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Python Utils.distance_between方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Utils.Utils.distance_between方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Utils.distance_between方法的具体用法?Python Utils.distance_between怎么用?Python Utils.distance_between使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Utils.Utils的用法示例。


示例1: evaluate

# 需要导入模块: from Utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from Utils.Utils import distance_between [as 别名]
    def evaluate(self, node):
        score = 0
        node.closest_lane_idx = self.lane.closest_sampled_idx(node.car.x, node.car.y)

        # reward travaling along the lane in a certain direction
        if node.prevNode is not None:
            diff = node.closest_lane_idx - node.prevNode.closest_lane_idx
            diff -= np.round(diff / self.lane.path_len) * self.lane.path_len
            score += diff * -100 

        # reward smooth actions
        score -= 50 * np.array(node.action_history).std()

        # reward proximity to lane
        distance = Utils.distance_between(
                    (node.car.x, node.car.y))
        score -= distance*distance * 10

        # avoid collisions with other cars
        for other_car in node.other_cars:
            # detect if car comes from behind
            normal = (-math.sin(node.car.theta),math.cos(node.car.theta))
            diff = (other_car.x - node.car.x, other_car.y - node.car.y)
            side = diff[0]*normal[0]+diff[1]*normal[1]
            if side < -node.car.collision_radius()/2:

            # consider only the worst collision
            worst_collision = None
            # distance to car
            dist = Utils.distance_between(
                        (other_car.x, other_car.y),
                        (node.car.x, node.car.y))
            if dist < (node.car.collision_radius() + other_car.collision_radius()):
                collision_score = -1e10
                collision_score += dist*dist
                if worst_collision is None or collision_score < worst_collision:
                    worst_collision = collision_score

            if worst_collision is not None:
                score = worst_collision

        # f = 0.0
        # score = f * np.array(node.heuristic_history).mean() + (1-f) * score

        return score

示例2: on_mousemotion

# 需要导入模块: from Utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from Utils.Utils import distance_between [as 别名]
    def on_mousemotion(self, event):
        # highlight
        self.highlight = None
        for (x,y,k) in zip(self.support_x,self.support_y,range(self.n_support)):
            if Utils.distance_between((x,y),event.pos) < self.highlight_radius:
                self.highlight = k

        # move support point
        if self.selected is not None:
            if time() - self.last_support_point_move > 1/60:
                self.last_support_point_move = time()
                self.interval = 5
                self.move_support_point(self.selected, *event.pos)

示例3: update_distance_grid

# 需要导入模块: from Utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from Utils.Utils import distance_between [as 别名]
    def update_distance_grid(self):
        # return
        if time() - self.last_distance_grid_update > 1 / 5:
            self.last_distance_grid_update = time()        
            for i in range(self.grid.width):
                for j in range(self.grid.height):
                    x,y = self.grid.xs[i], self.grid.ys[j]

                    closest_idx = self.lane.closest_sampled_idx(x, y)
                    distance = Utils.distance_between(
                    # diff = np.array([self.lane.sampled_x[closest_idx]-x,self.lane.sampled_y[closest_idx]-y])
                    # distance = math.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(diff)))

                    self.grid.data[i,j] = distance*distance

示例4: on_mousebuttondown

# 需要导入模块: from Utils import Utils [as 别名]
# 或者: from Utils.Utils import distance_between [as 别名]
 def on_mousebuttondown(self, event):
     if event.button == 1: # left 
         # select support point
         for (x,y,k) in zip(self.support_x,self.support_y,range(self.n_support)):
             if Utils.distance_between((x,y),event.pos) < self.highlight_radius:
                 self.selected = k
