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Python Tk.winfo_rooty方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Tkinter.Tk.winfo_rooty方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Tk.winfo_rooty方法的具体用法?Python Tk.winfo_rooty怎么用?Python Tk.winfo_rooty使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Tkinter.Tk的用法示例。


示例1: PokerMachine

# 需要导入模块: from Tkinter import Tk [as 别名]
# 或者: from Tkinter.Tk import winfo_rooty [as 别名]


        # Two different tables, one for easy mode, one for normal
        # mode, so be prepared to show either one.

        wte = {2500: "Royal Flush", 250: "Straight Flush",
               100: "Four of a Kind", 50: "Full House", 20: "Flush",
               15: "Straight", 4: "Three of a Kind", 3: "Two Pair",
               2: "Jacks or Higher"}
        wtn = {800: "Royal Flush", 50: "Straight Flush", 25: "Four of a Kind",
               9: "Full House", 6: "Flush", 4: "Straight",
               3: "Three of a Kind", 2: "Two Pair", 1: "Jacks or Higher"}
        wtxt = wte if self.game_easy else wtn

        row = 5
        for key in sorted(wtxt.keys(), reverse=True):
            lbl = Label(self.root, text=wtxt[key])
            lbl.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W)
            lbl = Label(self.root, text="{0} : 1".format(key))
            lbl.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=E)
            row += 1

        lbl = Label(self.root, text="")
        lbl.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=5, pady=15)

        # pylint: enable=W0201

    def help_about(self):

        """Shows an 'about' modal dialog.

        Callback method called by tk.


        about_win = Toplevel(self.root)

        # Set up dialog

        lbl = Label(about_win, text="Video Poker")
        lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=(10, 0), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="by Paul Griffiths")
        lbl.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=(0, 7), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="Written in Python, with tkinter.")
        lbl.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=7, sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="Copyright 2013 Paul Griffiths")
        lbl.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=10, pady=(7, 0), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="Email: [email protected]")
        lbl.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=10, pady=(0, 21), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="This program is free software: you can " +
            "redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms")
        lbl.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=0, sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="of the GNU General Public License as " +
            "published by the Free Software Foundation, either")
        lbl.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 0), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="version 3 of the License, or " +
            "(at your option) any later version.")
        lbl.grid(row=8, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 21), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="This program is distributed in " +
            "the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;")
        lbl.grid(row=9, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=0, sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="without even the implied " +
        lbl.grid(row=10, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 0), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="PURPOSE. See the " +
            "GNU General Public License for more details.")
        lbl.grid(row=11, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 21), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="You should have received a " +
            "copy of the GNU General Public License along with this")
        lbl.grid(row=12, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 0), sticky=W + N)
        lbl = Label(about_win, text="program. If not, see " +
        lbl.grid(row=13, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=10, pady=(0, 21), sticky=W + N)
        img = PhotoImage(file="{0}27.gif".format(self.gifdir))
        lbl = Label(about_win, image=img)
        lbl.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=5, padx=10, pady=10, sticky=N + E)

        btn = Button(about_win, text="OK", command=about_win.quit)
        btn.grid(row=14, column=0, columnspan=2,
                 padx=0, pady=(0, 10), ipadx=30, ipady=3)

        # Show dialog

        about_win.parent = self.root
        about_win.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", about_win.destroy)
        about_win.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(self.root.winfo_rootx() + 50,
                                           self.root.winfo_rooty() + 50))
        about_win.title("About Video Poker")

示例2: BaseForm

# 需要导入模块: from Tkinter import Tk [as 别名]
# 或者: from Tkinter.Tk import winfo_rooty [as 别名]
class BaseForm(object):
    # input first set of points
    firstPointsSet = True
    points = [[], [], []]

    def __init__(self, _width = 600, _height = 400):
        self.root = Tk()
        self.width = _width
        self.height = _height
        self.root.title("Construction of triangulation")
        self.root.minsize(width = _width, height = _height)
        self.root.maxsize(width = _width, height = _height)

        self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width = _width, height = _height, bg = "white")       

        self.root.bind('<Button-1>', self.ClickMouse)

        self.b1 = Button(self.root, bg = "white", fg = "black", text = "Second points set", command = self.SecondPointsSet)
        self.b1.place(x = 50, y = _height - 50)        
        self.b2 = Button(self.root, bg = "white", fg = "black", text = "Triangulation", command = self.Run)
        self.b2.place(x = 200, y = _height - 50)
        self.b3 = Button(self.root, bg = "white", fg = "black", text = "Experiment", command = self.Experiment)
        self.b3.place(x = 325, y = _height - 50)
        self.b4 = Button(self.root, bg = "white", fg = "black", text = "Errors", command = self.FindErrors)
        self.b4.place(x = 425, y = _height - 50)
        self.b5 = Button(self.root, bg = "white", fg = "black", text = "Time", command = self.ExperimentTime)
        self.b5.place(x = 500, y = _height - 50)

    def ClickMouse(self, event):
        if not self.preprocessingDone:
            getX = event.x_root
            getY = event.y_root

            posRootX = self.root.winfo_rootx()
            posRootY = self.root.winfo_rooty()
            x = getX - posRootX
            y = getY - posRootY

            p = [x, y]
            self.points[not self.firstPointsSet].append(p)
            draw.Point(self.canvas, p, "black", 3, not self.firstPointsSet)
    def SecondPointsSet(self):
        self.firstPointsSet = False

    def Run(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('This function must be implemented within child class!')

    def Experiment(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('This function must be implemented within child class!')

    def FindErrors(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('This function must be implemented within child class!')

    def ExperimentTime(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('This function must be implemented within child class!')
