext_1
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def test_method_rename_ext_1(): # Raise on multi-ext
ad = AstroData(TESTFILE)
with pytest.raises(SingleHDUMemberExcept):
ad.rename_ext("SCI", ver=99)
示例6: getRefs
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def getRefs(self):
""" Run the add reference catalog. Actually adding the
Bintable to the input ad object.
from pyfits import Column
log = self.log
extname = 'REFCAT'
outad = self.outad
# Select catalog and format the output data
usecols,formats,band,delimiter = self.selStdsCatalog()
refid,ra,dec,fmag = self.readStds(usecols, formats, delimiter)
# Loop through the SCI extensions
for scix in outad['SCI']:
xtver = scix.extver()
# x,y are the coordinates of the reference stars within the
# input image field.
g,x,y = self.search4standards(ra, dec, xtver)
log.info("Found %d standards for field in %s['SCI',%d]"%\
# g: index array with the index of the standards within the field.
if len(g[0])>0:
nlines = len(ra)
# If extension already exists, just update
if outad[extname,xtver]:
log.info('Table already exists,updating values.')
tdata = outad[extname,xtver].data
theader = outad[extname, xtver].header
tdata.field('refid')[:] = refid[g]
tdata.field('ra')[:] = ra[g]
tdata.field('dec')[:] = dec[g]
tdata.field('x')[:] = x
tdata.field('y')[:] = y
tdata.field('refmag')[:] = fmag[g]
c1 = Column (name='refid', format='22A', array=refid[g])
c2 = Column (name='ra', format='E', array=ra[g])
c3 = Column (name='dec', format='E', array=dec[g])
c4 = Column (name='x', format='E', array=x)
c5 = Column (name='y', format='E', array=y)
# band: 1-char: 'u','g','r','i' or 'z'
c6 = Column (name='refmag',unit=band,format='E',array=fmag[g])
colsdef = pf.ColDefs([c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6])
tbhdu = pf.new_table(colsdef) # Creates a BINTABLE
# pyfits to AstroData
tabad = AstroData(tbhdu)
# Add or append keywords EXTNAME, EXTVER
tabad.rename_ext(extname, xtver)
log.warning( 'No standard stars were found for this field.')
return outad
示例7: as_bintable
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
# Write data to table columns
orientation = footprints[0].edges[0].orientation
for k,footprint in enumerate(footprints):
edge1 = footprint.edges[0]; edge2 = footprint.edges[1]
tb.data.field('id')[k] = footprint.id
tb.data.field('region')[k] = np.asarray(footprint.region)
# EGDE_1 DATA with respect to original image co-ords
range1 = np.asarray(edge1.xlim+edge1.ylim) # (x1, x2, y1, y2)
tb.data.field('range1')[k] = range1
tb.data.field('function1')[k] = edge1.function
tb.data.field('order1')[k] = edge1.order
tb.data.field('coeff1')[k] = edge1.coefficients
# EGDE_2 DATA with respect to original image co-ords
range2 = np.asarray(edge2.xlim+edge2.ylim) # (x1, x2, y1, y2)
tb.data.field('range2')[k] = range2
tb.data.field('function2')[k] = edge2.function
tb.data.field('order2')[k] = edge2.order
tb.data.field('coeff2')[k] = edge2.coefficients
region_x1 = footprint.region[0]
region_y1 = footprint.region[2]
# Setup the coefficient of the edge fit functions. We are
# shifting the origin; so refit
for xx,yy in [edge1.trace,edge2.trace]:
# We need to refit inside the cutregion
xmr = xx - region_x1
ymr = yy - region_y1
if orientation == 0:
z = gfit.Gfit(xmr,ymr,edge1.function,edge1.order)
z = gfit.Gfit(ymr,xmr,edge1.function,edge1.order)
xlim1 = np.asarray(edge1.xlim)
ylim1 = np.asarray(edge1.ylim)
xlim2 = np.asarray(edge2.xlim)
ylim2 = np.asarray(edge2.ylim)
# Get the maximum values from both edges, so we can zero
# the areas outside the footprint when cutting.
if orientation == 0:
# Choose the largest x between both edges.
xmax = max(xlim1[1],xlim2[1])
xlim1[1] = xmax
xlim2[1] = xmax
x1,x2 = (min(0,xlim1[0]),xmax)
# And reevaluate the y values at this xmax
y1 = ylim1[0] - region_y1
y2 = zval[1](xmax)[0]
# Choose the largest y between both edges
ymax = max(ylim1[1],ylim2[1])
ylim1[1] = ymax
ylim2[1] = ymax
y1,y2 = (min(0,ylim1[0]),ymax)
# And reevaluate the x values at this ymax
x1 = xlim1[0] - region_x1
x2 = zval[1](ymax)[0]
# --- Set edge_1 data with respect to cutout image co-ords.
tb.data.field('cutrange1')[k] = (x1,x2,y1,y2)
tb.data.field('cutfunction1')[k] = edge1.function
tb.data.field('cutorder1')[k] = edge1.order
tb.data.field('cutcoeff1')[k] = lcoeff[0]
# --- Set edge_2 data with respect to cutout image co-ords
# Applied offsets to range2 from footprint.region(x1,y1)
tb.data.field('cutrange2')[k] = (x1,x2,y1,y2)
tb.data.field('cutfunction2')[k] = edge2.function
tb.data.field('cutorder2')[k] = edge2.order
tb.data.field('cutcoeff2')[k] = lcoeff[1]
# Add comment to TTYPE card
hdr = tb.header
if new_pyfits_version:
hdr.update = hdr.set
comment='(x1,y1,x2,y2): footprint window of pixel co-ords.')
hdr.update('TTYPE3',hdr['TTYPE3'], comment='type of fitting function.')
hdr.update('TTYPE4',hdr['TTYPE4'], comment='Number of coefficients.')
comment='Coeff array: c[0]*x**3 + c[1]*x**2+ c[2]*x+c[3]')
comment='(x1,y1,x2,y2): Edge fit window definition.')
tb.header = hdr
# Create an AD object with this
tabad = AstroData(tbhdu)
tabad.rename_ext("TRACEFP", 1)
return tabad
示例8: merge_catalogs
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
# Turn tuples values (col,row) to index
bindx = block[0]+nbx*block[1]
nxx,nyy = self._transform_xy(bindx,xx,yy)
# Now change the origin of the block's (nxx,nyy) set to the
# mosaic lower left. We find the offset of the LF corner
# by adding the width and the gaps of all the block to
# the left of the current block.
if tile: gap_mode = 'tile_gaps'
else: gap_mode = 'transform_gaps'
gaps = self.geometry.gap_dict[gap_mode]
# The block size in pixels.
blksz_x,blksz_y = self.blocksize
col,row = block
# the sum of the gaps to the left of the current block
sgapx = sum([gaps[k,row][0] for k in range(col+1)])
# the sum of the gaps below of the current block
sgapy = sum([gaps[col,k][1] for k in range(row+1)])
ref_x1 = int(col*blksz_x + sgapx)
ref_x2 = ref_x1 + blksz_x
ref_y1 = int(row*blksz_y + sgapy)
ref_y2 = int(ref_y1 + blksz_y)
newdata[Xcolname] = nxx+ref_x1
newdata[Ycolname] = nyy+ref_y1
xx = []
yy = []
# Eliminate possible duplicates values in ra, dec columns
ra, raindx = np.unique(col_data[ra_colname].round(decimals=7),
dec, decindx = np.unique(col_data[dec_colname].round(decimals=7),
# Duplicates are those with the same index in raindx and decindx lists.
# Look for elements with differents indices; to do this we need to sort
# the lists.
# See if the 2 arrays have the same length
ilen = min(len(raindx), len(decindx))
# Get the indices from the 2 lists of the same size
v, = np.where(raindx[:ilen] != decindx[:ilen])
if len(v) > 0:
# Filter the duplicates
for name in col_names:
col_data[name] = col_data[name][v]
print 'ERRR:',len(v),name
# Now that we have the catalog data from all extensions in the dictionary,
# we calculate the new pixel position w/r to the reference WCS.
# Only an Object table contains X,Y column information. Reference catalog
# do not.
if (recalculate_xy == 'wcs') and (Xcolname != None):
xx = col_data[Xcolname]
yy = col_data[Ycolname]
ra = col_data[ra_colname]
dec = col_data[dec_colname]
# Get new pixel coordinates for all ra,dec in the dictionary.
# Use the input wcs object.
newx,newy = ref_wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra,dec,1)
# Update pixel position in the dictionary to the new values.
col_data[Xcolname] = newx
col_data[Ycolname] = newy
# Create columns information
columns = {}
table_columns = []
for name,format in zip(col_names,col_fmts):
# Let add_catalog auto-number sources
if name=="NUMBER":
# Define pyfits columns
data = columns.get(name, pf.Column(name=name,format=format,
# Make the output table using pyfits functions
col_def = pf.ColDefs(table_columns)
tb_hdu = pf.new_table(col_def)
# Now make an AD object from this table
adout = AstroData(tb_hdu)
# Append to any other new table we might have
return adoutput_list
示例9: _calculate_var
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
units = "ADU"
elif bunit == "electron" or bunit == "electrons":
units = "electrons"
# Perhaps something more sensible should be done here?
raise Errors.InputError("No units found. Not calculating "
if add_read_noise:
# Get the read noise value (in units of electrons) using the
# appropriate descriptor. The read noise is only used if
# add_read_noise is True
read_noise = read_noise_dv.get_value(extver=extver)
if read_noise is not None:
log.fullinfo("Read noise for %s[%s,%d] = %f"
% (adinput.filename, SCI, extver, read_noise))
# Determine the variance value to use when calculating the
# read noise component of the variance.
read_noise_var_value = read_noise
if units == "ADU":
read_noise_var_value = read_noise / gain
# Add the read noise component of the variance to a zeros
# array that is the same size as the pixel data in the
# science extension
log.fullinfo("Calculating the read noise component of the "
"variance in %s" % units)
var_array_rn = np.add(
np.zeros(ext.data.shape), (read_noise_var_value)**2)
logwarning("Read noise for %s[%s,%d] is None. Setting to "
"zero" % (adinput.filename, SCI, extver))
var_array_rn = np.zeros(ext.data.shape)
if add_poisson_noise:
# Determine the variance value to use when calculating the
# poisson noise component of the variance
poisson_noise_var_value = ext.data
if units == "ADU":
poisson_noise_var_value = ext.data / gain
# Calculate the poisson noise component of the variance. Set
# pixels that are less than or equal to zero to zero.
log.fullinfo("Calculating the poisson noise component of "
"the variance in %s" % units)
var_array_pn = np.where(
ext.data > 0, poisson_noise_var_value, 0)
# Create the final variance array
if add_read_noise and add_poisson_noise:
var_array_final = np.add(var_array_rn, var_array_pn)
if add_read_noise and not add_poisson_noise:
var_array_final = var_array_rn
if not add_read_noise and add_poisson_noise:
var_array_final = var_array_pn
var_array_final = var_array_final.astype(var_dtype)
# If the read noise component and the poisson noise component are
# calculated and added separately, then a variance extension will
# already exist in the input AstroData object. In this case, just
# add this new array to the current variance extension
if adinput[VAR, extver]:
# If both the read noise component and the poisson noise
# component have been calculated, don't add to the variance
# extension
if add_read_noise and add_poisson_noise:
raise Errors.InputError(
"Cannot add read noise component and poisson noise "
"component to variance extension as the variance "
"extension already exists")
log.fullinfo("Combining the newly calculated variance "
"with the current variance extension "
"%s[%s,%d]" % (adinput.filename, VAR, extver))
adinput[VAR, extver].data = np.add(
adinput[VAR, extver].data,
# Create the variance AstroData object
var = AstroData(data=var_array_final)
var.rename_ext(VAR, ver=extver)
var.filename = adinput.filename
# Call the _update_var_header helper function to update the
# header of the variance extension with some useful keywords
var = self._update_var_header(sci=ext, var=var, bunit=bunit)
# Append the variance AstroData object to the input AstroData
# object.
log.fullinfo("Adding the [%s,%d] extension to the input "
"AstroData object %s" % (VAR, extver,
return adinput
示例10: addDQ
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
"level = %.2f" % (ad.filename, SCI,
non_linear_array = np.where(
((ext.data >= non_linear_level) &
(ext.data < saturation_level)), 2, 0)
elif saturation_level < non_linear_level:
log.warning("%s[%s,%d] saturation_level value is"
"less than the non_linear_level not"
"flagging non linear pixels" %
(ad.filname, SCI, extver))
log.fullinfo("Saturation and non-linear values "
"for %s[%s,%d] are the same. Only "
"flagging saturated pixels."
% (ad.filename, SCI, extver))
log.fullinfo("Flagging pixels in the DQ extension "
"corresponding to non linear pixels "
"in %s[%s,%d] using non linear "
"level = %.2f" % (ad.filename, SCI, extver,
non_linear_array = np.where(
(ext.data >= non_linear_level), 2, 0)
# Create an array that contains pixels that have a value of 4
# when that pixel is saturated in the input science extension
if saturation_level is not None:
saturation_array = None
log.fullinfo("Flagging pixels in the DQ extension "
"corresponding to saturated pixels in "
"%s[%s,%d] using saturation level = %.2f" %
(ad.filename, SCI, extver, saturation_level))
saturation_array = np.where(
ext.data >= saturation_level, 4, 0)
# BPMs have an EXTNAME equal to DQ
bpmname = None
if final_bpm is not None:
bpm_array = None
bpmname = os.path.basename(final_bpm.filename)
log.fullinfo("Flagging pixels in the DQ extension "
"corresponding to bad pixels in %s[%s,%d] "
"using the BPM %s[%s,%d]" %
(ad.filename, SCI, extver, bpmname, DQ, extver))
bpm_array = final_bpm[DQ, extver].data
# Create a single DQ extension from the three arrays (BPM,
# non-linear and saturated)
if not dq_bit_arrays:
# The BPM, non-linear and saturated arrays were not
# created. Create a single DQ array with all pixels set
# equal to 0
log.fullinfo("The BPM, non-linear and saturated arrays "
"were not created. Creating a single DQ "
"array with all the pixels set equal to zero")
final_dq_array = np.zeros(ext.data.shape).astype(dq_dtype)
final_dq_array = self._bitwise_OR_list(dq_bit_arrays)
final_dq_array = final_dq_array.astype(dq_dtype)
# Create a data quality AstroData object
dq = AstroData(data=final_dq_array)
dq.rename_ext(DQ, ver=extver)
dq.filename = ad.filename
# Call the _update_dq_header helper function to update the
# header of the data quality extension with some useful
# keywords
dq = self._update_dq_header(sci=ext, dq=dq, bpmname=bpmname)
# Append the DQ AstroData object to the input AstroData object
log.fullinfo("Adding extension [%s,%d] to %s"
% (DQ, extver, ad.filename))
# Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)
# Change the filename
ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"],
# Append the output AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects
# Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction context
yield rc
示例11: addMDF
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
# Parameters specified on the command line to reduce are converted
# to strings, including None
if rc["mdf"] and rc["mdf"] != "None":
# The user supplied an input to the mdf parameter
mdf = rc["mdf"]
# The user did not supply an input to the mdf parameter, so try
# to find an appropriate one. Get the dictionary containing the
# list of MDFs for all instruments and modes.
all_mdf_dict = Lookups.get_lookup_table("Gemini/MDFDict",
# The MDFs are keyed by the instrument and the MASKNAME. Get
# the instrument and the MASKNAME values using the appropriate
# descriptors
instrument = ad.instrument()
mask_name = ad.phu_get_key_value("MASKNAME")
# Create the key for the lookup table
if instrument is None or mask_name is None:
log.warning("Unable to create the key for the lookup "
"table (%s), so no MDF will be added"
% ad.exception_info)
# Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects without further processing
key = "%s_%s" % (instrument, mask_name)
# Get the appropriate MDF from the look up table
if key in all_mdf_dict:
mdf = lookup_path(all_mdf_dict[key])
# The MASKNAME keyword defines the actual name of an MDF
if not mask_name.endswith(".fits"):
mdf = "%s.fits" % mask_name
mdf = str(mask_name)
# Check if the MDF exists in the current working directory
if not os.path.exists(mdf):
log.warning("The MDF %s was not found in the current "
"working directory, so no MDF will be "
"added" % mdf)
# Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects without further processing
# Ensure that the MDFs are AstroData objects
if not isinstance(mdf, AstroData):
mdf_ad = AstroData(mdf)
if mdf_ad is None:
log.warning("Cannot convert %s into an AstroData object, so "
"no MDF will be added" % mdf)
# Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects without further processing
# Check if the MDF is a single extension fits file
if len(mdf_ad) > 1:
log.warning("The MDF %s is not a single extension fits file, "
"so no MDF will be added" % mdf)
# Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects without further processing
# Name the extension appropriately
mdf_ad.rename_ext("MDF", 1)
# Append the MDF AstroData object to the input AstroData object
log.fullinfo("Adding the MDF %s to the input AstroData object "
"%s" % (mdf_ad.filename, ad.filename))
# Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)
# Change the filename
ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"],
# Append the output AstroData object to the list of output
# AstroData objects
# Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction context
yield rc
示例12: runDS
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def runDS(self):
""" Do the actual object detection.
- Create the table OBJCAT
- return the output Astrodata object
log = self.log
extname = 'OBJCAT'
outad = self.outad
for scix in outad['SCI']:
xtver = scix.extver()
# Mask the non illuminated regions.
if outad['BPM',xtver]:
sdata = scix.data
bpmdata = outad['BPM',xtver].data
if bpmdata.shape != sdata.shape: # bpmdata is already trimmed.
try : # See if DATASEC is in the header
dsec = scix.data_section()
log.error("*** ERROR: DATASEC not found in SCI header.")
log.error("*** Cannot masked SCI: size(BPM) != size(SCI)."+\
" bpmsize: "+str(bpmdata.shape))
log.error(" *** SCI data not masked.")
# bpmdata is already trimmed.
s,e = map(int, dsec.split(',')[0][1:].split(':'))
#Trim number of columns to match the bpm data.
sdata = sdata[:,s-1:e]
bpmdata = np.where(bpmdata==0,1,0)
scix.data = sdata*bpmdata
sciHeader = scix.header
if len(self.x) == 0:
log.warning( " **** WARNING: No objects were detected: Table OBJCAT, not created")
wcs = pywcs.WCS(sciHeader)
# Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
# The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we
# have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates.
xy = np.array(zip(self.x, self.y),np.float32)
radec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(xy, 1)
ra,dec = radec[:,0],radec[:,1]
nobjs = len(ra)
log.info("Found %d sources for field in %s['SCI',%d]"%\
(nobjs ,outad.filename,xtver))
if outad[extname,xtver]:
log.info('Table already exists,updating values.')
tdata = outad[extname, xtver].data
theader = outad[extname, xtver].header
tdata.field('id')[:] = range(len(ra))
tdata.field('x')[:] = self.x
tdata.field('y')[:] = self.y
tdata.field('ra')[:] = ra
tdata.field('dec')[:] = dec
tdata.field('flux')[:] = self.flux
#colsdef = self.define_Table_cols(ra, dec, flux, ellip, fwhm)
colsdef = self.define_Table_cols(ra, dec, self.flux)
tbhdu = pf.new_table(colsdef) # Creates a BINTABLE
th = tbhdu.header
tabad = AstroData(tbhdu)
tabad.rename_ext("OBJCAT", xtver)
return outad
示例13: addReferenceCatalog
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
# sort in ra
order = np.argsort(ra)
ra,dec = map(np.asarray, (ra,dec))
ra = ra[order]
dec = dec[order]
vals = [vals[k] for k in order]
# Get the magnitudes and errs from each record (j,je,h,he,k,ke,name)
vals = np.asarray([vals[k][:6] for k in range(len(ra))])
# Separate mags into J,H,K mags arrays for clarity
irmag['Jmag']= vals[:,0]
irmag['Jmag_err']= vals[:,1]
irmag['Hmag']= vals[:,2]
irmag['Hmag_err']= vals[:,3]
irmag['Kmag']= vals[:,4]
irmag['Kmag_err']= vals[:,5]
#print 'JMAG00:',[(irmag['Jmag'][i],irmag['Jmag_err'][i])
# for i in range(5)]
# Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
adinput = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
for ad in adinput:
input_ra = ad.ra().as_pytype()
input_dec = ad.dec().as_pytype()
if "qa" in rc.context:
log.warning("No RA/Dec in header of %s; cannot find "\
"reference sources" % ad.filename)
table_name = 'jhk.tab'
# Loop through the science extensions
for sciext in ad['SCI']:
extver = sciext.extver()
# Did we get anything?
if (1): # We do have a dict with ra,dec
# Create on table per extension
# Create a running id number
refid=range(1, len(ra)+1)
# Make the pyfits columns and table
c1 = pf.Column(name="Id",format="J",array=refid)
c3 = pf.Column(name="RAJ2000",format="D",unit="deg",array=ra)
c4 = pf.Column(name="DEJ2000",format="D",unit="deg",array=dec)
c5 = pf.Column(name="Jmag",format="E",array=irmag['Jmag'])
c6 = pf.Column(name="e_Jmag",format="E",array=irmag['Jmag_err'])
c7 = pf.Column(name="Hmag",format="E",array=irmag['Hmag'])
c8 = pf.Column(name="e_Hmag",format="E",array=irmag['Hmag_err'])
c9 = pf.Column(name="Kmag",format="E",array=irmag['Kmag'])
c10= pf.Column(name="e_Kmag",format="E",array=irmag['Kmag_err'])
col_def = pf.ColDefs([c1,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10])
tb_hdu = pf.new_table(col_def)
# Add comments to the REFCAT header to describe it.
tb_hdu.header.add_comment('Source catalog derived from the %s'
' catalog on vizier' % table_name)
tb_ad = AstroData(tb_hdu)
tb_ad.rename_ext('REFCAT', extver)
log.fullinfo("Replacing existing REFCAT in %s" % ad.filename)
ad.remove(('REFCAT', extver))
log.fullinfo("Adding REFCAT to %s" % ad.filename)
# Match the object catalog against the reference catalog
# Update the refid and refmag columns in the object catalog
if ad.count_exts("OBJCAT")>0:
ad = _match_objcat_refcat(adinput=ad)[0]
log.warning("No OBJCAT found; not matching OBJCAT to REFCAT")
# Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)
# Change the filename
ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"],
# Append the output AstroData object to the list
# of output AstroData objects
# Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction
# context
yield rc
示例14: makeFringeFrame
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def makeFringeFrame(self,rc):
# Instantiate the log
log = gemLog.getGeminiLog(logType=rc["logType"],
# Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "makeFringeFrame",
# Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
adoutput_list = []
# Check for at least 3 input frames
adinput = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
if len(adinput)<3:
log.stdinfo('Fewer than 3 frames provided as input. ' +
'Not making fringe frame.')
# Report the empty list to the reduction context
# If needed, do a rough median on all frames, subtract,
# and then redetect to help distinguish sources from fringes
sub_med = rc["subtract_median_image"]
if sub_med:
adinput = rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata()
# Get data by science extension
data = {}
for ad in adinput:
for sciext in ad["SCI"]:
key = (sciext.extname(),sciext.extver())
if data.has_key(key):
data[key] = [sciext.data]
# Make a median image for each extension
import pyfits as pf
median_ad = AstroData()
median_ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(
adinput=adinput[0], suffix="_stack_median", strip=True)
for key in data:
med_data = np.median(np.dstack(data[key]),axis=2)
hdr = pf.Header()
ext = AstroData(data=med_data, header=hdr)
# Subtract the median image
rc["operand"] = median_ad
# Redetect to get a good object mask
# Add the median image back in to the input
# Add the object mask into the DQ plane
# Stack frames with masking from DQ plane
rc.run("stackFrames(operation=%s)" % rc["operation"])
yield rc
示例15: test_method_rename_ext_4
# 需要导入模块: from astrodata import AstroData [as 别名]
# 或者: from astrodata.AstroData import rename_ext [as 别名]
def test_method_rename_ext_4():
ad = AstroData(TESTFILE2)
ad.rename_ext("FOO", ver=99)
assert ad.extname() == "FOO"
assert ad.extver() == 99