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Python Quaternion.Quaternion类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中UM.Math.Quaternion.Quaternion的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Quaternion类的具体用法?Python Quaternion怎么用?Python Quaternion使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_toMatrix

    def test_toMatrix(self):
        q1 = Quaternion()
        q1.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        m1 = q1.toMatrix()

        m2 = Matrix()
        m2.setByRotationAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(0, 0), m2.at(0, 0), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(0, 1), m2.at(0, 1), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(0, 2), m2.at(0, 2), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(0, 3), m2.at(0, 3), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(1, 0), m2.at(1, 0), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(1, 1), m2.at(1, 1), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(1, 2), m2.at(1, 2), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(1, 3), m2.at(1, 3), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(2, 0), m2.at(2, 0), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(2, 1), m2.at(2, 1), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(2, 2), m2.at(2, 2), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(2, 3), m2.at(2, 3), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(3, 0), m2.at(3, 0), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(3, 1), m2.at(3, 1), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(3, 2), m2.at(3, 2), 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(m1.at(3, 3), m2.at(3, 3), 1e-6))

示例2: process

    def process(self):
        # Based on https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/Cura/util/printableObject.py#L207
        # Note: Y & Z axis are swapped

        transformed_vertices = self._node.getMeshDataTransformed().getVertices()
        min_y_vertex = transformed_vertices[transformed_vertices.argmin(0)[1]]
        dot_min = 1.0
        dot_v = None

        for v in transformed_vertices:
            diff = v - min_y_vertex
            length = math.sqrt(diff[0] * diff[0] + diff[2] * diff[2] + diff[1] * diff[1])
            if length < 5:
            dot = (diff[1] / length)
            if dot_min > dot:
                dot_min = dot
                dot_v = diff

        if dot_v is None:

        rad = math.atan2(dot_v[2], dot_v[0])
        self._node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(rad, Vector.Unit_Y), SceneNode.TransformSpace.Parent)

        rad = -math.asin(dot_min)
        self._node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(rad, Vector.Unit_Z), SceneNode.TransformSpace.Parent)

        transformed_vertices = self._node.getMeshDataTransformed().getVertices()
        min_y_vertex = transformed_vertices[transformed_vertices.argmin(0)[1]]
        dot_min = 1.0
        dot_v = None

        for v in transformed_vertices:
            diff = v - min_y_vertex
            length = math.sqrt(diff[2] * diff[2] + diff[1] * diff[1])
            if length < 5:
            dot = (diff[1] / length)
            if dot_min > dot:
                dot_min = dot
                dot_v = diff

        if dot_v is None:

        if dot_v[2] < 0:
            rad = -math.asin(dot_min)
            rad = math.asin(dot_min)
        self._node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(rad, Vector.Unit_X), SceneNode.TransformSpace.Parent)

        self._new_orientation = self._node.getOrientation()

示例3: test_setByAxis

    def test_setByAxis(self):
        q = Quaternion()

        q.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        self.assertEqual(q.x, 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(q.y, 0.0)
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q.z, math.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q.w, math.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0, 1e-6))

示例4: _updateLocalTransformation

    def _updateLocalTransformation(self):
        translation, euler_angle_matrix, scale, shear = self._transformation.decompose()

        self._position = translation
        self._scale = scale
        self._shear = shear
        orientation = Quaternion()
        self._orientation = orientation

示例5: test_rotateVector

    def test_rotateVector(self):
        q1 = Quaternion()
        q1.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        v = Vector(0, 1, 0)
        v = q1.rotate(v)

        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(v.x, -1.0, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(v.y, 0.0, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(v.z, 0.0, 1e-6))

示例6: test_rotate

    def test_rotate(self):
        node = SceneNode()

        self.assertEqual(node.getOrientation(), Quaternion())

        node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        self.assertEqual(node.getOrientation(), Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        self.assertEqual(node.getOrientation(), Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z))

示例7: test_fromMatrix

    def test_fromMatrix(self):
        m = Matrix()
        m.setByRotationAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        q1 = Quaternion.fromMatrix(m)

        q2 = Quaternion()
        q2.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q1.x, q2.x, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q1.y, q2.y, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q1.z, q2.z, 1e-6))
        self.assertTrue(Float.fuzzyCompare(q1.w, q2.w, 1e-6))

示例8: __init__

    def __init__(self, parent: Optional["SceneNode"] = None, visible: bool = True, name: str = "") -> None:
        super().__init__()  # Call super to make multiple inheritance work.

        self._children = []     # type: List[SceneNode]
        self._mesh_data = None  # type: Optional[MeshData]

        # Local transformation (from parent to local)
        self._transformation = Matrix()  # type: Matrix

        # Convenience "components" of the transformation
        self._position = Vector()  # type: Vector
        self._scale = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  # type: Vector
        self._shear = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)  # type: Vector
        self._mirror = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  # type: Vector
        self._orientation = Quaternion()  # type: Quaternion

        # World transformation (from root to local)
        self._world_transformation = Matrix()  # type: Matrix

        # Convenience "components" of the world_transformation
        self._derived_position = Vector()  # type: Vector
        self._derived_orientation = Quaternion()  # type: Quaternion
        self._derived_scale = Vector()  # type: Vector

        self._parent = parent  # type: Optional[SceneNode]

        # Can this SceneNode be modified in any way?
        self._enabled = True  # type: bool
        # Can this SceneNode be selected in any way?
        self._selectable = False  # type: bool

        # Should the AxisAlignedBoundingBox be re-calculated?
        self._calculate_aabb = True  # type: bool

        # The AxisAligned bounding box.
        self._aabb = None  # type: Optional[AxisAlignedBox]
        self._bounding_box_mesh = None  # type: Optional[MeshData]

        self._visible = visible  # type: bool
        self._name = name  # type: str
        self._decorators = []  # type: List[SceneNodeDecorator]

        # Store custom settings to be compatible with Savitar SceneNode
        self._settings = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]

        ## Signals

        if parent:

示例9: __init__

    def __init__(self, parent = None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__()  # Call super to make multiple inheritance work.

        self._children = []     # type: List[SceneNode]
        self._mesh_data = None  # type: MeshData

        # Local transformation (from parent to local)
        self._transformation = Matrix()  # type: Matrix

        # Convenience "components" of the transformation
        self._position = Vector()  # type: Vector
        self._scale = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  # type: Vector
        self._shear = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)  # type: Vector
        self._mirror = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  # type: Vector
        self._orientation = Quaternion()  # type: Quaternion

        # World transformation (from root to local)
        self._world_transformation = Matrix()  # type: Matrix

        # Convenience "components" of the world_transformation
        self._derived_position = Vector()  # type: Vector
        self._derived_orientation = Quaternion()  # type: Quaternion
        self._derived_scale = Vector()  # type: Vector

        self._parent = parent  # type: Optional[SceneNode]

        # Can this SceneNode be modified in any way?
        self._enabled = True  # type: bool
        # Can this SceneNode be selected in any way?
        self._selectable = False  # type: bool

        # Should the AxisAlignedBounxingBox be re-calculated?
        self._calculate_aabb = True  # type: bool

        # The AxisAligned bounding box.
        self._aabb = None  # type: Optional[AxisAlignedBox]
        self._bounding_box_mesh = None  # type: Optional[MeshData]

        self._visible = kwargs.get("visible", True)  # type: bool
        self._name = kwargs.get("name", "")  # type: str
        self._decorators = []  # type: List[SceneNodeDecorator]

        ## Signals

        if parent:

示例10: test_multiply

    def test_multiply(self):
        q1 = Quaternion()
        q1.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        q2 = Quaternion()
        q2.setByAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z)

        q3 = q1 * q2

        q4 = Quaternion()
        q4.setByAngleAxis(math.pi, Vector.Unit_Z)
        self.assertEqual(q3, q4)

示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super().__init__()  # Call super to make multiple inheritence work.

        self._children = []
        self._mesh_data = None

        self._position = Vector()
        self._scale = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        self._orientation = Quaternion()

        self._transformation = None
        self._world_transformation = None

        self._derived_position = None
        self._derived_orientation = None
        self._derived_scale = None

        self._inherit_orientation = True
        self._inherit_scale = True

        self._parent = parent
        self._enabled = True
        self._selectable = False
        self._calculate_aabb = True
        self._aabb = None
        self._aabb_job = None
        self._visible = True
        self._name = ""
        self._decorators = []
        self._bounding_box_mesh = None

        if parent:

示例12: test_rotate

    def test_rotate(self):
        node = SceneNode()

        self.assertEqual(node.getOrientation(), Quaternion())

        node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        node_orientation = deepcopy(node.getOrientation())
        node_orientation.normalize() #For fair comparison.
        self.assertEqual(node_orientation, Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        node.rotate(Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 4, Vector.Unit_Z))

        node_orientation = deepcopy(node.getOrientation())
        self.assertEqual(node_orientation, Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(math.pi / 2, Vector.Unit_Z))

示例13: __init__

    def __init__(self, parent = None):
        super().__init__() # Call super to make multiple inheritence work.

        self._children = []
        self._mesh_data = None

        self._position = Vector()
        self._scale = Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        self._orientation = Quaternion()

        self._transformation = None
        self._world_transformation = None

        self._derived_position = None
        self._derived_orientation = None
        self._derived_scale = None

        self._inherit_orientation = True
        self._inherit_scale = True

        self._parent = parent
        self._enabled = True
        self._selectable = False
        self._calculate_aabb = True
        self._aabb = None
        self._aabb_job = None
        self._visible = True
        self._name = ""

        if parent:

示例14: lookAt

    def lookAt(self, target, up=Vector.Unit_Y):
        if not self._enabled:

        eye = self.getWorldPosition()
        f = (target - eye).normalize()
        s = f.cross(up).normalize()
        u = s.cross(f).normalize()

        m = Matrix([[s.x, u.x, -f.x, 0.0], [s.y, u.y, -f.y, 0.0], [s.z, u.z, -f.z, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

        if self._parent:
            self._orientation = self._parent._getDerivedOrientation() * Quaternion.fromMatrix(m)
            self._orientation = Quaternion.fromMatrix(m)

示例15: test_invert

    def test_invert(self):
        q1 = Quaternion()
        q1.setByAngleAxis(math.pi, Vector.Unit_Z)


        q2 = Quaternion()
        q2.setByAngleAxis(math.pi, -Vector.Unit_Z)

        self.assertEqual(q1, q2)
